How Far Is Too Far When Telling Little Kids To Settle Down?

This has two sides to it.

1. Disrespect the kids? How about those little abominations disrespecting the teacher by being little monsters?
Kids with NO manners and etiquette show exactly what KIND of "parents" they have. Nuff said.

2. Teachers are supposed to be TRAINED in handling kids, as well as making them behave. Those that don't behave get sent home or to the principal's office. If they can't act remotely civilized, then there's no place for them in any school.

But...........this is the world the Dems and Libs want. These "teachers" of today are the kids from yesterday......the ones that were given trophies for doing nothing. Allowed to harass and bully others in school with no disciplinary actions. Sat sitting in college classrooms playing on their phones, while the states force the professors to pass these brain dead buffoons.

Of COURSE these "teachers" are going to smack talk these little bastards. They were NEVER TRAINED to teach, only how to abuse the system to get a free paycheck!!!
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I'm okay with "Shut Up".

Bianca, You Animal, Shut Up! Prologue

By John Taylor Gatto
August 23, 2010

". . . Most of us tacitly accept the pragmatic terms of public school which allow every kind of psychic violence to be inflicted on Bianca in order to fulfill the prime directive of the system: putting children in their place. It’s called "social efficiency." But I get this precognition, this flash-forward to a moment far in the future when your little girl Jane, having left her comfortable home, wakes up to a world where Bianca is her enraged meter maid, or the passport clerk Jane counts on for her emergency ticket out of the country, or the strange lady who lives next door.

I picture this animal Bianca grown large and mean, the same Bianca who didn’t go to school for a month after her little friends took to whispering, "Bianca is an animal, Bianca is an animal," while Bianca, only seconds earlier a human being like themselves, sat choking back tears, struggling her way through a reading selection by guessing what the words meant.

In my dream I see Bianca as a fiend manufactured by schooling who now regards Janey as a vehicle for vengeance. In a transport of passion she:

  1. Gives Jane’s car a ticket before the meter runs out.
  2. Throws away Jane’s passport application after Jane leaves the office.
  3. Plays heavy metal music through the thin partition which separates Bianca’s apartment from Jane’s while Jane pounds frantically on the wall for relief.
  4. All the above.
You aren’t compelled to loan your car to anyone who wants it, but you are compelled to surrender your school-age child to strangers who process children for a livelihood, even though one in every nine schoolchildren is terrified of physical harm happening to them in school, terrified with good cause; about thirty-three are murdered there every year. Your great-great-grandmother didn’t have to surrender her children. What happened?

If I demanded you give up your television to an anonymous, itinerant repairman who needed work you’d think I was crazy; if I came with a policeman who forced you to pay that repairman even after he broke your set, you would be outraged. Why are you so docile when you give up your child to a government agent called a schoolteacher?. . . "
The STATE, in the end, needs to keep its nose out of the education business.
My older sister received a whipping at school once when she was still a kid. The principal claimed that my dad's permission was there. My mother's permission however was not there and when she found out about what happened, not only did she go down to that school, but she got right up in the principal face and she let him have it.

God bless you and my mom always!!!

My older sister received a whipping at school once when she was still a kid. The principal claimed that my dad's permission was there. My mother's permission however was not there and when she found out about what happened, not only did she go down to that school, but she got right up in the principal face and she let him have it.

God bless you and my mom always!!!


When I was a kid .. teacher, gym coaches, and school admin staff didn't require parental permission to paddle kids ... it was implicit in allowing us to go to school.
Days of striking children almost over and well be it
Kids are that and not miniature adults.
Really should not get harsh with them except if danger or disrespectful in either way where they must learn that behavior must change
One thing said in the write is most definitely true. If that woman is not going to set a good enough example, how will them kids ever learn what is acceptable and what isn't? If you want any respect you have to earn it by showing some first.

God bless you and the kids always!!!


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