How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Ummmmm, sign offs for network TV ended by the late 1970's when television stations never "signed off"....again, you lose......
Here we see the conspiracy nut invent yet more bullshit to maintain their insanity.

Meanwhile, here are just a few examples of other station signoffs; some extending well into the 1980's. So no, ya flaming freak, network signoffs were not completely gone by the 1970's. :cuckoo: - New TV Sign-off Video Clips Page

Fortunately for my own personal entertainment, conspiracy nuts like this one never give up. They can't. Confronting reality would shatter their entire existence.

I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

What?? The hoaxer added some of their own messages? That can't be, right? Even though many of the subliminal messages are exactly the same messages which appeared in a Hollywood movie. Because the hoax included additional government sounding terms, that means it wasn't a hoax, right?


See that? Just as I predicted... even in the face of evidence it's a hoax, the forum conspiracy nut who thinks he's so smart, can't bring himself to face reality. The alternate universe he dwells in simply won't permit it.

Let's tally up the damage thus far...

The video he posted with subliminal messages was shown to him without the subliminal messages.

he persists by lying that TV stations stopped airing signoffs in the 1970's. Calls himself the winner of this argument.

I demonstrate that he lied by linking more TV signoffs from the 80's. Couldn't have been easier to prove how insane he is.

he persists by claiming he smarter than me. Even as I school him.

So I post a video clip from a horror movie with scenes about subliminal messages which contained many of the same subliminal messages that are found in the hoax video.

he persists by suggesting the hoax video is not a hoax because the hoaxer added some of their own catch phrases. As though that means the video couldn't possibly be a hoax since it's common knowledge among conspiracy nuts like this one that hoaxers lack the imagination to create material for their hoaxes.

And lastly, bringing us full circle to where we began.... you have to be completely fucking deranged to think the U.S. government reveals clandestine operations to the American people on TV. :cuckoo: That's not to say the U.S. government hasn't done some horrible shit; but you're insane to think they broadcast secret plans on television.

Fortunately for you, being a conspiracy nut means you fit the bill of being completely fucking deranged to believe that video was real.

G'head... this is where you tell me again how smart you are.


Congrats, I can now add you :dance:to my collection of cyber bitches.......
Here we see the conspiracy nut invent yet more bullshit to maintain their insanity.

Meanwhile, here are just a few examples of other station signoffs; some extending well into the 1980's. So no, ya flaming freak, network signoffs were not completely gone by the 1970's. :cuckoo: - New TV Sign-off Video Clips Page

Fortunately for my own personal entertainment, conspiracy nuts like this one never give up. They can't. Confronting reality would shatter their entire existence.

I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

What?? The hoaxer added some of their own messages? That can't be, right? Even though many of the subliminal messages are exactly the same messages which appeared in a Hollywood movie. Because the hoax included additional government sounding terms, that means it wasn't a hoax, right?


See that? Just as I predicted... even in the face of evidence it's a hoax, the forum conspiracy nut who thinks he's so smart, can't bring himself to face reality. The alternate universe he dwells in simply won't permit it.

Let's tally up the damage thus far...

The video he posted with subliminal messages was shown to him without the subliminal messages.

he persists by lying that TV stations stopped airing signoffs in the 1970's. Calls himself the winner of this argument.

I demonstrate that he lied by linking more TV signoffs from the 80's. Couldn't have been easier to prove how insane he is.

he persists by claiming he smarter than me. Even as I school him.

So I post a video clip from a horror movie with scenes about subliminal messages which contained many of the same subliminal messages that are found in the hoax video.

he persists by suggesting the hoax video is not a hoax because the hoaxer added some of their own catch phrases. As though that means the video couldn't possibly be a hoax since it's common knowledge among conspiracy nuts like this one that hoaxers lack the imagination to create material for their hoaxes.

And lastly, bringing us full circle to where we began.... you have to be completely fucking deranged to think the U.S. government reveals clandestine operations to the American people on TV. :cuckoo: That's not to say the U.S. government hasn't done some horrible shit; but you're insane to think they broadcast secret plans on television.

Fortunately for you, being a conspiracy nut means you fit the bill of being completely fucking deranged to believe that video was real.

G'head... this is where you tell me again how smart you are.


