How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

It's a burlesque dancer (read stripper) sitting in front of children reading a book. If the burlesque dancer (read stripper) wasnt dressed up in his burlesque costume (read stripper costume) I doubt many people would care. It's the sex show costume part that people are objecting to. Does that make it more clear?

There is also the fact that many (most?) of these men dress up in drag as a sexual fetish.

Im still waiting on someone to explain what the children get out of this.

So it is a man dressed in a costume as a woman reading to children.

How is that more damaging than a Pro Wrestler dressed in a costume and beating another man?

One is acceptable for young children, the other has laws passed against it
So it is a man dressed in a costume as a woman reading to children.

How is that more damaging than a Pro Wrestler dressed in a costume and beating another man?

One is acceptable for young children, the other has laws passed against it

The pro wrestling isnt a strip show. You do know the difference between a burlesque show and wrestling event right? But if you think Pro Wrestling is inappropriate for children get a law passed.
The pro wrestling isnt a strip show. You do know the difference between a burlesque show and wrestling event right? But if you think Pro Wrestling is inappropriate for children get a law passed.
I'd rather take my kids to a strip show than expose them to pro-wrestling.
I see moms in their sexy Halloween costumes walking taking their small children trick or treating every year. That witches or nurses outfit has a different meaning for daddy than for the children. That's fine. A kid cartoon doesn't suddenly become pornography just because there's a joke in there that goes over every child's head. Just because you see these people and think of sex or arousal doesn't mean that's what the kids see.
Cool. That's inappropriate too, and I wouldnt be opposed to outlawing women dressing like sluts in public in front of children.

The men in drag see it as a sexual thing you dope. That's a big part of the problem.
Cool. That's inappropriate too, and I wouldnt be opposed to outlawing women dressing like sluts in public in front of children.
That's not surprising. I was definitely getting a Hand Maidens Tale vibe off of you.
The men in drag see it as a sexual thing you dope. That's a big part of the problem.
I don't know that to be true and I wonder how you do.....

Drag queen shows in elementary schools.

Men STEALING achievements from women as they pretend they're women.

Acting like it's normal to have tampon machines in the men's rooms.

Allowing men with full genitalia in women's and girls locker rooms & bathrooms.
Ex convicts preaching about someone else's "perversions"....
Cool. That's inappropriate too, and I wouldnt be opposed to outlawing women dressing like sluts in public in front of children.

The men in drag see it as a sexual thing you dope. That's a big part of the problem.

That's the part they don't want to acknowledge, it's all related to sex for those people, period.

Same as the furries, maybe we should take children to furry conventions too, after all they're just big cute animals right, perfectly pure and innocent.
I'm not trolling at all, I asked a simple question that apparently you can't answer. :dunno:
No, you're playing douchebag troll games. You're asking a question that you know the answer to. Or, maybe you're not playing games, and you're really that dumb. Either way, not worth the time.

If you have a point you'd like to make, use your words. I'll respond in kind. Otherwise, get lost.
That's the part they don't want to acknowledge, it's all related to sex for those people, period.

Same as the furries, maybe we should take children to furry conventions too, after all they're just big cute animals right, perfectly pure and innocent.
Seems like it's all related to sex for you people. 😄
No, you're playing douchebag troll games. You're asking a question that you know the answer to. Or, maybe you're not playing games, and you're really that dumb. Either way, not worth the time.

If you have a point you'd like to make, use your words. I'll respond in kind. Otherwise, get lost.

Playing games is wanting to know what your definition of these terms are? Why are you afraid to state what they are?
What is the end game of their 'agenda'? You're the one that used those terms, I'm simply asking you to qualify them as they mean different things to different people.
Seems like it's all related to sex for you people. 😄

Hardly, that's the reality of it. Or are drag queens and trannies just men who are making a mockery of women? A caricature of what women are to them? You're stating is has no connection to sex for them? You apparently have your head in the sand when it comes to reality.

