How is it the Right is Biased but the Left are not?

Why does the right pretend we are not a democracy?

noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\


a: government by the people; especially: rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
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Check yourself.

Who is on here daily, screaming obscenities and vitriol?

Who defends people who call the president a "tar baby" and "boy?

Who religiously worships a radio station that calls anybody that's not WASP "Those People"?

Who thinks it would all be fine if we could just get all "those people" out of our country?

Who thinks gays made a choice, and should "choose back" so they can get married?

Who thinks everybody that's "not them" *aka "those people"* is going to hell?

Who thinks EVERYBODY on welfare is a lazy bum, freeloading off all "your" hard work?

And the beat goes on.


Just add peas after cuts on the jar label and he'll have to eat them because, well, it's time!
You all are talking about left and right opinions here.
I listed how Liberals are biased in the hiring of jobs. They are not hiring any conservatives or very few in any of these types of jobs.
Liberals are always saying equal opportunities for all, but not in these jobs.
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Facts have a liberal bias

Liberals don't believe in facts

You misheard. Liberals don't believe in FOX News. We have plenty of belief in facts. If I believe what I see on this board, neocons don't believe in facts. I put up 108 things Obama has done since he took office, and that got blown off.

I put up a link proving the economists know the stimulus helped, and that got blown off.

I put up a video of proof that those who said the stimulus sucked, and voted against it, took the money and photo ops that went with it, and said what wonderful things it would do for their country. That got blown off.

I put up Obama's truth meter. That got blown off.

I KNOW who wouldn't know a fact if it bit them in the ass, and it's not this side of the aisle.


  • $ignorant_republicans_tshirt-p235557911121495955trlf_400.jpg
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Or held at gunpoint by the Tit Party to raise the debt ceiling.

But that's different. Right?

Comical, from the side that considers any cut extreme.

Nah, not all cuts are extreme. The idiot Republicans just want to cut the wrong things. We need to cut our useless military*, and all the corporate subsidies. Not Social Security that helps elderly Americans who've worked hard all their life.

*that can't get rid of Gadaffi, a 3rd world crackpot.

LOL Useless. Defense should be cut. For no other reason then liberals adding social programs for non military personal. I know its one of those nasty inconvenient truths.

Bring the troops home and only maintain our air force bases. I have no issue with that.
I just dont understand what these people think it gains them to hold views that force them to deny facts?
You all are talking about left and right opinions here.
I listed how Liberals are biased in the hiring of jobs. The are not hiring any conservatives or very few in any of these types of jobs.
Liberals are always saying equal opportunities for all, but not in these jobs.

If a rightist biology teacher doesn't believe in evolution (you know, a FACT) you can bet that he's not going to get a job.

Not that I disagree, however evolution is theory STUPID!!!
You all are talking about left and right opinions here.
I listed how Liberals are biased in the hiring of jobs. The are not hiring any conservatives or very few in any of these types of jobs.
Liberals are always saying equal opportunities for all, but not in these jobs.

If a rightist biology teacher doesn't believe in evolution (you know, a FACT) you can bet that he's not going to get a job.

Actually, that's not true. He just has to know the concept, and teach it convincingly. He can believe whatever he wants.
You all are talking about left and right opinions here.
I listed how Liberals are biased in the hiring of jobs. The are not hiring any conservatives or very few in any of these types of jobs.
Liberals are always saying equal opportunities for all, but not in these jobs.

If a rightist biology teacher doesn't believe in evolution (you know, a FACT) you can bet that he's not going to get a job.

Then why is it called the theory of evolution? It is an ACCEPTED theory, it is not fact. One cannot prove with 100% accuracy how the evolution chain occured. One can prove with 100% accuracy that dropping a ball will cause it to fall to the ground. That is direct evidence.

We have no direct evidence of evolution, it happens too slowly.

Let me say I believe in evolution as a theory, it makes sense, but it is not fact.
You all are talking about left and right opinions here.
I listed how Liberals are biased in the hiring of jobs. The are not hiring any conservatives or very few in any of these types of jobs.
Liberals are always saying equal opportunities for all, but not in these jobs.

If a rightist biology teacher doesn't believe in evolution (you know, a FACT) you can bet that he's not going to get a job.

Not that I disagree, however evolution is theory STUPID!!!

A comma would have gone a long way, right there.

Evolution is theory, stupid
I see the Liberals as being the most biased.
The Majority of news and newspapers hire liberals, over conservatives.
The Entertainment industry has more liberals than conservatives. And if you speak out that you are conservative, you a bypassed for any real good roles.
The majority of scientists are liberal with only 6% being conservative.
The majority of college professors are liberal.
There is a very small amount of or no representation in unions or the AARP.
All of our public schools system is based on liberal ideology.
Any woman who calls herself conservative is blasted and to hell with equal opportunity by liberal women's groups.
So who is biased?

I will be the first to say there is BIAS on both sides. However, the biggest discrepancy I see is liberal just make shit up and attack on the personal level.

I still remember the shock of 2000 when conservatives began to march. The left has become even more unhinged since. You still see many conservatives saying that isnt the way to conduct business, and I agree.



Both sides are biased as you say. In fact, I would define being biased as "taking a side".

The issue here is that it is the left that claim to be "tolerant" of other people's opinions and points of view yet it the left that happen to be the least tolerant of others. However, you will never get a liberal to admit that.

If a rightist biology teacher doesn't believe in evolution (you know, a FACT) you can bet that he's not going to get a job.

Not that I disagree, however evolution is theory STUPID!!!

A comma would have gone a long way, right there.

Evolution is theory, stupid

If I had added "with evolution", would you have stopped complaining?


I keep forgetting that I expect the left to be smart. I ll try not to make the same mistake.
Facts have a liberal bias

Liberals don't believe in facts

Then why is it you guys keep trying to deny science, rewrite history, deny the very definitions of words, spew hate on teachers, scientists, historians, economists and call anyone who doesn't agree with you all sorts of stupid names?

The left always does the things you just listed better than the right.
We all agree that there is global warming, we disagree that it is mankind that is causing it.
The left has always rewritten history,because it doesn't fit with their socialism.
The left are the ones who will not accept the definition of words.
We do not hate teachers we don't like the leaders of the unions.
We correct historians who have rewritten history.
The left are the ones who will not listen to the economists or our businesses.
The left are always better at calling names and accusing.
All people, Let me repeat that for the extremely slow. ALL PEOPLE should be treated equally. Not held at gunpoint to get robbed by the mob.

Of course people should be treated equally. The problem is that the rich are the ones doing the robbing.

If a homeless man stands in the middle of a street and makes a speech, he gets tossed in jail. If a rich man does that, he gets police protection. Where's the equality there?

LOL How do they do that? Try to refrain from DNC talking points. Those are ridiculous.

Actually, DPL is correct. A homeless man standing on a street corner and making any kind of a statement i.e. a statement in regards to veterans benefits will be branded crazy and arrested. Then think about it, put a rich politician on that same street corner and let him speak about, oh I don't know, veterans benefits and he will get a crowd screaming his praises and promising to cast their votes in the next election for him.


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