How is austerity doing in Europe


A state of reduced spending or increased frugality ...

In economics, austerity describes policies used by governments to reduce budget deficits during extreme economic conditions.

Seems like some people are making up their own definition.
How might austerity be measured? Is it simply reduced spending? Is it any attempt to reduce the budget deficit, regardless of the outcome? Is it actual budget deficit reduction? Is it zero deficit?

A state of reduced spending or increased frugality ...

In economics, austerity describes policies used by governments to reduce budget deficits during extreme economic conditions.

Seems like some people are making up their own definition.

yes, if Europe cuts spending from 53% of GDP to 50% liberals claim that is austerity and that it disproves capitalism (which is far more than austerity) which China just used to eliminate 50% of the world's poverty!!

Liberal is another world for stupid I'm afraid to say.
How might austerity be measured? Is it simply reduced spending? Is it any attempt to reduce the budget deficit, regardless of the outcome? Is it actual budget deficit reduction? Is it zero deficit?

whats important is to recognize the relationship between capitalism and austerity since austerity alone is not a viable or recognized economic system, it is merely an aspect of capitalism.

Europe needs to cut it government spending back to 25% from 50% before you might look for results, plus it must reform its eurosclerotic labor market, cut job-killing regulations, reduce the rolls of the civil service, improve its tax competitiveness, and rein in public unions, to name a few of things it must do to approach capitalism efficiency and growth.
3) the is ...

4) ... Greece cant ...

... no where near ...
Correctly, they are;
3) theERE is
4)Greece can't
...nowhere near

1) You can either spell correctly or you cannot.

2) Spelling correctly is a small step towards intelligence.

3) There is no significant intelligence there because 60% of the paragraphs contain spelling errors.

4) Apparently, spelling isn't mandatory because all feedback is internal.

The average IQ of this forum is significantly decreased as a result.
3) the is ...

4) ... Greece cant ...

... no where near ...
Correctly, they are;
3) theERE is
4)Greece can't
...nowhere near

1) You can either spell correctly or you cannot.

2) Spelling correctly is a small step towards intelligence.

3) There is no significant intelligence there because 60% of the paragraphs contain spelling errors.

4) Apparently, spelling isn't mandatory because all feedback is internal.

The average IQ of this forum is significantly decreased as a result.

typical liberal trying to change the subject because he lacks the IQ for the subject!!
How might austerity be measured? Is it simply reduced spending? Is it any attempt to reduce the budget deficit, regardless of the outcome? Is it actual budget deficit reduction? Is it zero deficit?

whats important is to recognize the relationship between capitalism and austerity since austerity alone is not a viable or recognized economic system, it is merely an aspect of capitalism.

Europe needs to cut it government spending back to 25% from 50% before you might look for results, plus it must reform its eurosclerotic labor market, cut job-killing regulations, reduce the rolls of the civil service, improve its tax competitiveness, and rein in public unions, to name a few of things it must do to approach capitalism efficiency and growth.

So when did this derailment of capitalism start?
3) the is ...

4) ... Greece cant ...

... no where near ...
Correctly, they are;
3) theERE is
4)Greece can't
...nowhere near

1) You can either spell correctly or you cannot.

2) Spelling correctly is a small step towards intelligence.

3) There is no significant intelligence there because 60% of the paragraphs contain spelling errors.

4) Apparently, spelling isn't mandatory because all feedback is internal.

The average IQ of this forum is significantly decreased as a result.

typical liberal trying to change the subject because he lacks the IQ for the subject!!

You keep bringing up IQ. *Or did you forget?
How might austerity be measured? Is it simply reduced spending? Is it any attempt to reduce the budget deficit, regardless of the outcome? Is it actual budget deficit reduction? Is it zero deficit?

whats important is to recognize the relationship between capitalism and austerity since austerity alone is not a viable or recognized economic system, it is merely an aspect of capitalism.

Europe needs to cut it government spending back to 25% from 50% before you might look for results, plus it must reform its eurosclerotic labor market, cut job-killing regulations, reduce the rolls of the civil service, improve its tax competitiveness, and rein in public unions, to name a few of things it must do to approach capitalism efficiency and growth.

So when did this derailment of capitalism start?

it has been going on for a long long time. Obamacare is the best recent example. Why?????? It seems like a silly idle question because you lack the IQ to discuss the main point?
whats important is to recognize the relationship between capitalism and austerity since austerity alone is not a viable or recognized economic system, it is merely an aspect of capitalism.

Europe needs to cut it government spending back to 25% from 50% before you might look for results, plus it must reform its eurosclerotic labor market, cut job-killing regulations, reduce the rolls of the civil service, improve its tax competitiveness, and rein in public unions, to name a few of things it must do to approach capitalism efficiency and growth.

So when did this derailment of capitalism start?

it has been going on for a long long time. Obamacare is the best recent example. Why?????? It seems like a silly idle question because you lack the IQ to discuss the main point?

I'm still waiting for you to explain what the production function is and how it relates to a Cournot monopoly of n firms, or have you forgoten that topic that you avoided?

Because you need to be specific. Was it 1950? 1970? 2000? 2007?

What did you say your IQ is?

Where did you take Econ 101 and what was your grade?

