How Is It China's 1.6 Billion Are Mostly Coronavirus Free?

Truthfully I believe the Chinese Government has been lying and has at least given their soldiers and Government officials the vaccine to the virus.

I also believe the Chinese Government use asymptomatic people to spread the virus and did this purposely and why?

Trade war and Tariffs and the U.S. not staying out of China expansion in the South China Sea and the U.S. backing the protesters in Hong Kong...

The Chinese Government is ran by Maoist and the Maoist were trained by Stalin former Soviet Union, so I am willing to bet this is biological warfare and if and when the World realizes this China will be laughing while having us on our damn knees!

I am known for trolling and playing stupid games on here but let me be clear I have stated for decades that China is a evil threat that will destroy this world one day!
Its important you read this, because frankly, aside from Carlson and a few voices in the wilderness such as my own, nobody is asking the right questions, indeed the entire United States media collective known as the MSM isn't asking any questions at all, and that probably is because China told them not to ask any questions. Do the math, its not possible that China simply mitigated their way free, or clear of this virus, their entire population is packed, sardine tight, into vast urban centers and most of that population relies more on witch doctors then medicine to combat illness and disease, yet no serious outbreak anywhere else in China? BTW, its important you understand this, they could not hide this from us as word would leak out no matter how totalitarian their repressions, if they had other outbreaks we'd know, they don't, and based upon everything we now know about the virus, such just ain't possible, unless of course the lions share of that Chinese population is immunized against the bio-weapon the CCP loosed upon the world......

On Friday, during his show’s opening monologue, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson said there were still questions about the coronavirus/COVID-19 spread that have gone unanswered, or in some cases unasked.

Carlson said one of those mysteries pertained to the virus’ seemingly selective nature, hitting some places hard while not others.

“A new draft paper by a team of scholars in Los Alamos National Laboratory, concludes that the Wuhan coronavirus is actually highly, highly infectious,” Carlson said. “Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is that estimate accurate? We don’t know if it is. An awful lot of the conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. That’s happened again and again, as we’ve told you, often with enormous consequences.”

“But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. Among other things, that would mean that a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus,” he continued. “Here’s the mystery. The Chinese government allowed five million residents to flee the City of Wuhan before they locked it down in January. Most of these people presumably went on to other places within China, and yet, according to the Chinese government, and by the way, as well as all available evidence we now have in the West, there were no other major outbreaks in China — not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.”

Carlson added, “For some reason, almost nobody in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find that out.”

There seems to be a big difference in the reporting and intelligence reports. If the drop in cellphone subscribers has been 21 million, where did those people go? Why have the Sulfur dioxide emissions risen the cities affected by the virus and the crematoriums in China working 24/7?
It looks like the Chinese Peoples Republic has continued to lie to the world from the beginning.

Well certainly some of those cell phone accounts gone dark were due to the death of those who possessed them, but not 21 million, most of them can easily be explained as the CCP silencing anyone who so much as stated a contrary opinion to the official CCP line.... If China had had even 1 million dead due to this, it would have shattered the CCP's hold on the nation, where they are hated by just as many as do not!
Also, China apparently stopped domestic travel, but kept international travel open. And we were apparently stupid enough to let them
Its important you read this, because frankly, aside from Carlson and a few voices in the wilderness such as my own, nobody is asking the right questions, indeed the entire United States media collective known as the MSM isn't asking any questions at all, and that probably is because China told them not to ask any questions. Do the math, its not possible that China simply mitigated their way free, or clear of this virus, their entire population is packed, sardine tight, into vast urban centers and most of that population relies more on witch doctors then medicine to combat illness and disease, yet no serious outbreak anywhere else in China? BTW, its important you understand this, they could not hide this from us as word would leak out no matter how totalitarian their repressions, if they had other outbreaks we'd know, they don't, and based upon everything we now know about the virus, such just ain't possible, unless of course the lions share of that Chinese population is immunized against the bio-weapon the CCP loosed upon the world......

On Friday, during his show’s opening monologue, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson said there were still questions about the coronavirus/COVID-19 spread that have gone unanswered, or in some cases unasked.

Carlson said one of those mysteries pertained to the virus’ seemingly selective nature, hitting some places hard while not others.

“A new draft paper by a team of scholars in Los Alamos National Laboratory, concludes that the Wuhan coronavirus is actually highly, highly infectious,” Carlson said. “Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is that estimate accurate? We don’t know if it is. An awful lot of the conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. That’s happened again and again, as we’ve told you, often with enormous consequences.”

