How is austerity doing in Europe

Ed, me boy. You are apparently unaware that a corporation can have as few as 1 person. Dipshit. And, me poor ignorant con tool, here I am having to educate you again. Hard, but let me try:
In 2007, there were 28,952,489 total incorporated establishments. Of those, 21,351,320 had NO EMPLOYEES. Only 7,601,169 had at least ONE employee. And of those million plus that had at least one employee, about half had 4 or less employees.
Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

So, ed, you should not state statistical numbers. Too easy to prove that you are a liar.

Thank. My last numbers were from '00. Around here, many businesses don't pay taxes. They are just to small and have no profit, if the owner draws a salary. The owner is lucky to scratch out a living and pays standard income taxes. One guy was having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to have employees at all. Business was sporadic. Still, he needed the people there. The State labor agency took a look at him, fines and all. It's not like he's ever actually going to pay them. You can't get blood from a turnip.

Starting up and running a business is no as easy as saying "free market".
No, it is not. And being a stupid as ed is even more difficult. Watch him change the subject.
Ed, me boy. You are apparently unaware that a corporation can have as few as 1 person. Dipshit. And, me poor ignorant con tool, here I am having to educate you again. Hard, but let me try:
In 2007, there were 28,952,489 total incorporated establishments. Of those, 21,351,320 had NO EMPLOYEES. Only 7,601,169 had at least ONE employee. And of those million plus that had at least one employee, about half had 4 or less employees.
Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

So, ed, you should not state statistical numbers. Too easy to prove that you are a liar.

Thank. My last numbers were from '00. Around here, many businesses don't pay taxes. They are just to small and have no profit, if the owner draws a salary. The owner is lucky to scratch out a living and pays standard income taxes. One guy was having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to have employees at all. Business was sporadic. Still, he needed the people there. The State labor agency took a look at him, fines and all. It's not like he's ever actually going to pay them. You can't get blood from a turnip.

Starting up and running a business is no as easy as saying "free market".
No, it is not. And being a stupid as ed is even more difficult. Watch him change the subject.

perfectly stupid liberal trying to quibble over how many millions of corporations there are in the world because he cant support his parroted 19th Century Marxist claim that there is some important consequence to having "power"[whatever that means] concentrated in millions and millions of competing corporations all over the world!!
You said 50M corporations. You lied. Now, in my mind, 20 million or so is not quibling.

dear, how stupid can one person be???? it could be 20, 50 or 80 million businesses depending on how you count, but the issue still remains: what is the evil consequence you claimed of having power concentrated in 80 million businesses ???????????????????????????????

here is a count showing 71 million, not counting USA!!
Are you at least smart enough to feel stupid??? Sorry!
1,783 2003
# 81 Yemen: 0.09 per 1,000 people 2003
# 67 Zambia: 23,193 2003
# 2 Zimbabwe: 6,330,047 2003
Total: 71,553,465
Thank. My last numbers were from '00. Around here, many businesses don't pay taxes. They are just to small and have no profit, if the owner draws a salary. The owner is lucky to scratch out a living and pays standard income taxes. One guy was having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to have employees at all. Business was sporadic. Still, he needed the people there. The State labor agency took a look at him, fines and all. It's not like he's ever actually going to pay them. You can't get blood from a turnip.

Starting up and running a business is no as easy as saying "free market".
No, it is not. And being a stupid as ed is even more difficult. Watch him change the subject.

perfectly stupid liberal trying to quibble over how many millions of corporations there are in the world because he cant support his parroted 19th Century Marxist claim that there is some important consequence to having "power"[whatever that means] concentrated in millions and millions of competing corporations all over the world!!
Ed, me boy. You just continue to lie. But then, you ARE a con.
Now, about that whole monopoly power issue. Perhaps you remember an economist by the name of Smith. Adam Smith. You know, Wealth of Nations. Go take a look, dipshit. Even he saw the problem with monopoly power. Only a few well paid conservative economists think otherwise. And ed. But then he is paid by the cons, also. Funny.
Here is the thing, ed. You can post the con dogma from now till the cows come home. If you see no monopoly power, or any problem with monopoly power, then you are either a liar, or a paid con dogma slinger. And, since you are both, where is the surprise?
You said 50M corporations. You lied. Now, in my mind, 20 million or so is not quibling.

dear, how stupid can one person be???? it could be 20, 50 or 80 million businesses depending on how you count, but the issue still remains: what is the evil consequence you claimed of having power concentrated in 80 million businesses ???????????????????????????????

here is a count showing 71 million, not counting USA!!
Are you at least smart enough to feel stupid??? Sorry!
1,783 2003
# 81 Yemen: 0.09 per 1,000 people 2003
# 67 Zambia: 23,193 2003
# 2 Zimbabwe: 6,330,047 2003
Total: 71,553,465
Again, ed, me boy. Being a con tool, you lie. I educated you earlier. There are less than 6 million corporations in the US that have one or more employees. Over 21 million have NONE.
And, large corporations, which are the only ones that matter in this discussion, are few indeed. There are less than 2000 corporations with over 2000 employees.
Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

Ed, here is a news flash. No one cares how many corporations there are or are not in Yemen or Zimbabwe. Idiot.'re STILL trying to pretend you know something about economics? Here's a "news flash" for you, little wouldn't know Adam Smith from Adam Ant.
How might austerity be measured? Is it simply reduced spending? Is it any attempt to reduce the budget deficit, regardless of the outcome? Is it actual budget deficit reduction? Is it zero deficit?

whats important is to recognize the relationship between capitalism and austerity since austerity alone is not a viable or recognized economic system, it is merely an aspect of capitalism.

