How is Obama NOT a Socialist?

If Obama and his statements makes him a socialist then republicans and their statements make them imperialist religious fascists, it's all a matter of degree. If a person is to be known by the extremes of their political philosophy then perhaps we should all run around willy-nilly yelling commie nazi socialist hyperbole while totally ignoring the real definitions of these words or the fact that not everyone is a political extremist like the dumb-asses who all too often use these terms to scare each other.

Couldn't agree more. :clap2::clap2:

you're an idiot.....explain why BO sued Arizona for following Federal Law......and why he ran to the UN as well....if that's not the action of an international socialist i don't know what is....

Obama Hauls Arizona Before the UN Human Rights Council

Calling someone an idiot and then failing to explain means you have nothing to back up your claims and are just trying to spread more hate just like fascists but carry on.
I have read so many of these threads over the years about how this democrat or that democrat is really a "marxist" or a "socialist" and they all pretty much play out the same way. The people who start these threads all have one thing in common, and that is that they really have no actual idea what either of those terms actually means. For all of those folks, both of those words are just dog whistle epithets that have long ago lost any sense of their true meaning and have devolved into just sort of "dirty words". A classic illustration of this phenomenon is the sign seen at a 2010 town hall meeting in a midwestern congressional district which had been overrun by local teabaggers which read, "KEEP YOUR SOCIALIST HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE". Increasingly, we are becoming a nation of morons manipulated by soundbites bought by the highest bidder. I guess we will get the kind of government that such a crowd of morons deserves.

I have read so many of these threads over the years about how people who call Democrats "socialist" or "marxist," and they all pretty much play out the same way. The liberal turds who post them have some idiosyncratic definition of "socialism" that is so narrow that not even Karl Marx would qualify.

And you know what is the funny thing about the posters? They're all a bunch of fucking lying commies.

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps you and others should read up on Socialism before you go spouting off.
The Stimulus worked fine.

It did exactly what it was provisioned to do. So did TARP and the auto bailout.

Yes it did. It put us $6 trillion deeper in debt. It permanently raised the level of government spending. It paid off all of Obama's constituents. That is what it was designed to do, not bring us out of a recession.
Couldn't agree more. :clap2::clap2:

you're an idiot.....explain why BO sued Arizona for following Federal Law......and why he ran to the UN as well....if that's not the action of an international socialist i don't know what is....

Obama Hauls Arizona Before the UN Human Rights Council

Calling someone an idiot and then failing to explain means you have nothing to back up your claims and are just trying to spread more hate just like fascists but carry on.

i gave you a perfect example of what i meant.....obviously you're a Kool-Aid drinker....
If Obama and his statements makes him a socialist then republicans and their statements make them imperialist religious fascists, it's all a matter of degree. If a person is to be known by the extremes of their political philosophy then perhaps we should all run around willy-nilly yelling commie nazi socialist hyperbole while totally ignoring the real definitions of these words or the fact that not everyone is a political extremist like the dumb-asses who all too often use these terms to scare each other.

Couldn't agree more. :clap2::clap2:

I'm sure every brainless drone agrees with it.
If Obama and his statements makes him a socialist then republicans and their statements make them imperialist religious fascists, it's all a matter of degree. If a person is to be known by the extremes of their political philosophy then perhaps we should all run around willy-nilly yelling commie nazi socialist hyperbole while totally ignoring the real definitions of these words or the fact that not everyone is a political extremist like the dumb-asses who all too often use these terms to scare each other.

Couldn't agree more. :clap2::clap2:

I'm sure every brainless drone agrees with it.

Just like everyone believes the Republicans aren't a bunch of Religious Fascists i mean either way you can make an argument for both. All a matter of perspective.
I have read so many of these threads over the years about how this democrat or that democrat is really a "marxist" or a "socialist" and they all pretty much play out the same way. The people who start these threads all have one thing in common, and that is that they really have no actual idea what either of those terms actually means. For all of those folks, both of those words are just dog whistle epithets that have long ago lost any sense of their true meaning and have devolved into just sort of "dirty words". A classic illustration of this phenomenon is the sign seen at a 2010 town hall meeting in a midwestern congressional district which had been overrun by local teabaggers which read, "KEEP YOUR SOCIALIST HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE". Increasingly, we are becoming a nation of morons manipulated by soundbites bought by the highest bidder. I guess we will get the kind of government that such a crowd of morons deserves.

I have read so many of these threads over the years about how people who call Democrats "socialist" or "marxist," and they all pretty much play out the same way. The liberal turds who post them have some idiosyncratic definition of "socialism" that is so narrow that not even Karl Marx would qualify.

And you know what is the funny thing about the posters? They're all a bunch of fucking lying commies.

