How is Pelosi a devout Catholic and also supporting baby killing?

How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
Because she’s not.

A lot of scumbag gang bangers use Christian symbols and then go out and murder innocent people. One of the most viscous of these gangs is called the DNC.
Pelosi = Catholic

Pelosi = baby murder

Pelosi = hypocrite


Pelosi - legislator

Pelosi religion --- none of our god damn business.
She supports abortion publicly
The Catholic Church should excommunicate her and all other politicians that publicly support abortion. Apparently the Church does not give a damn,

I think you have the proper perspective on this. . . And that is about the fullest extent that I believe religion should be involved in any discussion about abortion.

I don't give a rats ass that the bitch betrays her own professed choice of religion. That should never be the issue ANYWHERE, except in her dealings with her church.
However it is a a good indication of her morals. If she sells her soul for abortion she sure as hell would sell out to China
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Obvious fallacy of loaded question aside, the fact is we STILL do not live in a theocracy. A legislator is charged with laws of the government, not laws of some religion. What religion she personally exercises is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT to that.

If you're a legislator and your personal (<< note the word PERSONAL) religion says you must drink bleach every day, and your constituents don't want any such legislation, then you have no standing to pass a law to drink bleach every day.

Of course, the phrase "personal religion" is redundant, isn't it.

I guess y'all wannabe theocratists just can't distinguish between a personal interest and the public interest, or between the personal and the political.

One cannot claim one is anything and then practice things that are antithetical to the things that their religion condemns

That's their bidness, isn't it.

Here's an idea ---- mind your own.

You really hate being shown up don't you kid? You can't claim to be Catholic and deny their doctrines. It's called being a hypocrite, something you know A LOT about.

Once AGAIN for the hard of reading ---- religion is a personal exercise, that's up to them. I don't judge how somebody else handles their own bag. You do though. That's what fascism is all about amirite?

LOL, you aren't any good at this. She is free to do as she pleases but her practices are antithetical and heretical within the context of her professed "religion".

What "practices" might these be?

WHAT THE FLYING FUCK don't you get about the statement "we are not a thecracy"? Do you not comprehend what that means?

You're losing it kid. She isn't a Catholic, she may "claim" to be one but she isn't. Again, she's free to do as she pleases but she is a mockery to God. BTW kid so is Rump.
Religious affiliation has been declining for a while now.


Protestant has been declining pretty quickly while "none" has been increasing. Catholics have been declining, but not as quickly as Protestants.
Catholics are largely split on abortion.

"Take abortion (which the Catholic Church opposes), for instance: Among Catholic Republicans and GOP leaners, 55% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, identical to the share among all Republicans. At the same time, 64% of Catholic Democrats and Democratic leaners say abortion should be legal in all or most cases — slightly lower than the share for Democrats overall (76%). On balance, however, Catholic Democrats are more likely to favor legal abortion than to oppose it."

So they do not abide by the Bible.

It’s cool, just admit you are a fraud,

I am Nancy Pelosi and I approve of murdering babies.

Could you please give evidence of her approving of murdering babies...
Catholics are largely split on abortion.

"Take abortion (which the Catholic Church opposes), for instance: Among Catholic Republicans and GOP leaners, 55% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, identical to the share among all Republicans. At the same time, 64% of Catholic Democrats and Democratic leaners say abortion should be legal in all or most cases — slightly lower than the share for Democrats overall (76%). On balance, however, Catholic Democrats are more likely to favor legal abortion than to oppose it."

So they do not abide by the Bible.

It’s cool, just admit you are a fraud,

I am Nancy Pelosi and I approve of murdering babies.

Could you please give evidence of her approving of murdering babies...
I see, you just want to argue semantics.... you are not worth the effect
Catholics are largely split on abortion.

"Take abortion (which the Catholic Church opposes), for instance: Among Catholic Republicans and GOP leaners, 55% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, identical to the share among all Republicans. At the same time, 64% of Catholic Democrats and Democratic leaners say abortion should be legal in all or most cases — slightly lower than the share for Democrats overall (76%). On balance, however, Catholic Democrats are more likely to favor legal abortion than to oppose it."

So they do not abide by the Bible.

