How is austerity doing in Europe

it's just that as historical facts show, you just don't go nuts making cuts when your economy is weak.

as I said, dear, they had to so they could get loans from Germany. Germany refuses to put Greece and the rest of Europe on welfare.
Is that really over your head?
When the economy is more sound, they will add more cuts.

too stupid by 1000%!!! There is never a time for liberals to cut welfare spending. Our budget just went from 2 to 3 to $4 trillion and we have a huge recession. To suggest more spending will cure what spending caused is as stupid as saying more alcohol will cure a hangover!

Why not wait till college before you talk about economics 101??? Think!!
So Kiwiman believes that you get out of a debt crisis by increasing debt. Hmm... Actually it must have been that austerity that led to the crisis! I mean austerity is the blame for everything! If an economy is doing bad it's cause that austerity, there could possibly be no other explanation!

There is no austerity in europe, it's a fact that the debt of european countries on aggregate increases each year. The countries that are more austere on average do better than the ones that rack up more debt. Despite the fact that the austere countries are giving out sizeable benefits to the reckless countries.

That article gives out an example of an "Austere UK" destroying itself. When did that austerity happen? Could you give out the exact debt chart of UK. Oops.

Let the merry-go-round go on...

"So Kiwiman believes that you get out of a debt crisis by increasing debt."
I never have ever stated that. However, I have stated that going all out with austerity when an economy is weak, doesn't work. What we have seen in Europe shows that I am correct. Countries that went into austerity too hard and fast are now in recession/negative growth. So now, even the very pro-austerity countries are planing on easing the reins of spending to off-set the exploding high unemployment and recession. In my previous posts entered today verify what is going on in Europe and why.
When the economy is more sound, they will add more cuts.

too stupid by 1000%!!! There is never a time for liberals to cut welfare spending. Our budget just went from 2 to 3 to $4 trillion and we have a huge recession. To suggest more spending will cure what spending caused is as stupid as saying more alcohol will cure a hangover!

Why not wait till college before you talk about economics 101??? Think!!

Too stupid? Well, thats the Euro Zone plan as my previous links show. So, the leaders and economic experts of all these countries are 1000% stupid because you say so.
You know, you are a joke on the boards, don't you? With your Republicans are heroes thread, you called some pretty serious and intelligent conservatives "slow liberals" only because what they stated was over your head! :lol::lol::lol:
How was the economy in Europe doing before the anemic "austerity" programs? It's going to get worse until the Frogs get used to less than 6 months vacation and the Itals work a full eight hours in a day.
How was the economy in Europe doing before the anemic "austerity" programs? It's going to get worse until the Frogs get used to less than 6 months vacation and the Itals work a full eight hours in a day.

As the number of unemployed Europeans continues to grow, more and more people won't have to worry about vacations or hours worked per day, will they?
How was the economy in Europe doing before the anemic "austerity" programs? It's going to get worse until the Frogs get used to less than 6 months vacation and the Itals work a full eight hours in a day.

As the number of unemployed Europeans continues to grow, more and more people won't have to worry about vacations or hours worked per day, will they?

Austerity is really sucking the life out of Europe right now and those European unemployment figures are still rising. I often wonder about the idea of bailing out governments and banks. I wonder about the economic effects of giving the people a bailout of several billion euro and forcing them to spend it. Surely it would be more positive than a bank bailout.
Austerity is really sucking the life out of Europe right now

Econ 101 for you: when the government spends less the people get to spend more of their own money and the economy takes off. If Europe would try this in a significant way their economy would take off. Sorry.

Try to remember that when the government takes your money they don't make it magical and then spend (or waste) it; so its much better for you to spend your own hard money in a careful sustainable way than have the liberals spend it on a Solyndra bridge to nowhere.
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Ed, I'm pretty sure you'd flunk Econ 101 you are clueless.

He certainly wouldn't have passed my class.

I'm sure you were a part of the brain dead liberal monoculture which explains exactly why you are so afraid to explain exactly where conservative economics is mistaken.

Libturds don't have to explain, they know in their bleeding hearts that they are right. They are, then, essentially violent!!
Ed, you keep on telling us we are wrong, yet you have offered nothing to back yourself up. On the other hand, I have offered and linked many resources that back me up, including historical facts.
So I have an idea, why don't you prove the historical facts that I have provided, are wrong. Can you do that?
Ed, you keep on telling us we are wrong, yet you have offered nothing to back yourself up. On the other hand, I have offered and linked many resources that back me up, including historical facts.
So I have an idea, why don't you prove the historical facts that I have provided, are wrong. Can you do that?

too stupid!! Nothing?? You say austerity does not work when there is no austerity. Firstly you must say why you think there is austerity, and then the theory behind how on earth anti austerity tax and spend could possibly work.

You pure liberal fool, before you present evidence or links on something you must establish that something exists. Did you ever think that the liberal press had brainwashed you once again.

