How is austerity doing in Europe

Funny, ed was quoting SIMEON DJANKOV!!! He was the finance minister in Bulgaria, used very strict austerity methods to bring down the deficit in Bulgaria, and took the economy down the tubes. .

The government of Boiko Borisov elected in 2009 undertook steps to restore economic growth, while attempting to maintain a strict financial policy.[32] The fiscal discipline set by Finance Minister Djankov proved successful and together with reduced budget spending it placed Bulgarian economy on the stage of steadily though slowly growing in the mids of world crisis. On 1 December 2009, Standard and Poors upgraded Bulgaria's investment outlook from "negative" to "stable," which made Bulgaria the only country in the European Union to receive positive upgrade that year.[33] In January 2010 Moody's followed with an upgrade of its rating perspective from "stable" to "positive."
Yup, and now it is 2013. And the economy has decreased in size since then, and the country is poorer. A few made a lot, but the majority lost a lot. Which is why Djankov was fired by the PM in Feb of this year. He was a HIGHLY unpopular guy with the population of the country. As I said, because the PM wants a chance of being reelected.
You really need to look at an actual impartial site to see how things are going. Then you would not look so ignorant.
Funny, ed was quoting SIMEON DJANKOV!!! He was the finance minister in Bulgaria, used very strict austerity methods to bring down the deficit in Bulgaria, and took the economy down the tubes. .

The government of Boiko Borisov elected in 2009 undertook steps to restore economic growth, while attempting to maintain a strict financial policy.[32] The fiscal discipline set by Finance Minister Djankov proved successful and together with reduced budget spending it placed Bulgarian economy on the stage of steadily though slowly growing in the mids of world crisis. On 1 December 2009, Standard and Poors upgraded Bulgaria's investment outlook from "negative" to "stable," which made Bulgaria the only country in the European Union to receive positive upgrade that year.[33] In January 2010 Moody's followed with an upgrade of its rating perspective from "stable" to "positive."
Yup, and now it is 2013. And the economy has decreased in size since then, and the country is poorer. A few made a lot, but the majority lost a lot. Which is why Djankov was fired by the PM in Feb of this year. He was a HIGHLY unpopular guy with the population of the country. As I said, because the PM wants a chance of being reelected.
You really need to look at an actual impartial site to see how things are going. Then you would not look so ignorant.

are you saying capitalism does not work?? If so please say what works better and why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

Austerity is a word like supply-side, trickle-down, or Reaganomics that libtards use instead of capitalism because we all know capitalism is obviously superior to liberalism. The best recent examples being East/West Germany and Communist China/capitalist China.

If a liberal feels liberalism is superior to capitalism let him present his reason or admit by his silence that he lacks the IQ to do so.
SEE!!! See. There it is again. Ed saying something that makes absolutely no sense. Just like trying to discuss something with a severely mentally ill patient. Sad.
Liberalism is a political orientation. Capitalism is an economic system.
I know. Much to complex for you, ed.
The government of Boiko Borisov elected in 2009 undertook steps to restore economic growth, while attempting to maintain a strict financial policy.[32] The fiscal discipline set by Finance Minister Djankov proved successful and together with reduced budget spending it placed Bulgarian economy on the stage of steadily though slowly growing in the mids of world crisis. On 1 December 2009, Standard and Poors upgraded Bulgaria's investment outlook from "negative" to "stable," which made Bulgaria the only country in the European Union to receive positive upgrade that year.[33] In January 2010 Moody's followed with an upgrade of its rating perspective from "stable" to "positive."
Yup, and now it is 2013. And the economy has decreased in size since then, and the country is poorer. A few made a lot, but the majority lost a lot. Which is why Djankov was fired by the PM in Feb of this year. He was a HIGHLY unpopular guy with the population of the country. As I said, because the PM wants a chance of being reelected.
You really need to look at an actual impartial site to see how things are going. Then you would not look so ignorant.

are you saying capitalism does not work?? If so please say what works better and why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
Cmon, ed. I never said any such thing. Lying again, eh.
But you are a self admitted libertarian. I am still waiting to have you tell us where a Libertarian economy has ever, ever, ever succeeded over any period of time.
Yup, and now it is 2013. And the economy has decreased in size since then, and the country is poorer. A few made a lot, but the majority lost a lot. Which is why Djankov was fired by the PM in Feb of this year. He was a HIGHLY unpopular guy with the population of the country. As I said, because the PM wants a chance of being reelected.
You really need to look at an actual impartial site to see how things are going. Then you would not look so ignorant.

