How Is Inflation Affecting You?

No they didn't. They simply mentioned that they wanted to be more inclusive and the racists lost their shit.

Yes, they did, you lying twerp. The very people they called racists are the very people who donate.

Progressive loons, like you, don't donate a thing. So, they shot themselves in the ass, and it was so bad they couldn't get any bell ringers here in Northern Nevada.

Idiots like you, lie for them because you truly are idiots.
I've been considering adding one of those or an Audi TT to the garage. I want something fun to drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway next summer. Not really looking to buy new (the Audi is $50K), but even prices on used ones are creeping up into the $30K range. I can get a brand new MX-5 for the price of a used Audi...
That is where things kind of went sideways. We were actually looking for a MX-5 in the 2-3 year old range but found out that new was actually cheaper due to run away used car prices. Plus the interest rate on a new car will always be lower than a used car.
And the really weird part: I still have the sticker for my 2010 MX-5 that I traded in and my 2021 MX-5 - price is about the same even with 11 years between them...
Yes, they did, you lying twerp. The very people they called racists are the very people who donate.

Progressive loons, like you, don't donate a thing. So, they shot themselves in the ass, and it was so bad they couldn't get any bell ringers here in Northern Nevada.

Idiots like you, lie for them because you truly are idiots.
Post what they actually said retard.
Yes, they did, you lying twerp. The very people they called racists are the very people who donate.

Progressive loons, like you, don't donate a thing. So, they shot themselves in the ass, and it was so bad they couldn't get any bell ringers here in Northern Nevada.

Idiots like you, lie for them because you truly are idiots.
In November 2021, The Salvation Army released a guidance pamphlet titled "Let's Talk About Racism" which encouraged its members to "lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed."[211] This was interpreted by critics as an endorsement of critical race theory, during a time of broader public controversy around CRT in the United States.[212] In response, The Salvation Army called the accusations "sensationalist" and "simply not true", and that they had never told people to "apologize for the color of their skin" or "abandoned its Biblical beliefs".[213] After the continued backlash they retracted the document and again stated that they do not endorse any ideology or belief system other than Christianity and reject the idea that "America is an inherently racist society".[214] The anti-CRT group Color Us United promised to "continue its battle" with The Salvation Army despite these statements.[215]

ideologies held and actions committed.

So if you aren't a racist they are not talking about you
You failed to mention gasoline was only $1.48 just before Trump took office. Trump drove it up to $3.00 before his trade war & covid depression crushed demand.

The Biden Boom has increased demand for fuel, oil & gasoline.

What you failed to mention is xiden has reduced availability, and is now begging OPEC to increase production. Oil is currently at 91.50, Putin is jumping with joy.

The group also denied suggesting the U.S. is inherently racist and said it did not tell people to apologize for "being white."

"Those claims are false, and they distort the very goal of our work," the Salvation Army wrote in the statement. "The truth is that The Salvation Army believes that racism is fundamentally incompatible with Christianity, and we are called to work toward a world where all people are loved, accepted, and valued. Our positional statement on racism makes this clear."
That is where things kind of went sideways. We were actually looking for a MX-5 in the 2-3 year old range but found out that new was actually cheaper due to run away used car prices. Plus the interest rate on a new car will always be lower than a used car.
And the really weird part: I still have the sticker for my 2010 MX-5 that I traded in and my 2021 MX-5 - price is about the same even with 11 years between them...

Huh. Weird.

I've got some time to figure it out. It's not like the Blue Ridge Parkway is this behemoth of a road. Hell, you can drive the whole thing in a day (without enjoying it much). The last time I drove on part of it I was in a 2013 Nissan Altima. Nice car, but it would've been nicer if it was a convertible, which is what I'm going for the next time I drive it. We may go up on the bikes this spring/summer, but I won't be able to bring much camera gear with me, so that's a downside for me...
Blow it out your lying ass. They trotted out a CRT ad, on their homepage that claimed white people are inherently racist for being white.

The backlash was so fast that they put out a TV ad starring the Chief himself begging for people to donate again, and saying they were sorry. They also pulled the offending statement from their website.

So, as usual, you lie.
What was my lie? Can you quote me and be specific?
Yea...inflation is a bitch.

We have made up for it by shopping smarter and using coupons etc. I no longer drink garbage with sugar in it. I drink water or tea. Big savings there

We could use a new car...we'll wait.

