How Global warming is affecting Russia this year

Well, last year at this time, all you fruitcakes were screaming about the major snowstorms and cold in the East and Southeast. Then came summer with a weather swing to the very, very warm. And in between a few tornados.

Going to be some interesting times in all of our futures.
Well, last year at this time, all you fruitcakes were screaming about the major snowstorms and cold in the East and Southeast. Then came summer with a weather swing to the very, very warm. And in between a few tornados.

Going to be some interesting times in all of our futures.

Mostly yours, things are cooling.
Well, last year at this time, all you fruitcakes were screaming about the major snowstorms and cold in the East and Southeast. Then came summer with a weather swing to the very, very warm. And in between a few tornados.

Going to be some interesting times in all of our futures.

Lying fuck preaching Anti-science.

Global Warming, open your window and whatever you see it the result of manmade global warming. Is it science? No, but it's settled.

because of the global warming from that one car, right?


"look! we froze the river with our exhaust which caused wider swings with an overall warming trend!!"

wilder fAiL
Well, last year at this time, all you fruitcakes were screaming about the major snowstorms and cold in the East and Southeast. Then came summer with a weather swing to the very, very warm. And in between a few tornados.

Going to be some interesting times in all of our futures.

But its like I say Ray........"wilder" and "wider" to you is alot diffent than it is for most people. When you, Chris, Rolling Thunder or Ed see a flood or a tornado, the first thing you think is it is linked to global warming. But the majority of people dont think that.

The wilder and wider stuff has been happening the same way for most all people whether they've lived 2 decades........4 decades or 6 decades.

Here is a history of the worlds 5 worst floods...........all came before 1975.........and a couple from hundreds of years ago. Hundreds of thousands dead.

Five Worst Floods in World History | Real Science

Heres a link for the "Top ten Worst Hurricanes ever"..........almost ALL having occurred long, long before anybody ever heard of global warming!!!

Those people really into AGW never want to address these historical facts..............

Lets face it..........its a given that unless people see SIGNIFICANT wilder and wider, they are going to think "meh" with any weather event.

What do I mean by significant?

If we see this in February in northern Alaska >>>>>>>>>>

waterskiing.jpg'll get peoples attention!!!!

Or if we see a blizzard here>>>>>>>>>>>>

[/IMG]'ll get peoples attention

Not a moment sooner Im afraid!! ( and Im not kidding)

The fact is, the true devotee's of AGW would have the population living like hermits to ensure the "future of our earth" due to what a large majority percieve as the bite of a gnat. And dollar to a thousand stale donuts theyre not going to choose to do that.
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Now.........heres what all this shit is REALLY all about...............

Its no diffent from the social philosophers in Germany in the 19th century taking shit like Plato and sculpting it in an effort to lay out a foundation of the perfect society. A global utopia where the needs of the individual are methodically stripped away until the masses will accept ANYTHING in the interest of the whole of society. Today........we know them as the globalists..........those who truly believe that the best way to prosperity for ALL is for all people to be under one world government. They want to do it by redistributing wealth. Fix all the institutions just right and you have a perfect society.

This is where the sheer brilliance of the formulators of AGW come in........but they use the unpredictability of the weather to achieve the goal.......get the massses to believe that all must come together for the betterment of all peoples. Scare the living fuck out of people and remove the indivdual from the equation..........and do it by taxing the shit out of people to build a world where all energy is green. The stated goal is the environment but the real goal is the ever expanding role of the state in peoples lives........because the more the people bow to the state, the greater the opportunity to dupe the masses into capitulation thus giving the state the ability to perfect the institutions.

What is scary here is that there is a %age ( thankfully ableit small at this juncture) that really believes this is about the environment and the statist knows they are easy prey.......... and set off on the next goal: growing the numbers of those who would eventually, gladly ceed their freedom and liberty to the state. To these people, capitalism is the greatest evil that must be destroyed. Global warming alarmism is but one tool in an attempt by the statists to firstly defeat capitalism and secondly create a world government.

Those who cant see it clearly missed a few meetings..........
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In 1841, Mackay wrote of popular delusions in societies. Fascinating read.........the guy forsaw BS like the global warming myth generations ago...........

[ame=] Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds (9780517884331): Charles Mackay, Andrew Tobias: Books[/ame]
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So popular delusions melt glaciers and ice caps? Thaws permafrost and ocean clarthrates?

