How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

Oh no! You have to share public restrooms with Black peop.... I mean trans people? How could anyone confuse you for a bigot?

Black women and white women have every right to share the same bathroom because they're all women irrespective of their ethnicity. A man who thinks he's a woman isn't a woman, and men shouldn't use the women's bathroom, because the women's bathroom is for women. Like duh. If a man who thinks he's a woman, wants to use a public bathroom, he should use the men's bathroom, because that's what he actually is. I know this is difficult for an idiot like you to grasp, but that's nonetheless true. Just because you wear makeup, dress like a woman, and get estrogen shots, that doesn't make you a woman. The same applies to women who think they're men.
Black women and white women have every right to share the same bathroom because they're all women irrespective of their ethnicity. A man who thinks he's a woman isn't a woman, and men shouldn't use the women's bathroom, because the women's bathroom is for women. Like duh. If a man who thinks he's a woman, wants to use a public bathroom, he should use the men's bathroom, because that's what he actually is. I know this is difficult for an idiot like you to grasp, but that's nonetheless true. Just because you wear makeup, dress like a woman, and get estrogen shots, that doesn't make you a woman. The same applies to women who think they're men.

Now the dumb fck is trying to equate race with gender
If there's nothing wrong then why should we try to discourage homosexual children from homosexuality? You can't even remain consistent in one paragraph.


That's scientifically ignorant and stupid. The existence of the intersexed already blows the notion of a binary sex reality out of the water. You don't need me to explain to you what binary means do you?


You're misinterpreting what I said because you're moronic. No one should be condemned or made to feel like they're evil or did something wrong for feeling same-sex attraction. Such feelings are often beyond the person's control. Having feelings of that nature doesn't make one immoral or destructive, what does make a person abnormal and unhealthy is when they act upon those feelings. I might feel sexually attracted to my sister, but incest is unhealthy and hence wrong. A society that encourages incest undermines the parent-child relationship and creates conditions that can lead to abuse and other societal problems. The same applies when society allows open homosexuality and transgenderism.

People like you are trying to create "homosexual children". Today it isn't safe for girls to be tomboys, as it was when I was growing up in the 1970s and 80s because scumbags like you will tell those tomboys that they're "little lesbians". No, they're just girls who like playing with the boys and doing masculine activities, but that doesn't make them lesbians or homosexuals. You would confuse that little girl, grooming her to become a lesbian (that's what a sicko like you would do).

If a boy expresses himself in a feminine manner and seems effeminate, you will confuse him, planting ideas in his mind about homosexuality that he wasn't even thinking about. He's a little boy, he wasn't even thinking about sex or sexuality until you planted that shit in his head. Children need to be protected from all of this LGBTQ+ crap. The Russians passed laws that prohibit people like you from grooming children into homosexuality. We should adopt those laws here.
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Black women and white women have every right to share the same bathroom because they're all women irrespective of their ethnicity. A man who thinks he's a woman isn't a woman, and men shouldn't use the women's bathroom, because the women's bathroom is for women. Like duh. If a man who thinks he's a woman, wants to use a public bathroom, he should use the men's bathroom, because that's what he actually is. I know this is difficult for an idiot like you to grasp, but that's nonetheless true. Just because you wear makeup, dress like a woman, and get estrogen shots, that doesn't make you a woman. The same applies to women who think they're men.
Just because you don't understand brain biology doesn't mean they're pretending.
You're misinterpreting what I said because you're moronic. No one should be condemned or made to feel like they're evil or did something wrong for feeling same-sex attraction. Such feelings are often beyond the person's control. Having feelings of that nature doesn't make one immoral or destructive, what does make a person abnormal and unhealthy is when they act upon those feelings. I might feel sexually attracted to my sister, but incest is unhealthy and hence wrong. A society that encourages incest undermines the parent-child relationship and creates conditions that can lead to abuse and other societal problems. The same applies when society allows open homosexuality and transgenderism.
You still can't even remain consistent with another try! Man you are one dumb Bingo.

People like you are trying to create "homosexual children". Today it isn't safe for girls to be tomboys, as it was when I was growing up in the 1970s and 80s because scumbags like you will tell those tomboys that they're "little lesbians". No, they're just girls who like playing with the boys and doing masculine activities, but that doesn't make them lesbians or homosexuals. You would confuse that little girl, grooming her to become a lesbian (that's what a sicko like you would do).
Create homosexual children..... 😄

You people clearly don't understand how science and biology works.
If a boy expresses himself in a feminine manner and seems effeminate, you will confuse him, planting ideas in his mind about homosexuality that he wasn't even thinking about. He's a little boy, he's wasn't even thinking about sex or sexuality until you planted that shit in his head.
Someone sure sounds confused....
Drag queen shows in elementary schools.

Men STEALING achievements from women as they pretend they're women.

Acting like it's normal to have tampon machines in the men's rooms.

Allowing men with full genitalia in women's and girls locker rooms & bathrooms.

Defending companies that hire Dylan who is CLEARLY mocking women as he plays a teenage girl despite being a GROWN ASS MAN.

This thread isn't intended to be a flame. It is a serious inquiry into how we sank to this DISGUSTING & ABHORRENT position.

Is it simply because the right is against said behavior that the left defend or endorse it or is it worse than that? Do they actually believe this mentally unstable behavior is something to be applauded?
Nah, this is all childish crap.

The reality is the opposite. The right supports a perverse sexual predator who perverts the law.
Just because you don't understand brain biology doesn't mean they're pretending.

Science doesn't agree with you. We have two genders and the fact that a very small % of the population is born with the disorder of having both doesn't change that. The fact that people are born with four fingers or with one leg or blind, doesn't imply that human beings don't have five fingers or two legs or see through their two eyes.
You still can't even remain consistent with another try! Man you are one dumb Bingo.


Create homosexual children..... 😄

You people clearly don't understand how science and biology works.

Someone sure sounds confused....

Yes, you're trying to influence the impressionable minds of children, psychologically and emotionally steering them into same-sex attraction and transgenderism.
Science doesn't agree with you. We have two genders and the fact that a very small % of the population is born with the disorder of having both doesn't change that. The fact that people are born with four fingers or with one leg or blind, doesn't imply that human beings don't have five fingers or two legs or see through their two eyes.
A small percentage doesn't mean non existent you moron. It means sex isn't binary.

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