How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Isn't it sad how progressives resort to something so pitiful and petty when getting their ass kicked by facts? Who cares that this woman didn't have a law degree? She was freaking admitted to the Harvard school of Law but chose to go in another direction. Then, just to disarm these idiotic progressives, she went and earned the law degree anyway.

"It is also an interesting note that she went to law school after raising her family, though she would have been admitted to Harvard Law after graduating from college. Phyllis certainly did not need a law degree, but found that liberals like Sen. Birch Bayh of Indiana sought to disdain her legal knowledge and debating skills because she did not have one. So she just decided to remove that little argument by getting that law degree, and so she did, graduating near the top of her Washington University Law School class."

The Incredible Leadership of Phyllis Schlafly
Labels are used by the weak minded sheeple who buy into their beloved political pundits who laugh at them incessantly all the way to the bank. The typical liberals i know are successful business owning white active christians. Imagine that.
Labels are used by the weak minded sheeple who buy into their beloved political pundits who laugh at them incessantly all the way to the bank. The typical liberals i know are successful business owning white active christians. Imagine that.
Wow? Both of them? Really? That's impressive.

The tens of thousands of progressives I know deny even the existence of God (just check all over this board sparky), refuse to work, and mooch off of society.
This is how evil progressivism is....Here we have Megan Rapinoe - an ameriphobic, heterophobic, feminaphobic, hate-filled little progressive pitching a fit because she was prevented from illustrating her hate for the United States in front of the few people in attendance.

It's sort of remarkable when you think about it. She shouldn't even have a job since women's soccer generates about as much revenue as the National Nose-Picking League. Instead of being grateful that the United States affords her the ability to not hold an actual job, all she does is show hate and contempt for anything and anyone that doesn't embrace her hateful tendencies.

Opposing Team Prevents Soccer Star From Kneeling Again During National Anthem – See How She Reacts
Labels are used by the weak minded sheeple who buy into their beloved political pundits who laugh at them incessantly all the way to the bank. The typical liberals i know are successful business owning white active christians. Imagine that.
Wow? Both of them? Really? That's impressive.

The tens of thousands of progressives I know deny even the existence of God (just check all over this board sparky), refuse to work, and mooch off of society.
How in the world did you ever meet tens of thousands of progressives much less get to know they refuse to work and mooch off of society?
Hard to believe that your tens of thousands friends even admitted they didn't believe in God.
Labels are used by the weak minded sheeple who buy into their beloved political pundits who laugh at them incessantly all the way to the bank. The typical liberals i know are successful business owning white active christians. Imagine that.
Wow? Both of them? Really? That's impressive.

The tens of thousands of progressives I know deny even the existence of God (just check all over this board sparky), refuse to work, and mooch off of society.
How in the world did you ever meet tens of thousands of progressives much less get to know they refuse to work and mooch off of society?
Hard to believe that your tens of thousands friends even admitted they didn't believe in God.
You don't have to be "friends" with someone to know what they do and don't do, like and don't like, etc. For instance - I am not friends with Seawytch, Dr. Grump, or Rightwinger but I know their views.
Labels are used by the weak minded sheeple who buy into their beloved political pundits who laugh at them incessantly all the way to the bank. The typical liberals i know are successful business owning white active christians. Imagine that.
Wow? Both of them? Really? That's impressive.

The tens of thousands of progressives I know deny even the existence of God (just check all over this board sparky), refuse to work, and mooch off of society.

"...progressives I know deny even the existence of God..."

Just one more carry-over from their predecessors, the Soviet Bolsheviks.

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by thedemocratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913
Maybe a carry-over from the colonial Deists?


Which of these?

“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”
This is how evil liberalism is...they have a deep contempt for the U.S. Constitution (the highest law in the land) and advocate that we violate the highest law in the land...

"As the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions." - Progressive professor LOUIS MICHAEL SIDEMAN

Lets Give Up On The Constitution

To which Steven Hayward had the greatest response ever:

As I sometimes like to say, “Our Constitution may not be perfect, but it’s better than the government we’ve got.”

A Liberal Comes Clean: We Hate the Constitution
This is how evil liberalism is....insisting that mentally disturbed sexual deviants deserve access to victims to fulfill their deviant fantasies. This is a blistering take down of the ignorant progressive transgender issue. The bottom line - the rights of the mentally disturbed does not supersede my rights. Period. End of story.

When Liberty Forces 18 Girls Into a Single-Stall Shower Room

Buttsoiler, what the fuck does your right-wing-wacko blog ----- which provides no link whatsoever to anything it claims and even then, doesn't even mention "Liberalism" anywhere ----- have to do with Liberalism?



How stupid IS Buttsoiler anyway?

This is how evil liberalism is...they have a deep contempt for the U.S. Constitution (the highest law in the land) and advocate that we violate the highest law in the land...

"As the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions." - Progressive professor LOUIS MICHAEL SIDEMAN

Lets Give Up On The Constitution

To which Steven Hayward had the greatest response ever:

As I sometimes like to say, “Our Constitution may not be perfect, but it’s better than the government we’ve got.”

A Liberal Comes Clean: We Hate the Constitution

Again Stupid --- Liberals wrote the Constitution.

How stupid IS Buttsoiler anyway?
I have never seen Republicans so interested in women's health problems until Hillary. I think Republicans are ready to vote for a women's health care program.
I have never seen Republicans so interested in women's health problems until Hillary. I think Republicans are ready to vote for a women's health care program.
Well the problem is your progressive definition of "women's health". You think it means spreading a woman's vagina wiiiiiiiiide open so that someone can stick an ice-pick up there and brutally stab a baby to death - then handing said woman several years with of opiates and encouraging her to get stoned and pregnant again so that all of those progressives at all of those nifty little highly illegal abortion clinics can continue to receive their gum'nt checks with their Cadillac retirement plans at their cushy little gum'nt jobs.
Poor, poor P@triot, liberalism is so evil that it will win the election in 2016, and the nation will be better for it.'s so much better for the nation to go from $19 trillion in debt to $32 trillion in debt. It's so much better for the nation to deny science (like chromosomes) and instead let severe mental illness decide what dictates gender. It's so much better for the nation to implement job-killing policies which force jobs overseas.

Why don't you just sit back in your nursing home Old Rocks and let the fully functioning adults handle this? Your mind clearly isn't capable of dealing with elections, economics, policies, etc.
Stay "classy" progressives...

DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. This isn’t a fucking joke. This is REAL. And y’all have the audacity to sit back and say “I won’t vote” or “I’ll vote for Trump” or “I’ll vote for ___________ so & so who isn’t going to become president but it’s cute you voted for them one time because of your principles.” It’s bullshit. And to be frank, how fucking dare you.

If You Don't Vote Democrat This November, Then Fuck You | Huffington Post

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