How Is Inflation Affecting You?

It's like I've said so often here: the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

I believe that can be said about Republicans…take the log out of your eye.

A year ago Dementia signed a bill paying people more to stay home than work. That lasted until September of last year. In this attempt to buy votes and make people more dependent on government, we produced less because it would be stupid to go back to work for less money, so people stayed home.

We had a similar bill under Trump. I know because I actually benefitted. My employer furloughed employees for three months and the unemployment plus Covid payments came out to more than my salary. An attempt to buy votes?

When people stay home, it creates a labor shortage. When less gets produced, you create a supply chain problem. At the same time since businesses had to compete with government for workers, they had to make more attractive offers. These costs gets transferred to the services and products we use thus inflation.

The supply chain problem is more complicated then just that but, frankly, it was long past time for wages to go up. They have not kept up with the cost of living. What this should show us is we need to do more manufacturing here.
Trump refused to sign that bill for that reason. He knew the vaccines would be the key to places opening back up and people getting back to work. So no, under Trump it would not be the same. Trump would have continued to not only have the US being the worlds largest exporter of energy, but keep our status as energy independent thus lower priced gasoline and heating fuel.

The energy thing…as I understand it, energy companies work far into the future. Those leases they are buying are speculative not production. It costs money to explore and then extract if there are sufficient reserves that it doesn’t cost more to explore and extract than they can get out of it. That means leases can be sat on for years or decades. One year of policy is not altering our energy indendence, it just doesn’t work that way or that quickly.
Ok so they didn’t call you a racist… good to know. You should probably choose your words better in the future
Sorry, I thought everyone knew about the Salvation Army’s broad condemnation of all whites as racists. it was big news at the time because their donations dried up and they were forced to apologize. Apparently some people didn’t hear about it, and I understand that my words would be confusing in that situation.
Sorry, I thought everyone knew about the Salvation Army’s broad condemnation of all whites as racists. it was big news at the time because their donations dried up and they were forced to apologize. Apparently some people didn’t hear about it, and I understand that my words would be confusing in that situation.
They did no such thing

Racists just made them a target because they could
We had a similar bill under Trump. I know because I actually benefitted. My employer furloughed employees for three months and the unemployment plus Covid payments came out to more than my salary. An attempt to buy votes?

The difference is when Trump signed the bill (not that I agreed with it) is that we had 14% unemployment with no hope it sight as the virus was brand new to us with no idea when help would arrive. Dementia signed it when people were clearly going back to work with 3 vaccines available. Trump wanted to keep the economy going so it warranted the unemployment extension, and it was only for a couple of months. Dementia signed the second extension to buy votes and make people more government dependent which has always been the goal of the Democrat party.

The supply chain problem is more complicated then just that but, frankly, it was long past time for wages to go up. They have not kept up with the cost of living. What this should show us is we need to do more manufacturing here.

Fine, wages went up, and partly because of that, we have inflation. Happy?

The energy thing…as I understand it, energy companies work far into the future. Those leases they are buying are speculative not production. It costs money to explore and then extract if there are sufficient reserves that it doesn’t cost more to explore and extract than they can get out of it. That means leases can be sat on for years or decades. One year of policy is not altering our energy indendence, it just doesn’t work that way or that quickly.

The price of fuel IS controlled by speculation instead of actual supply at the time. But when we went from a pro-energy President to an anti-energy President, speculators had every reason to go long with fuel contracts. All you have to do is watch videos with Dementia and Whorris when asked about fuel. Then take note of Biden's actions when he became President. I'm actually amazed it's as low as it is today considering what they said and did.

How Is Inflation Affecting You?​

All costs are increasing, due to the falling value of the dollar, while income does not keep up. We should have all our debts paid off by this fall, and by living within our means we will be ok.
For those of us old enough, we survived Arthur Burns and George Miller, we can survive this.
Ok so they didn’t call you a racist… good to know. You should probably choose your words better in the future

Blow it out your lying ass. They trotted out a CRT ad, on their homepage that claimed white people are inherently racist for being white.

The backlash was so fast that they put out a TV ad starring the Chief himself begging for people to donate again, and saying they were sorry. They also pulled the offending statement from their website.

So, as usual, you lie.
Don't even get me started on ammo costs.

Sanya put a 50 piece box of Sig Sauer Elite Performance .380 in my stocking this past Christmas. One of his elves told me Santa paid $20 for it. Ammo prices have come down a lot around here (northeastern Florida)...
It's like I've said so often here: the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

My grocery bill has definitely gone up. Part of that is, no doubt, inflation. But I'm also buying differently.

