How is Christ the 2nd Adam

Christ represented the democratic reform of the Hebrews...and Gentiles...But the Church of Rome Usurped that..only to have a rebirth with mistake at that...

U C 20/20.

Luther, instead of towing the party line, decided to become more of a Gnostic Christian. Unfortunately, the church he created reverted to being an idol worshiping creed and lost their ability to think thanks to their supernatural beliefs.

Christianity as a whole has corrupted Jesus' real thinking and has killed Christianity's former respect to where no one understands it or wants it anymore.

The churches greed has killed it and it is slowly dying.


Don't tell anyone but the Bible is full of shit....

Atheists in harmony. Wonderful.

Luther revolted over the Church's scheme for paying off a huge loan from Fugger.

Martin Luther was a choleric diehard - that's why he was not able to accept Jews, farmers and others. And he criticized (=vilified) also Jakob Fugger. On the other side: Not everything what he said was totally wrong. The catholic church had really problems. Unfortunately this problems in combination with Luthers view of the world and others leaded to a breach of the Christian church. This wounds were not able to heal in only 500 years.

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Christ represented the democratic reform of the Hebrews...and Gentiles...But the Church of Rome Usurped that..only to have a rebirth with mistake at that...

U C 20/20.

Luther, instead of towing the party line, decided to become more of a Gnostic Christian. Unfortunately, the church he created reverted to being an idol worshiping creed and lost their ability to think thanks to their supernatural beliefs.

Christianity as a whole has corrupted Jesus' real thinking and has killed Christianity's former respect to where no one understands it or wants it anymore.

The churches greed has killed it and it is slowly dying.


No you dumb ass, it splintered and he couldn't control it.
I would llike your answers directly
Not thru linkage.
Something that fits in the margins of your Bible.

Few know the sequence of events in the ideology of Jesus being the second Adam. The church has supressed that teaching because they fear that the sheeple will follow that teaching and ignore the church and the funding they demand.

In brief. Adam sinned. the present church calls it Original Sin and preaches that it was negative to our spiritual growth, while they sing in their Exsultet hymn the Adam's sin was a happy fault and necessary to God's plan for man. Quite a contradiction. That aside, Adam became as God in the knowing of good and evil.

He did not set himself above God as he should have so the new covenant was dreamt up to show us again what we are to do which is follow the way Jesus taught, which is to have God serve us and not us serve God. This is done when Jesus takes the Judgement seat at God's right hand in heaven and thus gives man power over himself.

This is exemplified by the following that is well known to Gnostic Christians like me, but that the church never teaches.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

FMPOV, Jesus wanted to free man from the imaginary God created by literalists who believe in a supernatural God. Christianity wants to slave us to that imaginary God.


Did you learn that in humanist 101?
Christ represented the democratic reform of the Hebrews...and Gentiles...But the Church of Rome Usurped that..only to have a rebirth with mistake at that...

U C 20/20.

Luther, instead of towing the party line, decided to become more of a Gnostic Christian. Unfortunately, the church he created reverted to being an idol worshiping creed and lost their ability to think thanks to their supernatural beliefs.

Christianity as a whole has corrupted Jesus' real thinking and has killed Christianity's former respect to where no one understands it or wants it anymore.

The churches greed has killed it and it is slowly dying.


No you dumb ass, it splintered and he couldn't control it.

It is called a schism...
I would llike your answers directly
Not thru linkage.
Something that fits in the margins of your Bible.

Few know the sequence of events in the ideology of Jesus being the second Adam. The church has supressed that teaching because they fear that the sheeple will follow that teaching and ignore the church and the funding they demand.

In brief. Adam sinned. the present church calls it Original Sin and preaches that it was negative to our spiritual growth, while they sing in their Exsultet hymn the Adam's sin was a happy fault and necessary to God's plan for man. Quite a contradiction. That aside, Adam became as God in the knowing of good and evil.

He did not set himself above God as he should have so the new covenant was dreamt up to show us again what we are to do which is follow the way Jesus taught, which is to have God serve us and not us serve God. This is done when Jesus takes the Judgement seat at God's right hand in heaven and thus gives man power over himself.

This is exemplified by the following that is well known to Gnostic Christians like me, but that the church never teaches.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

FMPOV, Jesus wanted to free man from the imaginary God created by literalists who believe in a supernatural God. Christianity wants to slave us to that imaginary God.


Did you learn that in humanist 101?

Probably. These parrots haven't a clue as to where bashing comes from, they just know they think it makes them sound 'smart' and 'informed' and these Xians are just dumb hicks n stuff in comparison, because that's how the narrative is marketed to them by academics and left wing loons. They then think this makes the 'Gnostic' rubbish something people need to take seriously as factual, for the same reasons. They really think the Romans controlled everything from the very beginning, and that after hundreds of years of severe persecution and willingness to die by the 10's of thousands at a time, they suddenly got all skeered of this one guy, all of them at once, and let Constantine tell them what to think, and let him write the Bible to his liking. lol lol lol it's hilarious stuff. they never heard of the Coptics, or the Greek Orthodox, or any others, the whole thing was run by Popes and Cardinals and masterminded from Rome.
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Christ represented the ability of humans to have direct contact with God without the middleman, the clergy..No longer could the priest be the only ones capable of communicating with God which is why Jesus taught people how to pray and where to pray...
Christ represented the ability of humans to have direct contact with God without the middleman, the clergy..No longer could the priest be the only ones capable of communicating with God which is why Jesus taught people how to pray and where to pray...

But who says this and why? This opinion is interesting but it never had anything to do with the holy catholic church. Sure needs every Christian knowledge and education, orientation and rhythm, too. Everyone needs teachers or someone who is able to show the difference between possible and impossible ways ... But this means not that only some people are able to sing together with god. And sometimes even the impossible way is the only right way.

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