How is Obama NOT a Socialist?

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well sallow admits he's a socialist and loves the about you move to Cuba or Venezuela

only the ruling class loves the results of socialism... shallow must be a government union member.

Battin' a thousand ace.

I work for the Financial industry. Never held a government or Union job in my life.

I have owned my owned business.
Socialism is always democratic

oh. well as long as it's democratic it must be ok then.

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;

From spiritual faith to great courage;

From courage to liberty;

From liberty to abundance;

From abundance to selfishness;

From selfishness to complacency;

From complacency to apathy;

From apathy to dependence;

From dependence back into bondage."

Have a nut.
you were in the only business the government has any real business to be in....

thanks for your service...

It was socialism for corporations. Our oil companies especially are all over the globe. I don't believe there's anything in the constitution about protecting companies that wish to profit in other countries, especially to the point of going to war to protect these companies which we have done quite often. You don't have to thank me for my service. My service was involuntary. And I'm here to say it was an act of socialism for the very wealthy, courtesy of men of military age and the taxpayers that fund the military and these capitalists now invest great sums of money to insure that they don't have to pay for services received in the form of taxes.

don't you think cutting off oil would hurt the American people.....?

We're a net exporter of gas. The price is bid up by China and India among other countries. I hear the shale oil in the pipeline from Canada will be refined and exported also. No discount for Americans. But we'll be stuck for any environmental disasters. Same with nuclear power. No insurance company will underwrite a nuclear plant. We the taxpayers underwrite them. Point of my whole bitching session. We do have socialism for the very wealthy and corporations and there's nothing in the constitution about that either.
How so? Big biz is thriving, also the republicans had to issue 2 bailouts, so explain how he is.

most of the bailout money is paid much of BO's "stimulus" money is paid back....?

Can you even tell me where the bush money went? Then once you done figuring out your wrong, tell me where the Obama money went, then you will see that your wrong again. Shit this is like explaining shit to a 5 year old.....cause you logic is 2+2=55. It just doesn't make any sense

what the hell are you blathering about....? most of the banks have paid back the's the auto industry that still owes billions....

and remember idiot.....BO voted for TARP.....and then additionally spent billions on his "stimulus" that didn't tell me where THAT money went....
I have read so many of these threads over the years about how this democrat or that democrat is really a "marxist" or a "socialist" and they all pretty much play out the same way. The people who start these threads all have one thing in common, and that is that they really have no actual idea what either of those terms actually means. For all of those folks, both of those words are just dog whistle epithets that have long ago lost any sense of their true meaning and have devolved into just sort of "dirty words". A classic illustration of this phenomenon is the sign seen at a 2010 town hall meeting in a midwestern congressional district which had been overrun by local teabaggers which read, "KEEP YOUR SOCIALIST HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE". Increasingly, we are becoming a nation of morons manipulated by soundbites bought by the highest bidder. I guess we will get the kind of government that such a crowd of morons deserves.
I have read so many of these threads over the years about how this democrat or that democrat is really a "marxist" or a "socialist" and they all pretty much play out the same way. The people who start these threads all have one thing in common, and that is that they really have no actual idea what either of those terms actually means. For all of those folks, both of those words are just dog whistle epithets that have long ago lost any sense of their true meaning and have devolved into just sort of "dirty words". A classic illustration of this phenomenon is the sign seen at a 2010 town hall meeting in a midwestern congressional district which had been overrun by local teabaggers which read, "KEEP YOUR SOCIALIST HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE". Increasingly, we are becoming a nation of morons manipulated by soundbites bought by the highest bidder. I guess we will get the kind of government that such a crowd of morons deserves.

didn't you already post this?
only the ruling class loves the results of socialism... shallow must be a government union member.

Battin' a thousand ace.

I work for the Financial industry. Never held a government or Union job in my life.

I have owned my owned business.

sure you have.


You can check my posts here.

I use to own a bar in Atlanta many moons went belly up.

So I went into IT for the financial industry. I worked for the NYSE for 13.5 years. Now I work at another big firm.

