How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

You bigots are losing it because you're starting to realize your ideology doesn't make any fucking sense.

Republican legislatures are arguing at the same time that 10 year olds are too young to listen to a man in a dress read to them but they are old enough to carry a rapists baby to term. Bingo logic at its finest.


I agree, both sides are full of shit. Both the Democrats and the pubs are full of poop.
I agree, both sides are full of shit. Both the Democrats and the pubs are full of poop.
Full of shit on different ways though. Republican ideology is what is full of shit. A lot of Democrats are full of shit in being genuine about fighting for progressive policy.
I don't give a shit about the ignorant ideology this country was founded on.
Then you are dirt stuck to our heels.

Your desire for us to be beholden to the ideology of rapists and slavers sure does explain a lot about you though.
Your desire to be beholden to the ideology of child molesters, peter-peckers, goat-ass suckers, freaks, perverts, weirdos, druggies and goons sure does explain everything about you.
Yeah. The party NOT promoting sex with children. The party NOT promoting child mutilation and abuse. The party NOT promoting every freak lifestyle as normal. The party NOT promoting guys marrying guys. The party NOT promoting letting men in tutus acting as women as belonging on women's sports teams showering and dressing with them, ya stinking bum.

So your concern isn't "families", it just validating your own sexual insecurities and fears.

How does gay marriage effect your life in any way? How does someone being transgender effect your life in any way?

You see, this funny thing happened after Obergefell passed. I had no more desire to marry another dude than I did the day before. I was happy that my gay friends could get married if they were so inclined. But it had no effect on my life.
A man in a dress is not as big a threat as a man entering a school with an AR-15

Many of those mass shootings are committed by liberals. The last one was a "transman". Mass shootings are correlated with the high use of anti-depressants. America is a giant psyche-ward, and you "woke" liberals comprise most of the patients. I don't like Trump, but I'm voting for him anyways. You "woke progressives" are so bad, that you even have communists voting for a capitalist billionaire. At least he has his head screwed on straiter than you liberals. He makes more sense than you.
Many of those mass shootings are committed by liberals. The last one was a "transman". Mass shootings are correlated with the high use of anti-depressants. America is a giant psyche-ward, and you "woke" liberals comprise most of the patients. I don't like Trump, but I'm voting for him anyways. You "woke progressives" are so bad, that you even have communists voting for a capitalist billionaire. At least he has his head screwed on straiter than you liberals. He makes more sense than you.
Full of shit on different ways though. Republican ideology is what is full of shit. A lot of Democrats are full of shit in being genuine about fighting for progressive policy.

Right-wing Republican economics, the so-called "trickle down" that doesn't trickle, is bullshit. I disagree with Republicans on many issues, but at least Trump isn't pushing for WW3. He's going to force all of the homeless, drug-addicted street urchins into rehab and help them get back on their feet. That's a great idea. I believe he'll actually do it. He can define what a woman is, unlike the "woke", and won't allow confused men to destroy women's sports. He's against grooming children into gender confusion and a life of dangerous, expensive hormone treatments and surgeries. He believes good, law-abiding citizens shouldn't be deprived of their second amendment rights due to the crimes of a few sickos (many of them liberals).

Pro-law enforcement, pro-family, pro-America, pro-veterans, pro-peace, and sitting down and having a talk with an enemy to improve relations as he did with North Korea. He can communicate and doesn't look or behave like a senile old man. He allows our veterans to get medical care in private hospitals and clinics, paid for by the federal government. He also wants to lower the cost of prescription drugs and has expressed his intention to seriously lower the cost of healthcare. He is strong on immigration and stated that he's going to fight against the drug cartels. Again, he can communicate and knows where he is, unlike Biden that appears to be sniffing bath salts.

So sure, I don't agree with the trickle-down economics and other Republican ideas, but so-called "progressives" are even worse than Republicans. You're not progressive if you're sending billions to Zelinsky boy, insist on spreading NATO into Eastern Europe (poking the bear, poking the bear..), and trying to brainwash children with all of this transgender lunacy. Trump with all of his faults, is more wholesome than the "woke". That's how bad the woke are, that Trump, screwing around with porn stars, is more wholesome and family oriented than you "progressives"/regressives. That's really bad when you're so awful, that you make Trump look wholesome. He has a halo glowing over his yellow toupee.
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Then you are dirt stuck to our heels.

You cosplaying and delivering lines like you're in your high-school drama club doesn't project the strength you think it does.

The Founders never wanted people who looked like me to be citizens, wouldn't of supported birth right citizenship for non whites and would of been aghast that their cuck white descendants were basically bullied in to passing it as a condition of being welcomed back into the Union.
Your desire to be beholden to the ideology of child molesters, peter-peckers, goat-ass suckers, freaks, perverts, weirdos, druggies and goons sure does explain everything about you.
You sound like that lady in the Principle's office in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. :lmao:

"He makes you look like an ass is what he does Ed. He's very popular. The sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads, they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude."