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps you and others should read up on Socialism before you go spouting off.

Wow you're a commie

how about looking this up....this is you baby!!!!!!!!!
9/11 Truth movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have read so many of these threads over the years about how people who call Democrats "socialist" or "marxist," and they all pretty much play out the same way. The liberal turds who post them have some idiosyncratic definition of "socialism" that is so narrow that not even Karl Marx would qualify.

And you know what is the funny thing about the posters? They're all a bunch of fucking lying commies.

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps you and others should read up on Socialism before you go spouting off.

Wow you're a commie

how about looking this up....this is you baby!!!!!!!!!
9/11 Truth movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I have read so many of these threads over the years about how this democrat or that democrat is really a "marxist" or a "socialist" and they all pretty much play out the same way. The people who start these threads all have one thing in common, and that is that they really have no actual idea what either of those terms actually means. For all of those folks, both of those words are just dog whistle epithets that have long ago lost any sense of their true meaning and have devolved into just sort of "dirty words". A classic illustration of this phenomenon is the sign seen at a 2010 town hall meeting in a midwestern congressional district which had been overrun by local teabaggers which read, "KEEP YOUR SOCIALIST HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE". Increasingly, we are becoming a nation of morons manipulated by soundbites bought by the highest bidder. I guess we will get the kind of government that such a crowd of morons deserves.

I have read so many of these threads over the years about how people who call Democrats "socialist" or "marxist," and they all pretty much play out the same way. The liberal turds who post them have some idiosyncratic definition of "socialism" that is so narrow that not even Karl Marx would qualify.

And you know what is the funny thing about the posters? They're all a bunch of fucking lying commies.

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps you and others should read up on Socialism before you go spouting off.

perhaps you should read what you link....

Marxist and Marxist-Leninist socialists seek to develop an economy based on scientific assessment and democratic planning.
I have read so many of these threads over the years about how people who call Democrats "socialist" or "marxist," and they all pretty much play out the same way. The liberal turds who post them have some idiosyncratic definition of "socialism" that is so narrow that not even Karl Marx would qualify.

And you know what is the funny thing about the posters? They're all a bunch of fucking lying commies.

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps you and others should read up on Socialism before you go spouting off.

perhaps you should read what you link....

Marxist and Marxist-Leninist socialists seek to develop an economy based on scientific assessment and democratic planning.

He's a dumbass conspiracy leftwinger.....he doesnt know shit....he tried to pin obama not being authentic on limbaugh.....He doenst know any black people I bet.....he's a tool
Actually you a very wrong , socialism has nothing to do with communism, then correct
Assumption would. Be advanced capitalism is fascism. If youbwant the thuth
Actually you a very wrong , socialism has nothing to do with communism, then correct
Assumption would. Be advanced capitalism is fascism. If youbwant the thuth

You posted 4 - 5 falsehoods in 2 sentences.

You're an imbecile who doesn't know what any of the terms you use means.
I have read so many of these threads over the years about how people who call Democrats "socialist" or "marxist," and they all pretty much play out the same way. The liberal turds who post them have some idiosyncratic definition of "socialism" that is so narrow that not even Karl Marx would qualify.

And you know what is the funny thing about the posters? They're all a bunch of fucking lying commies.

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps you and others should read up on Socialism before you go spouting off.

perhaps you should read what you link....

Marxist and Marxist-Leninist socialists seek to develop an economy based on scientific assessment and democratic planning.


Actually you a very wrong , socialism has nothing to do with communism, then correct
Assumption would. Be advanced capitalism is fascism. If youbwant the thuth

You posted 4 - 5 falsehoods in 2 sentences.

You're an imbecile who doesn't know what any of the terms you use means.

Wrong again puke, I think Niue to live-in. Few socialists countries before u can open ur. Mouth
Actually you a very wrong , socialism has nothing to do with communism, then correct
Assumption would. Be advanced capitalism is fascism. If youbwant the thuth

Wow you are really have no clue do you?
Socialism leads to communism or facism, which are very similar.....think Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia...not much difference
The united states is closer to Germany than soviet Russia. Please in you wisdom explain the equation u just puked and where .u got it from
Couldn't agree more. :clap2::clap2:

I'm sure every brainless drone agrees with it.

Just like everyone believes the Republicans aren't a bunch of Religious Fascists i mean either way you can make an argument for both. All a matter of perspective.

No, you can't make a valid argument that Republicans are fascists. You don't have the slightest fucking idea what fascism is. You're a brainless drone who simply repeats what he's heard in Commie sing-alongs you attended down at the local office of Earth First.
Very much different, infact in Germany they murdered all marxists on sight, sent thm to death camps too

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