How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

It causes unemployment by taking money from the job creators, and giving it to politicians who simply redirect it to their political clients, most of whom are drones of one species or another who produce nothing of value for the country.

Clinton increased taxes and balanced the budget and didn't harm job creation.
Meanwhile The One's "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is creating all sorts of China. The Democrats and their Class Warfare stuff really are one big farce. I guess we'll see how many buy it in 2012.

You can't blame him. He's just taking advantage of tax loopholes that the GOP fought to keep. As far as 2012 goes, we'll just have to see. But don't pretend like a majority of Americans support the GOP's position on taxes. Most Americans - left, right and center - support raising taxes on the rich. That is a fact. Just look at any poll on the subject.

Yet The One made him his "Jobs Czar." The Hopey Changey sheep are so lost at this point. They don't know who to blame for this awful mess. So allow me to help...It's all your guy's fault! He's an Epic Fail.
How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

Well, lowering their taxes hasn't created any jobs (see the last ten years of the lowest tax rates since the 1950s), so the opposite must be true (see Clinton era tax rates).

If that were true why did obama keep them in tact?

Now I see you are just a partisan. Your reasoning is like saying "Shit tastes good, if it didnt would every fly on the planet eat it?"
Meanwhile The One's "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is creating all sorts of China. The Democrats and their Class Warfare stuff really are one big farce. I guess we'll see how many buy it in 2012.

You can't blame him. He's just taking advantage of tax loopholes that the GOP fought to keep. As far as 2012 goes, we'll just have to see. But don't pretend like a majority of Americans support the GOP's position on taxes. Most Americans - left, right and center - support raising taxes on the rich. That is a fact. Just look at any poll on the subject.

No you can blame him. he was hired to do a job and he isn't doing it.

BAM!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

Well, lowering their taxes hasn't created any jobs (see the last ten years of the lowest tax rates since the 1950s), so the opposite must be true (see Clinton era tax rates).

If that were true why did obama keep them in tact?

Even though Boehner was off with his numbers this show that over 5 million new jobs were created because of the Bush Tax cuts
We turned to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- specifically, figures from the Current Employment Statistics series, which is calculated using a broad survey of employer payroll data. Here are the numbers:

June 2001: 132,047,000 people employed
January 2008: 137,996,000 people employed
Increase during that six-and-a-half-year period: 5,949,000 people

PolitiFact | John Boehner says Bush tax cuts created 8 million jobs over 10 years

I'm even using a site I think is very Biased the democrat way.

First of all, Bush's record on job creation is among the worst in history, so it's nothing to brag about. Second, there is no evidence to support your claim that those jobs were created because of tax cuts. And to insinuate that Obama kept them in place because he agrees that they create jobs is disingenuous at best. The only reason Obama kept them in place (temporarily) is because the GOP wouldn't otherwise agree to extend UE benefits. That's a pretty well-known fact.
One more time the government is not the private sector the private sector is the engine that creates jobs. The money taken in by the government does not go to the private sector. Do try to keep up.

Not true at all. Government contracts to build roads, bridges and yes even jet fighters go to the privage sector Suggesting others try to keep up is good advice, too many lies have been perpetrated by the right and are repeated thoughtlessly.

I covered that already Government contracts are awarded to select groups and not open to all so that really isn't part of the private sector. Roads are short term and do not sustain the economy for very long.
While driving I keep hitting those pot holes so why aren't the roads better?

Boeing, and Lockheed, and McDonnell Douglas, and GE, etc., etc., who get billions in government contracts that are filled by millions of man hours,

they aren't in the private sector????:lol:
Who says it's going to 'create jobs?' It'll help balance the budget, but where do you see people advocating that it will create jobs?

What exactly are you talking about?

Uhh, the op. You said "How is raising taxes on the rich going to create jobs."

Who says it is? The point is to get the fiscal house in order. However in lieu of tax increases, we must cut spending which will destroy jobs. But who says tax increases = jobs created? I've just never heard anyone talk that way.

Who says it is?

Read some of the relies from your side.

we must cut spending which will destroy jobs

Good let's start with the IRS the department of education Stip down the power of the EPA shut down the TSA AND HOMELAND SECURITY.
We turned to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- specifically, figures from the Current Employment Statistics series, which is calculated using a broad survey of employer payroll data. Here are the numbers:

June 2001: 132,047,000 people employed
January 2008: 137,996,000 people employed
Increase during that six-and-a-half-year period: 5,949,000 people

PolitiFact | John Boehner says Bush tax cuts created 8 million jobs over 10 years

I'm even using a site I think is very Biased the democrat way.

Bush had the worst job growth since WW II and you want to use his tax policies to validate his economic record? :lol:
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Not true at all. Government contracts to build roads, bridges and yes even jet fighters go to the privage sector Suggesting others try to keep up is good advice, too many lies have been perpetrated by the right and are repeated thoughtlessly.

I covered that already Government contracts are awarded to select groups and not open to all so that really isn't part of the private sector. Roads are short term and do not sustain the economy for very long.
While driving I keep hitting those pot holes so why aren't the roads better?

Nice try. Maybe under Cheney gov't contracts went to a select few, but even Haliburton subcontracted out jobs to smaller companies, as do Lockhead Martin, Boeing, etc. Many gov't jobs, for example road upgrades, paving, lighting, etc. go to smaller business in local communities.

