How Fast Can We Get San Francisco Mayor, Sheriff, and Supervisors in JAIL ?

Protectionist, you are making us laugh.

Remember when you were arguing Islam is not a religion and mis-citing the US Code and the Constitution?
Islam is not a religion and is in violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385 and Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution. FACT, not opinion. Facts that you don't like. NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:
Put them all in a jail cell and play "Yoko Ono's Greatest Hits" 24/7.
Wow. That's cruel. But it would sure teach them a lesson. :banghead: :laugh:

And they should all be at least tarred and feathered too.

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"Islam is not a religion and is in violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385 and Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution. FACT, not opinion. Facts that you don't like. NOT MY PROBLEM. "

You are right. It is only your opinion, not fact. :lol:
"Islam is not a religion and is in violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385 and Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution. FACT, not opinion. Facts that you don't like. NOT MY PROBLEM. "

You are right. It is only your opinion, not fact. :lol:
That's not what I said. Leave it to a liberal to deceive by changing someones words. Shows your desperation. NOT MY PROBLEM.
"Islam is not a religion and is in violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385 and Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution. FACT, not opinion. Facts that you don't like. NOT MY PROBLEM. "

You are right. It is only your opinion, not fact. :lol:
That's not what I said. Leave it to a liberal to deceive by changing someones words. Shows your desperation. NOT MY PROBLEM.
I did not change your words. But your words are your opinion, because they are not fact.

Protectionist, little buddy. You aren't the law, you don't make the law, you have no authority to interpret the law.

You are simply a pipsqueak your betters tolerate is all.

Why? It amuses them.
And if God is going to punish him why does Pro care?

This death is a tragic death- and I am not surprised that stupid bigots like Protectionist is using it.

Likely to be lots of changes because of this woman murder- I think my City will lose any civil suit- and I think that there is a good chance the Sheriff is at fault. I expect we will see changes to the Sanctuary law- and maybe the Sheriff will lose his job.

No one is going to get prosecuted except the murderer- and maybe the Federal agent whose gun was used.
Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?

. Luckily, I got away from there without being infected.

Oh you are infected. You are suffering from chronic Protectionist and there is no cure.

What law did they break? And how?
Protectionist, you are making us laugh.

Remember when you were arguing Islam is not a religion and mis-citing the US Code and the Constitution?
Islam is not a religion and is in violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385 and Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution. FACT, not opinion. Facts that you don't like. NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:

LOL.....its fun to push Pro's buttons just to watch him go 'Full Retard'

(and once again my apologies to Retarded Americans)
I did not change your words. But your words are your opinion, because they are not fact.

Protectionist, little buddy. You aren't the law, you don't make the law, you have no authority to interpret the law.

You are simply a pipsqueak your betters tolerate is all.

Why? It amuses them.
Yes you did change the words you liar. I said > "not opinion" You said "not fact" Conclusion: YOU LIE!

Joke, little buddy. Next to me, you're just being born, little mouse. Now go home and play with your alphabet blocks. They may help you learn how to talk, and then someday you'll be able to come in here and post. :biggrin:
And if God is going to punish him why does Pro care?

This death is a tragic death- and I am not surprised that stupid bigots like Protectionist is using it.

Likely to be lots of changes because of this woman murder- I think my City will lose any civil suit- and I think that there is a good chance the Sheriff is at fault. I expect we will see changes to the Sanctuary law- and maybe the Sheriff will lose his job.

No one is going to get prosecuted except the murderer- and maybe the Federal agent whose gun was used.
Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?

. Luckily, I got away from there without being infected.

Oh you are infected. You are suffering from chronic Protectionist and there is no cure.

What law did they break? And how?
You heard the questions. Here they are again >>

1. Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?

2. I realize that tossing the bigot card is hard-wired into liberals, but how do you come up with this "bigot" jazz ?

3. What can you base that on ?

4. Bigot against whom ?

Or you can run away crying like NBC's Katie Tur, who aggressively tried to bring down Donald Trump, only to have him make mincemeat out of her. :laugh:
And if God is going to punish him why does Pro care?