are you saying capitalism does not work?? If so please say what works better and why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
Cmon, ed. I never said any such thing. Lying again, eh.

well if austerity or capitalism does not work why be so afriad to tell us what does work?? You support Obamacare socialism so I assume you are a treasonous socialist who would prefer a government monopoly bureaucracy in all industries?? Don't be afriad to tell us.
are you saying capitalism does not work?? If so please say what works better and why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so.
Cmon, ed. I never said any such thing. Lying again, eh.

well if austerity or capitalism does not work why be so afriad to tell us what does work?? You support Obamacare socialism so I assume you are a treasonous socialist who would prefer a government monopoly bureaucracy in all industries?? Don't be afriad to tell us.
Afraid to tell you is not the problem. I only try to educate those who have the ability to accept education. That exempts you.
Austerity is not an economic system. Capitalism is. Again, you are confused. Comes with your mental condition, I am sure.
Austerity is not an economic system. Capitalism is. .

so why not explain the relationship between austerity and capitalism
or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so??
And you have no memory. As I said, I only educate those with the ability to be educated. I suspect others have tried. But it just does not take.

a typical liberal without the IQ to state his objection to capitalism tries to change the subject and hopes no one will notice!
so why not explain the relationship between austerity and capitalism
or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so??
And you have no memory. As I said, I only educate those with the ability to be educated. I suspect others have tried. But it just does not take.

a typical liberal without the IQ to state his objection to capitalism tries to change the subject and hopes no one will notice!
Ah, but where did I say I had an objection to capitalism?? You are lying again. Kind of a pattern with you, me boy.
Now ed, try to follow this. Since I did not say I had an objection to capitalism, how do you suggest I could change the subject???
Logic just is not your strong point, me boy.
Ed, a rational person would stop. You just keep looking dumb. And it will continue. Cause, you see, you lack the intellect to make sense, much less an argument.
Since I did not say I had an objection to capitalism, .

Ah, so if you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Obamacare, me poor ignorant clown, is not healthcare. It is health insurance. We have social healthcare. It is called the VA. Are you suggesting that we get rid of the VA, me boy???
You see, my poor ignorant boy, the ACA simply provides medical insurance, supplied by private insurance corporations, to the citizens. And the medicine is provided by private doctors.

Now, do you want to suggest we close down that social medical system, the VA??
Since I did not say I had an objection to capitalism, .

Ah, so if you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Obamacare, me poor ignorant clown, is not healthcare. It is health insurance. We have social healthcare. It is called the VA. Are you suggesting that we get rid of the VA, me boy???
You see, my poor ignorant boy, the ACA simply provides medical insurance, supplied by private insurance corporations, to the citizens. And the medicine is provided by private doctors.

Now, do you want to suggest we close down that social medical system, the VA??

Ah, so if you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Try to answer the question, please, or admit you are afraid to.

Also, Obamacare has 100's of mandates where they direct medical care with strong incentives away from fee for service. Another subject about which you apparently know nothing! What a surprise.
Ah, so if you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Obamacare, me poor ignorant clown, is not healthcare. It is health insurance. We have social healthcare. It is called the VA. Are you suggesting that we get rid of the VA, me boy???
You see, my poor ignorant boy, the ACA simply provides medical insurance, supplied by private insurance corporations, to the citizens. And the medicine is provided by private doctors.

Now, do you want to suggest we close down that social medical system, the VA??

Ah, so if you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Try to answer the question, please, or admit you are afraid to.

Also, Obamacare has 100's of mandates where they direct medical care with strong incentives away from fee for service. Another subject about which you apparently know nothing! What a surprise.
I did, dipshit. But you did not answer my question. You say you hate social healthcare, so, by basic logic, that must mean that you hate the VA system. Should we cut those military folks off of the dole and make them pay for their own damned health care, and shut down that socialist VA system??? Or is this to difficult a question for you?

And ed, me poor ignorant con tool, regulations do not mean something is socialist. Do you drive?? Oh, hell, I know this is too difficult for you.

Ed me boy, you need to do better. This is like killing ants. No contest.
Obamacare, me poor ignorant clown, is not healthcare. It is health insurance. We have social healthcare. It is called the VA. Are you suggesting that we get rid of the VA, me boy???
You see, my poor ignorant boy, the ACA simply provides medical insurance, supplied by private insurance corporations, to the citizens. And the medicine is provided by private doctors.