And convinces the whole of the scientific community that AGW is real?

Sorry, the only people that applies to at present are those denying the obvious fact and effects of AGW.

The Willamette used to freeze over regularly. There is a cool photo at the History museum downtown of cars driving over the river by the Hawthorne bridge. from 1912

Perspective on all this is something very useful

I have a fairly good perspective concerning the weather in Oregon. My maternal grandfather was born on a ranch in 1888, and raised there. He was quite observant of all around him for the whole of his life. Even before AGW became an issue, he spoke of how it had warmed there, and how much less snow and cold that area recieved compared to before WW1. Before WW2, having the major rivers in Oregon and Washington freeze over was not unusual. I don't believe that has happened since WW2.
noting its cold in the winter does not disprove global warming. How about you show some images of the record fires they were having in 2010.


Global warming cause forest fires?

You're saying it got so hot trees burst into flame?

You must be retarded to ask such a question.

You Decline Hiders still have not provided a single laboratory experiment that shows how a .01% change in atmospheric composition does ANY of the things you allege.

You Decline Hiders still have not provided a single laboratory experiment or coherent thought of how CO2 is both massively exiting the oceans in a "feedback Loop" and being absorbed by the oceans turning them "acidic"
You Decline Hiders still have not provided a single laboratory experiment or coherent thought of how CO2 is both massively exiting the oceans in a "feedback Loop" and being absorbed by the oceans turning them "acidic"

Not our problem that you have ADD. More in, more out, moron. :lol:
You need to read the question better. Whether or not Frank is distracted by the shiny does not change the question of how the oceans are simultaneously releasing and absorbing carbon. They can be doing one or the other, but not both.
You Decline Hiders still have not provided a single laboratory experiment or coherent thought of how CO2 is both massively exiting the oceans in a "feedback Loop" and being absorbed by the oceans turning them "acidic"

Not our problem that you have ADD. More in, more out, moron. :lol:

At what point does all this CO2 effect our ability to breathe? This should be an opportunity for plant growth with all the CO2. Where is all that evidence?
You Decline Hiders still have not provided a single laboratory experiment or coherent thought of how CO2 is both massively exiting the oceans in a "feedback Loop" and being absorbed by the oceans turning them "acidic"

Not our problem that you have ADD. More in, more out, moron. :lol:

Using my quip to you against me only shows how totally intellectually bankrupt your side is.

Give me the name of the most prominent Decline Hider and I will ask him myself.
noting its cold in the winter does not disprove global warming. How about you show some images of the record fires they were having in 2010.


Global warming cause forest fires?

You're saying it got so hot trees burst into flame?

You must be retarded to ask such a question.

BBC News - Q&A: Professor Phil Jones

BBC: Do you agree that from January 2002 to the present there has been statistically significant global cooling?

Phil Jones : No. This period is even shorter than 1995-2009. The trend this time is negative (-0.12C per decade), but this trend is not statistically significant.
So popular delusions melt glaciers and ice caps? Thaws permafrost and ocean clarthrates?

And convinces the whole of the scientific community that AGW is real?

Sorry, the only people that applies to at present are those denying the obvious fact and effects of AGW.

Yeah.....but as my illustrations show, unless people are water skiing in northern Alaska in late January, the % of people who will be caring about what the "scientific community" says will be well south of 20%........probably closer to 10%.

Its no different than a homeowner having a very slow drip in their bathroom sink. 98% of them wont give a shit for a long, long time. When a pipe bursts..........people pay attention.

What is very curious is that over the past few years, the alarmists have really upped the ante with the scare stories, but less and less people care. Id say the AGW folks need a beer and a plan.
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You need to read the question better. Whether or not Frank is distracted by the shiny does not change the question of how the oceans are simultaneously releasing and absorbing carbon. They can be doing one or the other, but not both.

Baruch, I thought you were smarter than that. What is the temperature of the ocean in the Arctic? What is the temperature of the ocean in the Tropics? Does the water from the tropics flow to the Arctic? Does the water from the Arctic flow to the Tropics? And when cold saturated water emerges on the warm surface, what happens to the CO2? And when the water from the Tropics cools and becomes undersaturated, what happens at the air-water interface?

It's a whole damn planet, Baruch, not just the little patch in your back yard.

The Carbon Cycle : Feature Articles

You really need to read on the carbon cycle, you posts are not usually that ignorant.

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