“But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. Among other things, that would mean that a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus,” he continued. “Here’s the mystery. The Chinese government allowed five million residents to flee the City of Wuhan before they locked it down in January. Most of these people presumably went on to other places within China, and yet, according to the Chinese government, and by the way, as well as all available evidence we now have in the West, there were no other major outbreaks in China — not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.”

Carlson added, “For some reason, almost nobody in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find that out.”

There seems to be a big difference in the reporting and intelligence reports. If the drop in cellphone subscribers has been 21 million, where did those people go? Why have the Sulfur dioxide emissions risen the cities affected by the virus and the crematoriums in China working 24/7?
It looks like the Chinese Peoples Republic has continued to lie to the world from the beginning.

Well certainly some of those cell phone accounts gone dark were due to the death of those who possessed them, but not 21 million, most of them can easily be explained as the CCP silencing anyone who so much as stated a contrary opinion to the official CCP line.... If China had had even 1 million dead due to this, it would have shattered the CCP's hold on the nation, where they are hated by just as many as do not!

Its important you read this, because frankly, aside from Carlson and a few voices in the wilderness such as my own, nobody is asking the right questions, indeed the entire United States media collective known as the MSM isn't asking any questions at all, and that probably is because China told them not to ask any questions. Do the math, its not possible that China simply mitigated their way free, or clear of this virus, their entire population is packed, sardine tight, into vast urban centers and most of that population relies more on witch doctors then medicine to combat illness and disease, yet no serious outbreak anywhere else in China? BTW, its important you understand this, they could not hide this from us as word would leak out no matter how totalitarian their repressions, if they had other outbreaks we'd know, they don't, and based upon everything we now know about the virus, such just ain't possible, unless of course the lions share of that Chinese population is immunized against the bio-weapon the CCP loosed upon the world......

On Friday, during his show’s opening monologue, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson said there were still questions about the coronavirus/COVID-19 spread that have gone unanswered, or in some cases unasked.

Carlson said one of those mysteries pertained to the virus’ seemingly selective nature, hitting some places hard while not others.

“A new draft paper by a team of scholars in Los Alamos National Laboratory, concludes that the Wuhan coronavirus is actually highly, highly infectious,” Carlson said. “Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is that estimate accurate? We don’t know if it is. An awful lot of the conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. That’s happened again and again, as we’ve told you, often with enormous consequences.”

“But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. Among other things, that would mean that a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus,” he continued. “Here’s the mystery. The Chinese government allowed five million residents to flee the City of Wuhan before they locked it down in January. Most of these people presumably went on to other places within China, and yet, according to the Chinese government, and by the way, as well as all available evidence we now have in the West, there were no other major outbreaks in China — not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.”

Carlson added, “For some reason, almost nobody in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find that out.”

It fly's in the face of logic, based on everything we've been told about this virus!!!
Its important you read this, because frankly, aside from Carlson and a few voices in the wilderness such as my own, nobody is asking the right questions, indeed the entire United States media collective known as the MSM isn't asking any questions at all, and that probably is because China told them not to ask any questions. Do the math, its not possible that China simply mitigated their way free, or clear of this virus, their entire population is packed, sardine tight, into vast urban centers and most of that population relies more on witch doctors then medicine to combat illness and disease, yet no serious outbreak anywhere else in China? BTW, its important you understand this, they could not hide this from us as word would leak out no matter how totalitarian their repressions, if they had other outbreaks we'd know, they don't, and based upon everything we now know about the virus, such just ain't possible, unless of course the lions share of that Chinese population is immunized against the bio-weapon the CCP loosed upon the world......

On Friday, during his show’s opening monologue, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson said there were still questions about the coronavirus/COVID-19 spread that have gone unanswered, or in some cases unasked.

Carlson said one of those mysteries pertained to the virus’ seemingly selective nature, hitting some places hard while not others.

“A new draft paper by a team of scholars in Los Alamos National Laboratory, concludes that the Wuhan coronavirus is actually highly, highly infectious,” Carlson said. “Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is that estimate accurate? We don’t know if it is. An awful lot of the conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. That’s happened again and again, as we’ve told you, often with enormous consequences.”

“But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. Among other things, that would mean that a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus,” he continued. “Here’s the mystery. The Chinese government allowed five million residents to flee the City of Wuhan before they locked it down in January. Most of these people presumably went on to other places within China, and yet, according to the Chinese government, and by the way, as well as all available evidence we now have in the West, there were no other major outbreaks in China — not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.”

