How is austerity doing in Europe

you should go over to a european country where austerity is being exercised and tell the workers who are unemployed that they should love austerity because things will be better for the wealthy.

I agree that I should never go over and do that, so what???????
Of no interest to you, me boy. You are a con. You could care less about workers. As long as the wealthy get more so. But, I was hoping you would go over. I would have enjoyed your education.

too stupid as usual!! Austerity is the policy of Europe so obviously there are lots of advocates there; without me inout being necessary!! Also, yes of course many in rehab would object to staying in rehab until they are sober, but nevertheless it must be done!

Oh and I love the liberal bigotry!! You are morally superior because you support crippling welfare. Thats makes so much sense-right??
I agree that I should never go over and do that, so what???????
Of no interest to you, me boy. You are a con. You could care less about workers. As long as the wealthy get more so. But, I was hoping you would go over. I would have enjoyed your education.

too stupid as usual!! Austerity is the policy of Europe so obviously there are lots of advocates there; without me inout being necessary!! Also, yes of course many in rehab would object to staying in rehab until they are sober, but nevertheless it must be done!

Oh and I love the liberal bigotry!! You are morally superior because you support crippling welfare. Thats makes so much sense-right??

Yes, austerity is the policy of the EU and it's a disaster. A third year econ undergraduate could tell you why.

The following EU member states are in a recession: Austria, Greece, France, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Finland and Portugal.

I read some of your more nonsensical posts (well, all of them are inherently nonsensical).

Here's some things you need to realize:

1) The money supply isn't static. It's actually endogenous.
2) A deficit reduction is the fiscal equivalent of a tax increase. They both remove income from the economy.

I think you need to buy a plane ticket and charter a bus through Spain and Greece and see for yourself what these thoroughly discredited policies are breeding.
Yes, austerity is the policy of the EU and it's a disaster. A third year econ undergraduate could tell you why.

dear, a drunk getting sober is not a diaster! Not only is getting sober a good thing but in the case of Europe it is necessary since Germany naturally does not want to put Greece, for example, on eternal liberal welfare!!

Simple enough for you now??
Yes, austerity is the policy of the EU and it's a disaster. A third year econ undergraduate could tell you why.

dear, a drunk getting sober is not a diaster! Not only is getting sober a good thing but in the case of Europe it is necessary since Germany naturally does not want to put Greece, for example, on eternal liberal welfare!!

Simple enough for you now??


Do you even read the lunacy that you post? I've made concerted efforts to respond in the past. :cuckoo:
Yes, austerity is the policy of the EU and it's a disaster. A third year econ undergraduate could tell you why.

dear, a drunk getting sober is not a diaster! Not only is getting sober a good thing but in the case of Europe it is necessary since Germany naturally does not want to put Greece, for example, on eternal liberal welfare!!

Simple enough for you now??


Do you even read the lunacy that you post? I've made concerted efforts to respond in the past. :cuckoo:

and you are afraid to respond now??
What does your fear tell you about the liberal IQ?
I agree that I should never go over and do that, so what???????
Of no interest to you, me boy. You are a con. You could care less about workers. As long as the wealthy get more so. But, I was hoping you would go over. I would have enjoyed your education.

too stupid as usual!! Austerity is the policy of Europe so obviously there are lots of advocates there; without me inout being necessary!! Also, yes of course many in rehab would object to staying in rehab until they are sober, but nevertheless it must be done!

Oh and I love the liberal bigotry!! You are morally superior because you support crippling welfare. Thats makes so much sense-right??
Hmm. You seem to know a bit about rehab. And I thought your problems stemmed from mental illness. Perhaps it is from substance abuse. Yep, could be.
But it really does show your stripes, me con tool, when you call job creation, and the resultant movement of income to the workers, "crippling welfare". Funny, but subsidizing the wealthy is good, but moving income to the middle class by creating more jobs is crippling welfare. Right out of con tool school 101, and supported by your favorite bat shit crazy far right con web site. And, happily for ed, NO THOUGHT REQUIRED!!!!
Yes, austerity is the policy of the EU and it's a disaster. A third year econ undergraduate could tell you why.

dear, a drunk getting sober is not a diaster! Not only is getting sober a good thing but in the case of Europe it is necessary since Germany naturally does not want to put Greece, for example, on eternal liberal welfare!!

