How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

We need the government to make it illegal for homosexuals to groom children and for men who think they're women to use women's bathrooms and compete in women's sports. That's what a government is for, it's there to protect civilized people from degenerates like you. That's why we have a government.
Engaging in sexual activity with minors is illegal and no one is suggesting it shouldn't be and no one other than the catholic, evangelical and Mormon churches have a history of covering that up. Some teachers want to teach their students that there's nothing wrong with being gay or trans. That's not sexual grooming that's just teaching them an ideology that frightens you. Because you're a bitch.
So I take it you think Transexuals are yucky
A drag show is burlesque it's just burlesque with men dressing as women. Why would it be appropriate to take a child to a burlesque show regardless of the sex of the person performing it? No one actually cares about drag queens except when they are performing in front of children, or the children themselves are dressing up in drag and performing burlesque for adults (how that's not child porn Im not sure).
A drag show is burlesque it's just burlesque with men dressing as women. Why would it be appropriate to take a child to a burlesque show regardless of the sex of the person performing it? No one actually cares about drag queens except when they are performing in front of children, or the children themselves are dressing up in drag and performing burlesque for adults (how that's not child porn Im not sure).
It is just campy.
Man dressed like Barbara Streisand or made up to the hilt.

If the kids parents don’t care neither do I.

Is it better to take a child to WWE?
It is just campy.
Man dressed like Barbara Streisand or made up to the hilt.

If the kids parents don’t care neither do I.

Is it better to take a child to WWE?
Dressing up as the Ultimate Warrior, slathering yourself in oil and wrestling another man playing dress up is good clean wholesome American fun. Fuck you you commie!
Trans fetishers in women’s bathrooms and locker rooms.

There are remarkably few transsexuals in our society

They have to pee and change their clothes

I have seen maybe five transsexuals in my life. I don’t see why Conservatives obsess so much over them
There are remarkably few transsexuals in our society

They have to pee and change their clothes

I have seen maybe five transsexuals in my life. I don’t see why Conservatives obsess so much over them

The dudes can pee and change in male restrooms and locker rooms
Drag queen shows in elementary schools.

Men STEALING achievements from women as they pretend they're women.

Acting like it's normal to have tampon machines in the men's rooms.

Allowing men with full genitalia in women's and girls locker rooms & bathrooms.

Defending companies that hire Dylan who is CLEARLY mocking women as he plays a teenage girl despite being a GROWN ASS MAN.

This thread isn't intended to be a flame. It is a serious inquiry into how we sank to this DISGUSTING & ABHORRENT position.

Is it simply because the right is against said behavior that the left defend or endorse it or is it worse than that? Do they actually believe this mentally unstable behavior is something to be applauded?
And I thought people who support Trump were mentally unstable?
There are remarkably few transsexuals in our society

They have to pee and change their clothes

I have seen maybe five transsexuals in my life. I don’t see why Conservatives obsess so much over them
Excuse me. You are a man. You don’t get to tell me what I should be okay with in women’s safe spaces…ie bathrooms,locker rooms and dressing rooms. Stay in your own lane.
Engaging in sexual activity with minors is illegal and no one is suggesting it shouldn't be and no one other than the catholic, evangelical and Mormon churches have a history of covering that up. Some teachers want to teach their students that there's nothing wrong with being gay or trans. That's not sexual grooming that's just teaching them an ideology that frightens you. Because you're a bitch.

There is nothing morally wrong with someone feeling same-sex attraction, or suffering from gender dysphoria, but young children shouldn't be introduced to sexuality or sex until they're older, and homosexuality and transgenderism shouldn't be encouraged or depicted as a healthy alternative to heterosexuality. Children should be raised in such a way that they can develop a normal, healthy attraction to the opposite sex. Only sick degenerates like you want to influence children to develop same-sex attraction or/and gender dysphoria. The government should stop all attempts by perverts like yourself to influence and abuse children.

More, men can't become women, and women can't become men. That's a fact, we don't have the technology now to do that, hence children shouldn't be made to think that they can "transition" to the opposite gender (sex-gender isn't "fluid"). A man is an adult human male and a woman is an adult human female. We're a bi-gendered species. Two sexes/genders. There is a very small % of the population that is born inter-sex, and that has nothing to do with gender dysphoria or transgenderism (or even homosexuality/LGBTQ+).
There is nothing morally wrong with someone feeling same-sex attraction, or suffering from gender dysphoria, but young children shouldn't be introduced to sexuality or sex until they're older, and homosexuality and transgenderism shouldn't be encouraged or depicted as a healthy alternative to heterosexuality. Children should be raised in such a way that they can develop a normal, healthy attraction to the opposite sex. Only sick degenerates like you want to influence children to develop same-sex attraction or/and gender dysphoria. The government should stop all attempts by perverts like yourself to influence and abuse children.
If there's nothing wrong then why should we try to discourage homosexual children from homosexuality? You can't even remain consistent in one paragraph.

More, men can't become women, and women can't become men. That's a fact, we don't have the technology now to do that, hence children shouldn't be made to think that they can "transition" to the opposite gender (sex-gender isn't "fluid"). A man is an adult human male and a woman is an adult human female. We're a bi-gendered species. Two sexes/genders. There is a very small % of the population that is born inter-sex, and that has nothing to do with gender dysphoria or transgenderism.
That's scientifically ignorant and stupid. The existence of the intersexed already blows the notion of a binary sex reality out of the water. You don't need me to explain to you what binary means do you?

Excuse me. You are a man. You don’t get to tell me what I should be okay with in women’s safe spaces…ie bathrooms,locker rooms and dressing rooms. Stay in your own lane.
If you don't feel safe don't go out in public you frightened little bitch. Stay at home and hide. Your lot should get used to that anyway. 😄

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