How Fox News is Killing the Republican Party

Yeah right, the opinion of a smarmy pip-squeak on line rag owned by the Washington Post that couldn't shine Fox's shoes.
I agree. If the nasty and imo unpleasant directions politics has gone was simply due to one network and one party the fix would be simple. Most people who are not partisan hacks and FoxNews haters with a laughable obsession would use their brain and actually realize the complexities at hand.

I know so many posters reacted to my OP as if I was advocating "silencing" Fox News. Even I after I demonstrated that I watch it once or twice a week. I don't think ANY voices need to be silenced. I think sole reliance on any one source of information - especially a hyper-partisan source - is foolish. And that is why so many Republicans are being ill-served by Fox News.

I have no idea what other people watch. Are you certain that many Rs just watch a steady diet of FoxNews?

Honestly, thinking people should be able to not be that "endangered" by any network. It is those who are truly partisan or not thinking on either side who are at risk for being...well a partisan hack.

The problem is not what people watch. It is that people do not think critically.

I didn't say "thinking people" I said the far right.
Most of the conservatives were absolutely sure Obama was going to lose. There was little doubt in their minds. They were spectacularly wrong.

I don't believe (most) conservatives are stupid. They got their information from somewhere.

In my business, you get fired for being as wrong as the conservative media were. Of course, tribalism is more important than being right.
Republicans Say Election Losses Just Mean They Need Better Candidates

(rw's, feel free to pretend that the link is evidence of lack of fact. I understand that you really don't have a leg to totter on and that you're stuck with sour grapes and lies.)

The GObP is responsible for their own losing (loosing) choices.

Remember back when we were all (rw's too) laughing at the clown car candidates?

Was that group of losers (loosers) really the cream of their crop?
This was an absolutely lovely election. We saw how out of touch with reality those on the right truly are. The whole time they were stating how badly the President was going to lose. In the face of polls that the whole time showed the President winning. In fact, their candidate did not even write a concession speech. Their whole organization was completly in an alternative universe.
Most of the conservatives were absolutely sure Obama was going to lose. There was little doubt in their minds. They were spectacularly wrong.

I don't believe (most) conservatives are stupid. They got their information from somewhere.

In my business, you get fired for being as wrong as the conservative media were. Of course, tribalism is more important than being right.

However, this is not the case with the far right yappers at all. Look at how spectactulary Limpbaugh was wrong concerning Sandy. Yet, his audience just ignores those statements, and all the rest of the nonsense he has spewed, and continues to listen and fawn over his fat ass. There is a certain percentage of people that want to hear 'how things oughta be', rather than how they are.

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