I wrote and received funding from the US Dept. of Justice to hire deputies for the Domestic Violence Unit I managed and to develop and manage a public/private consortium providing counseling to vicitms and anger management to perpetrators. Similar programs operate all over the country providing jobs and services.

Check out this link: Find RFP: Federal, State and Local Government RFPs, Government Bids & Government Contracts
and as soon as the dems cut defense spending, more jobs will disapear
Raising taxes on the wealthy isn't designed to create jobs. It's designed to pay some of the bills, past, present, and future.
Meanwhile The One's "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is creating all sorts of China. The Democrats and their Class Warfare stuff really are one big farce. I guess we'll see how many buy it in 2012.

You can't blame him. He's just taking advantage of tax loopholes that the GOP fought to keep. As far as 2012 goes, we'll just have to see. But don't pretend like a majority of Americans support the GOP's position on taxes. Most Americans - left, right and center - support raising taxes on the rich. That is a fact. Just look at any poll on the subject.

No you can blame him. he was hired to do a job and he isn't doing it.

Yeah, he was hired to not ship his company's jobs overseas? Could you show me that job description? By the way, I don't support shipping jobs overseas; but he is, after all, taking advantage of tax loopholes that the GOP refused to even consider closing.
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Not true at all. Government contracts to build roads, bridges and yes even jet fighters go to the privage sector Suggesting others try to keep up is good advice, too many lies have been perpetrated by the right and are repeated thoughtlessly.

I covered that already Government contracts are awarded to select groups and not open to all so that really isn't part of the private sector. Roads are short term and do not sustain the economy for very long.
While driving I keep hitting those pot holes so why aren't the roads better?

Boeing, and Lockheed, and McDonnell Douglas, and GE, etc., etc., who get billions in government contracts that are filled by millions of man hours,

they aren't in the private sector????:lol:
unions unions unions. As I said as you were cherry picking government jobs are not open to everyone just select groups.,
What exactly are you talking about?

Uhh, the op. You said "How is raising taxes on the rich going to create jobs."

Who says it is? The point is to get the fiscal house in order. However in lieu of tax increases, we must cut spending which will destroy jobs. But who says tax increases = jobs created? I've just never heard anyone talk that way.

Who says it is?

Read some of the relies from your side.

we must cut spending which will destroy jobs

Good let's start with the IRS the department of education Stip down the power of the EPA shut down the TSA AND HOMELAND SECURITY.

Employees of all those departments shop at private retailers. They also all collect unemployment when they're laid off.

Why do you think there's an easy answer?
Raising taxes on the wealthy isn't designed to create jobs. It's designed to pay some of the bills, past, present, and future.

I am not sure where some of these rightwing nimwits are getting the idea that tax hikes create jobs. They can't even tell the difference between a job and debt.
We turned to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- specifically, figures from the Current Employment Statistics series, which is calculated using a broad survey of employer payroll data. Here are the numbers:

June 2001: 132,047,000 people employed
January 2008: 137,996,000 people employed
Increase during that six-and-a-half-year period: 5,949,000 people

PolitiFact | John Boehner says Bush tax cuts created 8 million jobs over 10 years

I'm even using a site I think is very Biased the democrat way.

Bush had the worst job growth since WW II and you want to use his tax policies to validate his economic record? :lol:
I take Bushes job growth over what obama has any day.
Raising Taxes on the "Rich" wont create a single Job. In fact it will likely cause the loss of many more instead. All it will do is make the Socialist/Progressive Dummies very happy. But the nation will suffer. Just look at what their policies have already done to our nation. Do the People really want more? I guess we'll see in 2012. God help us.
Raising taxes on the wealthy isn't designed to create jobs. It's designed to pay some of the bills, past, present, and future.

I am not sure where some of these rightwing nimwits are getting the idea that tax hikes create jobs. They can't even tell the difference between a job and debt.

No one on the right has said that idiot stop spinning your left loons are the ones that say that. Keep the facts correct for once.
Uhh, the op. You said "How is raising taxes on the rich going to create jobs."

Who says it is? The point is to get the fiscal house in order. However in lieu of tax increases, we must cut spending which will destroy jobs. But who says tax increases = jobs created? I've just never heard anyone talk that way.

Read some of the relies from your side.

we must cut spending which will destroy jobs

Good let's start with the IRS the department of education Stip down the power of the EPA shut down the TSA AND HOMELAND SECURITY.

Employees of all those departments shop at private retailers. They also all collect unemployment when they're laid off.

Why do you think there's an easy answer?

Well then why aren't those employees spending?
We turned to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- specifically, figures from the Current Employment Statistics series, which is calculated using a broad survey of employer payroll data. Here are the numbers:

June 2001: 132,047,000 people employed
January 2008: 137,996,000 people employed
Increase during that six-and-a-half-year period: 5,949,000 people

PolitiFact | John Boehner says Bush tax cuts created 8 million jobs over 10 years

I'm even using a site I think is very Biased the democrat way.

Bush had the worst job growth since WW II and you want to use his tax policies to validate his economic record? :lol:
I take Bushes job growth over what obama has any day.

You'll take 5 million (that's being generous) jobs created over 8 years? You think that's a good record? The stimulus alone created or saved 3 million jobs. That's according to the CBO - you know, that congressional office that the right likes to dismiss when they come to conclusions that the right doesn't like, and then praise when they come to conclusions that the right does like.

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