Carlson added, “For some reason, almost nobody in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find that out.”

Be on the lookout for black people

Vincent Lee


Reuters: A rise in coronavirus infections has prompted authorities in Guangzhou to step up scrutiny of foreigners, ordering bars and restaurants not to serve clients who appear to be of African origin, the U.S. consulate in the southern city said.


4:47 AM - Apr 11, 2020

if only we we're as wise as the Chinese and our own Democrat socialist
Its important you read this, because frankly, aside from Carlson and a few voices in the wilderness such as my own, nobody is asking the right questions, indeed the entire United States media collective known as the MSM isn't asking any questions at all, and that probably is because China told them not to ask any questions. Do the math, its not possible that China simply mitigated their way free, or clear of this virus, their entire population is packed, sardine tight, into vast urban centers and most of that population relies more on witch doctors then medicine to combat illness and disease, yet no serious outbreak anywhere else in China? BTW, its important you understand this, they could not hide this from us as word would leak out no matter how totalitarian their repressions, if they had other outbreaks we'd know, they don't, and based upon everything we now know about the virus, such just ain't possible, unless of course the lions share of that Chinese population is immunized against the bio-weapon the CCP loosed upon the world......

On Friday, during his show’s opening monologue, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson said there were still questions about the coronavirus/COVID-19 spread that have gone unanswered, or in some cases unasked.

Carlson said one of those mysteries pertained to the virus’ seemingly selective nature, hitting some places hard while not others.

“A new draft paper by a team of scholars in Los Alamos National Laboratory, concludes that the Wuhan coronavirus is actually highly, highly infectious,” Carlson said. “Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is that estimate accurate? We don’t know if it is. An awful lot of the conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. That’s happened again and again, as we’ve told you, often with enormous consequences.”

“But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. Among other things, that would mean that a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus,” he continued. “Here’s the mystery. The Chinese government allowed five million residents to flee the City of Wuhan before they locked it down in January. Most of these people presumably went on to other places within China, and yet, according to the Chinese government, and by the way, as well as all available evidence we now have in the West, there were no other major outbreaks in China — not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.”

Carlson added, “For some reason, almost nobody in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find that out.”

MOST LIKELY because they have the proven antidote...............which they're NOT sharing.
This is very interesting and I'll tell you why, because just two weeks ago the CCP quietly threatened the United States with denial of access to any vaccine China may produce! They didn't say they already had it as such, but they did state they were much further along the path to developing one then anyone else on earth! I think the possibility is this, they already have it, and they have already inoculated most of their population with it....
If they have a vaccine already that would suggest that they created the virus.
Corona is not more dangerous as the common flu

this is an incredibly stupid , callous and short sighted comment to make. Its another category of disease in addition to the flu, that may similarly be unleased on all of humanity forever. The Flu kills 650,000 people a year, every year. If Covid is with humanity for 100 years and is only as deadly as the flu, that's 65 million deaths.

Who the hell are you to make that judgement that that is acceptable?
Corona is not more dangerous as the common flu

this is an incredibly stupid , callous and short sighted comment to make. Its another category of disease in addition to the flu, that may similarly be unleased on all of humanity forever. The Flu kills 650,000 people a year, every year. If Covid is with humanity for 100 years and is only as deadly as the flu, that's 65 million deaths.

Who the hell are you to make that judgement that that is acceptable?

Agree. The symptoms are too widespread across the board, the gestation period is too long, and the term 'asymptomatic' has entered the vernacular as is too often thrown around!
Its important you read this, because frankly, aside from Carlson and a few voices in the wilderness such as my own, nobody is asking the right questions, indeed the entire United States media collective known as the MSM isn't asking any questions at all, and that probably is because China told them not to ask any questions. Do the math, its not possible that China simply mitigated their way free, or clear of this virus, their entire population is packed, sardine tight, into vast urban centers and most of that population relies more on witch doctors then medicine to combat illness and disease, yet no serious outbreak anywhere else in China? BTW, its important you understand this, they could not hide this from us as word would leak out no matter how totalitarian their repressions, if they had other outbreaks we'd know, they don't, and based upon everything we now know about the virus, such just ain't possible, unless of course the lions share of that Chinese population is immunized against the bio-weapon the CCP loosed upon the world......

On Friday, during his show’s opening monologue, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson said there were still questions about the coronavirus/COVID-19 spread that have gone unanswered, or in some cases unasked.

Carlson said one of those mysteries pertained to the virus’ seemingly selective nature, hitting some places hard while not others.