This death is a tragic death- and I am not surprised that stupid bigots like Protectionist is using it.

Likely to be lots of changes because of this woman murder- I think my City will lose any civil suit- and I think that there is a good chance the Sheriff is at fault. I expect we will see changes to the Sanctuary law- and maybe the Sheriff will lose his job.

No one is going to get prosecuted except the murderer- and maybe the Federal agent whose gun was used.
Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?

. Luckily, I got away from there without being infected.

Oh you are infected. You are suffering from chronic Protectionist and there is no cure.

What law did they break? And how?
You heard the questions. Here they are again >>

1. Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?

2. I realize that tossing the bigot card is hard-wired into liberals, but how do you come up with this "bigot" jazz ?

3. What can you base that on ?

4. Bigot against whom ?

Or you can run away crying like NBC's Katie Tur, who aggressively tried to bring down Donald Trump, only to have him make mincemeat out of her. :laugh:

1) What law have they broken?
2) I call you a bigot because you are a bigot- both towards Muslims and homosexuals
3) I base that upon your multiple posts on the issue.
4) See #2.

Oh and you support
1) What law have they broken?
2) I call you a bigot because you are a bigot- both towards Muslims and homosexuals
3) I base that upon your multiple posts on the issue.
4) See #2.

Oh and you support
1. You are ignorant of the law that they've boken. Not worry little boy. I'll fill you in.

2, HA HA. EARTH TO NOT VERY SYRIUSLY: :biggrin: "because you are " doesn't qualify as an answer. If yu had a brain, you'd know that. Now if you really want to be "serious" in this forum, you can answer the question, and present some evidence to back up your accusation. That means you have to specifically show EXAMPLES of how I allegedly was bigoted in some way. You haven't done that. Rhetoric doesn't count. Got it, now ?

So when you think you're ready to talk to the big guys around here, and can show up with a leg to stand on, do that. In the meantime, please don't waste any mor e of our time. Now here's something to put in your empty head >>

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, Division C of Pub.L. 104–208, 110 Stat. 3009-546, enacted September 30, 1996.
This act states that immigrants unlawfully present in the United States for 180 days but less than 365 days must remain outside the United States for three years, unless they obtain a pardon. If they are in the United States for 365 days or more, they must stay outside the United States for ten years. Sanctuary policies are direct violation of this law, and all those responsible should be punished for it. JAIL time with Yoko Ono's "music". :banghead: HA HA.

PS - I have a name to call you too. But it's not for being against illegal aliens. It's for being against the American people. >> Traitor.
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And if God is going to punish him why does Pro care?

This death is a tragic death- and I am not surprised that stupid bigots like Protectionist is using it.

Likely to be lots of changes because of this woman murder- I think my City will lose any civil suit- and I think that there is a good chance the Sheriff is at fault. I expect we will see changes to the Sanctuary law- and maybe the Sheriff will lose his job.

No one is going to get prosecuted except the murderer- and maybe the Federal agent whose gun was used.
Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?

. Luckily, I got away from there without being infected.

Oh you are infected. You are suffering from chronic Protectionist and there is no cure.

What law did they break? And how?
You heard the questions. Here they are again >>

1. Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?

2. I realize that tossing the bigot card is hard-wired into liberals, but how do you come up with this "bigot" jazz ?

3. What can you base that on ?

4. Bigot against whom ?

Or you can run away crying like NBC's Katie Tur, who aggressively tried to bring down Donald Trump, only to have him make mincemeat out of her. :laugh:

1) What law have they broken?
2) I call you a bigot because you are a bigot- both towards Muslims and homosexuals
3) I base that upon your multiple posts on the issue.
4) See #2.

Oh and you support
1. You are ignorant of the law that they've boken. Not worry little boy. I'll fill you in.

