How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

One's a sex show the other isnt. I know the difference is tough for you. Why anyone would take their kid to a WWE event is beyond me as well.
I'll grant you one is a sex shoe but it isn't the one with the person in costume sitting and reading to children, it would be the one with two half naked men in briefs rolling around on the ground with one another.
It is just campy.
Man dressed like Barbara Streisand or made up to the hilt.
It's a sex show. That's it. I dont remember if Barbara Streisan twerked for her audience or not.
If the kids parents don’t care neither do I.

Should we allow kids at the strip bar so long as the parents dont care?

Exposing children to adult content and that's what a drag show is, isnt to the benefit of anyone including the children.

Why is everyone so gung ho to expose kids to this type of event anyway? What benefit exactly do the kids get out of it? I get that the parents get to show how "enlightened" they are by doing it, but what do the kids get?

Is it better to take a child to WWE?
I'll grant you one is a sex shoe but it isn't the one with the person in costume sitting and reading to children, it would be the one with two half naked men in briefs rolling around on the ground with one another.

Drag is burlesque. It's always been burlesque. Bringing a stripper in her stripper outfit to the library doesn't make strippers appropriate for children. It's the same for drag. No one's saying you cant have a drag show. You just cant have kids at your drag show. There are plenty of events that you cant take a kid to and everyone seems to be able to wrap their heads around why. Im not sure what makes this so very different.
Yes, people with gender dysphoria exist, and they should be treated with compassion and helped. Reinforcing their sickness and delusions isn't a good way to help them, nor forcing all of society to recognize them as something they're not. Just because a man thinks he's a woman, or a woman thinks she's a man, that doesn't make them what they erroneously think they are. Men that think they're women shouldn't be allowed to compete with actual women in women's sports and actual women shouldn't be forced to share a bathroom or locker room with a man who thinks he's a woman. Especially when that man still has a penis and testicles.
I don't think we should give into delusions, generally, but there is something amusing with you Simps cosplaying as medical professionals. Why don't you leave the diagnosis and treatment recommendations to the doctors and professionals you clown. 😄
Drag is burlesque. It's always been burlesque. Bringing a stripper in her stripper outfit to the library doesn't make strippers appropriate for children. It's the same for drag. No one's saying you cant have a drag show. You just cant have kids at your drag show. There are plenty of events that you cant take a kid to and everyone seems to be able to wrap their heads around why. Im not sure what makes this so very different.
What makes stripping, stripping is that the clothes come off. Your confusing you sense of style with sex acts because you're old.
It's a sex show. That's it. I dont remember if Barbara Streisan twerked for her audience or not.

Should we allow kids at the strip bar so long as the parents dont care?

Exposing children to adult content and that's what a drag show is, isnt to the benefit of anyone including the children.

Why is everyone so gung ho to expose kids to this type of event anyway? What benefit exactly do the kids get out of it? I get that the parents get to show how "enlightened" they are by doing it, but what do the kids get?

The kids get indoctrinated and conditioned toward homosexuality. That's what these LGBTQ+ activists want. They want to blur the line between genders and make people more "gay friendly", if not just gay. Bisexual, homosexual, and transsexual, are the new progressive sexual orientations that everyone who isn't a bigot should adopt, and if they can influence your children in that direction, they'll do it. Heterosexualism is seen as oppressive, the sexual orientation of the fascists and oppressors of the past. Allowing children to naturally develop a healthy sexual attraction towards the opposite sex is seen as old-fashioned and not in step with the new woke, progressive society they want to create. The "wokes" are sickos.
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Nah, this is all childish crap.

The reality is the opposite. The right supports a perverse sexual predator who perverts the law.
Says the idiot who supports laws encouraging children to change genders in Washington and Minnesota passed by democrats.
It's a sex show. That's it. I dont remember if Barbara Streisan twerked for her audience or not.

Should we allow kids at the strip bar so long as the parents dont care?

Exposing children to adult content and that's what a drag show is, isnt to the benefit of anyone including the children.

Why is everyone so gung ho to expose kids to this type of event anyway? What benefit exactly do the kids get out of it? I get that the parents get to show how "enlightened" they are by doing it, but what do the kids get?
If they are having sex in front of children, they should be arrested
What is so damaging about a man dressed as a woman reading to children?