Congrats, I can now add you :dance:to my collection of cyber bitches.......

Run, Forrest! Run!!!


That final refuge of the conspiracy nut when all is otherwise lost.
You conspiracy nuts are simply too fucking deranged. That video is an Internet hoax. The subliminal messages were added.

Here is the actual video on a website which stores many old video clips... not one uploaded to youtube by someone calling themselves, naomi. Fast forward to the 3:54 mark to be further humiliated as there were no subliminal messages...

FuzzyMemories.TV - - WMAQ Channel 5 - PSA's, Meditation, and Station Sign-Off (1989)

Ummmmm, sign offs for network TV ended by the late 1970's when television stations never "signed off"....again, you lose......
Here we see the conspiracy nut invent yet more bullshit to maintain their insanity.

Meanwhile, here are just a few examples of other station signoffs; some extending well into the 1980's. So no, ya flaming freak, network signoffs were not completely gone by the 1970's. :cuckoo: - New TV Sign-off Video Clips Page

Fortunately for my own personal entertainment, conspiracy nuts like this one never give up. They can't. Confronting reality would shatter their entire existence.

I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

Isn't hilarious listening to the ignorant, government-worshipping liberals DS? On one hand, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were "evil vampires" who engaged in the hilarious Hollywood version of "they invaded Iraq for oil".

But on the other hand, when a libtard sits in the White House, the government is an altruistic sanctity of Heaven which can do no wrong and any accusations of impropriety are answered with shouts of "tinfoil hat conspiracy!!!!"

What's amazing is that history has been well documented. A Freedom of Information Act request has produced official documents proving stuff like the MKUltra program, the Tuskegee Experiment, and Operation Northwoods. And then there is whistle blowing information such as the WikiLeaks State Department cables and the Edward Snowden documents.

Only a liberal could be so ignorant of U.S. history and current events and only a liberal could deny what has already been proven. :eusa_doh:
Ummmmm, sign offs for network TV ended by the late 1970's when television stations never "signed off"....again, you lose......
Here we see the conspiracy nut invent yet more bullshit to maintain their insanity.

Meanwhile, here are just a few examples of other station signoffs; some extending well into the 1980's. So no, ya flaming freak, network signoffs were not completely gone by the 1970's. :cuckoo: - New TV Sign-off Video Clips Page

Fortunately for my own personal entertainment, conspiracy nuts like this one never give up. They can't. Confronting reality would shatter their entire existence.

I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

Isn't hilarious listening to the ignorant, government-worshipping liberals DS? On one hand, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were "evil vampires" who engaged in the hilarious Hollywood version of "they invaded Iraq for oil".

But on the other hand, when a libtard sits in the White House, the government is an altruistic sanctity of Heaven which can do no wrong and any accusations of impropriety are answered with shouts of "tinfoil hat conspiracy!!!!"

What's amazing is that history has been well documented. A Freedom of Information Act request has produced official documents proving stuff like the MKUltra program, the Tuskegee Experiment, and Operation Northwoods. And then there is whistle blowing information such as the WikiLeaks State Department cables and the Edward Snowden documents.

Only a liberal could be so ignorant of U.S. history and current events and only a liberal could deny what has already been proven. :eusa_doh:
Yeah, good idea to deviate the current subject away from Dale's monumental failure. :thup:
Ummmmm, sign offs for network TV ended by the late 1970's when television stations never "signed off"....again, you lose......
Here we see the conspiracy nut invent yet more bullshit to maintain their insanity.

Meanwhile, here are just a few examples of other station signoffs; some extending well into the 1980's. So no, ya flaming freak, network signoffs were not completely gone by the 1970's. :cuckoo: - New TV Sign-off Video Clips Page

Fortunately for my own personal entertainment, conspiracy nuts like this one never give up. They can't. Confronting reality would shatter their entire existence.

I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

Isn't hilarious listening to the ignorant, government-worshipping liberals DS? On one hand, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were "evil vampires" who engaged in the hilarious Hollywood version of "they invaded Iraq for oil".

But on the other hand, when a libtard sits in the White House, the government is an altruistic sanctity of Heaven which can do no wrong and any accusations of impropriety are answered with shouts of "tinfoil hat conspiracy!!!!"

