How is austerity doing in Europe

For 3rd time:
If you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????

happy to answer yours as soon as yours answer mine which was asked first
Ed, you are a tool. I did answer your question. But until you take a crack at answering the questions I asked you, I think we can assume you can not. Which is not unusual. And you are lying, as usual. So, since you have proven yourself to be, as usual, incapable of response, see you around.
Must be a drag to be so incapable, eh, ed??

He can't accept that most people just dislike him, personally, so he convinces himself that it's a conspiracy of "liberals". He suffers from a psychosis. If your not experienced in mental health, you can't be expected to recognize it as such. You would most likely think he's being a dick. Rather, you have noticed that he literally cannot comprehend the words on the page before him, words that he should otherwise be expected to understand. What you have seen is him literally unable to comprehend reality when it diverges to far from the fantacy he has created. I can assure you that he is presenting an excellent example of what a psychosis looks like. Think, "seeks out, rearranges, and invents evidence to fit a theme based perception of reality where he is the good guy and others are the enemy."
Maybe you have it. I have been looking at the neo-con mind for years, in total awe. I had a friend who was exactly that. One day, when discussing an issue, he became aware that he was obviously wrong. His response was that "he preferred to believe what he wanted to believe". That was 25 years ago, roughly Since then, I have discovered, and read analysis, of the neo-con mind. The 15 % or a bit more of the population who needs the order that being told what to believe provides. The need to have explanations without the need to do the work. The people who listen to Rush, and believe what he tells them, even when it can be proven wrong, easily. They are the weak minded type who were the same ones who Hitler convinced to mindlessly follow him. Totally without need for proof, with no interest in the facts in any matter. The little minds that make Fox successful. Sad little people who believe what they are told, happily. Because it puts order in their life. And because it provides them an enemy which they need. And the enemy is anyone who does not agree with the beliefs that they CHOSE to have, and their entertainment heroes feed to them.
But had you noticed, I have been saying how similar talking to ed is to talking to a mentally ill person. Funny how we have said the same sort of thing. Though, please understand that I am far from an expert in mental illness. But it is easy to recognize in ed.
Then again, it is important to understand that many of these clowns, ed included, are paid by the far right to post the right wing dogma. Which I have told ed many times that he does, to provide himself with a few bucks. And he knows that I am on to him. Never actually objects to that truth.
Maybe you have it. I have been looking at the neo-con mind for years, in total awe.

yes, modern conservatives believe exactly what Jefferson and Friedman believed. You should be in awe of superior reasoning!

If you object to Jeffersonian reasoning please give us your best example or admit as a standard liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
Maybe you have it. I have been looking at the neo-con mind for years, in total awe.

yes, modern conservatives believe exactly what Jefferson and Friedman believed. You should be in awe of superior reasoning!

If you object to Jeffersonian reasoning please give us your best example or admit as a standard liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
Now, now ed. It is not nice to lie. What I said was quite different than what you are trying to say that I said. I said that cons believe what they want to believe. Which, me boy, makes cons stupid. Which is why you are reduced to lying. And why you appear so stupid.
I said that cons believe what they want to believe.

Cons beleive in freedom from liberal government just as Jefferson did. Thats why they sign the pledge among other things. If you object to Jeffersoninan reasoning please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

Isn't thinking fun?? Its like dealing with a child. You're so use to slithering away form substance you don't even know you are doing it.
The subject is austerity in Europe. *So I use the liberally biased search engine, Google. *I pick the first result, Wikipedia. *It says

"Initial austerity results in Europe have been as predicted by macroeconomics, with unemployment rising to record levels and debt to GDP ratios rising, despite reductions in budget deficits relative to GDP. Eurostat reported that Euro area (EA17) unemployment reached record levels in March 2013 at 12.1%,[7] up from up from 11.0% in March 2012 and 10.3% in March 2011;[8]"

Austerity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Google also produces

Paradox of thrift - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which presents

*The paradox states that if everyone tries to save more money during times of economic recession, then aggregate demand will fall and will in turn lower total savings in the population because of the decrease in consumption and economic growth.*
Down further is

"IMF Working Paper - Successful Austerity in the United States, Europe and Japan."

Thia will take some studying. A quick impression is that It is a presentation of how austerity may be implemented at minimal impact.
This latter study is kind of the normal attempt by some group of economists to use microeconomic modeling techniques to find the truth, whatever the truth is. Problem is, there are usually way too many variables. Kind of like predicting weather patterns with a laptop. But then, that is just my opinion.
But it is great to see an attempt to get back to the actual subject of the thread.
Looks to me like primary factor is going to be the public reaction in the countries involved. Seems people want to work, and the concept that debt is decreased does not help them put food on the table. But then, when people work, they pay taxes. Increased revenue seems to me to have always been the required ingredient in eliminating recession, and in decreasing debt
concept that debt is decreased does not help them put food on the table.

Sure it does!!! any debt paid frees you from an eternity of interest on the debt and thus enables you to but more food on the table.

Also, austerity in Europe is mandatory anyway and not open to discussioin really. Germany, for example, said it was not going to bail out Greece unless Greece could pay back its debts. Got it??

So the real question is not how is austerity working, but how is it working compared to the anarchy that would have occured without saintly austerity.

Over your head??
Down further is

"IMF Working Paper - Successful Austerity in the United States, Europe and Japan."