I'll turn 60 this year and figure I should probably be taking better care of myself. In the past I would always have a couple of frozen pizzas in the freezer and a box or two of Chips Ahoy in the cupboard. I haven't bought a frozen pizza in two months, nor cookies, nor any of that fun, unhealthy shit I used to like. I can't remember the last time I drank a Coke. I'm no longer buying for a week or two (with the exception of eggs). I'm buying more fresh fruit and vegetables now. Freshly cut and packaged chicken and beef are staples of my grocery list.

Eating healthier isn't cheap, but it wasn't always this expensive...
It's disheartening to spend $100 at the grocery store and come out with three or four bags.

I noticed the other day that the price of packaged sliced cheddar cheese not only increased but the package size went from 12 ounces to 11.

Beef prices are ridiculous. Not eating much of that anymore. Just can't bring myself to pay those prices.

Gas increased to $3.20 a gallon yesterday.

Glad we don't need to buy a new or gently used car right now. We bought a two older (40+ years older) pickups for a decent there are still deals out there if you can wait for them. Needed vehicles I can work on myself...less computers and sensors... more timing lights and adjustable valves.

Lumber is still outrageously expensive...2x4s seven dollars, 4x8 plywood $50+.

Did buy two axes on discount this week... manual labor falling out of fashion contributes to these deals I suspect.

Lines at the local food bank was still spilling out on the main road at night...but they now have a volunteer directing traffic into three lines to keep them all in the parking lot. Two years ago I had no idea there was a food bank there.

Mrs. MO and I have always been frugal... so we'll be ok. We have the garden, and the chickens. We did noticed that eggs went up to $2.39 a dozen last week. Don't know what's going on there.

Mrs. MO bought a bee whatever domestic bees live in. (It was $299! You better believe I'll be reverse engineering that shit.) So... she'll have honey going soon.

My mother called me yesterday panicked because her washer door wouldn't latch closed. It turned out not to be a big problem...but her mind went straight to "if this can't be fixed... how am I going to get another one when there's an appliance shortage".

Tl;dr? sucks. Hard to keep a positive attitude when it seems like everyday a new crisis emerges... whether that crisis is personal, familial, local, national or international matters little.

When "hope for the best but plan for the worst" invades even the smallest decision at the grocery store... things are pretty bleak...
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Blow it out your lying ass. They trotted out a CRT ad, on their homepage that claimed white people are inherently racist for being white.
No they didn't. They simply mentioned that they wanted to be more inclusive and the racists lost their shit.
Yea...inflation is a bitch.

We have made up for it by shopping smarter and using coupons etc. I no longer drink garbage with sugar in it. I drink water or tea. Big savings there

We could use a new car...we'll wait.
I noticed the other day that the price of packaged sliced cheddar cheese not only increased but the package size went from 12 ounces to 11.

I eschew prepackaged meats and cheeses. Do yourself a favor and spend the little extra time it takes to have it sliced at the deli counter.

My local Publix grocery store sells an 8oz. package of Boar's Head American cheese for $6.97. The Publix American cheese, sliced as I like it at the deli counter, is only $3.65. With the Boar's Head you're paying almost twice as much for half the amount and, sorry Boar's Head, the Publix cheese actually tastes and melts better. A 16oz. package of Oscar Mayer beef bologna is $7.97. A pound of Publix beef bologna, sliced as I like it at the deli counter, is $7.19.

When I lived in San Diego the butchers in the meat department at the local grocery store (Von's) would actually slice bacon for you. I don't know why they don't do it here. I could get a pound of freshly sliced, thick-cut bacon for about half the price of any major brand bacon.

Since I've been trying to eat healthier it's also compelled me to look at what I'm actually buying. I'm a label reader now...
We could use a new car...we'll wait.
Actually, knowing what would happen with inflation a couple of years ago, I did buy a new car last summer with an interest rate below 1% knowing that I would be paying it back with inflated dollars.
So, how did I know about the upcoming inflation? Whenever you turn the money printing machine on high [monetary supply], inflation would be the result.
Milton Friedman "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon"
Plus got a pretty fun car. This one replaced my old MX-5.
Remember, assets will be key.
Actually, knowing what would happen with inflation a couple of years ago, I did buy a new car last summer with an interest rate below 1% knowing that I would be paying it back with inflated dollars.
So, how did I know about the upcoming inflation? Whenever you turn the money printing machine on high [monetary supply], inflation would be the result.
Milton Friedman "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon"
Plus got a pretty fun car. This one replaced my old MX-5.
Remember, assets will be key.
View attachment 600030

I've been considering adding one of those or an Audi TT to the garage. I want something fun to drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway next summer. Not really looking to buy new (the Audi is $50K), but even prices on used ones are creeping up into the $30K range. I can get a brand new MX-5 for the price of a used Audi...

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