HUH??? Paddock was a multi-millionaire!! Does that seem plausible?

He's a patsy. The govt invaded his hotel room, killed him, and then did the shooting. The gun-grabbers will do anything to disarm you. When the guns are gone, everything is gone.

FOX NEWS FIRST: Questions surround millionaire gunman's motive in Las Vegas massacre

oct 3 2017 Officials have no idea what drove 64-year-old Stephen Paddock to kill at least 59 people and wound more than 520 enjoying a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. Before killing himself Sunday night, Paddock shot down at the packed Route 91 Harvest Festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where he had been staying since Sept. 28.

Paddock did not seem to fit the profile of a mass killer. He had no history of mental illness, no obvious party or religious affiliation. He was a pilot and multimillionaire who made much of his money investing in real estate, according to his brother, Eric. Stephen Paddock also loved to gamble, but it is unclear whether he had any substantial debts.

VERY plausible. Accountants are in high demand because most people don't want to do that boring ass job. Good ones make great money at it.
He's a patsy. The govt invaded his hotel room, killed him, and then did the shooting. The gun-grabbers will do anything to disarm you. When the guns are gone, everything is gone.

FOX NEWS FIRST: Questions surround millionaire gunman's motive in Las Vegas massacre

oct 3 2017 Officials have no idea what drove 64-year-old Stephen Paddock to kill at least 59 people and wound more than 520 enjoying a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. Before killing himself Sunday night, Paddock shot down at the packed Route 91 Harvest Festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where he had been staying since Sept. 28.

Paddock did not seem to fit the profile of a mass killer. He had no history of mental illness, no obvious party or religious affiliation. He was a pilot and multimillionaire who made much of his money investing in real estate, according to his brother, Eric. Stephen Paddock also loved to gamble, but it is unclear whether he had any substantial debts.

Glamorous Filipino-Australian girlfriend of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock
Glamorous Filipino-Australian girlfriend of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock

Filipino Dating & Singles at™{placement}

ISIS are using DATING WEBSITES to lure jihadi brides to Iraq and Syria | Daily Mail Online

How is ISIS getting people to join their movement?

How are they getting young women (atually young girls) to skip school and steal money from their parents to get to Syria?

How and what are they telling young men to get them to jump on a plane and join their movement.

As much as ISIS ideas/idealogy is primitive. Their use of the internet rivals all the major world players.

ISIS Has A Dating Site? No Joke As Missing 15-Year-Old Seduced On ‘Jihadi Matchmaker’

Posted, 2014-10-02
The Inquisitr ISIS Has A Dating Site - The eBay Community


The implausible part. The gov is run by 2 parties. One that wants to take your guns and the other that wants to protect your gun rights. The protect your guns rights is power. Second, casinos and hotels have cameras everywhere. This would have to be a secret operation. The camera would have caught people coming and going from the room. Third, the door was barricade from the inside. If he was a patsy, then how was the room barricaded.

Barricaded from the inside??? HAHAHA. Where is your evidence for that?. Sure the govt is gonna say that if they were the shooters. THINK, you nitwit.
There are some things that don't make any sense.

1. No forensic psychologist has said this fits. Nothing in his history. Not even a hint.

2. It has been reported that the windows were broken OUTWARDS (had to be outwards) with a hammer? You have any idea how sturdy those windows are? Not one person or microphone picked up sounds of loud banging of the windows being broKen out? Any glass of the windows on the street below?

3. Certainly by now videos have to be available of him bringing in....long rifles? How many were reported that were there? Why would they keep videos from the public? Any good reason?

4. There are videos where we can see the Mandalay Bay while the shooting was happening. No flashes from any muzzle. Anyone that knows anything about those weapons will tell you they light up big time.

There are other things like reports over the radio that shooting was coming from the 4th floor. Police are told that the shooter is dead even though they had not yet gone into the room.

Why, did we not hear or have witnesses claim they heard the unbelievably loud banging out of the windows with what should been a large sledge hammer?

I know I said that already. You can start with that question.

You have many facts messed up (or made up).