Simple enough for you now??


Do you even read the lunacy that you post? I've made concerted efforts to respond in the past. :cuckoo:
Ed is still in wonder about the word endogenous. Can't find it in the bat shit crazy con web sites he lives in. And is also ignorant of the word dictionary. So he is staying with something he knows much more about, somehow, which is Substance Abuse. Simpler. For a simple mind.
Yes, austerity is the policy of the EU and it's a disaster. A third year econ undergraduate could tell you why.

dear, a drunk getting sober is not a diaster! Not only is getting sober a good thing but in the case of Europe it is necessary since Germany naturally does not want to put Greece, for example, on eternal liberal welfare!!

Simple enough for you now??


Do you even read the lunacy that you post? I've made concerted efforts to respond in the past. :cuckoo:

Ed is our resident pet troll. He's good for comedy relief. Just don't feed him too often.
dear, a drunk getting sober is not a diaster! Not only is getting sober a good thing but in the case of Europe it is necessary since Germany naturally does not want to put Greece, for example, on eternal liberal welfare!!

Simple enough for you now??


Do you even read the lunacy that you post? I've made concerted efforts to respond in the past. :cuckoo:

Ed is our resident pet troll. He's good for comedy relief. Just don't feed him too often.

translation: as a violent liberal I lack the IQ for substance
What's funny, you on the same string pretending to BE an economist as someone that has a Doctorate in the subject!
dear, a drunk getting sober is not a diaster! Not only is getting sober a good thing but in the case of Europe it is necessary since Germany naturally does not want to put Greece, for example, on eternal liberal welfare!!

Simple enough for you now??


Do you even read the lunacy that you post? I've made concerted efforts to respond in the past. :cuckoo:

Ed is our resident pet troll. He's good for comedy relief. Just don't feed him too often.
What is your considered opinion of the overall situation in europe with their efforts at austerity. I could use a dose of reality, after dealing with the conservative crowd here.
By the way, on a personal note, I was listening to a radio program where an economist from Australia discussed a book he had recently published that won awards for his analysis of austerity throughout the world, but particularly in europe. I lost his name, and the name of his book, so I have been trying to google all the relative words but with no success. Sound familiar to you? Just hoping. I believe that book was published between 1 and 2 years ago, though not certain.
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Do you even read the lunacy that you post? I've made concerted efforts to respond in the past. :cuckoo:

Ed is our resident pet troll. He's good for comedy relief. Just don't feed him too often.
What is your considered opinion of the overall situation in europe with their efforts at austerity. I could use a dose of reality, after dealing with the conservative crowd here.
By the way, on a personal note, I was listening to a radio program where an economist from Australia discussed a book he had recently published that won awards for his analysis of austerity throughout the world, but particularly in europe. I lost his name, and the name of his book, so I have been trying to google all the relative words but with no success. Sound familiar to you? Just hoping. I believe that book was published between 1 and 2 years ago, though not certain.

WSJ: "if borrowing money for the government to spend on growth worked Europe would not be in this mess. The Continent finds itself in a never ending slump because it has mostly failed to reform its sclerotic labor market, cut job-killing regulations, reduce the rolls of the civil service, improve its tax competitiveness, and rein in public unions. When government accounts for 50% of GDP- as it does in Italy, Portugal, France, and Greece-that's a fair indication that's what ever else is ailing Europe its not austerity."

Do you even read the lunacy that you post? I've made concerted efforts to respond in the past. :cuckoo:

Ed is our resident pet troll. He's good for comedy relief. Just don't feed him too often.
What is your considered opinion of the overall situation in europe with their efforts at austerity. I could use a dose of reality, after dealing with the conservative crowd here.
By the way, on a personal note, I was listening to a radio program where an economist from Australia discussed a book he had recently published that won awards for his analysis of austerity throughout the world, but particularly in europe. I lost his name, and the name of his book, so I have been trying to google all the relative words but with no success. Sound familiar to you? Just hoping. I believe that book was published between 1 and 2 years ago, though not certain.

