How has Trump hurt or harmed you personally, tangibly, or physically?

407 days of stagnation? Yet overall increase.
According to the experts, a correction occurred, which had been expected and due. And they do not claim 407 days of stagnation, as you do, by the way sideways is the same as your stagnation, if you aren’t aware. If you are buying on highs, you are killing yourself. Even with concern over trade wars, the markets overall are way up.
And once again, unless you are making some stupid moves, the markets have increased dramatically since Trump took office, and you should have gained a lot, unless...

Under Obama...from the day of his taking office to this day 2 years later the DJI went up 46.96%

The same timeframe under Trump the markets DJI has gone up 30.62%.

all we heard from you sheep on the right is how much Obama sucked and how much the economy sucked under him

yet, when Trump has 16 percentage points less growth we are supposed to be blowing Trump.

yeah, fuck that. I will leave that to you.
No way GG went to UF.

His sense of humor is waaay too terrible.

Trump has led to idiots fleeing high tax states and trying to turn Texas and Florida into the shitholes they are fleeing.

Freshman class of 1982. The year that Playboy ranked UF so far above the rest of the nation in partying it was not fair to put them in the top 20, so they got their own special class!

Robin Williams was at Gator Growl that year! One of the funniest people to ever live. The following year they had Bob Hope and he got booed by us students!

Ok, it checks out....Jay Leno was my first Growl.

I heard Bob Hope was awful. They could read his cue cards in ththe crowd

he was taping it for a special and was talking to the camera the whole time. We actually started the Orange---Blue chant across the stadium! He got mad and threatened to leave!
Seinfeld and Steven Wright was pretty epic.

Then we all got too pc for comedians.

Last one I went to was Steve Miller band.

83 was my last one. when they said that UF was a party school, they did not lie. I left school in 83...finished my bachelors 30 years later! better late than never they say! :21::21:
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.

Seriously!? You do know how the stock market works, don't you? If you are looking for guarantees, you should stick to a bank savings account.

the question was asked, I gave an answer. so why not go fuck yourself and leave the discussion for the adults.
I’ve never been fond of bullies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Did he bully you personally? Please explain, when and where did that happen?
Unlike self centred republicans some of us care about other people.
He has not bullied me.
He prefers to bully defenceless women and children.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But I thought Republicans were the party of Jesus? Guess not.
Excuses? I'm just pointing out to your ignorant ass that the President, whether Obama or Trump, does NOT pass law and it's CONGRESS that is responsible for allocating money.
They sign the fucking thing, you stupid hack

LOL! So that makes them responsible? You're a fool.
Why are you even here? Shouldnt you be working on growing another chromosome?

Wow, you're a whiny pissant when you've been shown to be foolish. Come back after you pass your civics class.
Me? Lol oh wow
Bless your ignorant heart

Yep, you. The truth is obvious for all to see. You have my pity for your obvious mental handicap.
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.

Seriously!? You do know how the stock market works, don't you? If you are looking for guarantees, you should stick to a bank savings account.

the question was asked, I gave an answer. so why not go fuck yourself and leave the discussion for the adults.

And I was responding to some fricken dumbass that doesn't seem to understand the risk/rewards of the market.
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.

Seriously!? You do know how the stock market works, don't you? If you are looking for guarantees, you should stick to a bank savings account.

the question was asked, I gave an answer. so why not go fuck yourself and leave the discussion for the adults.

And I was responding to some fricken dumbass that doesn't seem to understand the risk/rewards of the market.

I understand perfectly, that is why I want the fucking government to stay the hell out of the way of the free market.

but a statist like you could never allow such a thing
Trump isn't responsible for that. That's Congress.
Did he veto that legislation?

Nope. Did you want the government shut down?
Lol. Wow these excuses are hilarious :lol:

Excuses? I'm just pointing out to your ignorant ass that the President, whether Obama or Trump, does NOT pass law and it's CONGRESS that is responsible for allocating money.
Can you do me a favor and remind the current President of that fact.

Trump isn't spending "new" money. He's reallocating money that was already approved by Congress to be spent. I was shocked to find out that Congress had given the President such power in 1974.
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.

Seriously!? You do know how the stock market works, don't you? If you are looking for guarantees, you should stick to a bank savings account.

the question was asked, I gave an answer. so why not go fuck yourself and leave the discussion for the adults.

And I was responding to some fricken dumbass that doesn't seem to understand the risk/rewards of the market.