That's not a real solution to the problem. The solution is for people to pay attention when they vote.
It's disheartening to spend $100 at the grocery store and come out with three or four bags.

I noticed the other day that the price of packaged sliced cheddar cheese not only increased but the package size went from 12 ounces to 11.

Beef prices are ridiculous. Not eating much of that anymore. Just can't bring myself to pay those prices.

Gas increased to $3.20 a gallon yesterday.

Glad we don't need to buy a new or gently used car right now. We bought a two older (40+ years older) pickups for a decent there are still deals out there if you can wait for them. Needed vehicles I can work on myself...less computers and sensors... more timing lights and adjustable valves.

Lumber is still outrageously expensive...2x4s seven dollars, 4x8 plywood $50+.

Did buy two axes on discount this week... manual labor falling out of fashion contributes to these deals I suspect.

Lines at the local food bank was still spilling out on the main road at night...but they now have a volunteer directing traffic into three lines to keep them all in the parking lot. Two years ago I had no idea there was a food bank there.

Mrs. MO and I have always been frugal... so we'll be ok. We have the garden, and the chickens. We did noticed that eggs went up to $2.39 a dozen last week. Don't know what's going on there.

Mrs. MO bought a bee whatever domestic bees live in. (It was $299! You better believe I'll be reverse engineering that shit.) So... she'll have honey going soon.

My mother called me yesterday panicked because her washer door wouldn't latch closed. It turned out not to be a big problem...but her mind went straight to "if this can't be fixed... how am I going to get another one when there's an appliance shortage".

Tl;dr? sucks. Hard to keep a positive attitude when it seems like everyday a new crisis emerges... whether that crisis is personal, familial, local, national or international matters little.

When "hope for the best but plan for the worst" invades even the smallest decision at the grocery store... things are pretty bleak...

Last summer the transmission went on one of my tenants cars. I told her not to buy American when she purchased it but she didn't listen. She loved the car and it only had low 60,000 miles on it so she went to get the transmission repaired and willing to part with the few thousand bucks it would take to take care of her problem. That was until the mechanic told her the car would be in the shop for several months because of a part they needed that was back ordered that long.

She was borrowing her mothers van but couldn't do that for several months, so she had no choice but to get rid of it at a huge discount to buy another used vehicle. Let's go Brandon.
You failed to mention gasoline was only $1.48 just before Trump took office. Trump drove it up to $3.00 before his trade war & covid depression crushed demand.

The Biden Boom has increased demand for fuel, oil & gasoline.

Under Trump we never hit $3.00 a gallon nationwide even during the best economy in 50 years.
Of course you have to provide proof and you haven’t supplied any proof that Biden is “destroying our country” beyond the the fact that he is a Dem and you don’t like Dem ideology.

Biden has been in office only a year now. What specific policies can you point to that in only a year caused massive worldwide inflation? We are still seeing the ripple effect of the massive supply chain disruptions caused by Covid, and the embalance between supply and demand. If you blame on it on Biden‘s infrastructure bill, that only recently was passed it doesn’t make sense given the timeline. If the blame is adding to debt, then ignores the massive debt Trump piled on and the huge loss in revenue from his tax bill which at best only gave a short term boost to the economy.

First of all only one Republican spending bill passed when Trump had a a Republican House, and much of it was to help rebuild our military that DumBama let go to hell. Also tax breaks were included but that's not actual spending and helped with our booming economy. Afterwards it was all Democrat spending and still is. The Communists took over the House in 2018.

Inflation is not worldwide until the US made it a problem with Dementia as President, and even then inflation is limited to certain countries which we happen to lead. I explained to you the policies of Dementia that caused all our problems, but talking to some of you liberals is like talking to a wall. We explain things to you and your response is :lalala: But because you've always been civil to me in our discussions, I'll go through it one more time:

Dementia signed a bill that paid people more to stay home than work starting in February. That fun money lasted for almost 8 months. 8 months without a sector of our workforce not working means less production. Less workers creates a labor shortage. A labor shortage means less product being produced. Supply and demand dictates when demand is high, so are prices. Because industry had to compete with the federal government for workers, pay increases were necessary.

The combination of additional labor costs, transportation costs because of diesel fuel prices, additional heating costs for companies, it all leads to much higher prices because industry is not going to take the loss. They never do. So when they pass on these extra costs to us, that's the definition of inflation; getting the same product or service paying a much higher price.

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