What's amazing is that history has been well documented. A Freedom of Information Act request has produced official documents proving stuff like the MKUltra program, the Tuskegee Experiment, and Operation Northwoods. And then there is whistle blowing information such as the WikiLeaks State Department cables and the Edward Snowden documents.

Only a liberal could be so ignorant of U.S. history and current events and only a liberal could deny what has already been proven. :eusa_doh:

Ain't that the friggin' truth? Excellent job......
I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

What?? The hoaxer added some of their own messages? That can't be, right? Even though many of the subliminal messages are exactly the same messages which appeared in a Hollywood movie. Because the hoax included additional government sounding terms, that means it wasn't a hoax, right?


See that? Just as I predicted... even in the face of evidence it's a hoax, the forum conspiracy nut who thinks he's so smart, can't bring himself to face reality. The alternate universe he dwells in simply won't permit it.

Let's tally up the damage thus far...

The video he posted with subliminal messages was shown to him without the subliminal messages.

he persists by lying that TV stations stopped airing signoffs in the 1970's. Calls himself the winner of this argument.

I demonstrate that he lied by linking more TV signoffs from the 80's. Couldn't have been easier to prove how insane he is.

he persists by claiming he smarter than me. Even as I school him.

So I post a video clip from a horror movie with scenes about subliminal messages which contained many of the same subliminal messages that are found in the hoax video.

he persists by suggesting the hoax video is not a hoax because the hoaxer added some of their own catch phrases. As though that means the video couldn't possibly be a hoax since it's common knowledge among conspiracy nuts like this one that hoaxers lack the imagination to create material for their hoaxes.

And lastly, bringing us full circle to where we began.... you have to be completely fucking deranged to think the U.S. government reveals clandestine operations to the American people on TV. :cuckoo: That's not to say the U.S. government hasn't done some horrible shit; but you're insane to think they broadcast secret plans on television.

Fortunately for you, being a conspiracy nut means you fit the bill of being completely fucking deranged to believe that video was real.

G'head... this is where you tell me again how smart you are.


Congrats, I can now add you :dance:to my collection of cyber bitches.......

Run, Forrest! Run!!!


That final refuge of the conspiracy nut when all is otherwise lost.

Dude, you got smacked and it was so fucking easy to do. You are like the punch drunk fighter that gets up off the canvas and offers up his chin yet again.
Here we see the conspiracy nut invent yet more bullshit to maintain their insanity.

Meanwhile, here are just a few examples of other station signoffs; some extending well into the 1980's. So no, ya flaming freak, network signoffs were not completely gone by the 1970's. :cuckoo: - New TV Sign-off Video Clips Page

Fortunately for my own personal entertainment, conspiracy nuts like this one never give up. They can't. Confronting reality would shatter their entire existence.

I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

Isn't hilarious listening to the ignorant, government-worshipping liberals DS? On one hand, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were "evil vampires" who engaged in the hilarious Hollywood version of "they invaded Iraq for oil".

But on the other hand, when a libtard sits in the White House, the government is an altruistic sanctity of Heaven which can do no wrong and any accusations of impropriety are answered with shouts of "tinfoil hat conspiracy!!!!"

What's amazing is that history has been well documented. A Freedom of Information Act request has produced official documents proving stuff like the MKUltra program, the Tuskegee Experiment, and Operation Northwoods. And then there is whistle blowing information such as the WikiLeaks State Department cables and the Edward Snowden documents.

Only a liberal could be so ignorant of U.S. history and current events and only a liberal could deny what has already been proven. :eusa_doh:

Ain't that the friggin' truth? Excellent job......

Oh...and I completely forgot to mention the Gulf of Tonkin incident (which didn't happen either since it occurred under Dumbocrat Lyndon B. Johnson - wink, wink).

Libtards can't have it both ways. When a Republican is in office, there are all kinds of outrageous accusations. When a Dumbocrat is in office, they claim that the government never engages in illegal activity.
I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

Isn't hilarious listening to the ignorant, government-worshipping liberals DS? On one hand, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were "evil vampires" who engaged in the hilarious Hollywood version of "they invaded Iraq for oil".

But on the other hand, when a libtard sits in the White House, the government is an altruistic sanctity of Heaven which can do no wrong and any accusations of impropriety are answered with shouts of "tinfoil hat conspiracy!!!!"