Europe needs to cut it government spending back to 25% from 50% before you might look for results, plus it must reform its eurosclerotic labor market, cut job-killing regulations, reduce the rolls of the civil service, improve its tax competitiveness, and rein in public unions, to name a few of things it must do to approach capitalism efficiency and growth.

So when did this derailment of capitalism start?
Ed does not know. He simply posts conservative dogma. He has long since determined that he does not care about economic reality. He simply posts what he is paid to post. Dogma from his conservative handlers. No one, and I mean NO ONE, posts as often as ed. And always in perfect alignment with the right wing bat shit crazy conservative web sites. And always, always, always, Ed passes the koch test. If it is good for the Koch brothers, it is what ed "believes".
Ed is a fraud. As are a number or right wing tools posting on this site.
This continued battle where some people think the problem is government while others believe it is corporations sort to misses the reality in favor or some goofy ideology

I fail to see how any citizen of even average intelligence can miss this fact..government (both parties) works hand in hand with insider corporations.
This continued battle where some people think the problem is government while others believe it is corporations sort to misses the reality in favor or some goofy ideology

I fail to see how any citizen of even average intelligence can miss this fact..government (both parties) works hand in hand with insider corporations.
Way too much. I agree. But there is still the whole issue of how to see our economy improve. And, if you actually look, you will see that there is no intent to improve the ECONOMY by the cons. There is simply an intent to get back complete power, and to make the wealthy more so. If you miss that, then you are not looking with an impartial mind.
whats important is to recognize the relationship between capitalism and austerity since austerity alone is not a viable or recognized economic system, it is merely an aspect of capitalism.

Europe needs to cut it government spending back to 25% from 50% before you might look for results, plus it must reform its eurosclerotic labor market, cut job-killing regulations, reduce the rolls of the civil service, improve its tax competitiveness, and rein in public unions, to name a few of things it must do to approach capitalism efficiency and growth.

So when did this derailment of capitalism start?
Ed does not know. *He simply posts conservative dogma. *He has long since determined that he does not care about economic reality. *He simply posts what he is paid to post. *Dogma from his conservative handlers. *No one, and I mean NO ONE, posts as often as ed. *And always in perfect alignment with the right wing bat shit crazy conservative web sites. *And always, always, always, Ed passes the koch test. *If it is good for the Koch brothers, it is what ed "believes". *
Ed is a fraud. *As are a number or right wing tools posting on this site.

He is a theme based thinker. He sees two themes and categorizes accordingly. If information won't fit the categories, he ignores it.*

One theme is this thing he calls capitalism/free-markets. It guarantees that all companies price at cost. *This drives prices down, consumer expenses are as low as possible, and everyone gets rich. *

Anything that doesn't fit that model is caused by interference in the market.

He doesn't know when this derailment happened, just that it did. The proof is simple, he's not rich. *If not for market interferance, we'd all be millionaires.

It works like this:

1) Formulate a theory based on theme that will get him rich.
2) Collect data.
3) Fit data into theory.
4) Put data that won't fit aside until it can be fitted.
5) Return to step 2.

(Procedure for fitting data. *Increase generalization of words until can fit.)

That's why he knows that global climate change is a hoax.

Climate change scientists use the same process.

1) Formulate a theory based on theme that will get them rich.
2) Collect data
3) Fit data into theory.
4) Put data that won't fit aside until it can be fitted.

That's "science". *It's so simple, even a liberal could do it.
Last edited:
This continued battle where some people think the problem is government while others believe it is corporations sort to misses the reality in favor or some goofy ideology

I fail to see how any citizen of even average intelligence can miss this fact..government (both parties) works hand in hand with insider corporations.

Corporment? Goverations?
This continued battle where some people think the problem is government while others believe it is corporations sort to misses the reality in favor or some goofy ideology

I fail to see how any citizen of even average intelligence can miss this fact..government (both parties) works hand in hand with insider corporations.

liberal or crony socialist government believes in business and government being combined, as in Obamacare, while Republican capitalism is about the separation of business and government.

