How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

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It's all photoshopped, sure.
Drag queen shows in elementary schools.

Men STEALING achievements from women as they pretend they're women.

Acting like it's normal to have tampon machines in the men's rooms.

Allowing men with full genitalia in women's and girls locker rooms & bathrooms.

Defending companies that hire Dylan who is CLEARLY mocking women as he plays a teenage girl despite being a GROWN ASS MAN.

This thread isn't intended to be a flame. It is a serious inquiry into how we sank to this DISGUSTING & ABHORRENT position.

Is it simply because the right is against said behavior that the left defend or endorse it or is it worse than that? Do they actually believe this mentally unstable behavior is something to be applauded?
It's called "acceptance"
I accept your ideology is based on anger, hate, bigotry, and ignorance.
None of your complaints actually harm you but you choose to use the power of government to harm those whose only "crime" is being different.

I am troubled about athletic issues and have some ideas to level that field but you're not interested in a level field because that would mean accepting people for who they are and that seems beyond your skill set.
You were thinking your notion of style and sexuality meant something to other people. As I said, very Handmaiden's Tale....

I was agreeing with you. You brought it up. I'll ask again though have you actually read the Hand Maids Tale? Thinking that women (or men, or men dressed as women or women dressed as men) shouldnt parade around in front of children in over sexualized costumes isnt "Hand Maids Tale" ish.
You should always figure that people are going to want evidence of your claims before they decide to believe you.

Again we don't know. Just because autogynephilia is a thing doesn't mean these people have it. If anything it seems like you have it and are projecting.

I've asked numerous times but I'll try again. Since for millennia we have raised children successfully and purposefully kept them from things of this nature. It's incumbent on the people who want to change what we are doing to provide reasoning for doing so. What benefit do the children get from having a drag queen read to them or for children to attend a drag show? What's the payoff? Please dont use they need to know people like this exist. There are plenty of people that exist that we don't introduce to children before they are adults.
The biggest problem IMHO, during the mid 20th Century, especially after WWII was that the Church in America was asleep at the wheel and didn't stand up against the encroaching threat of immorality that was beginning to affect the country. Had we a stalwart like Rev. Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority, we would have prevented much of this. The next domino to fall is Pedophilia, I guarantee it.
That what I figured. Sometimes I feel a twinge of guilt dismissing trolls. But I think I'm getting better at making the call. Don't you?
Are you, a complete stranger, under some delusion that I give a fuck what you think? And I'm the troll, look at you following me around like a bitch in heat. :rolleyes:
This would be the "Party of Family Values" lead by a guy who cheated on all three of his wives and paid porn stars for sex?
That party of "Family Values"?
I think you spelled "Hypocrite" wrong.
We forgive Trump. Our religious leaders have taught us how to forgive.
Black women and white women have every right to share the same bathroom because they're all women irrespective of their ethnicity. A man who thinks he's a woman isn't a woman, and men shouldn't use the women's bathroom, because the women's bathroom is for women. Like duh. If a man who thinks he's a woman, wants to use a public bathroom, he should use the men's bathroom, because that's what he actually is. I know this is difficult for an idiot like you to grasp, but that's nonetheless true. Just because you wear makeup, dress like a woman, and get estrogen shots, that doesn't make you a woman. The same applies to women who think they're men.

Being of a certain race is an immutable trait. Discriminatory practice based on immutable traits should be frowned upon.

Being trans is not an immutable trait and as such should garner no protection.
Drag queen shows in elementary schools.

Men STEALING achievements from women as they pretend they're women.

Acting like it's normal to have tampon machines in the men's rooms.

Allowing men with full genitalia in women's and girls locker rooms & bathrooms.

Defending companies that hire Dylan who is CLEARLY mocking women as he plays a teenage girl despite being a GROWN ASS MAN.

This thread isn't intended to be a flame. It is a serious inquiry into how we sank to this DISGUSTING & ABHORRENT position.

Is it simply because the right is against said behavior that the left defend or endorse it or is it worse than that? Do they actually believe this mentally unstable behavior is something to be applauded?
Being of a certain race is an immutable trait. Discriminatory practice based on immutable traits should be frowned upon.

Being trans is not an immutable trait and as such should garner no protection.
Neither is being Ammosexual, and yet....

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