It may have been Steve Keen. He's a professor of economics from the University of Western Sydney. He's a BRILLIANT economist, one of the few doing cutting edge research.

Austerity is a failed policy, with zero historical basis in reality. Austerity measures have failed every time they've been attempted, regardless of taxation policy recommendations by the IMF. It simply cannot work if we follow the sectoral balances approach. The end result of austerity is that it will atrophy labor and capital, thus pushing the country into actual depression. If the government sector runs a surplus, then the domestic private sector will go into deficit, similar to what occurred under Clinton in the late 90s, which caused private debt to increase dramatically.
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Ed is our resident pet troll. He's good for comedy relief. Just don't feed him too often.
What is your considered opinion of the overall situation in europe with their efforts at austerity. I could use a dose of reality, after dealing with the conservative crowd here.
By the way, on a personal note, I was listening to a radio program where an economist from Australia discussed a book he had recently published that won awards for his analysis of austerity throughout the world, but particularly in europe. I lost his name, and the name of his book, so I have been trying to google all the relative words but with no success. Sound familiar to you? Just hoping. I believe that book was published between 1 and 2 years ago, though not certain.

WSJ: "if borrowing money for the government to spend on growth worked Europe would not be in this mess. The Continent finds itself in a never ending slump because it has mostly failed to reform its sclerotic labor market, cut job-killing regulations, reduce the rolls of the civil service, improve its tax competitiveness, and rein in public unions. When government accounts for 50% of GDP- as it does in Italy, Portugal, France, and Greece-that's a fair indication that's what ever else is ailing Europe its not austerity."

Complete bullshit.

The fiscal austerity imposed on certain EU counties was done by the Troika. Their austerity policy is an EPIC FAIL. The private sector in these EU countries haven't increased spending as their public sectors were cut. They simply can't. The second EPIC FAIL was telling their populations that massive cuts in the public sector would increase the competitiveness of these nations, thus closing the gap with Zee Germans resulting in an export renaissance. It never happened. This was all a massive lie. These policies have destroyed and impoverished the lives of untold millions and a whole generation of Europeans.

It's time for the adults in the room to stand up.
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"WSJ - "... job-killing regulations ..."

For instance, do people realize the number of jobs created to clean up an oil spill? It far offsets the labor paid to initially build equipment that reduces accidents.
There has been some questioning of the effect of austerity on the health of the nations involved. This is the best I have run into, as far as having some proof well documented:
"Scientists at Oxford and Stanford Universities have brought to light the negative effect austerity measures have on health. They say spending cuts and mass lay-offs across Europe and North America are fueling a spike in suicide and depression. The academics behind the study believe the global financial crisis has caused as many as 10,000 to take their own lives."
?US, European leaders in denial about human cost of austerity? ? RT Op-Edge
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Then, the cause of the Eurozone financial crisis. The popular cause pushed by every conservative with sufficient time and brain activity to post was that it was the fault of the people themselves. Too much spending on the people of those countries. Which is, of course, complete drivel.
The cause of the economic meltdown in europe was about the same as the cause of the meltdown in this country. Which is why it happened at exactly the same time.

Here is a really well written explanation of the problems causing the EU meltdown:
The reasons behind the Eurozone financial crisis | New Europe
Having a debate with an obvious troll is largely a waste of time.

I guess about the only purpose it can serve is to make one a better writer.
It's time for the adults in the room to stand up.

1) economists support capitalism or socialism

2) austerity (less government spending) is only a small step toward capitalism

3) the is no significant austerity in Europe since most governments there spend 50% of GDP

4) austerity is mandatory in Europe since Greece cant pay its bills and most cut spending to get the loans from Germany to stay afloat as it downsizes to a life saving sustainable level.

A liberal will have no where near the IQ needed to understand the above so will continue to parrot as he is told.

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