HAHAHA. You call that a rebuttal? You govt shills are hilarious.
Alex Jones says it's all a big ol' conspiracy 'n stuff, so I'm sure that's what it is.

I don't know about Alex Jones, but the wealth angle is doubtful. They claim he was a "real estate mogul," a "mailman" and an "IRS agent?"

Uh, yeah...

Using Occam's razor, I would guess he is a grifter, a con man who was out of options.
He's a patsy. The govt invaded his hotel room, killed him, and then did the shooting. The gun-grabbers will do anything to disarm you. When the guns are gone, everything is gone.

FOX NEWS FIRST: Questions surround millionaire gunman's motive in Las Vegas massacre

oct 3 2017 Officials have no idea what drove 64-year-old Stephen Paddock to kill at least 59 people and wound more than 520 enjoying a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. Before killing himself Sunday night, Paddock shot down at the packed Route 91 Harvest Festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where he had been staying since Sept. 28.

Paddock did not seem to fit the profile of a mass killer. He had no history of mental illness, no obvious party or religious affiliation. He was a pilot and multimillionaire who made much of his money investing in real estate, according to his brother, Eric. Stephen Paddock also loved to gamble, but it is unclear whether he had any substantial debts.
Funny that you think this shooting will cause any change in our gun laws. If killing 20+ little children didn't do it......nothing will.

If this pile of shit was ANTIFA, which is likely (ANTIFA or Muslim - his chosen victims make that clear) then it is very likely that he hoped this would end the civil rights of America, just as you do.
It's important that we stay focused on the race of very nearly each and every victim. A Whiteplace shooting?

While I don't want to make this a race thing, the victims very much are the key to what this is about.

What is "Harvest?" Who do Country fans overwhelming support? This was either the left butchering white conservatives, yet again, or it was Muslims targeting Christians.

Remember, the pile of shit started shooting as soon as the crowd began singing "God Bless America."
Yes because we all need automatic and semiautomatic weapons, for self defense. Maybe Paddock thought those listening to the country music were going to kill him, so he took them out first.

You and your type prefer suicide vests, Abduhl.

Americans defend ourselves from you in Isis with our firearms.
He's a patsy. The govt invaded his hotel room, killed him, and then did the shooting. The gun-grabbers will do anything to disarm you. When the guns are gone, everything is gone.

FOX NEWS FIRST: Questions surround millionaire gunman's motive in Las Vegas massacre

oct 3 2017 Officials have no idea what drove 64-year-old Stephen Paddock to kill at least 59 people and wound more than 520 enjoying a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. Before killing himself Sunday night, Paddock shot down at the packed Route 91 Harvest Festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where he had been staying since Sept. 28.

Paddock did not seem to fit the profile of a mass killer. He had no history of mental illness, no obvious party or religious affiliation. He was a pilot and multimillionaire who made much of his money investing in real estate, according to his brother, Eric. Stephen Paddock also loved to gamble, but it is unclear whether he had any substantial debts.
I agree that things are jacked up on this one.

Yesterday Bro claims was average ordinary.
Today he says Bro was Gold Status High Roller gambler.

Yesterday Bro and he weren't close.
Today he says they blow $1000 on sushi and booze together.

Yesterday he was a semi-retired accountant.
Today he is a multi-millionaire that sends out $100K in birthday cards.

First mom was single raising 4 kids on the side of the freeway working as a secretary, now they're all stupid wealthy, if you happen to check. When he got burnt out on his job his brother paid him a small fortune so he could retire 3 years ago, again if you happen to check.

The pieces to this puzzle are in the wrong box...
He's a patsy. The govt invaded his hotel room, killed him, and then did the shooting. The gun-grabbers will do anything to disarm you. When the guns are gone, everything is gone.

FOX NEWS FIRST: Questions surround millionaire gunman's motive in Las Vegas massacre

oct 3 2017 Officials have no idea what drove 64-year-old Stephen Paddock to kill at least 59 people and wound more than 520 enjoying a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. Before killing himself Sunday night, Paddock shot down at the packed Route 91 Harvest Festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where he had been staying since Sept. 28.