These all are topics you keep bringing up and avoiding.
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Then, the cause of the Eurozone financial crisis. The popular cause pushed by every conservative with sufficient time and brain activity to post was that it was the fault of the people themselves. Too much spending on the people of those countries. Which is, of course, complete drivel.
The cause of the economic meltdown in europe was about the same as the cause of the meltdown in this country. Which is why it happened at exactly the same time.

Here is a really well written explanation of the problems causing the EU meltdown:
The reasons behind the Eurozone financial crisis | New Europe

Curiously, there is an indication that aggregate health increases, at least for a while, during recession.


The basic idea is that obesity dropsand other stuff.
So when did this derailment of capitalism start?

it has been going on for a long long time. Obamacare is the best recent example. Why?????? It seems like a silly idle question because you lack the IQ to discuss the main point?

I'm still waiting .

So when did this derailment of capitalism start?

it has been going on for a long long time. Obamacare is the best recent example. Why?????? It seems like a silly idle question because you lack the IQ to discuss the main point?
it has been going on for a long long time. Obamacare is the best recent example. Why?????? It seems like a silly idle question because you lack the IQ to discuss the main point?

I'm still waiting .

So when did this derailment of capitalism start?

it has been going on for a long long time. Obamacare is the best recent example. Why?????? It seems like a silly idle question because you lack the IQ to discuss the main point?
As we all thought, ed, me boy. You have no idea at all. Just posting con dogma from the bat shit crazy con sites you frequent. As always.
Is the middle class growing, or shrinking, ed? Do you have any idea? Do you care?
So, corporate wealth is growing and getting more concentrated. Mergers and acquisitions keep increasing in value. Does that make you happy? Maybe if it gets to one person, having all the wealth and all the rest have nothing, you will be ecstatic?
I'm still waiting .

So when did this derailment of capitalism start?

it has been going on for a long long time. Obamacare is the best recent example. Why?????? It seems like a silly idle question because you lack the IQ to discuss the main point?
As we all thought, ed, me boy. You have no idea at all. Just posting con dogma from the bat shit crazy con sites you frequent. As always.
Is the middle class growing, or shrinking, ed? Do you have any idea? Do you care?
So, corporate wealth is growing and getting more concentrated. Mergers and acquisitions keep increasing in value. Does that make you happy? Maybe if it gets to one person, having all the wealth and all the rest have nothing, you will be ecstatic?

He IMAGINES that he would have been that wealthy person, or at least one of them.
So, corporate wealth is growing and getting more concentrated.

yes I agree; we're down to about 50 million corporations which explains why you are so afraid to state the most prounouned ill affect of all this wealth concentration that only fool liberals seem to talk about with a straight face.
Ed, me boy. You are apparently unaware that a corporation can have as few as 1 person. Dipshit. And, me poor ignorant con tool, here I am having to educate you again. Hard, but let me try:
In 2007, there were 28,952,489 total incorporated establishments. Of those, 21,351,320 had NO EMPLOYEES. Only 7,601,169 had at least ONE employee. And of those million plus that had at least one employee, about half had 4 or less employees.
Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

So, ed, you should not state statistical numbers. Too easy to prove that you are a liar.
Ed, me boy. You are apparently unaware that a corporation can have as few as 1 person. Dipshit. And, me poor ignorant con tool, here I am having to educate you again. Hard, but let me try:
In 2007, there were 28,952,489 total incorporated establishments. Of those, 21,351,320 had NO EMPLOYEES. Only 7,601,169 had at least ONE employee. And of those million plus that had at least one employee, about half had 4 or less employees.
Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

So, ed, you should not state statistical numbers. Too easy to prove that you are a liar.

Thank. My last numbers were from '00. Around here, many businesses don't pay taxes. They are just to small and have no profit, if the owner draws a salary. The owner is lucky to scratch out a living and pays standard income taxes. One guy was having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to have employees at all. Business was sporadic. Still, he needed the people there. The State labor agency took a look at him, fines and all. It's not like he's ever actually going to pay them. You can't get blood from a turnip.

Starting up and running a business is no as easy as saying "free market".
Ed, me boy. You are apparently unaware that a corporation can have as few as 1 person. Dipshit. And, me poor ignorant con tool, here I am having to educate you again. Hard, but let me try:
In 2007, there were 28,952,489 total incorporated establishments. Of those, 21,351,320 had NO EMPLOYEES. Only 7,601,169 had at least ONE employee. And of those million plus that had at least one employee, about half had 4 or less employees.
Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

So, ed, you should not state statistical numbers. Too easy to prove that you are a liar.

perfectly stupid liberal trying to quibble over how many millions of corporations there are in the world because he is cant support his parroted 19th Century Marxist claim that there is some important consequence to having "power"[whatever that means] concentrated in millions and millions of competing corporations all over the world!!
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You said 50M corporations. You lied. Now, in my mind, 20 million or so is not quibling. I know, ed, counting useing your fingers and toes makes it hard for you to fathom 20 million. And, me boy, I simply said, originally, that wealth is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. Here. Try to actually read something: Oh, I forgot, it is Ed. You never read anything that does not agree with your bat shit crazy con web sites that you are paid to support. But if you did, you would actually read the following:
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

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