How Important is Integrity and Leadership


Mar 27, 2014
We have all watched when Obama said over and over that if you liked your health care you could keep it, if you liked your Doctor you could keep that too. This of course turned out to be untrue and the New York Times gave Obama four Pinocchio's. We also might remember Syria and the line in the sand remark that just sort of fizzled out with out anything being said in the main stream media. We listened as Obama during his campaign promised the most transparent administration in our nations history, this also turned out to be yet another lie, then there was the promise to reduce the debt, the debt in fact has increased to just over 17 trillion dollars. Seems to me that we are being sold a bill of goods and the lies just keep on coming nearly every week.

Then there is the subject of leadership, if you have watched the news recently you already know that Putin is playing Obama like a drum. Iran is about to go nuclear and the Mideast is as chaotic as it has ever been. Obama is a man of words not action, he leads from behind. His foreign policy is a total failure and he cowers at every opportunity. Obama seems to live in a delusional world of make believe and wishes. The world is far more dangerous now than when Obama took office. What does this say about his leadership skills. In all honesty not very much.

I do not know about you but I believe politicians should be held accountable for their promises and that they need to be strong leaders and men and women of action not just rhetoric and hot air. I honestly had hoped beyond hope that Obama would lead our country to bigger and better things, this however is not the case. Our nation is no longer looked upon by the world the way it once was. We are now considered weak and indecisive unable to keep our commitments and unwilling to step up when it is time to take action.

So what is the solution? In all reality we will all need to wait for 2016 and a new election and a new president. I do not believe in the remainder of his term that Mr. Obama will be very effective as our Commander in Chief. If we are lucky we will avoid a third world war and survive the global economic crisis. I do not have anything personal against Mr. Obama I am just very disappointed in his performance and his endless lies thus far.

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