Before I had the bar..I drove a truck and moved furniture.

If I wanted to "lie"..I think I could do a better job.

It was socialism for corporations. Our oil companies especially are all over the globe. I don't believe there's anything in the constitution about protecting companies that wish to profit in other countries, especially to the point of going to war to protect these companies which we have done quite often. You don't have to thank me for my service. My service was involuntary. And I'm here to say it was an act of socialism for the very wealthy, courtesy of men of military age and the taxpayers that fund the military and these capitalists now invest great sums of money to insure that they don't have to pay for services received in the form of taxes.

don't you think cutting off oil would hurt the American people.....?

We're a net exporter of gas. The price is bid up by China and India among other countries. I hear the shale oil in the pipeline from Canada will be refined and exported also. No discount for Americans. But we'll be stuck for any environmental disasters. Same with nuclear power. No insurance company will underwrite a nuclear plant. We the taxpayers underwrite them. Point of my whole bitching session. We do have socialism for the very wealthy and corporations and there's nothing in the constitution about that either.

yes we do and i'm for cutting it out.....BO hasn't done anything to stop socialism for the wealthy (of his choice) least Romney is for closing many of the tax loopholes....
most of the bailout money is paid much of BO's "stimulus" money is paid back....?

Can you even tell me where the bush money went? Then once you done figuring out your wrong, tell me where the Obama money went, then you will see that your wrong again. Shit this is like explaining shit to a 5 year old.....cause you logic is 2+2=55. It just doesn't make any sense

what the hell are you blathering about....? most of the banks have paid back the's the auto industry that still owes billions....

and remember idiot.....BO voted for TARP.....and then additionally spent billions on his "stimulus" that didn't tell me where THAT money went....

The Stimulus worked fine.

It did exactly what it was provisioned to do. So did TARP and the auto bailout.
If Obama and his statements makes him a socialist then republicans and their statements make them imperialist religious fascists, it's all a matter of degree. If a person is to be known by the extremes of their political philosophy then perhaps we should all run around willy-nilly yelling commie nazi socialist hyperbole while totally ignoring the real definitions of these words or the fact that not everyone is a political extremist like the dumb-asses who all too often use these terms to scare each other.

Couldn't agree more. :clap2::clap2:
Battin' a thousand ace.

I work for the Financial industry. Never held a government or Union job in my life.

I have owned my owned business.

sure you have.


You can check my posts here.

I use to own a bar in Atlanta many moons went belly up.

So I went into IT for the financial industry. I worked for the NYSE for 13.5 years. Now I work at another big firm.

Before I had the bar..I drove a truck and moved furniture.

If I wanted to "lie"..I think I could do a better job.

man, you gotta be telling the truth. Can't argue with that...

I also drove a truck.... for a career. Union thug, believe it or not.... :lol:
sure you have.


You can check my posts here.

I use to own a bar in Atlanta many moons went belly up.

So I went into IT for the financial industry. I worked for the NYSE for 13.5 years. Now I work at another big firm.

Before I had the bar..I drove a truck and moved furniture.

If I wanted to "lie"..I think I could do a better job.

man, you gotta be telling the truth. Can't argue with that...

I also drove a truck.... for a career. Union thug, believe it or not.... :lol:

No shit!

So you're the Union guy..and I am the scab? :D

Oh must be snowing in hell! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


You can check my posts here.

I use to own a bar in Atlanta many moons went belly up.

So I went into IT for the financial industry. I worked for the NYSE for 13.5 years. Now I work at another big firm.

Before I had the bar..I drove a truck and moved furniture.

If I wanted to "lie"..I think I could do a better job.

man, you gotta be telling the truth. Can't argue with that...

I also drove a truck.... for a career. Union thug, believe it or not.... :lol:

No shit!

