How Is Ayn Rand Still A Thing?

If only we had more redistribution of wealth through our benevolent and loving Big Government..........the lazy and stupid should not be penalized!
Brilliant! Take a good look at your role model, Libertarians and misguided conservatives. Pro-choice, anti-Reagan, anti-religion, anti-native Americans, all picked a winner to emulate.

Why is she still a thing?
My guess us that in the left's never ending quest to distract Americans from the failure that is Barack Hussein Obama, you guys keep bringing her up.

At least two of your upcoming Republican candidates for president are slavish devotees to her weird views.

So how is she not relevant?
Anyway, what exactly is it that you find creepy about the notion of personal responsibility and the promise to not accept charity that is forced from strangers?

Never really expected a straight forward answer. Typical of the leftists...just stick to emotional arguments and name calling. Avoid logic, reason and specificity at all costs.

Way to keep it in line comrade.
Fortunately liberals refuse to read "Atlas Shrugged" so won't see it coming.

Too bad they made it into a movie, though, because not having to sound out each word means it is just possible that one or two of them might acquire a clue.

NOT a good thing.
Fortunately liberals refuse to read "Atlas Shrugged" so won't see it coming.

Too bad they made it into a movie, though, because not having to sound out each word means it is just possible that one or two of them might acquire a clue.

NOT a good thing.

Can't we just watch the movie?

Ummmmmmm....on second thought....the movie sucked too
Brilliant! Take a good look at your role model, Libertarians and misguided conservatives. Pro-choice, anti-Reagan, anti-religion, anti-native Americans, all picked a winner to emulate.

Why is she still a thing?
My guess us that in the left's never ending quest to distract Americans from the failure that is Barack Hussein Obama, you guys keep bringing her up.

At least two of your upcoming Republican candidates for president are slavish devotees to her weird views.

So how is she not relevant?

IF they are fans, do they bring her up as much as you do?

Who said she wasn't relevant? You asked a question, I answered it.
I first got interested in Ayn Rand around 1960 seeing bumper stickers with "Who is John Galt" on them. Looked further, somewhat bought into it. The doers vs. the non doers. It made sense then, especially when you have to deal with bureaucracy and all that. However these are superheroes in the book and in real life these guys usually don't exist and the few that do are sociopaths in my opinion. Profit first with no government regulation or help for the weakest among us is what Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand are all about. Lucky for her that her socialist enemies instituted social security and medicare to help her out in her time of need because her heroes were nowhere to be found then. They didn't return her calls.
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“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

Best summation of Rand and her sociopath fan clubs ever uttered.
I first got interested in Ayn Rand around 1960 seeing bumper stickers with "Who is John Galt" on them. Looked further, somewhat bought into it. The doers vs. the non doers. It made sense then, especially when you have to deal with bureaucracy and all that. However these are superheroes in the book and in real life these guys usually don't exist and the few that do are sociopaths in my opinion. Profit first with no government regulation or help for the weakest among us is what Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand are all about. Lucky for her that her socialist enemies instituted social security and medicare to help her out in her time of need because her heroes were nowhere to be found then. They didn't return her calls.

In real life I've found those who make the most noise about being 'all self-made n stuff' are full of shit, and every one of them wouldn't hesitate to trample over children and the disabled to get to the head of the handouts line when they themselves were in need of assistance.
Anyway, what exactly is it that you find creepy about the notion of personal responsibility and the promise to not accept charity that is forced from strangers?

Never really expected a straight forward answer. Typical of the leftists...just stick to emotional arguments and name calling. Avoid logic, reason and specificity at all costs.

Way to keep it in line comrade.

How to answer someone who believes government helping those in need is theft? There's not one civilized country on the planet that doesn't have social programs.

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