How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

You don’t have to accept it.

What you can’t do is force others not to accept it.

You don't have the right to brainwash or in any way influence our children with this LGBTQ+ trash. All of this gender confusion and homosexuality is the result of people allowing it to happen, and now people are waking up and saying NO. Most people don't want children to be conditioned for homosexuality and transgenderism. Leave our children alone and let them develop naturally. Stop fucking with their impressionable minds.
You don't have the right to brainwash or in any way influence our children with this LGBTQ+ trash. All of this gender confusion and homosexuality is the result of people allowing it to happen, and now people are waking up and saying NO. Most people don't want children to be conditioned for homosexuality and transgenderism. Leave our children alone and let them develop naturally. Stop fucking with their impressionable minds.
This push to NORMALIZE all this madness is rooted in the Marxist infiltration of our culture.
Nice going, useful idiot.
This push to NORMALIZE all this madness is rooted in the Marxist infiltration of our culture.
Nice going, useful idiot.

You're the pathetic punk that is being used by the capitalists who profit from all of this gender confusion, expensive hormone treatments, and surgeries. The emasculation of men is a result of capitalist decadence, not Marxism, you're just too stupid to figure that out. Effeminate working-class men are easier to control and exploit, and they consume more as well, similar to the ladies who love to buy three or four pairs of the same style of boots in several colors. The capitalist elites love to emasculate the working class. It better secures their wealth.

The only men that they want to be masculine are those of their socioeconomic class and the law enforcement that protects their property and power. Otherwise, they would love to see all working-class men in tights (subservient men who consume all of their wages on the products the capitalists are selling).
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Then what a being forced on you?
You're forcing people to live in a screwed-up society that can't even define what a woman is. A nihilistic "woke" society results in chaos. At least most Republicans realize that, and hence are the lesser evil. That's why I will always take the side of conservative Republicans over "woke progressives". Liberal moral degeneracy is worse than Trump.
You're forcing people to live in a screwed-up society that can't even define what a woman is. A nihilistic "woke" society results in chaos.

Homosexuals have always existed in our society
Only before they were hounded, imprisoned, driven to the shadows. That is the society you yearn for.

Now, they can openly admit their sexuality and who their partner is.

Woke is a society that accepts those who are different.
That is what outrages you
You're the pathetic punk that is being used by the capitalists who profit from all of this gender confusion, expensive hormone treatments, and surgeries. The emasculation of men is a result of capitalist decadence, not Marxism, you're just too stupid to figure that out. Effeminate working-class men are easier to control and exploit, and they consume more as well, similar to the ladies who love to buy three or four pairs of the same style of boots in several colors. The capitalist elites love to emasculate the working class. It better secures their wealth.

The only men that they want to be masculine are those of their socioeconomic class and the law enforcement that protects their property and power. Otherwise, they would love to see all working-class men in tights (subservient men who consume all of their wages on the products the capitalists are selling).

You're not a protector you're a pussy who's afraid of effeminate men.
Because if those "others" are members of our community and society, then their lifestyle and behavior has an effect on everyone else. We're all connected in one way or another, hence I can't do whatever I want to do, because I don't live in a vacuum, I live in a community with other human beings. We don't allow 50-year-old fathers to marry their 25-year-old daughters, even though if she gets pregnant, she can easily get an abortion. Do you know why we don't allow parents to fuck their children, even if they're adults? Because inherently we know that parents should not see their small children as potential future sex partners. It undermines the parent-child relationship and.....WE JUST DON'T WANT THAT SHIT.

If people don't want this shit:

View attachment 780419

It's for a good reason. Look at all of the gender dysphoria and confusion we're seeing now. This leads to more mental illness and suicides. It's the woke clowns that are creating the conditions for people who suffer from these mental illnesses to kill themselves. You created the unnecessary drama and hysteria.

If someone commits a crime against others, they pay for it

Homosexuality is not a crime, neither are mixed race couples or transexuals
Homosexuals have always existed in our society
Only before they were hounded, imprisoned, driven to the shadows. That is the society you yearn for.

Now, they can openly admit their sexuality and who their partner is.

Woke is a society that accepts those who are different.
That is what outrages you

If you're lude, behaving like a degenerate, then you should be in the shadows. Your whole life revolves around who you're fucking. No one gives a shit. You even need to parade that crap in the streets. Do you think I care about homosexuals having their nightclubs and bathhouses? I could care less. Have your clubs, your porn, your lovers, it's none of my business until you bring children into it. When you start trying to recruit children and influence them, that's when I become a fascist asshole. I could care less what you do sexually with other consenting adults, provided you leave children out of it.

