How George Soros Became The Subject Of So Many Far-Right Conspiracies


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.
Fear is a great method of control.

Both parties use it to keep their drones in line.

Having a boogie man to focus on helps to maintain the fear.

Our Fed Govt has been doing this for decades.
During the Bush years, for us liberals it was the Koch brothers.

There is so much dark money in politics now. Today rich people, for their image, donate publicly to Democrats. Secretly they give 10 x as much to Republicans.

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.

If he were the exact same person but donated to conservative causes, he would be seen as the antichrist by the left. He is a soulless, sleezy hedge fund manager who bought himself a reputation with the left for not being the exact person they otherwise vilify.
If he were the exact same person but donated to conservative causes, he would be seen as the antichrist by the left. He is a soulless, sleezy hedge fund manager who bought himself a reputation with the left for not being the exact person they otherwise vilify.
I don’t see Dems doing anything other than defending against sleezy right wing attacks.

No one is making him out to be a saint

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.

Soros is an anti-AMerican / Democracy billionaire Socialist POS who was thrown out of his own country for corruption / election i terference / etc..., who spreads his influence and money across the globe like a disease / virus undermining societies and governments.

Look at the corruption, crime, and destruction of our Justice system, he, his money, and his acolytes have brought about.

Of course Democrats and snowflakes stand up for and defend the evil POS...
Soros is an anti-AMerican / Democracy billionaire Socialist POS who was thrown out of his own country for corruption / election i terference / etc..., who spreads his influence and money across the globe like a disease / virus undermining societies and governments.

Look at the corruption, crime, and destruction of our Justice system, he, his money, and his acolytes have brought about.

Of course Democrats and snowflakes stand up for and defend the evil POS...
You are nuts. We have a fucked up criminal justice system. Do you know when it started? When Len Bias OD'd and died. Look at the war Republicans waged on drugs after that. Look at how many people we got locked up. And look how WHITE cocaine got less time in jail than BLACK crack.

You know who also agrees with Soros on the criminal injustice system? The Koch brothers. Only they have different reasons. They see they pay a lot in taxes and a lot of tax dollars go to the prison industrial complex. Private prisons, etc..

You guys have demonized a great man. A phylanthropist. Because you don't like his liberal agenda. See? Even some rich people aren't so greedy that they vote GOP. GOP is for trickle down. Rich people first. Lower wages for workers. No regulations or accountability for corporations. Give corporations personhood. Citizens United.

Thank god we have a few billionaires on our side.

Also, there's a hint of anti semitism in your attacks on George. It doesn't go unnoticed. Probably why 70% of American jews vote Democratic.

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.
he earned it.
Soros is neither a conspiracy or a theory. All of the NGOs he has funded, and what they do, is pretty well documented.
Give me some examples. Yesterday the woman was explaining how every conspiracy theory about George Soros always has a grain of truth.

George Soros donated money to a liberal group and that liberal group donated to get Bragg elected. WOW!!! You got them! Just by using the name SOROS.

Well you guys are pathetic. I like George Soros. He's a liberal. You like Arnold Schwartanigger even though he wasn't born here. Because he was a Republican. George wasn't born here but he's a citizen and a Democrat. Fuck off if you don't like him.

Show me what you have on Soros.
Give me some examples. Yesterday the woman was explaining how every conspiracy theory about George Soros always has a grain of truth.

George Soros donated money to a liberal group and that liberal group donated to get Bragg elected. WOW!!! You got them! Just by using the name SOROS.

Well you guys are pathetic. I like George Soros. He's a liberal. You like Arnold Schwartanigger even though he wasn't born here. Because he was a Republican. George wasn't born here but he's a citizen and a Democrat. Fuck off if you don't like him.

Show me what you have on Soros.
Do the research yourself.
Do the research yourself.

For years, hedge fund tycoon George Soros has been demonized by GOP politicians, fringe outlets, and right-wing media personalities, who claim Soros often manipulates the global economy and masterminds the radical left. He has been accused of using his billions to foment violence, support “white genocide,” and pay migrants to seek asylum in the United States. Right-wing media personalities have described him as working to hijack our democracy and undermine sovereignty. Left-leaning outlets, meanwhile, have suggested that his philanthropy is a distraction from the economic misery he himself has made.

But who is George Soros? How did he make his money? What causes does he actually support? How did this billionaire become the right’s favorite target—used by elected officials sympathetic to the idea that their country’s opposition can be blamed on one man in the endless messaging war? How much of the hatred is driven by rising antisemitism?

Though his name appears often in the media, most people know little about Soros. Weaving biography, cultural commentary, and investigative reporting, Emily Tamkin brings into focus the man and his myth to examine how much influence he actually has on politics. Is Soros simply a left-wing version of the Koch brothers? Or is he genuinely trying to make the world a better place?

The Influence of Soros offers an understanding of the man and his money, his contributions and donations, and his true sway over our politics, elections, and our societies. Ultimately, Tamkin asks, can a truly open society exist if any one man can have the kind of power Soros wields?

Amazon product ASIN 0062972634
So you agree with us that we should take $ out of politics?
Do the research yourself.

So basically, you need to read this book to realize you're being lied to and why. You're going to have to read a liberal book to hear how you're being lied to dude.

Amazon product ASIN 0062972634
For every 1 George Soros the Republicans have 100

And because of Citizens United and Dark money being allowed now, who knows right? Let's do away with Citizens United. I bet Clarence Thomas voted for Citizens United for the guy who takes him on trips. The trips he didn't report.

You are nuts. We have a fucked up criminal justice system. Do you know when it started? When Len Bias OD'd and died. Look at the war Republicans waged on drugs after that. Look at how many people we got locked up. And look how WHITE cocaine got less time in jail than BLACK crack.

You know who also agrees with Soros on the criminal injustice system? The Koch brothers. Only they have different reasons. They see they pay a lot in taxes and a lot of tax dollars go to the prison industrial complex. Private prisons, etc..

You guys have demonized a great man. A phylanthropist. Because you don't like his liberal agenda. See? Even some rich people aren't so greedy that they vote GOP. GOP is for trickle down. Rich people first. Lower wages for workers. No regulations or accountability for corporations. Give corporations personhood. Citizens United.

Thank god we have a few billionaires on our side.

Also, there's a hint of anti semitism in your attacks on George. It doesn't go unnoticed. Probably why 70% of American jews vote Democratic.



Of course when I speak ill of the Left's evil, socialist benefactor you call me a racist.

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