How is it the Right is Biased but the Left are not?


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2010
I see the Liberals as being the most biased.
The Majority of news and newspapers hire liberals, over conservatives.
The Entertainment industry has more liberals than conservatives. And if you speak out that you are conservative, you a bypassed for any real good roles.
The majority of scientists are liberal with only 6% being conservative.
The majority of college professors are liberal.
There is a very small amount of or no representation in unions or the AARP.
All of our public schools system is based on liberal ideology.
Any woman who calls herself conservative is blasted and to hell with equal opportunity by liberal women's groups.
So who is biased?
They are more biased and more hippocritical than most but you can't expect them to admit that or then they wouldn't be.
I see the Liberals as being the most biased.
The Majority of news and newspapers hire liberals, over conservatives.
The Entertainment industry has more liberals than conservatives. And if you speak out that you are conservative, you a bypassed for any real good roles.
The majority of scientists are liberal with only 6% being conservative.
The majority of college professors are liberal.
There is a very small amount of or no representation in unions or the AARP.
All of our public schools system is based on liberal ideology.
Any woman who calls herself conservative is blasted and to hell with equal opportunity by liberal women's groups.
So who is biased?

I will be the first to say there is BIAS on both sides. However, the biggest discrepancy I see is liberal just make shit up and attack on the personal level.

I still remember the shock of 2000 when conservatives began to march. The left has become even more unhinged since. You still see many conservatives saying that isnt the way to conduct business, and I agree.


Check yourself.

Who is on here daily, screaming obscenities and vitriol?

Who defends people who call the president a "tar baby" and "boy?

Who religiously worships a radio station that calls anybody that's not WASP "Those People"?

Who thinks it would all be fine if we could just get all "those people" out of our country?

Who thinks gays made a choice, and should "choose back" so they can get married?

Who thinks everybody that's "not them" *aka "those people"* is going to hell?

Who thinks EVERYBODY on welfare is a lazy bum, freeloading off all "your" hard work?

And the beat goes on.
Facts have a liberal bias

The term fact has been stretched to mean just about anything a person thinks is right.

A fact is something like "water boils at 100 degC at sea level, or "gravity makes things fall to the ground"

People try to make facts out of things that are debatable.
Check yourself.

Who is on here daily, screaming obscenities and vitriol?

Who defends people who call the president a "tar baby" and "boy?

Who religiously worships a radio station that calls anybody that's not WASP "Those People"?

Who thinks it would all be fine if we could just get all "those people" out of our country?

Who thinks gays made a choice, and should "choose back" so they can get married?

Who thinks everybody that's "not them" *aka "those people"* is going to hell?

Who thinks EVERYBODY on welfare is a lazy bum, freeloading off all "your" hard work?

And the beat goes on.

Check yourself.

Who is on here daily, screaming obscenities and vitriol?

Who defends people who call the president a "tar baby" and "boy?

Who religiously worships a radio station that calls anybody that's not WASP "Those People"?

Who thinks it would all be fine if we could just get all "those people" out of our country?

Who thinks gays made a choice, and should "choose back" so they can get married?

Who thinks everybody that's "not them" *aka "those people"* is going to hell?

Who thinks EVERYBODY on welfare is a lazy bum, freeloading off all "your" hard work?

And the beat goes on.


I rest my case. You're too kind, you do my work for me.:clap2:

OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Check yourself.

Who is on here daily, screaming obscenities and vitriol?

Who defends people who call the president a "tar baby" and "boy?

Who religiously worships a radio station that calls anybody that's not WASP "Those People"?

Who thinks it would all be fine if we could just get all "those people" out of our country?

Who thinks gays made a choice, and should "choose back" so they can get married?

Who thinks everybody that's "not them" *aka "those people"* is going to hell?

Who thinks EVERYBODY on welfare is a lazy bum, freeloading off all "your" hard work?

And the beat goes on.


But we can't have taxes increased on high level incomes, because that's just un-American. :cuckoo:

All people, Let me repeat that for the extremely slow. ALL PEOPLE should be treated equally. Not held at gunpoint to get robbed by the mob.
But we can't have taxes increased on high level incomes, because that's just un-American. :cuckoo:

And if we tax them, they'll leave!!11!1!!!eleventy!!!111!!!

We can only hope. Greedy parasites. Let 'em go. It's not like they're actually contributing to this country.
All people, Let me repeat that for the extremely slow. ALL PEOPLE should be treated equally. Not held at gunpoint to get robbed by the mob.

Or held at gunpoint by the Tit Party to raise the debt ceiling.

But that's different. Right?
All people, Let me repeat that for the extremely slow. ALL PEOPLE should be treated equally. Not held at gunpoint to get robbed by the mob.

Of course people should be treated equally. The problem is that the rich are the ones doing the robbing.

If a homeless man stands in the middle of a street and makes a speech, he gets tossed in jail. If a rich man does that, he gets police protection. Where's the equality there?

LOL How do they do that? Try to refrain from DNC talking points. Those are ridiculous.
Peach tell me why you pretend that all the court documented evidence that shows the republican party has cheated in elections for decades?
Check yourself.

Who is on here daily, screaming obscenities and vitriol?

Who defends people who call the president a "tar baby" and "boy?

Who religiously worships a radio station that calls anybody that's not WASP "Those People"?

Who thinks it would all be fine if we could just get all "those people" out of our country?

Who thinks gays made a choice, and should "choose back" so they can get married?

Who thinks everybody that's "not them" *aka "those people"* is going to hell?

Who thinks EVERYBODY on welfare is a lazy bum, freeloading off all "your" hard work?

And the beat goes on.

Yes. Certainly ALL conservatives do ALL that ALL the time. It couldn't POSSIBLY be a small minority (I'm sorry, can I say the word 'minority' without being labled a racist by you?) of people that you're fixated on, now could it.

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