How is men dressed as women inappropriate for children while a pro wrestling match with men screaming at each other and beating unconscious is appropriate entertainment for children?
I don't think we should give into delusions, generally, but there is something amusing with you Simps cosplaying as medical professionals. Why don't you leave the diagnosis and treatment recommendations to the doctors and professionals you clown. 😄

You don't need to have a medical degree to know that a man being dysphoric doesn't make him a woman. Only morons like you think a medical degree is necessary to recognize that a man isn't a woman and a woman isn't a man.
Drag is burlesque. It's always been burlesque. Bringing a stripper in her stripper outfit to the library doesn't make strippers appropriate for children. It's the same for drag. No one's saying you cant have a drag show. You just cant have kids at your drag show. There are plenty of events that you cant take a kid to and everyone seems to be able to wrap their heads around why. Im not sure what makes this so very different.
The democrat trash want you to accept it because it's labeled as a family event. If democrats put arsenic in a Snickers Bar they'd be advertising the health benefits of the peanuts in it.
The kids get indoctrinated and conditioned toward homosexuality. That's what these LGBTQ+ activists want. They want to blur the lines between gender and make people more "gay friendly", if not just gay. Bisexual, homosexual, and transsexual, are the new progressive sexual orientations that everyone who isn't a bigot should adopt, and if they can influence your children in that direction, they'll do it. Heterosexualism is seen as oppressive, the sexual orientation of the fascists and oppressors of the past. Allowing children to naturally develop a healthy sexual attraction towards the opposite sex is seen as old-fashioned and not in step with the new woke, progressive society they want to create.

I'm a heterosexual. I'm a father and a grandfather. Explain to me why I should be frightened and threatened by homosexuals and transgendered people. Are you afraid they're going to turn you or something? 😄
You don't need to have a medical degree to know that a man being dysphoric doesn't make him a woman. Only morons like you think a medical degree is necessary to recognize that a man isn't a woman and a woman isn't a man.
It kind of seems like you need a medical degree to be able to make a medical diagnosis. I mean, hospitals don't typically hire people off the streets. They tend to hire people with medical training. In the mind of a cosplayer, though, I'm sure you've really convinced yourself that you know as much as someone with years of medical school and practice. Such is the hubris of whites who grew up with participation trophies and mommies who told them they were special.

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Listen, you're clearly spoiling for a fight, and I'm not interested. As I've said, whatever they're after, they're doing it wrong. The idea that you can force this kind of change on society is foolish.

Force what kind of a change?
Why are you asking? Seriously, what are you getting at? I don't believe you are unaware of what's going on. Are you trying to make a point?

No, I want to hear what the end game is, or what your definition of it is, why is that so hard?
The kids get indoctrinated and conditioned toward homosexuality. That's what these LGBTQ+ activists want. They want to blur the line between genders and make people more "gay friendly", if not just gay. Bisexual, homosexual, and transsexual, are the new progressive sexual orientations that everyone who isn't a bigot should adopt, and if they can influence your children in that direction, they'll do it. Heterosexualism is seen as oppressive, the sexual orientation of the fascists and oppressors of the past. Allowing children to naturally develop a healthy sexual attraction towards the opposite sex is seen as old-fashioned and not in step with the new woke, progressive society they want to create. The "wokes" are sickos.

That lie has gotten gays beaten and killed for generations
Gays are indoctrinating children and making them gay.

What gays want is acceptance
To be able to accept who they are and who they love
If they are having sex in front of children, they should be arrested
What is so damaging about a man dressed as a woman reading to children?

How is men dressed as women inappropriate for children while a pro wrestling match with men screaming at each other and beating unconscious is appropriate entertainment for children?
It's a burlesque dancer (read stripper) sitting in front of children reading a book. If the burlesque dancer (read stripper) wasnt dressed up in his burlesque costume (read stripper costume) I doubt many people would care. It's the sex show costume part that people are objecting to. Does that make it more clear?

There is also the fact that many (most?) of these men dress up in drag as a sexual fetish.

Im still waiting on someone to explain what the children get out of this.
It's a burlesque dancer (read stripper) sitting in front of children reading a book. If the burlesque dancer (read stripper) wasnt dressed up in his burlesque costume (read stripper costume) I doubt many people would care. It's the sex show costume part that people are objecting to. Does that make it more clear?

There is also the fact that many (most?) of these men dress up in drag as a sexual fetish.

Im still waiting on someone to explain what the children get out of this.
I see moms in their sexy Halloween costumes walking taking their small children trick or treating every year. That witches or nurses outfit has a different meaning for daddy than for the children. That's fine. A kid cartoon doesn't suddenly become pornography just because there's a joke in there that goes over every child's head. Just because you see these people and think of sex or arousal doesn't mean that's what the kids see.
Higher wages, affordable housing, affordable healthcare, and affordable groceries do far more to lower crime than incarcerating an entire population
Unfortunately, basic economics soons points out that higher wages with cheap goods causes inflation. To have everything Utopian and/or static is wishful thinking.

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