How Is It That Trump is Supposed to Listen to the Romney-Ryan Team Loser Morons?

Because he needs their support if he has any hope of winning (which is still extremely doubtful). You Trump supporters aren't understanding that he's been propelled to the lead by activists who are pretty much the extent of his support. Without mainstream Republican support, Trump is dead in the water.
And without the votes of a significant number of weak democrats and democratic-leaning independents, Trump won’t be elected president.

Of course he won’t be getting enough of those votes; indeed, there are a good number of republicans who won’t vote for Trump.
Because he needs their support if he has any hope of winning (which is still extremely doubtful). You Trump supporters aren't understanding that he's been propelled to the lead by activists who are pretty much the extent of his support. Without mainstream Republican support, Trump is dead in the water.
And without the votes of a significant number of weak democrats and democratic-leaning independents, Trump won’t be elected president.

Of course he won’t be getting enough of those votes; indeed, there are a good number of republicans who won’t vote for Trump.

This is survey was dated April 26/16. Bad news for Trump.

Donald Trump's catastrophic ignorance

Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins
Romney and Ryan are two of the biggest GOP losers in recent memory.

So can someone please assplain to me why that means Trump should take advice from these two morons?

No need to listen to anyone, he says he can win against the hildabitch without the 58% that didn't vote for him in the primaries, I guess we're going to find out if he's right.
No need to listen to anyone, he says he can win against the hildabitch without the 58% that didn't vote for him in the primaries, I guess we're going to find out if he's right.
IF the so-called 'conservative' establishment and their army of pundits command 58% of the GOP electorate, then how the hell did Trump win? How is he getting over 50% in the North East?
No need to listen to anyone, he says he can win against the hildabitch without the 58% that didn't vote for him in the primaries, I guess we're going to find out if he's right.
IF the so-called 'conservative' establishment and their army of pundits command 58% of the GOP electorate, then how the hell did Trump win? How is he getting over 50% in the North East?

Don't be impressed by that, he got over 50% of generally liberal republicans, if you look at vote totals both dem candidates got more votes individually than Trump in NY. It was much the same in the other NE States, so don't count on him carrying any of them in the general.
No need to listen to anyone, he says he can win against the hildabitch without the 58% that didn't vote for him in the primaries, I guess we're going to find out if he's right.
IF the so-called 'conservative' establishment and their army of pundits command 58% of the GOP electorate, then how the hell did Trump win? How is he getting over 50% in the North East?

Don't be impressed by that, he got over 50% of generally liberal republicans, if you look at vote totals both dem candidates got more votes individually than Trump in NY. It was much the same in the other NE States, so don't count on him carrying any of them in the general.
We will see.

I think it will probably be Trump by a landslide.
Who says conservatives don't support Trump? Rush points out this issue frequently and that is believing the lies and spin from the media and a handful of self appointed conservative leaders represents the people it frequently does NOT.

As a staunch conservative allow me to demonstrate. I'm opening my mail in ballot standby...okay it looks like my choices are well those idiot Democrats, or Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, John Kasich (illegal collaborator), or Donald J. Trump. Okay its done I voted for Trump!! KABOOM!!
No need to listen to anyone, he says he can win against the hildabitch without the 58% that didn't vote for him in the primaries, I guess we're going to find out if he's right.
IF the so-called 'conservative' establishment and their army of pundits command 58% of the GOP electorate, then how the hell did Trump win? How is he getting over 50% in the North East?

Don't be impressed by that, he got over 50% of generally liberal republicans, if you look at vote totals both dem candidates got more votes individually than Trump in NY. It was much the same in the other NE States, so don't count on him carrying any of them in the general.
We will see.

I think it will probably be Trump by a landslide.

Stay optimistic, I wouldn't bet the farm on it though. He didn't earn my primary vote, and the one and only reason I would consider voting for him in the general is to keep the hildabitch away form the SCOTUS nominations. Unfortunately he seems to be trying really hard to change my mind on even that.
Trump has two problems with the Republican Party, the opposition of moderates like Romney and Ryan, and the opposition of conservatives like Ted Cruz and the editors of National Review. He can't win with both of these powerful factions against him, and he can't govern effectively if both factions in Congress work together to thwart him. Unfortunately, Republicans have seen what happens to Republicans who cross over and back Trump. Sarah Palin and Chris Christie are now totally delegitimized by their support of Trump, earning scorn and ridicule from all sides.

What that means is that even though Trump will get the nomination, it is still dangerous to one's reputation to support him. It is also dangerous to oppose him, since there is no doubt he will punish his enemies when he has the power. So I think most Republicans are going to see which way the wind is blowing before committing.

I've noticed that even Rush Limbaugh has not officially endorsed Trump, even though he is one of Trump's most strident cheerleaders, he refuses to make his support official.

Cruz donors just switched to Hillary. I put up a thread about it. Wanna explain that sparky? Wanna explain how a fakey anti establishment you know against the Washington cartel even though he and his wife worked for the Bush family for years and Wall Street guy would have donors who switched to Hillary?

Trump has promised to torture people believed to be terrorists by the government, and has stated that he will follow the Russian example and murder their families.

Trump’s Call to Kill Family Members of Terrorists Is Quarter-Baked, by John Fund, National Review

So yeah, He's Adolph Hitler.

Not really. The Haji fucks need to be held accountable for putting their families in danger to begin with. I can get with any politition on not considering killing these guys families and friends. No one called those who ordered the bombing of dresden war criminals . So if a member of ISIS gets bombed while sitting and watching friends with Mrs. Haji and Haji Jr., to bad. His fault.
Romney and Ryan are two of the biggest GOP losers in recent memory.

So can someone please assplain to me why that means Trump should take advice from these two morons?

That is simple. Because Trump is going to be a much bigger loser because he has been chosen by America's biggest bunch of losers.

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