How Is Inflation Affecting You?

It would have been the same under Trump…this is worldwide, something the president doesn’t have much control over, just like the worldwide crash from covid.

It's like I've said so often here: the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

A year ago Dementia signed a bill paying people more to stay home than work. That lasted until September of last year. In this attempt to buy votes and make people more dependent on government, we produced less because it would be stupid to go back to work for less money, so people stayed home.

When people stay home, it creates a labor shortage. When less gets produced, you create a supply chain problem. At the same time since businesses had to compete with government for workers, they had to make more attractive offers. These costs gets transferred to the services and products we use thus inflation.

Trump refused to sign that bill for that reason. He knew the vaccines would be the key to places opening back up and people getting back to work. So no, under Trump it would not be the same. Trump would have continued to not only have the US being the worlds largest exporter of energy, but keep our status as energy independent thus lower priced gasoline and heating fuel.
It's like I've said so often here: the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

A year ago Dementia signed a bill paying people more to stay home than work. That lasted until September of last year. In this attempt to buy votes and make people more dependent on government, we produced less because it would be stupid to go back to work for less money, so people stayed home.

When people stay home, it creates a labor shortage. When less gets produced, you create a supply chain problem. At the same time since businesses had to compete with government for workers, they had to make more attractive offers. These costs gets transferred to the services and products we use thus inflation.

Trump refused to sign that bill for that reason. He knew the vaccines would be the key to places opening back up and people getting back to work. So no, under Trump it would not be the same. Trump would have continued to not only have the US being the worlds largest exporter of energy, but keep our status as energy independent thus lower priced gasoline and heating fuel.
The vast majority of our supplies come from outside this country… correct??
Salvation Army was telling me I was a racist this year--so I quit donating to them. I figure since the government has taken over for charities--my charity is my taxes.
I did the same. I’ve donated to Salvation Army after every trip to the grocery store over the holidays for the past 40 years, but an organization that calls me a racist doesn’t get a cent of my money.
You have to tailor your response to your situation. You can use food banks or food stamps. Be creative. You can get thru this.
Food banks or food stamps? That’s the leftists’ solution to the high level of inflation Biden has created? That people who were able to support themselves prior to the liberal nonsense should now take charity or go on government support?
I did the same. I’ve donated to Salvation Army after every trip to the grocery store over the holidays for the past 40 years, but an organization that calls me a racist doesn’t get a cent of my money.
Why did they call you a racist?
They didn’t call ME a racist specifically - they just came out with the usual liberal bashing of the white people who contribute to their cause. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

Ok so they didn’t call you a racist… good to know. You should probably choose your words better in the future
The most annoying thing about inflations is listening to right wingers bitch about it while ignorantly ignoring the supply chain effects. Meat and gas prices are the only things I’ve really noticed in my day to day

Higher fuel prices are reflected in everything you buy. If you don't know that then you're just not paying attention.

Don't know how long that hedge will last. Banking industry is figuring housing costs can be 60% of income. The last time that happened--the housing bubble burst. Hoovervilles on the horizon only this time they will be Bidenburbs.
You're a moron.

There is no housing bubble. That was Idiot Republicans Bush2 allowing houses to be bought with no income & no money down!

Unlike the overleveraged banks under Bush2, todays banks are drowning in cash!
Speak for yourself. I am very happy. I would not be happy in a shoebox. If you live in the equivalent in the US, you may juust be living in a blue run inner city.
Speak for yourself:

At least we're in the top 20.
Actually not. You would be blaming him for Covid, essentially, because that was what caused our economic hardships.

Biden is doing essentially nothing to stop it, instead proposing multi-trillion-dollar spending bills to congress.

It's like a broken vase, instead of cleaning the pieces, you take a sledgehammer and make even smaller pieces while putting holes in the floor. Never mind replacing the vase. You're just making a bigger mess and causing more damage in the process.
Partisan doubleh standard. One can argue Trump did next to nothing to stop Cvoid’s effects on our economy just as easily. But the fact is this going on worldwide and we are not an isolated economy. Regardless of who was president the economy still would have crashed under Covid and we’d still be suffering inflation. I doubt the bipartisan infrastructure bill has much effect and in that regard….how long are you going to keep kicking the the infrastructure can down the he road? wait until there is another bridge collapse? Wait until third world countries, boosted by China, sport better infrastructure than we do? Too late for all that. I think you you just want to exonerate Trump while still being able to blame Biden.
You're a moron.

There is no housing bubble. That was Idiot Republicans Bush2 allowing houses to be bought with no income & no money down!

Unlike the overleveraged banks under Bush2, todays banks are drowning in cash!
Hate memories go back to Biblical times and forward for Progs. Those living their lives in the current generations and screwed over but with nobody backing them remember. Let's go to war. See the celebrations with blue cities vaporized.
It's like I've said so often here: the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

A year ago Dementia signed a bill paying people more to stay home than work. That lasted until September of last year. In this attempt to buy votes and make people more dependent on government, we produced less because it would be stupid to go back to work for less money, so people stayed home.

When people stay home, it creates a labor shortage. When less gets produced, you create a supply chain problem. At the same time since businesses had to compete with government for workers, they had to make more attractive offers. These costs gets transferred to the services and products we use thus inflation.

Trump refused to sign that bill for that reason. He knew the vaccines would be the key to places opening back up and people getting back to work. So no, under Trump it would not be the same. Trump would have continued to not only have the US being the worlds largest exporter of energy, but keep our status as energy independent thus lower priced gasoline and heating fuel.
The US is not nor has ever been the largest exporter of energy. Are you stupid? 3-5 million bpd is a damned drop in the bucket.
I don't know anybody that blames him for the economy least not anybody honest.

When you credit or discredit somebody for pro or con, you need to provide proof as to what they did to cause it. In both Trump and his great economy and Biden with destroying our country, we can point to things they actually did to make it that way.
Of course you have to provide proof and you haven’t supplied any proof that Biden is “destroying our country” beyond the the fact that he is a Dem and you don’t like Dem ideology.

Biden has been in office only a year now. What specific policies can you point to that in only a year caused massive worldwide inflation? We are still seeing the ripple effect of the massive supply chain disruptions caused by Covid, and the embalance between supply and demand. If you blame on it on Biden‘s infrastructure bill, that only recently was passed it doesn’t make sense given the timeline. If the blame is adding to debt, then ignores the massive debt Trump piled on and the huge loss in revenue from his tax bill which at best only gave a short term boost to the economy.
Currently fuel here is up 100+%, I was paying $1.48 and the end of 2020, $2.99 now. Groceries are getting ridiculous.

You failed to mention gasoline was only $1.48 just before Trump took office. Trump drove it up to $3.00 before his trade war & covid depression crushed demand.

The Biden Boom has increased demand for fuel, oil & gasoline.
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