How is Pelosi a devout Catholic and also supporting baby killing?

Liberals care about Rona victims, but love to kill babies.

So weird
Pelosi = Catholic

Pelosi = baby murder

Pelosi = hypocrite


Pelosi - legislator

Pelosi religion --- none of our god damn business.

Then she is not a Christian

Doesn't matter. She's hired to be a Rep, not a Xian.

Mans law flutter like the wind ( I didn't even know it was in the Bible untill recently) God's laws doesn't.

But then again if I held office I wouldn't produce a fuss over it, it's way to complex of an issue, I would just pass the buck too.

Whatever that means is still irrelevant. Congress works on laws written down. They're in the Constitution and they specify what Reps and Senators do, and it has nothing to do with what religion they may hold coincidentally, any more than it has to do with their shoe size. That's the flaw this wrongheaded thread started with, the ass-sumption that we are somehow a theocracy, which the OP still cannot demonstrate.

As demonstrated in the post landing immediately before this one it's an irrational loaded premise based on Argument from Emotion and nothing else. Rhetorically it's like a 1958 Buick found in the woods that even though it's got the key in it, won't start.
Like most American Catholics, Pelosi realizes her church is wrong on many social issues
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Are you contending that Pelosi is anti abortion?

Jesus dude. Did you have shock therapy?

Nancy Pelosi promotes baby murder.
Has she ever had an abortion?
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
The same way evangelicals reconcile their support of tRump?

Or is it more the way republicans here abortions but refuse to help the kids once it's born? Or is it more the way you guys use socialism as a boogyman until it comes to supporting businesses? Or hate big budgets when Democrats are in office but never cut spending when you are? Or....

Well, you get the point.
And that is profoundly IRRELEVANT, because you and I have nothing to say about how some third party practices their own religion.
again you are arguing off point, it is completely relevant to the religion [catholic] pretending [at least in the op] to being practiced and that is what the thread is about, in fact it is clearly relevant and your argument is not.

The fact REMAINS, we are not a fucking theocracy, and therefore religion simply PLAYS. NO. PART. in how a governmental representative does their job. And that's because their job is to represent constitutents ---- NOT TO REPRESENT A FUCKING RELIGION.
so start a thread about it then, but do not hijack this thread to make a that argument
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