How in the hell does a swimming pool catch on fire


Gold Member
May 28, 2012
Buttlick Kentucky
Jewish lightning?

He is an anti-semite straight from Stormfront.

Are you an anti-Christian straight from the ADL?

Stormfront is kosher nazis, "controlled opposition".

Naturally, you being as pure as the driven snow know nothing about "controlled opposition", right?

Ever hear of Sheldon Adelson the jewish Mafia boss of Las Vegas?

Go on ...DENY you ever heard of him.


And after that crawl back under your rock.
Why would there be petroleum products on the pool? I suspect pool chemicals.

The OP said plumes of BLACK smoke. That means in petroleum products.
Yes well you're crazy so I don't pay much attention to what you think or say.

He is a racist antisemitic piece of crap....straight from Stormfront.

Many scum like that around.

You're a racist, antisemitic, anti-Christian, piece of cr*p....straight from the ADL.

I hear Abe "F*cksmen" Foxsman got sh*tcanned from the ADL because he is HIV+.

Are you jewish? Is that the source of your hatred for me?
Why would there be petroleum products on the pool? I suspect pool chemicals.

The OP said plumes of BLACK smoke. That means in petroleum products.
Yes well you're crazy so I don't pay much attention to what you think or say.

Argumentum ad hominem much?

In the event simple latin is beyond you, that means...Attack the messenger, much?
I don't care enough to attack you. I just think petroleum is unlikely. Meh.

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