So you're the Union guy..and I am the scab? :D

Oh must be snowing in hell! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


ain't politics great? :lol:

damn. Now I have to start bein' nicer to you.
Can you even tell me where the bush money went? Then once you done figuring out your wrong, tell me where the Obama money went, then you will see that your wrong again. Shit this is like explaining shit to a 5 year old.....cause you logic is 2+2=55. It just doesn't make any sense

what the hell are you blathering about....? most of the banks have paid back the's the auto industry that still owes billions....

and remember idiot.....BO voted for TARP.....and then additionally spent billions on his "stimulus" that didn't tell me where THAT money went....

The Stimulus worked fine.

It did exactly what it was provisioned to do. So did TARP and the auto bailout.

yeah did create lots of road signs however....

socialists look bad because they're fucked up. They're fucked up because they fuck things up.

see france, spain, greece, the ussr, romainia bulgaria east germany and california

Wow, wait to start,your wrong. Ussr, east Germany were under communist rule, not socialist. Second. France and greese started having issues After election right wing govs, France quickly went back left and grease is headed that way. Romainia is NOT after it left the soviet block a socialist state, infect it's considered fascist. And once again with bulgaria, it reverted to a democracy. Holy fuck where did u get your education

what did the first "S" in USSR stand for.......?

North Korea calls itself the Democratic Republic of North Korea. You think it's democratic?
If Obama and his statements makes him a socialist then republicans and their statements make them imperialist religious fascists, it's all a matter of degree. If a person is to be known by the extremes of their political philosophy then perhaps we should all run around willy-nilly yelling commie nazi socialist hyperbole while totally ignoring the real definitions of these words or the fact that not everyone is a political extremist like the dumb-asses who all too often use these terms to scare each other.

Couldn't agree more. :clap2::clap2:

you're an idiot.....explain why BO sued Arizona for following Federal Law......and why he ran to the UN as well....if that's not the action of an international socialist i don't know what is....

Obama Hauls Arizona Before the UN Human Rights Council
Wow, wait to start,your wrong. Ussr, east Germany were under communist rule, not socialist. Second. France and greese started having issues After election right wing govs, France quickly went back left and grease is headed that way. Romainia is NOT after it left the soviet block a socialist state, infect it's considered fascist. And once again with bulgaria, it reverted to a democracy. Holy fuck where did u get your education

what did the first "S" in USSR stand for.......?

North Korea calls itself the Democratic Republic of North Korea. You think it's democratic?

we already covered that......but that's similar to how BO calls himself an American Democrat instead of a radical Marxist...
Can you even tell me where the bush money went? Then once you done figuring out your wrong, tell me where the Obama money went, then you will see that your wrong again. Shit this is like explaining shit to a 5 year old.....cause you logic is 2+2=55. It just doesn't make any sense

what the hell are you blathering about....? most of the banks have paid back the's the auto industry that still owes billions....

and remember idiot.....BO voted for TARP.....and then additionally spent billions on his "stimulus" that didn't tell me where THAT money went....

The Stimulus worked fine.

It did exactly what it was provisioned to do. So did TARP and the auto bailout.

you're like a parrot that keeps repeating what it was told to say....
I have read so many of these threads over the years about how this democrat or that democrat is really a "marxist" or a "socialist" and they all pretty much play out the same way. The people who start these threads all have one thing in common, and that is that they really have no actual idea what either of those terms actually means. For all of those folks, both of those words are just dog whistle epithets that have long ago lost any sense of their true meaning and have devolved into just sort of "dirty words". A classic illustration of this phenomenon is the sign seen at a 2010 town hall meeting in a midwestern congressional district which had been overrun by local teabaggers which read, "KEEP YOUR SOCIALIST HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE". Increasingly, we are becoming a nation of morons manipulated by soundbites bought by the highest bidder. I guess we will get the kind of government that such a crowd of morons deserves.

I have read so many of these threads over the years about how people who call Democrats "socialist" or "marxist," and they all pretty much play out the same way. The liberal turds who post them have some idiosyncratic definition of "socialism" that is so narrow that not even Karl Marx would qualify.

And you know what is the funny thing about the posters? They're all a bunch of fucking lying commies.

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