I'm a heterosexual. I'm a father and a grandfather. Explain to me why I should be frightened and threatened by homosexuals and transgendered people. Are you afraid they're going to turn you or something? 😄

That should be enough. That's it right there.

Men should fuck women and spread their genes, it's that simple, and if you don't understand that, you're the clown. Men should be sexually attracted to women. Physiologically, and psychologically, men and women are sexually designed through natural selection to procreate and raise their offspring together, that's what propagates our species. Men ideally should be masculine and women ideally should be feminine, that's just normal and healthy.

To pretend that it is healthy, and conducive for human survival, for men to be a bunch of effeminate, emasculated homos, is just stupid. Following your line of reasoning, why shouldn't you enter into a sexual relationship with your adult daughter or granddaughter when she's over 18+? That's a stupid question, right? It should be without saying, that a father shouldn't be fucking his daughter or a grandpa shouldn't be porking his granddaughter, even if they're adults. Parents shouldn't be screwing their children, period, regardless of whether they're over 18 or not. You should inherently, innately feel repulsed by the mere suggestion or mention of such a scenario.

Well, it should likewise go without saying, that men shouldn't be fucking each other. Women shouldn't be having sex with each other. Sex is for procreation and establishing an emotional, and psychological bond with your spouse, enabling you to start a family, and raise the next generation of human beings. The "nuclear family" is the bedrock of a civilized society, and I say this as an atheist, that has no belief in a heavenly being or in an afterlife. I went through my nihilistic phase when I was younger, and I learned my lesson. Nihilism and moral relativism lead to chaos and the dismantling of everything that is noble and beautiful.



You populate the land, an island, or even a "space colony" with a bunch of "boring" heterosexual "normies", "cis-males" and "cis-females" like the ones in the pictures above, and you'll have LIFE. The sound of children playing, a vibrant community with a future, because males and females are procreating and raising the next generation of human beings. That's beautiful and healthy.

You replace the "boring" normies with a bunch of "progressive woke" homosexuals and you'll have nothing but men wearing diapers because they can't hold their shit. Inseminating rectums doesn't generate life, you can't procreate releasing your sperm in another man's ass.

Again, it should go without saying, that it's much better, and healthy, to allow children to develop a natural sexual attraction for the opposite sex. Any attempt to undermine that normal, healthy process of development in a child's life is a form of child abuse.
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Hardly, that's the reality of it. Or are drag queens and trannies just men who are making a mockery of women? A caricature of what women are to them? You're stating is has no connection to sex for them? You apparently have your head in the sand when it comes to reality.
I'm not pretending to speak for anyone unlike you. When I see a man in a dress reading to children I see just that. Someone reading to children. Apparently you see sex. Stop projecting your perversions on to others.
That lie has gotten gays beaten and killed for generations
Gays are indoctrinating children and making them gay.

What gays want is acceptance
To be able to accept who they are and who they love

What does that mean? Accept who they are and love? The homosexuals are parading in the streets shouting "I'm gay, I'm a homosexual!" to force society to accept their sexual orientation as normal. What if their sexual orientation isn't normal or healthy for society? Do you think trying to influence children to accept homosexuality as normal and healthy, is going to get society on your side? What we have now is mass gender confusion and hysteria, due to a very calculated and determined campaign by certain financial interests and LGBTQ+ activists that is causing a lot of pain and suffering for its victims.

Children that wouldn't have otherwise been gender dysphoric and would've developed a healthy heterosexual orientation are now being injected with puberty blockers and having their breasts and genitals mutilated. This would've never happened if society would've told the LGBTQ+ rainbow people, NO. That's it. No, you can't do that. No children. No, you can't use the woman's bathroom, especially if you still have a penis and testicles. No, you can't fight women in the MMA cage, you're not an actual woman. No, you can't compete against women in sports. No, you're not an actual woman. No you can't teach woke-LGBTQ+ ideology/bullshit to our children in school. Like the Nancy Reagan commercials in the 1980s, "JUST SAY NO".
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