“A new draft paper by a team of scholars in Los Alamos National Laboratory, concludes that the Wuhan coronavirus is actually highly, highly infectious,” Carlson said. “Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is that estimate accurate? We don’t know if it is. An awful lot of the conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. That’s happened again and again, as we’ve told you, often with enormous consequences.”

“But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. Among other things, that would mean that a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus,” he continued. “Here’s the mystery. The Chinese government allowed five million residents to flee the City of Wuhan before they locked it down in January. Most of these people presumably went on to other places within China, and yet, according to the Chinese government, and by the way, as well as all available evidence we now have in the West, there were no other major outbreaks in China — not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.”

Carlson added, “For some reason, almost nobody in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find that out.”

MOST LIKELY because they have the proven antidote...............which they're NOT sharing.
This is very interesting and I'll tell you why, because just two weeks ago the CCP quietly threatened the United States with denial of access to any vaccine China may produce! They didn't say they already had it as such, but they did state they were much further along the path to developing one then anyone else on earth! I think the possibility is this, they already have it, and they have already inoculated most of their population with it....
If they have a vaccine already that would suggest that they created the virus.
Maybe, maybe not, what it does suggest is that they either released it intentionally, or immediately committed to it after it escaped containment! Regardless, its just to fucking perfect that they are not currently enjoying a massive outbreak all throughout China, that they are not is as large a red flag as one can possibly encounter.... Whats more, if its intentional, and I am 80% convinced this is the case, then they obviously are receiving aid & comfort in this endeavor from the democratic party itself, specifically its leadership, along with virtually all of the north American media machine! Things are just a little to perfectly timed, to perfectly targeted, to be happenstance, look not to what the democrat leadership say, look to what they are doing, and what that is is pounce upon the nation, claws fully out and extended, in almost perfect alignment with those of the CCP themselves.... All is chimera, nothing is as it seems!
Maybe it's time to inoculate all Americans in a year against a return biowarfare weapon against China under the guise that it's an inoculation against Wuhanvirus.

See Commie-chinks, two can play your game!
China ALLEGES to be almost Covid-19 free, except maybe in their research labs.
Like Russia & North Korea, they don’t like being embarrassed & are not transparent to other nations.
While mostly true, the reality is this, China is absent the medical technology to confront such a massive virus hit upon its densely packed urban populations, in fact nobody on earth could deal with such and succeed. Yes, they lie, and they deceive, but in this matter they would be so overwhelmed they'd have millions and millions of serious infections, none of which they have the medical technology chops to confront! Consider the doubling ratios, every 2-3 days in urban centers of 15-20 million or more? No, mitigation has had nothing to do with China's good fortune in this matter, all is chimera, nothing is as it seems, this virus loosed upon their own population should by all rights be a massacre, yet they are open for business as usual..... Such math does not add up, I think they already inoculated most of their people beforehand, and its entirely possible, likely even, that that population is clueless to the vaccination itself having been administered....

I don't think you are giving China technology enough credit. In many ways they are far beyond the US and the rest of the world. And it may not be because they invented it, but because they stole it from US & other countries....and then may or may not have expanded on it. Here is a video of Rubio from 2 years ago, explaining just how dangerous China really is to the world. While he's addressing China's threat to our National Security, it's not that much of a jump to apply that same method toward medical technology as well...…..and as said, they may have the vaccine and refuse to share, just because of the control of power.

Although their so-called number of cases, deaths & recoveries are all to be questioned and even without a vaccine against it. What is very possible is that China's overall population may have been 2.6 billion 6 or 8 months ago and is now down by a billion...….not really actual numbers but for the sake of argument...…….IOW even if they don't have a vaccine, their return to normal with no new cases is they may have murdered off anyone suspected of having the virus and their families as well. Which may or may not fit in with the drop in cell usage.

I don't really know, as no one really does, but those are possibilities
Its important you read this, because frankly, aside from Carlson and a few voices in the wilderness such as my own, nobody is asking the right questions, indeed the entire United States media collective known as the MSM isn't asking any questions at all, and that probably is because China told them not to ask any questions. Do the math, its not possible that China simply mitigated their way free, or clear of this virus, their entire population is packed, sardine tight, into vast urban centers and most of that population relies more on witch doctors then medicine to combat illness and disease, yet no serious outbreak anywhere else in China? BTW, its important you understand this, they could not hide this from us as word would leak out no matter how totalitarian their repressions, if they had other outbreaks we'd know, they don't, and based upon everything we now know about the virus, such just ain't possible, unless of course the lions share of that Chinese population is immunized against the bio-weapon the CCP loosed upon the world......