A child can grasp this just not a liberal
This continued battle where some people think the problem is government while others believe it is corporations sort to misses the reality in favor or some goofy ideology

I fail to see how any citizen of even average intelligence can miss this fact..government (both parties) *works hand in hand with insider corporations.

liberal or crony socialist government believes in business and government being combined, as in Obamacare, while Republican capitalism is about the separation of business and government.*

A child can grasp this just not a liberal

Awesome, Ed. *Give us your best historical example of a nation where gov't and business were perfectly seperated.
This continued battle where some people think the problem is government while others believe it is corporations sort to misses the reality in favor or some goofy ideology

I fail to see how any citizen of even average intelligence can miss this fact..government (both parties) *works hand in hand with insider corporations.

liberal or crony socialist government believes in business and government being combined, as in Obamacare, while Republican capitalism is about the separation of business and government.*

A child can grasp this just not a liberal

Awesome, Ed. *Give us your best historical example of a nation where gov't and business were perfectly seperated.

too stupid!!! What on earth makes you think there is an example of perfect separation?????????

See why we say slow, very very slow!!!.
liberal or crony socialist government believes in business and government being combined, as in Obamacare, while Republican capitalism is about the separation of business and government.*

A child can grasp this just not a liberal

Awesome, Ed. *Give us your best historical example of a nation where gov't and business were perfectly seperated.

too stupid!!! What on earth makes you think there is an example of perfect separation?????????

See why we say slow, very very slow!!!.

I don't. *But you're the expert. *How about a historical example of substantial seperation then?
Awesome, Ed. *Give us your best historical example of a nation where gov't and business were perfectly seperated.

too stupid!!! What on earth makes you think there is an example of perfect separation?????????

See why we say slow, very very slow!!!.

I don't.

so what makes the idiot liberal think anyone would? In fact its a perfect example of how a liberal can't think at all. See why we say slow??
too stupid!!! What on earth makes you think there is an example of perfect separation?????????

See why we say slow, very very slow!!!.

so what makes the idiot liberal think anyone would? In fact its a perfect example of how a liberal can't think at all. See why we say slow??

Wow, Ed. *You actually have to edit my response so you can believe yourself. Then you can't even do that right.
too stupid!!! What on earth makes you think there is an example of perfect separation?????????

See why we say slow, very very slow!!!.

so what makes the idiot liberal think anyone would? In fact its a perfect example of how a liberal can't think at all. See why we say slow??

Wow, Ed. *You actually have to edit my response so you can believe yourself. Then you can't even do that right.
Ed is a admitted libertarian. So, I keep asking him for an example of a successful libertarian economy. Can you believe that ed is incapable of doing so? Tried the USA once. But, his heroes (Koch bros, et al) want the economy to move in that direction. They are smart enough to know that moving in that direction will make them richer and more powerful. They probably also know that they will NEVER get to an actual libertarian economy. But poor ed is not smart enough to know all that.

so what makes the idiot liberal think anyone would? In fact its a perfect example of how a liberal can't think at all. See why we say slow??

Wow, Ed. *You actually have to edit my response so you can believe yourself. Then you can't even do that right.
Ed is a admitted libertarian. *So, I keep asking him for an example of a successful libertarian economy. *Can you believe that ed is incapable of doing so? *Tried the USA once. *But, his heroes (Koch bros, et al) want the economy to move in that direction. *They are smart enough to know that moving in that direction will make them richer and more powerful. *They probably also know that they will NEVER get to an actual libertarian economy. *But poor ed is not smart enough to know all that.

I wouldn't go so far as to insult the entire Libertarian party, Libertarian Party | Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government, without getting to know them better.

I've learned a couple things from Ed, when he get's specific. *I research it, find out he's completely wrong, then I know something new.

How awesome for econ when we find any periods or nations of reasonably predominate anything. *To bad he doesn't know of any. *I'm quite disappointed. *Never hurts to ask.
Wow, Ed. *You actually have to edit my response so you can believe yourself. Then you can't even do that right.
Ed is a admitted libertarian. *So, I keep asking him for an example of a successful libertarian economy. *Can you believe that ed is incapable of doing so? *Tried the USA once. *But, his heroes (Koch bros, et al) want the economy to move in that direction. *They are smart enough to know that moving in that direction will make them richer and more powerful. *They probably also know that they will NEVER get to an actual libertarian economy. *But poor ed is not smart enough to know all that.

I wouldn't go so far as to insult the entire Libertarian party, Libertarian Party | Maximum Freedom, Minimum Government, without getting to know them better.

I've learned a couple things from Ed, when he get's specific. *I research it, find out he's completely wrong, then I know something new.

How awesome for econ when we find any periods or nations of reasonably predominate anything. *To bad he doesn't know of any. *I'm quite disappointed. *Never hurts to ask.
I know them well. But all one has to know is that libertarianism does not work. Never has, and never will. There needs to be a balance between gov and bus. Too far either way, it will never work because the people of the nation will never let it.
Just as communism does not work for the long term, after the advantages of central planning have played out, so libertarianism leads to the absolute power of a few extremely wealthy cats who control everything, including the gov. And the result is a cesspool for the workers. And revolt, and tyranny will always result. If it ever gets that far.

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