What's amazing is that history has been well documented. A Freedom of Information Act request has produced official documents proving stuff like the MKUltra program, the Tuskegee Experiment, and Operation Northwoods. And then there is whistle blowing information such as the WikiLeaks State Department cables and the Edward Snowden documents.

Only a liberal could be so ignorant of U.S. history and current events and only a liberal could deny what has already been proven. :eusa_doh:

Ain't that the friggin' truth? Excellent job......

Oh...and I completely forgot to mention the Gulf of Tonkin incident (which didn't happen either since it occurred under Dumbocrat Lyndon B. Johnson - wink, wink).

Libtards can't have it both ways. When a Republican is in office, there are all kinds of outrageous accusations. When a Dumbocrat is in office, they claim that the government never engages in illegal activity.

Demcrats also gave us the Federal Reserve under Wilson and then we became indentured debt slaves when FDR had USA.INC file chapter 11 bankruptcy and made us surety on the debt.
I know more than you....infinitely couldn't walk 100 steps in my shoes much less a mile. You simply provide cannon fodder for me...someone that is your intelectual "better" with it, little man.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

Isn't hilarious listening to the ignorant, government-worshipping liberals DS? On one hand, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were "evil vampires" who engaged in the hilarious Hollywood version of "they invaded Iraq for oil".

But on the other hand, when a libtard sits in the White House, the government is an altruistic sanctity of Heaven which can do no wrong and any accusations of impropriety are answered with shouts of "tinfoil hat conspiracy!!!!"

What's amazing is that history has been well documented. A Freedom of Information Act request has produced official documents proving stuff like the MKUltra program, the Tuskegee Experiment, and Operation Northwoods. And then there is whistle blowing information such as the WikiLeaks State Department cables and the Edward Snowden documents.

Only a liberal could be so ignorant of U.S. history and current events and only a liberal could deny what has already been proven. :eusa_doh:

Ain't that the friggin' truth? Excellent job......

Oh...and I completely forgot to mention the Gulf of Tonkin incident (which didn't happen either since it occurred under Dumbocrat Lyndon B. Johnson - wink, wink).

Libtards can't have it both ways. When a Republican is in office, there are all kinds of outrageous accusations. When a Dumbocrat is in office, they claim that the government never engages in illegal activity.

Great, more rightarded derangement. Which Liberals supported LBJ after he lied us into war? One can only imagine the lunacy bouncing around inside your head for why you think he dropped out of the 1968 election.
Spits the flaming retard who was just embarrassed by someone who he claims superior intelligence over by claiming TV networks stopped signing off in the late 70's, only to be schooled with even more network signoffs from the mid to late 80's.

Want more humiliation, ya fruit loop dingus?

Why, of course you do.

Here's where the idea for those subliminal messages came from which someone duped your superior intelligence with an Internet hoax...

The 1988 John Carpenter horror film, They Live...


Spare me.....nothing in that movie that said "Gubermit Was God" was there? Perhaps John Carpenter knew a little bit more and was "in the know" about the powers that be....kinda like "Eyes Wide Shut"???? Yeah, I know quite a bit about prediction programming......indeed I do. (snicker)

Isn't hilarious listening to the ignorant, government-worshipping liberals DS? On one hand, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were "evil vampires" who engaged in the hilarious Hollywood version of "they invaded Iraq for oil".

But on the other hand, when a libtard sits in the White House, the government is an altruistic sanctity of Heaven which can do no wrong and any accusations of impropriety are answered with shouts of "tinfoil hat conspiracy!!!!"

What's amazing is that history has been well documented. A Freedom of Information Act request has produced official documents proving stuff like the MKUltra program, the Tuskegee Experiment, and Operation Northwoods. And then there is whistle blowing information such as the WikiLeaks State Department cables and the Edward Snowden documents.

Only a liberal could be so ignorant of U.S. history and current events and only a liberal could deny what has already been proven. :eusa_doh:

Ain't that the friggin' truth? Excellent job......

Oh...and I completely forgot to mention the Gulf of Tonkin incident (which didn't happen either since it occurred under Dumbocrat Lyndon B. Johnson - wink, wink).

Libtards can't have it both ways. When a Republican is in office, there are all kinds of outrageous accusations. When a Dumbocrat is in office, they claim that the government never engages in illegal activity.