On Friday, during his show’s opening monologue, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson said there were still questions about the coronavirus/COVID-19 spread that have gone unanswered, or in some cases unasked.

Carlson said one of those mysteries pertained to the virus’ seemingly selective nature, hitting some places hard while not others.

“A new draft paper by a team of scholars in Los Alamos National Laboratory, concludes that the Wuhan coronavirus is actually highly, highly infectious,” Carlson said. “Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is that estimate accurate? We don’t know if it is. An awful lot of the conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. That’s happened again and again, as we’ve told you, often with enormous consequences.”

“But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. Among other things, that would mean that a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus,” he continued. “Here’s the mystery. The Chinese government allowed five million residents to flee the City of Wuhan before they locked it down in January. Most of these people presumably went on to other places within China, and yet, according to the Chinese government, and by the way, as well as all available evidence we now have in the West, there were no other major outbreaks in China — not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.”

Carlson added, “For some reason, almost nobody in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find that out.”

Most people are sheep; it makes life simpler.
China ALLEGES to be almost Covid-19 free, except maybe in their research labs.
Like Russia & North Korea, they don’t like being embarrassed & are not transparent to other nations.
While mostly true, the reality is this, China is absent the medical technology to confront such a massive virus hit upon its densely packed urban populations, in fact nobody on earth could deal with such and succeed. Yes, they lie, and they deceive, but in this matter they would be so overwhelmed they'd have millions and millions of serious infections, none of which they have the medical technology chops to confront! Consider the doubling ratios, every 2-3 days in urban centers of 15-20 million or more? No, mitigation has had nothing to do with China's good fortune in this matter, all is chimera, nothing is as it seems, this virus loosed upon their own population should by all rights be a massacre, yet they are open for business as usual..... Such math does not add up, I think they already inoculated most of their people beforehand, and its entirely possible, likely even, that that population is clueless to the vaccination itself having been administered....

I don't think you are giving China technology enough credit. In many ways they are far beyond the US and the rest of the world. And it may not be because they invented it, but because they stole it from US & other countries....and then may or may not have expanded on it. Here is a video of Rubio from 2 years ago, explaining just how dangerous China really is to the world. While he's addressing China's threat to our National Security, it's not that much of a jump to apply that same method toward medical technology as well...…..and as said, they may have the vaccine and refuse to share, just because of the control of power.

Although their so-called number of cases, deaths & recoveries are all to be questioned and even without a vaccine against it. What is very possible is that China's overall population may have been 2.6 billion 6 or 8 months ago and is now down by a billion...….not really actual numbers but for the sake of argument...…….IOW even if they don't have a vaccine, their return to normal with no new cases is they may have murdered off anyone suspected of having the virus and their families as well. Which may or may not fit in with the drop in cell usage.

I don't really know, as no one really does, but those are possibilities

I’m sure China created a vaccine for this virus WMD before they attacked the world with it.
Its important you read this, because frankly, aside from Carlson and a few voices in the wilderness such as my own, nobody is asking the right questions, indeed the entire United States media collective known as the MSM isn't asking any questions at all, and that probably is because China told them not to ask any questions. Do the math, its not possible that China simply mitigated their way free, or clear of this virus, their entire population is packed, sardine tight, into vast urban centers and most of that population relies more on witch doctors then medicine to combat illness and disease, yet no serious outbreak anywhere else in China? BTW, its important you understand this, they could not hide this from us as word would leak out no matter how totalitarian their repressions, if they had other outbreaks we'd know, they don't, and based upon everything we now know about the virus, such just ain't possible, unless of course the lions share of that Chinese population is immunized against the bio-weapon the CCP loosed upon the world......

On Friday, during his show’s opening monologue, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson said there were still questions about the coronavirus/COVID-19 spread that have gone unanswered, or in some cases unasked.

Carlson said one of those mysteries pertained to the virus’ seemingly selective nature, hitting some places hard while not others.

“A new draft paper by a team of scholars in Los Alamos National Laboratory, concludes that the Wuhan coronavirus is actually highly, highly infectious,” Carlson said. “Based on extensive case analysis, the researchers estimate that the average infected Wuhan resident infected 5.7 other people. That’s enough to double the epidemic in fewer than three days. Is that estimate accurate? We don’t know if it is. An awful lot of the conclusions about this virus have turned out to be embarrassingly wrong. That’s happened again and again, as we’ve told you, often with enormous consequences.”