It’s cool, just admit you are a fraud,

I am Nancy Pelosi and I approve of murdering babies.

Could you please give evidence of her approving of murdering babies...
.so adorable.

Why do yuo defend her? Specifically why?
Catholics are largely split on abortion.

"Take abortion (which the Catholic Church opposes), for instance: Among Catholic Republicans and GOP leaners, 55% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, identical to the share among all Republicans. At the same time, 64% of Catholic Democrats and Democratic leaners say abortion should be legal in all or most cases — slightly lower than the share for Democrats overall (76%). On balance, however, Catholic Democrats are more likely to favor legal abortion than to oppose it."

So they do not abide by the Bible.

It’s cool, just admit you are a fraud,

I am Nancy Pelosi and I approve of murdering babies.

Could you please give evidence of her approving of murdering babies...
I see, you just want to argue semantics.... you are not worth the effect

Translation: You fucked up, and don't have the stones to man up to it.

Read your post up there. You can't justify it, so you lose. Just admit it.
So they do not abide by the Bible.

The Bible says nothing about abortion. Why are you pretending it does?

Okay, I take that back. In Numbers, the Bible mandates abortion for an unfaithful wife. So, the Bible is definitely pro-abortion.

Pro-life beliefs aren't based on the Bible. They're based on being a pervy control freak.
The Bible says a lot of things. Christians just pick and choose which things in the Bible they want to be outraged about.

Take infidelity for example. Do Trump supporters give a single shit about infidelity? No. If anything, they praise Trump for committing it.
Last edited:
Catholics are largely split on abortion.

"Take abortion (which the Catholic Church opposes), for instance: Among Catholic Republicans and GOP leaners, 55% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, identical to the share among all Republicans. At the same time, 64% of Catholic Democrats and Democratic leaners say abortion should be legal in all or most cases — slightly lower than the share for Democrats overall (76%). On balance, however, Catholic Democrats are more likely to favor legal abortion than to oppose it."

So they do not abide by the Bible.

It’s cool, just admit you are a fraud,

I am Nancy Pelosi and I approve of murdering babies.

Could you please give evidence of her approving of murdering babies...
I see, you just want to argue semantics.... you are not worth the effect

Translation: You fucked up, and don't have the stones to man up to it.

Read your post up there. You can't justify it, so you lose. Just admit it.
So now you are saying that Pelosi does not support Abortion?
Talk about out of touch
Catholics are largely split on abortion.

"Take abortion (which the Catholic Church opposes), for instance: Among Catholic Republicans and GOP leaners, 55% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, identical to the share among all Republicans. At the same time, 64% of Catholic Democrats and Democratic leaners say abortion should be legal in all or most cases — slightly lower than the share for Democrats overall (76%). On balance, however, Catholic Democrats are more likely to favor legal abortion than to oppose it."

So they do not abide by the Bible.

It’s cool, just admit you are a fraud,

I am Nancy Pelosi and I approve of murdering babies.

Could you please give evidence of her approving of murdering babies...
I see, you just want to argue semantics.... you are not worth the effect

Translation: You fucked up, and don't have the stones to man up to it.

Read your post up there. You can't justify it, so you lose. Just admit it.
So now you are saying that Pelosi does not support Abortion?
Talk about out of touch

So now you're saying you DIDN'T post that she approves of murdering babies?
Even though it's got your name on it?

Spineless WIMP. :gay:
Catholics are largely split on abortion.

"Take abortion (which the Catholic Church opposes), for instance: Among Catholic Republicans and GOP leaners, 55% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, identical to the share among all Republicans. At the same time, 64% of Catholic Democrats and Democratic leaners say abortion should be legal in all or most cases — slightly lower than the share for Democrats overall (76%). On balance, however, Catholic Democrats are more likely to favor legal abortion than to oppose it."

So they do not abide by the Bible.

It’s cool, just admit you are a fraud,

I am Nancy Pelosi and I approve of murdering babies.

Could you please give evidence of her approving of murdering babies...
I see, you just want to argue semantics.... you are not worth the effect

Translation: You fucked up, and don't have the stones to man up to it.