This is unacceptable:



Grooming children into homosexuality and transgender confusion. Consigning children to a life of sexual deviancy, gender confusion, dangerous hormone treatments, and surgeries, higher rates of STD infection, and depriving them of a normal, healthy attraction to the opposite sex. This is child abuse and every member of society should be vehemently against it.
If you're lude, behaving like a degenerate, then you should be in the shadows. Your whole life revolves around who you're fucking. No one gives a shit. You even need to parade that crap in the streets. You think I cared about homosexuals having their nightclubs and bathhouses? I could care less. Have your clubs, your porn, your lovers, it's none of my business until you bring children into it. When you start trying to recruit children and influence them, that's when I become a fascist asshole. I could care less what you do sexually with other consenting adults, provided you leave children out of it.

This is unacceptable:

Grooming children into homosexuality and transgender confusion. Consigning children to a life of sexual deviancy, gender confusion, dangerous hormone treatments, and surgeries, higher rates of STD infection, and depriving them of a normal, healthy attraction to the opposite sex. This is child abuse and every member of society should be vehemently against it.

It is the age old tactic of justifying the harassment of homosexuals

Claim that homosexuals are grooming children to become homosexual. That you are not discriminating against homosexuals you are only protecting children
Homosexuals have always existed in our society
Only before they were hounded, imprisoned, driven to the shadows. That is the society you yearn for.

Now, they can openly admit their sexuality and who their partner is.

Woke is a society that accepts those who are different.
That is what outrages you
Hold up, Cowboy. The pathology of LGB did not stop when it got recognized. It went on to in-your-face fascism and State terror: T.

Canadian Gender Identity Law
'A trans person cannot be expected to go through sex reassignment surgery, or any other medical procedure, as a condition to change the gender designation on their identity documents. Sex reassignment surgery is no longer required.'

What part of this pathology may be eluding you, Einstein?
Hold up, Cowboy. The pathology of LGB did not stop when it got recognized. It went on to in-your-face fascism and State terror: T.

Canadian Gender Identity Law
'A trans person cannot be expected to go through sex reassignment surgery, or any other medical procedure, as a condition to change the gender designation on their identity documents. Sex reassignment surgery is no longer required.'

What part of this pathology may be eluding you, Einstein?
The part where medical professionals, rather than Bingos on the internet, declared it so.
Many years I first heard someone remark that being on the left is a form of mental illness, and for years I scoffed at the idea,
For years now however, I believe that mental illness is indeed part of the picture.
Many years I first heard someone remark that being on the left is a form of mental illness, and for years I scoffed at the idea,
For years now however, I believe that mental illness is indeed part of the picture.
You fools have been cosplaying so hard and so long that you now actually think your pejoratives are medical diagnoses. :lmao:

The lot of you are stuck on stupid.
If someone commits a crime against others, they pay for it

Homosexuality is not a crime, neither are mixed race couples or transexuals

It's not a crime until you demand everyone to recognize a man as a woman, and men are using my daughter's bathroom and locker room. It's a crime when mentally ill men who think their women are competing in women's sports, essentially destroying women's sports. It becomes a crime when you're trying to groom children into homosexuality and transgenderism, confusing their impressionable minds and emotions. That's child abuse and society should stop it.

It was all good, as far as I'm concerned until you brought children into it. That's when I realize conservatives are correct. You can't give these LGBTQ+ people anything, because they're never satisfied. They're not content with being left alone, to do whatever they want among themselves. They want to LGBTQ+ EVERYONE. Every man should be walking around with a pink butt plug in their rectum, every boy should be playing with Barbie dolls, and every girl should be a tomboy or little lesbian. Everyone should be gender fluid and fucking each other. This won't end, even when incest is legalized, because these people are sick. They're immature atheists, who have become nihilistic. Nihilism, chaos, has possessed them.

A mature atheist-materialist recognizes that nihilism undermines human survival and flourishing, it's an impediment to genuine human progress. Nihilism compromises public health and safety. Sexual chaos leads to children being abused and unfortunately, the LGBTQ+ (the rainbow acronym people) are responsible for all of this confusion. They weren't satisfied with being left alone, to do whatever they want among themselves, in their own venues and community. They just had to demand that all of society bend over and take it. Parading the streets shouting "I'm gay, I'm a homo", wasn't enough. Nothing is enough until everyone is like this:



By the fact that you need government to protect you from effeminate men. 😄

We need the government to make it illegal for homosexuals to groom children and for men who think they're women to use women's bathrooms and compete in women's sports. That's what a government is for, it's there to protect civilized people from degenerates like you. That's why we have a government.

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