2, HA HA. EARTH TO NOT VERY SYRIUSLY: :biggrin: "because you are " doesn't qualify as an answer. If yu had a brain, you'd know that. Now if you really want to be "serious" in this forum, you can answer the question, and present some evidence to back up your accusation. That means you have to specifically show EXAMPLES of how I allegedly was bigoted in some way. You haven't done that. Rhetoric doesn't count. Got it, now ?

So when you think you're ready to talk to the big guys around here, and can show up with a leg to stand on, do that. In the meantime, please don't waste any mor e of our time. Now here's something to put in your empty head >>

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, Division C of Pub.L. 104–208, 110 Stat. 3009-546, enacted September 30, 1996.
This act states that immigrants unlawfully present in the United States for 180 days but less than 365 days must remain outside the United States for three years, unless they obtain a pardon. If they are in the United States for 365 days or more, they must stay outside the United States for ten years. .

How did they violate that law?
How did they violate that law?
They allowed Sanchez to stay here, when the law says he cannot be here. They refused to comply with ICE who was acting to deport or arrest him. You can't figure that out ? LOL.

Oh..and you oppose Trump.
Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?
. i lived in the SF Bay area for 12 years, but the closest I got to San Francisco was South San Francisco, and that was entirely too close. Luckily, I got away from there without being infected.

Pelosi County

J. Brown Commonwealth of California

They get away with a lot of stuff in this state. "They" is inclusive of most politicians in CA.
1. Why shouldn't they ALL be prosecuted when they have broken the law ?
1) What law have they broken? ...

A two statement summation of why libtards are losing this argument on illegal immigration. Libtards have so little respect for our country and such disregard for our laws (except when it suits them) that they don't even get how ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have broken any laws at all.

This is why they don't comprehend that the projections on Hispanic voting block growth are deeply flawed as these projections presume that there will be no change in how immigration laws are enforced. But the way these idiots are screwing up the state of California, the FIRST STATE with a non-hispanic white minority, they will make California the boogeyman of American politics for the next five generations, the example of what happens if whites don't stay in control.

And likely there will be a revival of racism, but only a cloaked version that will be effectively racist while doing all the symbolic things that allow one to claim that they are not racist while doing it. Legit critics will not have much of an American population willing to listen to the critique on the revived racism, because the public will have become so outraged at what the libtards have been doing to us for the past three decades and will immediately dismiss any concerns about veiled racism.

And sympathetic independents like me who were once the pivotal vote against the segregationists wont have anything we can do about it at all, except to off them a hanky, maybe.
A two statement summation of why libtards are losing this argument on illegal immigration. Libtards have so little respect for our country and such disregard for our laws (except when it suits them) that they don't even get how ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have broken any laws at all.

This is why they don't comprehend that the projections on Hispanic voting block growth are deeply flawed as these projections presume that there will be no change in how immigration laws are enforced. But the way these idiots are screwing up the state of California, the FIRST STATE with a non-hispanic white minority, they will make California the boogeyman of American politics for the next five generations, the example of what happens if whites don't stay in control.

And likely there will be a revival of racism, but only a cloaked version that will be effectively racist while doing all the symbolic things that allow one to claim that they are not racist while doing it. Legit critics will not have much of an American population willing to listen to the critique on the revived racism, because the public will have become so outraged at what the libtards have been doing to us for the past three decades and will immediately dismiss any concerns about veiled racism.

And sympathetic independents like me who were once the pivotal vote against the segregationists wont have anything we can do about it at all, except to off them a hanky, maybe.
I have many times been told by liberal idiots that coming across the border without going through immigration authority is only a civil offense. I've even hear liberal lawyers say this on TV. That is is how deeply embedded MISinformation is in the liberal media.

Of course coming across the border without going through immigration authority is a CRIME and is punishable with imprisonment in a federal prison.

8 U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code - Section 1325: Improper entry by alien
Search 8 U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code - Section 1325: Improper entry by alien
(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or
(2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or
(3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both. (b) Improper time or place; civil penalties
Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of - (1) at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or (2) twice the amount specified in paragraph (1) in the case of an alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection. Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed. (c) Marriage fraud Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both. (d) Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.

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