Thia will take some studying. A quick impression is that It is a presentation of how austerity may be implemented at minimal impact.
This latter study is kind of the normal attempt by some group of economists to use microeconomic modeling techniques to find the truth, whatever the truth is. Problem is, there are usually way too many variables. Kind of like predicting weather patterns with a laptop. But then, that is just my opinion.
But it is great to see an attempt to get back to the actual subject of the thread.
Looks to me like primary factor is going to be the public reaction in the countries involved. Seems people want to work, and the concept that debt is decreased does not help them put food on the table. But then, when people work, they pay taxes. Increased revenue seems to me to have always been the required ingredient in eliminating recession, and in decreasing debt

The economic agent,s unfortunatly, act like a drunk driver, drifting too far to one side then over correcting and vearing sharply to the other. It's a group behavior thing.
Increased revenue seems to me to have always been the required ingredient in eliminating recession

100% stupid of course. More revenue for government means less revenue for the private sector and a prolonged recession since all economic growth comes from an expanding private sector.

Econ 101. Sorry
concept that debt is decreased does not help them put food on the table.

Sure it does!!! any debt paid frees you from an eternity of interest on the debt and thus enables you to but more food on the table.

Also, austerity in Europe is mandatory anyway and not open to discussioin really. Germany, for example, said it was not going to bail out Greece unless Greece could pay back its debts. Got it??

So the real question is not how is austerity working, but how is it working compared to the anarchy that would have occured without saintly austerity.

Over your head??
Well, ed, me idiot con tool, why do you not get your ass over to europe and try to tell those folks without jobs and unable to buy food that austerity is good for them. Lets see if you make it back. Dipshit.
concept that debt is decreased does not help them put food on the table.

Sure it does!!! any debt paid frees you from an eternity of interest on the debt and thus enables you to but more food on the table.

Also, austerity in Europe is mandatory anyway and not open to discussioin really. Germany, for example, said it was not going to bail out Greece unless Greece could pay back its debts. Got it??

So the real question is not how is austerity working, but how is it working compared to the anarchy that would have occured without saintly austerity.

Over your head??
Well, ed, me idiot con tool, why do you not get your ass over to europe and try to tell those folks without jobs and unable to buy food that austerity is good for them. Lets see if you make it back. Dipshit.

as I said, austerity is not an issue because naturally the Germans or Americans or Girl Scouts are not going to put Greece on permanent welfare!! Austerity is far better than complete anarchy just like rehab is far better then overdosing to death!!

Still over your head??
Sure it does!!! any debt paid frees you from an eternity of interest on the debt and thus enables you to but more food on the table.

Also, austerity in Europe is mandatory anyway and not open to discussioin really. Germany, for example, said it was not going to bail out Greece unless Greece could pay back its debts. Got it??

So the real question is not how is austerity working, but how is it working compared to the anarchy that would have occured without saintly austerity.

Over your head??
Well, ed, me idiot con tool, why do you not get your ass over to europe and try to tell those folks without jobs and unable to buy food that austerity is good for them. Lets see if you make it back. Dipshit.

as I said, austerity is not an issue because naturally the Germans or Americans or Girl Scouts are not going to put Greece on permanent welfare!! Austerity is far better than complete anarchy just like rehab is far better then overdosing to death!!

Still over your head??
Were you of the opinion that Greece was the only country in europe? Seems to be the only one you know.
But then, me boy, what I said had nothing to do with that. What I said was, quite simply, you should go over to a european country where austerity is being exercised and tell the workers who are unemployed that they should love austerity because things will be better for the wealthy.
You need to stop trying to insult folks. You are too well known as a troll, and it simply makes you amusing. People just keep laughing at you, ed. It is just not a good thing.
you should go over to a european country where austerity is being exercised and tell the workers who are unemployed that they should love austerity because things will be better for the wealthy.

I agree that I should never go over and do that, so what???????
you should go over to a european country where austerity is being exercised and tell the workers who are unemployed that they should love austerity because things will be better for the wealthy.

I agree that I should never go over and do that, so what???????
Of no interest to you, me boy. You are a con. You could care less about workers. As long as the wealthy get more so. But, I was hoping you would go over. I would have enjoyed your education.! If it isn't "Professor Rshermr"! Back to lecture the US Message Board about economics, Tommy?

It must feel gratifying to know that you aren't the biggest liar on the planet...that distinction now being held by Jay Carney. Kind of like Jimmy Carter being grateful that Barry is slowly but surely getting him off the hook for being the worst President of the modern era.! If it isn't "Professor Rshermr"! Back to lecture the US Message Board about economics, Tommy?

It must feel gratifying to know that you aren't the biggest liar on the planet...that distinction now being held by Jay Carney. Kind of like Jimmy Carter being grateful that Barry is slowly but surely getting him off the hook for being the worst President of the modern era.
No, me boy. I never, ever lie. As you well know. But then, you lie enough for everyone.

But what is more interesting is that you never, ever comment on the subject at hand. You simply attack. Must be sad to be as clueless as you are.
You know...little'd be PERFECT for the job of Obama Press Secretary if Jay Carney can't handle the pressure much longer! You've been telling lies nonstop since you came on this site and you don't stop even when you're caught red-handed. You're EXACTLY the guy they need!!!
You know...little'd be PERFECT for the job of Obama Press Secretary if Jay Carney can't handle the pressure much longer! You've been telling lies nonstop since you came on this site and you don't stop even when you're caught red-handed. You're EXACTLY the guy they need!!!
But then, oldstyle, you lie again. You have never caught me lying because I do not lie. If I am wrong bring on some proof. but then you have none, so you simply make accusations.
Now I, on the other hand, have you lying on at least two occasions where you are caught red handed. And it really makes you angry, eh, os. Can not get a lie on me. So you just keep on lying. Saying that I did lie, you see, is a lie. Obviouse to anyone. But you just keep on.

But then, you waste everyone's time with that. Which is your real purpose. Because as a conservative tool, that is your job. Never let people have actual discussion and advocate things we cons do not like. Just destroy the post, if you can. Personal attacks are perfect. So, the first thing that you do, os, is NOT discuss the topic of this thread, but attack. And that is all that you will do. Because that is your purpose.

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