Paddock did not seem to fit the profile of a mass killer. He had no history of mental illness, no obvious party or religious affiliation. He was a pilot and multimillionaire who made much of his money investing in real estate, according to his brother, Eric. Stephen Paddock also loved to gamble, but it is unclear whether he had any substantial debts.
I agree that things are jacked up on this one.

Yesterday Bro claims was average ordinary.
Today he says Bro was Gold Status High Roller gambler.

Yesterday Bro and he weren't close.
Today he says they blow $1000 on sushi and booze together.

Yesterday he was a semi-retired accountant.
Today he is a multi-millionaire that sends out $100K in birthday cards.

First mom was single raising 4 kids on the side of the freeway working as a secretary, now they're all stupid wealthy, if you happen to check. When he got burnt out on his job his brother paid him a small fortune so he could retire 3 years ago, again if you happen to check.

The pieces to this puzzle are in the wrong box...

The brother NEVER said he was an ordinary guy that wasn't a high roller. That is unequivocally false.
This was either the left butchering white conservatives, yet again, or it was Muslims targeting Christians.

Or the govt looking for an excuse to take our guns and turn america into a fascist dictatorship.

If our government would actually murder 60 Americans and wound nearly 500 more, we have one of the most evil nations in history.
I don't think Trump would stand for such a thing.
This was either the left butchering white conservatives, yet again, or it was Muslims targeting Christians.

Or the govt looking for an excuse to take our guns and turn america into a fascist dictatorship.

If our government would actually murder 60 Americans and wound nearly 500 more, we have one of the most evil nations in history.
I don't think Trump would stand for such a thing.
I don't think we have an evil nation, but for sure there is an evil element within governments ranks and some major corporations. Essentially we have a terrorist cell in-bedded in our halls of power. They use others to push for "Hate Speech" laws so that no one may question them or their motives.
The brother NEVER said he was an ordinary guy that wasn't a high roller. That is unequivocally false.
He did say he was just a regular guy in one of the earlier interviews on the first day, I linked to it. He said they were not close, occasionally talked on phone. He did, He did, NOT second hand I heard him say it.
It's important that we stay focused on the race of very nearly each and every victim. A Whiteplace shooting?

While I don't want to make this a race thing, the victims very much are the key to what this is about.

What is "Harvest?" Who do Country fans overwhelming support? This was either the left butchering white conservatives, yet again, or it was Muslims targeting Christians.

Remember, the pile of shit started shooting as soon as the crowd began singing "God Bless America."

No, he didn't, that was an hour earlier.

Some no-name Aldean dude was playing his poppy-faggoty country-rap song that I've never heard, and would probably shoot him myself if I did, so that's a good thing! Anyway, that's what was going on when the shooting started.
He's a patsy. The govt invaded his hotel room, killed him, and then did the shooting. The gun-grabbers will do anything to disarm you. When the guns are gone, everything is gone.

FOX NEWS FIRST: Questions surround millionaire gunman's motive in Las Vegas massacre

oct 3 2017 Officials have no idea what drove 64-year-old Stephen Paddock to kill at least 59 people and wound more than 520 enjoying a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. Before killing himself Sunday night, Paddock shot down at the packed Route 91 Harvest Festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where he had been staying since Sept. 28.

Paddock did not seem to fit the profile of a mass killer. He had no history of mental illness, no obvious party or religious affiliation. He was a pilot and multimillionaire who made much of his money investing in real estate, according to his brother, Eric. Stephen Paddock also loved to gamble, but it is unclear whether he had any substantial debts.

Yes because we all need automatic and semiautomatic weapons, for self defense. Maybe Paddock thought those listening to the country music were going to kill him, so he took them out first.

What are you allowed to have over there in Russia, Penelope?

I know at least handguns for a fact.
This was either the left butchering white conservatives, yet again, or it was Muslims targeting Christians.

Or the govt looking for an excuse to take our guns and turn america into a fascist dictatorship.
The Lefts are planning something. And so we better be prepared for them coming out from behind the bushes.

Gun ownership has traditionally been associated with the right wing in America but the election of Donald Trump has prompted some left-wingers to join gun clubs - and even start preparing for the collapse of society. Why US liberals are now buying guns too


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