They tell you to parrot that trickle down, austerity, supply side, and Reaganomics don't work, not that capitalism doesn't work!! Do you know why ??

Maybe if you went to college first you'd have a chance to figure it out!!
Ed, you keep on telling us we are wrong, yet you have offered nothing to back yourself up. On the other hand, I have offered and linked many resources that back me up, including historical facts.
So I have an idea, why don't you prove the historical facts that I have provided, are wrong. Can you do that?
Of course he can not. He only quotes conservative dogma. And insults when pinned down, which happens to him often. Kind of like trying to have a discussion with the badly, badly mentally ill. He is incapable of actual discussion, because he knows only what he wants to know. And that is not based on reality. You are coming from the reality based community. Ed is from the tool community.
Sorry, I've been on the phone and we are leaving to fly to Madison, WI. My daughter is having her baby two weeks early and is on the way to the hospital!
You might want to check your resources Ed.

Germany still in recession
Published on April 23, 2013 by admin in Germany in recession 2013
The latest economic data out of Germany depicts a deepening recession. April’s preliminary (called a flash report) data shows: Manufacturing Output dropped to 47.9 – a 4-month low. The Manufacturing PMI dropped to 47.0 – 4-month low. The Services Activity index fell to 49.2 – a 6-month low. The Composite Output index fell to 48.8 – a 6-month low
Germany in recession 2013 | Triangle Wealth Blog

I'll be back Thursday
Funny, ed was quoting SIMEON DJANKOV!!! He was the finance minister in Bulgaria, used very strict austerity methods to bring down the deficit in Bulgaria, and took the economy down the tubes. The rightest PM of Bulgaria fired him a couple months ago because he has an election coming up shortly, and he does not want to be connected to the clown. Speaking of clowns, where does ed get this crap??? Why, he gets it from the bat shit crazy con web sites and hopes no one ever checks up on him.
So, ed just did a great job of helping to prove that austerity has failed in Bulgaria. Funny. He will be right back to personal insults shortly.
Actually, I kind of enjoy the insults from Ed. Works well with the concept of "consider the source" in making me feel I am on the correct track.
Ed, you keep on telling us we are wrong, yet you have offered nothing to back yourself up. On the other hand, I have offered and linked many resources that back me up, including historical facts.
So I have an idea, why don't you prove the historical facts that I have provided, are wrong. Can you do that?
Of course he can not. He only quotes conservative dogma. And insults when pinned down, which happens to him often. Kind of like trying to have a discussion with the badly, badly mentally ill. He is incapable of actual discussion, because he knows only what he wants to know. And that is not based on reality. You are coming from the reality based community. Ed is from the tool community.

Come on guys! Ed is our pet troll. Just don't feed him very often.
Ed, you keep on telling us we are wrong, yet you have offered nothing to back yourself up. On the other hand, I have offered and linked many resources that back me up, including historical facts.
So I have an idea, why don't you prove the historical facts that I have provided, are wrong. Can you do that?
Of course he can not. He only quotes conservative dogma. And insults when pinned down, which happens to him often. Kind of like trying to have a discussion with the badly, badly mentally ill. He is incapable of actual discussion, because he knows only what he wants to know. And that is not based on reality. You are coming from the reality based community. Ed is from the tool community.

Come on guys! Ed is our pet troll. Just don't feed him very often.
Yeah, I guess. Though Ed seems to have only one purpose, which is to end any rational discussion in any thread. Funny thing is, he does not think folks notice that he posts all the time. More than anyone else. So I guess he thinks people believe he has a job, other than making a few bucks posting for money.
So, even trolls have some value, I guess.
Good to see you posting, oldfart. Helps to have some rational thought after a few hundred posts by ed, the troll.
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Funny, ed was quoting SIMEON DJANKOV!!! He was the finance minister in Bulgaria, used very strict austerity methods to bring down the deficit in Bulgaria, and took the economy down the tubes. .

The government of Boiko Borisov elected in 2009 undertook steps to restore economic growth, while attempting to maintain a strict financial policy.[32] The fiscal discipline set by Finance Minister Djankov proved successful and together with reduced budget spending it placed Bulgarian economy on the stage of steadily though slowly growing in the mids of world crisis. On 1 December 2009, Standard and Poors upgraded Bulgaria's investment outlook from "negative" to "stable," which made Bulgaria the only country in the European Union to receive positive upgrade that year.[33] In January 2010 Moody's followed with an upgrade of its rating perspective from "stable" to "positive."

Austerity is a word like supply-side, trickle-down, or Reaganomics that libtards use instead of capitalism because we all know capitalism is obviously superior to liberalism. The best recent examples being East/West Germany and Communist China/capitalist China.

If a liberal feels liberalism is superior to capitalism let him present his reason or admit by his silence that he lacks the IQ to do so.

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