The hilarious posturing and cosplaying tells me you guys grew up on bad 80s movies but you thought the bad guys were the heroes in those movies. Let me guess, you root for Johnny to sweep the leg. 😄
Discussed with yourself, eh?

The right-wing's obsession with other people's sex lives is disgusting. You're a whole new type of pervert.

Nobody cares about anybody else’s sex lives.

That’s not the point. Sleep with whoever you want. Just don’t push your foolishness on us.

Got it?
Right-wing Republican economics, the so-called "trickle down" that doesn't trickle, is bullshit. I disagree with Republicans on many issues, but at least Trump isn't pushing for WW3. He's going to force all of the homeless, drug-addicted street urchins into rehab and help them get back on their feet. That's a great idea. I believe he'll actually do it. He can define what a woman is, unlike the "woke", and won't allow confused men to destroy women's sports. He's against grooming children into gender confusion and a life of dangerous, expensive hormone treatments and surgeries. He believes good, law-abiding citizens shouldn't be deprived of their second amendment rights due to the crimes of a few sickos (many of them liberals).

Look how confused you clowns are. Trump sexualized teenage girls through his Miss Teen USA pagent for years and it's Republicans who can't define what a woman is.
Pro-enforcement, pro-family, pro-America, pro-peace, and sitting down with an enemy and trying to improve relations as he did with North Korea.
No one cares if the multiple times divorced, family loving Trump and Kim Jong Un have a special relationship and send each other love notes. We care if they're building Nukes and threatening their neighbors to the South which Trump made easier for them to do by pulling out of the Iran deal which freed them and some would argue, encouraged them to start collaborating with countries like North Korea on ballistic missile development.
He can communicate and doesn't look or behave like a senile old man.

That's because he communicates like a slow child. I can't be bothered to take the rest of this seriously.
Drag queen shows in elementary schools.

Men STEALING achievements from women as they pretend they're women.

Acting like it's normal to have tampon machines in the men's rooms.

Allowing men with full genitalia in women's and girls locker rooms & bathrooms.

Defending companies that hire Dylan who is CLEARLY mocking women as he plays a teenage girl despite being a GROWN ASS MAN.

This thread isn't intended to be a flame. It is a serious inquiry into how we sank to this DISGUSTING & ABHORRENT position.

Is it simply because the right is against said behavior that the left defend or endorse it or is it worse than that? Do they actually believe this mentally unstable behavior is something to be applauded?
Rome before the fall.

Look how confused you clowns are. Trump sexualized teenage girls through his Miss Teen USA pagent for years and it's Republicans who can't define what a woman is.

No one cares if the multiple times divorced, family loving Trump and Kim Jong Un have a special relationship and send each other love notes. We care if they're building Nukes and threatening their neighbors to the South which Trump made easier for them to do by pulling out of the Iran deal which freed them and some would argue, encouraged them to start collaborating with countries like North Korea on ballistic missile development.


That's because he communicates like a slow child. I can't be bothered to take the rest of this seriously.

Yeah right Trump "sexualized teenage girls", hence this is better:





All of your LGBTQ+ perversions are good for society? Men aren't women, and women aren't men. If you don't understand that simple fact, you're the clown.

As far as North Korea, Trump toned down the saber-rattling hence there was peace and better relations. What is happening now in Ukraine with Russia, wouldn't have happened if Trump were president. Trump would've negotiated a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia, before a Russian invasion. He would've sat down with both Putin and Zelensky and hammered out a peace-plan they could both accept. You "woke progressives" hate Russia, for all of the wrong reasons. Russia isn't LGBTQ+ friendly enough for you hence...WW3!!!!! Yeah!!!! Send billions to Zelensky!!!!! You're the clown.
I think I stated I don’t. Live however you want. I may accept it or not.

Why would you care that I don’t?
You don’t have to accept it.

What you can’t do is force others not to accept it.
Then why would you care about the relationships of others?
Because if those "others" are members of our community and society, then their lifestyle and behavior has an effect on everyone else. We're all connected in one way or another, hence I can't do whatever I want to do, because I don't live in a vacuum, I live in a community with other human beings. We don't allow 50-year-old fathers to marry their 25-year-old daughters, even though if she gets pregnant, she can easily get an abortion. Do you know why we don't allow parents to fuck their children, even if they're adults? Because inherently we know that parents should not see their small children as potential future sex partners. It undermines the parent-child relationship and.....WE JUST DON'T WANT THAT SHIT.

If people don't want this shit:


It's for a good reason. Look at all of the gender dysphoria and confusion we're seeing now. This leads to more mental illness and suicides. It's the woke clowns that are creating the conditions for people who suffer from these mental illnesses to kill themselves. You created the unnecessary drama and hysteria.
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