Read your post up there. You can't justify it, so you lose. Just admit it.
So now you are saying that Pelosi does not support Abortion?
Talk about out of touch

So now you're saying you DIDN'T post that she approves of murdering babies?
Even though it's got your name on it?

Spineless WIMP. :gay:
What the fuck are you talking about.
Of course Pelosi approves of murdering babies otherwise she would be against abortion, what is so hard for you to understand?
Does Catholicism support abortion?

Specifically, how?

No they don't.

There's obviously a disconnect between Catholic teachings and what Catholics believe, as many self-identifying Catholics don't actually believe in much of anything that the church tells them. They're close to 50-50 on abortion.

And it's not just abortion. It also includes birth control, divorce, premarital sex, masturbation, p0rnography, homosexuality, etc. The church can say whatever they want, but many of the people aren't actually going to follow what they're taught. The term "Cafeteria Catholic" is quite common.

Catholicism probably doesn't preach that abortion is wrong as adamantly as other religions do. They seem pretty lax on a lot of these teachings, and I'm under the impression that they're received kind of like how a teenager would roll their eyes when a parent talks about how it's important to wait until marriage before having sex. The Catholic church probably takes this lax approach because they don't want to scare off their followers too much - that would be a loss in revenue.
Most Catholics have more compassion for others than their Church does.

The Church still clings to 19 th century values.
Catholics are largely split on abortion.

"Take abortion (which the Catholic Church opposes), for instance: Among Catholic Republicans and GOP leaners, 55% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, identical to the share among all Republicans. At the same time, 64% of Catholic Democrats and Democratic leaners say abortion should be legal in all or most cases — slightly lower than the share for Democrats overall (76%). On balance, however, Catholic Democrats are more likely to favor legal abortion than to oppose it."

So they do not abide by the Bible.

It’s cool, just admit you are a fraud,

I am Nancy Pelosi and I approve of murdering babies.

Could you please give evidence of her approving of murdering babies...
I see, you just want to argue semantics.... you are not worth the effect

Translation: You fucked up, and don't have the stones to man up to it.

Read your post up there. You can't justify it, so you lose. Just admit it.
So now you are saying that Pelosi does not support Abortion?
Talk about out of touch

So now you're saying you DIDN'T post that she approves of murdering babies?
Even though it's got your name on it?

Spineless WIMP. :gay:
What the fuck are you talking about.
Of course Pelosi approves of murdering babies otherwise she would be against abortion, what is so hard for you to understand?

You lost, Hunior. Man up and admit it.
Pelosi = Catholic

Pelosi = baby murder

Pelosi = hypocrite


Pelosi - legislator

Pelosi religion --- none of our god damn business.

Then she is not a Christian

Doesn't matter. She's hired to be a Rep, not a Xian.

Mans law flutter like the wind ( I didn't even know it was in the Bible untill recently) God's laws doesn't.

But then again if I held office I wouldn't produce a fuss over it, it's way to complex of an issue, I would just pass the buck too.
Republicans tried running on Pelosi Derangement Syndrome in 2018.

They got slaughtered.

Bless their hearts, they're trying again.

The funny part here is how the same people who despise current Catholic teachings on things like immigration have suddenly become Catholic purists. If you're going to embrace cafeteria Catholicism, then spinning about and condemning cafeteria Catholicism isn't a wise idea. It makes you look even more hypocritical than usual.

Being consistent, as we always are, we liberals don't harp on anti-immigration Catholics as awful. We point out that Catholicism has room for a wide range of beliefs, and a significant fraction of Catholics are pro-choice. In 2019, a poll put that number at 56%. The polls listed above shows 48% plurality. Pelosi would seem to represent around half of the Catholics in the USA. Hating Pelosi here is hating half of all Catholics.

You really are nuts. Catholic doctrine condemns abortion.

Now stop pretending you know jack shit about it and stfu you crazy old bitch
Well, look who's back, LOL. That had to cost you a few hours on your knees --- which I have no doubt you enjoyed every minute of, LOL.

And the language you are using in this post certainly isn't very christian-like, is it? Looks like you'll be spending more time on your knees again in the confessional. Bring the knee pads, you fat bitch.

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