I understand perfectly, that is why I want the fucking government to stay the hell out of the way of the free market.

but a statist like you could never allow such a thing

Sorry, I meant some fricken whiney ass liberal. You want the market to continue going up, quit your daily whining and try contributing rather than complaining.
He is making us more in debt. He embarrasses me a lot.
/---/ You stupid libtard - that's congresses responsibility - so where is Nancy Pants balanced budget?
Yes, the president has absolutely nothing to do with debt. Despite him signing legislation and input on the budget.
You know damn well im not a leftist. Are you that much of a hack dude?
well the OP is your debt, not the country's. I see following directions is difficult for you.
Well if the national debt has nothing to do with me then why does it matter at all?
If it doesnt effect citizens, lets borrow 1000 trillion and make every citizen a billionaire.
Well it doesn't. how do you control it? you sound funny making that statement. I don't want an investigation into a fake charge against the president I helped elect. do I get to do anything about it? too fking funny. Fact is, that debt does nothing to you. If it did, you'd feel it. since you can't provide where it hurts you specifically, it doesn't. The point of the thread that you shit on. I bet you'd vote for the 93 trillion green deal eh? that's the path forward, to totally fk the country? again, too funny. people like you who think they're cute are stupid fks. you lose all credibility to which you give two shits about. bravo to you.
On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.

Seriously!? You do know how the stock market works, don't you? If you are looking for guarantees, you should stick to a bank savings account.

the question was asked, I gave an answer. so why not go fuck yourself and leave the discussion for the adults.

And I was responding to some fricken dumbass that doesn't seem to understand the risk/rewards of the market.

I understand perfectly, that is why I want the fucking government to stay the hell out of the way of the free market.

but a statist like you could never allow such a thing

Sorry, I meant some fricken whiney ass liberal. You want the market to continue going up, quit your daily whining and try contributing rather than complaining.

Contributing? you mean like working at Wendy's and dropping fries for 5 hours a day like you do?

no thanks, I will pass on that.

now, head back to the kiddie table.
Trump was a badass for letting the govt shut down over the wall
But a budget that was the biggest in history, well, he couldnt help it. The gov was going to shutdown :rofl:
The government didn't shut down. You know that, so stop your hysterics.
The gov didnt shut down over the wall?
no it didn't. A partial shut down occurred, but didn't last cause the president tried a different tactic.
He is making us more in debt. He embarrasses me a lot.
/---/ You stupid libtard - that's congresses responsibility - so where is Nancy Pants balanced budget?
Yes, the president has absolutely nothing to do with debt. Despite him signing legislation and input on the budget.
You know damn well im not a leftist. Are you that much of a hack dude?
well the OP is your debt, not the country's. I see following directions is difficult for you.
Well if the national debt has nothing to do with me then why does it matter at all?
If it doesnt effect citizens, lets borrow 1000 trillion and make every citizen a billionaire.
Well it doesn't. how do you control it? you sound funny making that statement. I don't want an investigation into a fake charge against the president I helped elect. do I get to do anything about it? too fking funny. Fact is, that debt does nothing to you. If it did, you'd feel it. since you can't provide where it hurts you specifically, it doesn't. The point of the thread that you shit on. I bet you'd vote for the 93 trillion green deal eh? that's the path forward, to totally fk the country? again, too funny. people like you who think they're cute are stupid fks. you lose all credibility to which you give two shits about. bravo to you.
I didnt understand one word of that shit
/---/ You stupid libtard - that's congresses responsibility - so where is Nancy Pants balanced budget?
Yes, the president has absolutely nothing to do with debt. Despite him signing legislation and input on the budget.
You know damn well im not a leftist. Are you that much of a hack dude?
well the OP is your debt, not the country's. I see following directions is difficult for you.
Well if the national debt has nothing to do with me then why does it matter at all?
If it doesnt effect citizens, lets borrow 1000 trillion and make every citizen a billionaire.
Well it doesn't. how do you control it? you sound funny making that statement. I don't want an investigation into a fake charge against the president I helped elect. do I get to do anything about it? too fking funny. Fact is, that debt does nothing to you. If it did, you'd feel it. since you can't provide where it hurts you specifically, it doesn't. The point of the thread that you shit on. I bet you'd vote for the 93 trillion green deal eh? that's the path forward, to totally fk the country? again, too funny. people like you who think they're cute are stupid fks. you lose all credibility to which you give two shits about. bravo to you.
I didnt understand one word of that shit
good! It felt good to write.
Trump isn't responsible for that. That's Congress.
Did he veto that legislation?

Nope. Did you want the government shut down?
Lol. Wow these excuses are hilarious :lol:

Excuses? I'm just pointing out to your ignorant ass that the President, whether Obama or Trump, does NOT pass law and it's CONGRESS that is responsible for allocating money.
Can you do me a favor and remind the current President of that fact.
money has already been allocated. He did his job. they did their jobs, what is it you need?
I’ve never been fond of bullies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Did he bully you personally? Please explain, when and where did that happen?
Unlike self centred republicans some of us care about other people.
He has not bullied me.
He prefers to bully defenceless women and children.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But I thought Republicans were the party of Jesus? Guess not.
why would you think that? he's dead.
I’ve never been fond of bullies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Did he bully you personally? Please explain, when and where did that happen?
Unlike self centred republicans some of us care about other people.
He has not bullied me.
He prefers to bully defenceless women and children.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But I thought Republicans were the party of Jesus? Guess not.
why would you think that? he's dead.

not according to Christians.

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