“But for a moment, imagine this new number from Los Alamos is correct and the size of the outbreak in Wuhan was doubling every three days. Among other things, that would mean that a huge number of people there were infected with the coronavirus,” he continued. “Here’s the mystery. The Chinese government allowed five million residents to flee the City of Wuhan before they locked it down in January. Most of these people presumably went on to other places within China, and yet, according to the Chinese government, and by the way, as well as all available evidence we now have in the West, there were no other major outbreaks in China — not in Shanghai, not in Chengdu, not in Beijing. Meanwhile, other cities all over Europe and the United States have been brought to their knees by the virus. How could this be? It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.”

Carlson added, “For some reason, almost nobody in the American media has even asked about it. That’s strange. At this point, we have no real explanation for why the coronavirus spread throughout the West, but not throughout China. We should find that out.”

MOST LIKELY because they have the proven antidote...............which they're NOT sharing.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory dude. Just sayin' :)
Corona is not more dangerous as the common flu

this is an incredibly stupid , callous and short sighted comment to make. Its another category of disease in addition to the flu, that may similarly be unleased on all of humanity forever. The Flu kills 650,000 people a year, every year. If Covid is with humanity for 100 years and is only as deadly as the flu, that's 65 million deaths.

Who the hell are you to make that judgement that that is acceptable?

Your flu mortality guesstimate is WAY on the high side.
China ALLEGES to be almost Covid-19 free, except maybe in their research labs.
Like Russia & North Korea, they don’t like being embarrassed & are not transparent to other nations.
While mostly true, the reality is this, China is absent the medical technology to confront such a massive virus hit upon its densely packed urban populations, in fact nobody on earth could deal with such and succeed. Yes, they lie, and they deceive, but in this matter they would be so overwhelmed they'd have millions and millions of serious infections, none of which they have the medical technology chops to confront! Consider the doubling ratios, every 2-3 days in urban centers of 15-20 million or more? No, mitigation has had nothing to do with China's good fortune in this matter, all is chimera, nothing is as it seems, this virus loosed upon their own population should by all rights be a massacre, yet they are open for business as usual..... Such math does not add up, I think they already inoculated most of their people beforehand, and its entirely possible, likely even, that that population is clueless to the vaccination itself having been administered....

I don't think you are giving China technology enough credit. In many ways they are far beyond the US and the rest of the world. And it may not be because they invented it, but because they stole it from US & other countries....and then may or may not have expanded on it. Here is a video of Rubio from 2 years ago, explaining just how dangerous China really is to the world. While he's addressing China's threat to our National Security, it's not that much of a jump to apply that same method toward medical technology as well...…..and as said, they may have the vaccine and refuse to share, just because of the control of power.

Although their so-called number of cases, deaths & recoveries are all to be questioned and even without a vaccine against it. What is very possible is that China's overall population may have been 2.6 billion 6 or 8 months ago and is now down by a billion...….not really actual numbers but for the sake of argument...…….IOW even if they don't have a vaccine, their return to normal with no new cases is they may have murdered off anyone suspected of having the virus and their families as well. Which may or may not fit in with the drop in cell usage.

I don't really know, as no one really does, but those are possibilities

I’m sure China created a vaccine for this virus WMD before they attacked the world with it.

Oh Sweet Baby Jesus ^ :rolleyes-41: Here, you dropped this.

China ALLEGES to be almost Covid-19 free, except maybe in their research labs.
Like Russia & North Korea, they don’t like being embarrassed & are not transparent to other nations.
While mostly true, the reality is this, China is absent the medical technology to confront such a massive virus hit upon its densely packed urban populations, in fact nobody on earth could deal with such and succeed. Yes, they lie, and they deceive, but in this matter they would be so overwhelmed they'd have millions and millions of serious infections, none of which they have the medical technology chops to confront! Consider the doubling ratios, every 2-3 days in urban centers of 15-20 million or more? No, mitigation has had nothing to do with China's good fortune in this matter, all is chimera, nothing is as it seems, this virus loosed upon their own population should by all rights be a massacre, yet they are open for business as usual..... Such math does not add up, I think they already inoculated most of their people beforehand, and its entirely possible, likely even, that that population is clueless to the vaccination itself having been administered....
Interesting speculation!
Some say China’s research labs may have “accidentally” leaked the virus:
The Trail Leading Back to the Wuhan Labs | National Review

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