How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

The biggest problem IMHO, during the mid 20th Century, especially after WWII was that the Church in America was asleep at the wheel and didn't stand up against the encroaching threat of immorality that was beginning to affect the country. Had we a stalwart like Rev. Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority, we would have prevented much of this.
At least we have Tennessee and Florida making drag shows illegal. There is some progress being made.
At least we have Tennessee and Florida making drag shows illegal. There is some progress being made.

So you can’t take your child to a drag show, but gladly take your child to a WWE wrestling match where they scream, beat each other senseless as the crowd roars
The white guy felt threatened by the black guy, so it's not murder.
He wasn't a black guy. So you're just talking out of your ass. You'll accept any excuse.

But I like your reply. I got an abortion because I felt threatened. It wasn't murder. I need to remember that one.

What are those people doing wrong?

Drag queen shows in elementary schools.

Men STEALING achievements from women as they pretend they're women.

Acting like it's normal to have tampon machines in the men's rooms.

Allowing men with full genitalia in women's and girls locker rooms & bathrooms.

Defending companies that hire Dylan who is CLEARLY mocking women as he plays a teenage girl despite being a GROWN ASS MAN.

This thread isn't intended to be a flame. It is a serious inquiry into how we sank to this DISGUSTING & ABHORRENT position.

Is it simply because the right is against said behavior that the left defend or endorse it or is it worse than that? Do they actually believe this mentally unstable behavior is something to be applauded?

You know who started this shit? It was women. Women long before the Kardashians

Ask your Muslim conservative brothers if melania is dressed appropriately.

Where did we go wrong? At first, it was women’s lib.

If you believe what is depicted in the pictures I posted is good, you're sick. Loco.

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