Now, do you want to suggest we close down that social medical system, the VA??

Ah, so if you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Try to answer the question, please, or admit you are afraid to.

Also, Obamacare has 100's of mandates where they direct medical care with strong incentives away from fee for service. Another subject about which you apparently know nothing! What a surprise.
I did, dipshit. But you did not answer my question. You say you hate social healthcare, so, by basic logic, that must mean that you hate the VA system. Should we cut those military folks off of the dole and make them pay for their own damned health care, and shut down that socialist VA system??? Or is this to difficult a question for you?

And ed, me poor ignorant con tool, regulations do not mean something is socialist. Do you drive?? Oh, hell, I know this is too difficult for you.

Ed me boy, you need to do better. This is like killing ants. No contest.

For 3rd time:
If you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Ah, so if you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Try to answer the question, please, or admit you are afraid to.

Also, Obamacare has 100's of mandates where they direct medical care with strong incentives away from fee for service. Another subject about which you apparently know nothing! What a surprise.
I did, dipshit. But you did not answer my question. You say you hate social healthcare, so, by basic logic, that must mean that you hate the VA system. Should we cut those military folks off of the dole and make them pay for their own damned health care, and shut down that socialist VA system??? Or is this to difficult a question for you?

And ed, me poor ignorant con tool, regulations do not mean something is socialist. Do you drive?? Oh, hell, I know this is too difficult for you.

Ed me boy, you need to do better. This is like killing ants. No contest.

For 3rd time:
If you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Already answered, ed. If you do not want to answer my questions, then go play elsewhere. You have no game, me boy.
So, again. What do you want to do with the VA and where is that successfull libertarian economic country? Can't answer eh?? Thought so.
I did, dipshit. But you did not answer my question. You say you hate social healthcare, so, by basic logic, that must mean that you hate the VA system. Should we cut those military folks off of the dole and make them pay for their own damned health care, and shut down that socialist VA system??? Or is this to difficult a question for you?

And ed, me poor ignorant con tool, regulations do not mean something is socialist. Do you drive?? Oh, hell, I know this is too difficult for you.

Ed me boy, you need to do better. This is like killing ants. No contest.

For 3rd time:
If you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Already answered, ed. If you do not want to answer my questions, then go play elsewhere. You have no game, me boy.
So, again. What do you want to do with the VA and where is that successfull libertarian economic country? Can't answer eh?? Thought so.
For 3rd time:
If you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????

happy to answer yours as soon as yours answer mine which was asked first
For 3rd time:
If you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????
Already answered, ed. If you do not want to answer my questions, then go play elsewhere. You have no game, me boy.
So, again. What do you want to do with the VA and where is that successfull libertarian economic country? Can't answer eh?? Thought so.
For 3rd time:
If you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????

happy to answer yours as soon as yours answer mine which was asked first
Ed, you are a tool. I did answer your question. But until you take a crack at answering the questions I asked you, I think we can assume you can not. Which is not unusual. And you are lying, as usual. So, since you have proven yourself to be, as usual, incapable of response, see you around.
Must be a drag to be so incapable, eh, ed??
Already answered, ed. If you do not want to answer my questions, then go play elsewhere. You have no game, me boy.
So, again. What do you want to do with the VA and where is that successfull libertarian economic country? Can't answer eh?? Thought so.
For 3rd time:
If you have no objection to capitalism do you want capitalist health care or do you want Obamacare?? Isn't thinking fun????

happy to answer yours as soon as yours answer mine which was asked first
Ed, you are a tool. I did answer your question. But until you take a crack at answering the questions I asked you, I think we can assume you can not. Which is not unusual. And you are lying, as usual. So, since you have proven yourself to be, as usual, incapable of response, see you around.
Must be a drag to be so incapable, eh, ed??

He can't accept that most people just dislike him, personally, so he convinces himself that it's a conspiracy of "liberals". He suffers from a psychosis. If your not experienced in mental health, you can't be expected to recognize it as such. You would most likely think he's being a dick. Rather, you have noticed that he literally cannot comprehend the words on the page before him, words that he should otherwise be expected to understand. What you have seen is him literally unable to comprehend reality when it diverges to far from the fantacy he has created. I can assure you that he is presenting an excellent example of what a psychosis looks like. Think, "seeks out, rearranges, and invents evidence to fit a theme based perception of reality where he is the good guy and others are the enemy."

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