Great, more rightarded derangement. Which Liberals supported LBJ after he lied us into war? One can only imagine the lunacy bouncing around inside your head for why you think he dropped out of the 1968 election.

He was subliminally mind fucked into dropping out.
This is how evil liberalism is...

So she pulls in an astounding $153 million (talk about the "evil" 1%)...

$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented -

But she only gives a paltry $70k to the men and women who made it possible for her to fleece the American people out of millions?!?

Records: Hillary Clinton Has Donated $70,000 To Veterans - Breitbart
So? Trump personally gave less of a percentage of his net worth than the Clintons. Where's your feigned outrage? And how much have you donated?
This is how evil liberalism is.... as usual, turning to violence just because someone wants to exercise their 1st Amendment rights:

Trump Supporters Attacked at California Rally, One Leaves Bleeding
I marvel at the restraint and peacefulness demonstrated by Trump supporters. If that were me, the overwhelming majority of those violent libtards would be in critical condition in the local ICU - if not dead. Trump supporters - you absolutely have the right to defend yourselves. Don't be afraid to use it.
This is how evil liberalism is.... as usual, turning to violence just because someone wants to exercise their 1st Amendment rights:

Trump Supporters Attacked at California Rally, One Leaves Bleeding

How charming. Buttsoiler signs in as his own sock, doesn't even notice.


Not one of your best moments.

This is why liberal is evil - they fully stand behind violence.

I've posted absolutely nothing about "violence". Learn to read someday.
Nor does "violence" have anything to do with "Liberalsim" anyway. I didn't even address that fallacy. I figured Buttsoiler signing in as his own sock was funnier. YMMV.

Are you yet another Buttsoiler sock then? Because you know -- there's a uniform.
I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.

Well, now we have a blend of liberalism and communism that many people confuse with 'true' liberalism, but it is NOT liberalism. For instance, John F. Kennedy was adamant that lowering taxes was the only way to get a stagnant economy back on track. In addition, he famously stated in a speech "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". However, anybody today who express those John F. Kennedy liberal views is labeled by the left as "radical". Radical. It is "radical" in the minds of the modern day unhinged lefties to lower taxes or ask people to sacrifice for their country, rather than the country sacrificing everything for them. It is the putrid ideology from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All modern day liberals want is rampant sexual deviance, the total destruction of a civilized society, and the permanent destruction of God. The deepest thought they are capable of producing is simpleton and irrational arguments for why they don't have to produce but have every right to be a parasite to society.

Modern day liberals have been completely exposed for the loveless and evil bitches that they are deep in their dark and disturbing souls. None of them will share what they have. None. Place a liberal on a polygraph and ask if they ever paid for the health insurance policy for an uninsured child and the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Likewise, ask them if they ever went without a meal to ensure that their fellow man had a hot meal, and once again the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Yet they will sit all day in a forum (such as USMB), refusing to work, refusing to hold a job and be a productive member of society, pretending to care sooo deeply about their fellow man. But as history has already proven and many have pointed out - the modern day liberal is quite generous with someone else's money. When it comes to their own, they won't share a damn thing.

Today's modern day liberal sells communism under the guise of liberalism - and it is not only rotting liberalism from the inside, like a cancer, but it's doing the same thing to America. $19 trillion in debt (on the verge of collapse). More people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history. Detroit - under total Democrat rule (both mayor and city council) for 60 years and now bankrupt. Just like the U.S.S.R. before, ignorant left-wing policy is collapsing the country, creating decay, dilapidation, poverty, and misery.

The take over of the Democrat Party movement by socialists/marxists/communists is a real disaster for the America as we enter a new age of technology in which jobs can easily and quickly be moved overseas because of ignorant liberal policies creating taxes and regulations too costly to keep the jobs here in America. Liberals pretend to care for other Americans, but at the end of the day, focus on brining everyone down into poverty because they are envious of anyone who has more than they do or does better than they do. It has never been about others for them - it has always been envy driving them to undermine and harm their fellow man.

America, if she is to survive, must find a way to shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on America's ass or the America will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies ($19 trillion in debt and massive loss of freedoms because of communist liberalism has proven as much).
So, big guy....what are you going to do about it? Use tough words some more?

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