How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

People are going to be LGBT and that should be ok within a free society. What you want is a fascist fundie shithole that crushes anyone that wants freedom. You're a disease.
Fauci went along. He's the expert. He gets paid more than the President. He's the guy who suggested to Trump to shutdown.
Trump made the call to shut it down, and has also made more money in one day of donations than Fauci's entire net worth. But sure, the President gets paid more than him :lmao:
It is all because a bunch of elites meet in Davos, Switzerland once a year devising strategies to convince the uneducated that yes, they WILL be happy when they own nothing.

The leftists on this site sure are a remarkably incurious lot.
Lol sooo close
Trump made the call to shut it down, and has also made more money in one day of donations than Fauci's entire net worth. But sure, the President gets paid more than him :lmao:
Fauci gets paid more than the President and Fauci recommended shutdown. Fact. Do the research.
You're stupid. You're indoctrinated and your mind is shut. Unions were needed at a point in time. They've outlived their usefulness and now are doing more harm than good.
Unions have never been weaker and more beaten into the ground than they are right now. Meanwhile the income gap has meteorically skyrocketed, and people haven't been closer to trying to overthrow local, state and federal governments in my lifetime. Read the first 2 sentences of your comment I'm quoting and look in the mirror.
In the first days of a global pandemic, a mistake was made.

You call that Nazi bullshit a MISTAKE?

Are you listening to yourself?

Unfortunate, certainly.

No. MURDER. Plain and simple.

Democrats later ended Cuomo's career.

They threw him under the bus.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Your welcome.

Apparently not.

No, I don't think anyone would want me around in that situation.
Over several decades I have watched the Dem party disintegrate into depravity. When I was a young man the Dem party was the champion of the poor and working class. Quite centrist and reasonable. Back then they told these whacko left wingers to shut the hell up. The left would throw a tantrum and Dem leaders would smack them around.

Gradually the Dem party became more and more liberal until this reached critical mass and they drove the centrist Dems from the party and took over. Ever since then these whacko left wingers have gone more and more off the deep end.
Unions have never been weaker and more beaten into the ground than they are right now. Meanwhile the income gap has meteorically skyrocketed, and people haven't been closer to trying to overthrow local, state and federal governments in my lifetime. Read the first 2 sentences of your comment I'm quoting and look in the mirror.
Unions are declining because they're not needed as much. The teacher Unions are downright destroying education. Calling parents domestic terrorists for challenges to curriculum is pretty stupid. Considering that the parents vote on the raises in taxes, what do you think is going to happen when the teachers want more money?

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