How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

This is how evil liberalism is...

Liberals shoot a Vietnam Veteran and a black man simply because he supports Donald Trump. The perfect target for liberalism. They got to kill two birds with one proverbial stone (bullet) - contempt for our honorable servicemen and their hate for African-Americans neatly rolled up into one innocent target.

Vietnam Vet Shot For Being a Trump Supporter

No one knows if that was a liberal, you disingenuous fuckwit. I thought liberals "hate guns" anyway? Very plausible that the shooter was some crazed rightist.
Uh....why would a Republican shoot a man out of anger over the victim supporting a Republican?!? :banghead:

The shooter was obviously crazy. And YOU are a scumbag for saying it was a liberal when you don't have one fucking shred of evidence that it was. Prick.
We know he was a liberal, dumb-ass....a Republican is not shooting another Republican for supporting Trump. It's the violent bat-shit crazy liberals that are attacking and shooting anyone who supports Trump. :cuckoo:

NO, you don't "know" shit. You are inferring based on your own ignorant worldview.
Someone is aaaaaaannnnnnggggggrrrrrrryyyy! Like we tell small children "use your words SYTFE....use your words". (We have to talk to liberals like they are small children since they share the same mental capacity).
This is how evil liberalism is...

Liberals shoot a Vietnam Veteran and a black man simply because he supports Donald Trump. The perfect target for liberalism. They got to kill two birds with one proverbial stone (bullet) - contempt for our honorable servicemen and their hate for African-Americans neatly rolled up into one innocent target.

Vietnam Vet Shot For Being a Trump Supporter

No one knows if that was a liberal, you disingenuous fuckwit. I thought liberals "hate guns" anyway? Very plausible that the shooter was some crazed rightist.
The good news is - that's one less idiot liberal voter come this November! One less ignorant and violent Dumbocrat to vote for Hitlery.
I thought liberals "hate guns" anyway?
Noooooo stupid. Liberals hate not having control over others. For instance:

Hollywood liberals are protected by armed security 24x7. They don't hate guns - they hate that they can't prevent me from having a gun.

Hitlery Clinton & Barack Obama are protected by armed security 24x7. They don't hate guns - they hate that they can't prevent me from having a gun.

They only want to prevent you from having a gun if you're crazy. Since you are crazy, you are correct here. This thread, and all of your other posts clearly suggest some sort of mental illness.
The links say otherwise chief. That's why you're so angry. Violent people don't like the truth of their violence being exposed.

No, it doesn't. Stop lying.

This is what 'infowars' says, "The shooter fled the scene and detectives are still searching for him."

Nothing about him being a liberal. Stop lying. Stop making shit up. Stop posting. Delete your account.
I thought liberals "hate guns" anyway?
Noooooo stupid. Liberals hate not having control over others. For instance:

Hollywood liberals are protected by armed security 24x7. They don't hate guns - they hate that they can't prevent me from having a gun.

Hitlery Clinton & Barack Obama are protected by armed security 24x7. They don't hate guns - they hate that they can't prevent me from having a gun.

They only want to prevent you from having a gun if you're crazy. Since you are crazy, you are correct here. This thread, and all of your other posts clearly suggest some sort of mental illness.
The links say otherwise chief. That's why you're so angry. Violent people don't like the truth of their violence being exposed.

No, it doesn't. Stop lying.

This is what 'infowars' says, "The shooter fled the scene and detectives are still searching for him."

Nothing about him being a liberal. Stop lying. Stop making shit up. Stop posting. Delete your account.
All the shooters in recent history have been liberal...what makes you think this one is different?
I thought liberals "hate guns" anyway?
Noooooo stupid. Liberals hate not having control over others. For instance:

Hollywood liberals are protected by armed security 24x7. They don't hate guns - they hate that they can't prevent me from having a gun.

Hitlery Clinton & Barack Obama are protected by armed security 24x7. They don't hate guns - they hate that they can't prevent me from having a gun.

They only want to prevent you from having a gun if you're crazy. Since you are crazy, you are correct here. This thread, and all of your other posts clearly suggest some sort of mental illness.
The links say otherwise chief. That's why you're so angry. Violent people don't like the truth of their violence being exposed.

No, it doesn't. Stop lying.

This is what 'infowars' says, "The shooter fled the scene and detectives are still searching for him."

Nothing about him being a liberal. Stop lying. Stop making shit up. Stop posting. Delete your account.
Reading comprehension junior. You said (and I quote) "This thread, and all of your other posts clearly suggest some sort of mental illness". To which I replied "the links (plural) say otherwise".

Go through this thread and you'll see just how disgusting you freaking people are. Voter fraud (just ask Bernie Sanders and his supporters), sexual predators, violence, violating the U.S. Constitution, and a wholet lot more. And thanks to you - we can now add illiteracy to the list. :eusa_doh:
This is how evil liberalism is....ramping up their extreme violence against the most vulnerable and helpless in society: babies.

“Yes, they are pro-choice, but here’s what they are doing now: They have actually increased what they want to do against the unborn,” he explains. “They have increased the violence against the unborn.”

Benham quotes the Bible verse Ephesians 5:11, which implores Christians to “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

If you call yourself a Christian, and you’re voting Democrat, here’s what you’re voting for: The Democratic National Platform wants to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits my tax dollars from directly paying for abortion. They want to force your money and my money to directly pay for abortion.

There is certainly no darker "darkness" than liberalism.

Famed Christian Real Estate Mogul Urges Believers to ‘Expose’ DNC Abortion Platform That Will ‘Target Christians’
lol, Patriot is on his Saturday morning ritual of hatred. 3 links from "The Blaze" and tops it it off with 1 from "WND." Good show!
Says the side of the aisle attempting to honor a pedophile by naming a military ship after it. What could be more "hateful" than honoring people who hurt children?

I notice the truth really bothers you. That's a good sign my friend. That means - unlike most liberals - you actually have a conscious. You should be horrified and disgusted by your ideology and the people on your side of the aisle. Listen to your conscious.
Here is the Democrat Party in all of its glory....

"I’m not totally opposed to the idea but it would have to be somewhat controlled. We could set up a ‘demo’ where we pretend that Trump just said a really offensive thing and then the process of clipping video and getting a release out the door…" - email from Eric Walker.

WikiLeaks: DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters
Here is the Democrat Party in all of its glory....

"I’m not totally opposed to the idea but it would have to be somewhat controlled. We could set up a ‘demo’ where we pretend that Trump just said a really offensive thing and then the process of clipping video and getting a release out the door…" - email from Eric Walker.

WikiLeaks: DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters

Dafuck does that have to do with your own topic title?
This is the type of global threat that liberalism poses. Attempting to rewrite history with their disturbing propaganda. Evil...

This is the type of global threat that liberalism poses. Attempting to rewrite history with their disturbing propaganda. Evil...

Again --- why don't you essplain to the class what any of this has to do with Liberalism?

Did you watch your own video? It's not even about politics.

How stupid IS Buttsoiler anyway?

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