How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

You'll take 5 million (that's being generous) jobs created over 8 years? You think that's a good record? The stimulus alone created or saved 3 million jobs. That's according to the CBO - you know, that congressional office that the right likes to dismiss when they come to conclusions that the right doesn't like, and then praise when they come to conclusions that the right does like.

but how many jobs were lost in these stimulus years? there was no net gain. at best the stimulus created temporary civil service jobs with no sustainable income to suport them when the stimulus runs out. it was a bandaid on an amputation. a joke

It was bandaid. It was too small for one. And then there's the fact that 2/3rds of the stimulus was tax cuts. So much for the "tax cuts create jobs" argument.:lol:
tax cuts that were taxable as income. wtf was that all about. and it was tax cuts to lower class. lower class doesn't create jobs so your analogy is not valid
Raising Taxes on the "Rich" wont create a single Job. In fact it will likely cause the loss of many more instead. All it will do is make the Socialist/Progressive Dummies very happy. But the nation will suffer. Just look at what their policies have already done to our nation. Do the People really want more? I guess we'll see in 2012. God help us.

Cutting spending will cost more jobs than raising taxes on the rich.
Doesn't the right always say that Obama did nothing in congress? And now you want me to believe that the UE rate when Bush was POTUS was all Obama's fault?


obama voted for the spending so yes he wanted exactly what Bush wanted. But you just want to blame Bush for the failures of obama.

Sorry, but what does an Obama vote for spending have to do with Bush's UE rate and job creation numbers? BTW, Bush didn't veto one spending bill during his eight years.

So you think since obama voted for the spending he wouldn't have wanted it if he was President when Bush was President? Keep up son I realize I'm moving fast but you did mention Bushes spending didn't you?
Cleaning up after the Hopey Changey One is going to be even rougher. So WTG Dems. You've managed to make things much worse. Thanks a lot for that. Yes we will see you in 2012. Better believe it. :)

But the GOP has been in control of the House for 7 months. They have done nothing about jobs. Only abortion, PP, NPR and gays. And they're even less popular than Obama and congressional Dems. Good luck in 2012.
but how many jobs were lost in these stimulus years? there was no net gain. at best the stimulus created temporary civil service jobs with no sustainable income to suport them when the stimulus runs out. it was a bandaid on an amputation. a joke

It was bandaid. It was too small for one. And then there's the fact that 2/3rds of the stimulus was tax cuts. So much for the "tax cuts create jobs" argument.:lol:
tax cuts that were taxable as income. wtf was that all about. and it was tax cuts to lower class. lower class doesn't create jobs so your analogy is not valid

You beat me to it. Taxable does not equate a tax cut.:clap2:
Cleaning up after the Hopey Changey One is going to be even rougher. So WTG Dems. You've managed to make things much worse. Thanks a lot for that. Yes we will see you in 2012. Better believe it. :)

But the GOP has been in control of the House for 7 months. They have done nothing about jobs. Only abortion, PP, NPR and gays. And they're even less popular than Obama and congressional Dems. Good luck in 2012.

Damn 7 months compared to democratic control of the govrnment for most of the 20th century in part or in whole. 7 months is a short time to try and fix a century old problem
Cleaning up after the Hopey Changey One is going to be even rougher. So WTG Dems. You've managed to make things much worse. Thanks a lot for that. Yes we will see you in 2012. Better believe it. :)

But the GOP has been in control of the House for 7 months. They have done nothing about jobs. Only abortion, PP, NPR and gays. And they're even less popular than Obama and congressional Dems. Good luck in 2012.

becasue they can't get anything past the obstructionist democrats in the senate
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So I want someone who thinks it's a good thing to raise taxes on those who create jobs (the wealthy). What exactly do you think obama wants to do with the money? Give more money to the super poor? Increase payouts to the welfare crowd? None of that actually creates anything but more of an entitlement generation. It actually kills the real American dream for those who want to be rich and have money. It kills any type of a dream that a person can actually achieve home ownership they can afford and things they may want.

Here's the cold hard truth giving to the poor just makes more poor, when you take from those who have you're actually killing the American dream. Poor people do not hire people to work for them The wealthy do.

I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house.

Those that suck on the TEAT and those that own the TEATs
Legal pimps
It causes unemployment by taking money from the job creators, and giving it to politicians who simply redirect it to their political clients, most of whom are drones of one species or another who produce nothing of value for the country.

Clinton increased taxes and balanced the budget and didn't harm job creation.

Indeed he did. He raised taxes and we had the BIGGEST job growth in Presidential history. Funny that the RWers don't mention that when whining that the "job creators" getting "taxed too much" ( even though they are taxed at the lowest rate in decades).

If you increase the income tax paid by the wealthy, you actually give them incentive to invest in their business instead of sitting on it.
It gives us money to do projects we need like infrastructure fwhich also creates lots of jobs

Not good enough that only creates a temporay fix.
Ah, yes......rebuilding our infrastructure will surely be a short-term operation.


I do construction for a living so you can't get that BS pass me. Try again. couldn't find a long-term/full-time job???


(BTW.....that's "....past me."
The dems will be hammering the pubs on not creating jobs while whining about the debt then blocking efforts for a real solution. The Tea Party is plummeting because of that, and the GOP is trying to figure how to harness their 15% of the electorate without pissing off the other 85%.

Will be an interesting election.
We don't have a Taxpayer problem. We have a Government problem. Unfortunately most Socialists/Progressives are just way too ignorant to get that. Spending $16 Trillion more than you take in has nothing to do with the Taxpayers. That's all on the Government. So wake up you silly sheep.
It causes unemployment by taking money from the job creators, and giving it to politicians who simply redirect it to their political clients, most of whom are drones of one species or another who produce nothing of value for the country.

Clinton increased taxes and balanced the budget and didn't harm job creation.

Indeed he did. He raised taxes and we had the BIGGEST job growth in Presidential history. Funny that the RWers don't mention that when whining that the "job creators" getting "taxed too much" ( even though they are taxed at the lowest rate in decades).

If you increase the income tax paid by the wealthy, you actually give them incentive to invest in their business instead of sitting on it.


But in no way did Clinton have a surplus
No one on the right has said that idiot stop spinning your left loons are the ones that say that. Keep the facts correct for once.

Look at the title of your own post, spinmeister.


Here's the title

How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

It's a question you do know what a question is don't you?

You claimed that people said that tax hikes create jobs. What person has said that spinmeister?

Then you ended your original rant with, "I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house." However, the overall tax burden in the US is lowest in decades, hack.
The government levies taxes in order to support spending. When the government uses spending to create jobs for people (police, air traffic controllers, soldiers, etc.) who otherwise wouldn't have had them, those people, in turn, use their salaries to buy goods and services.

When those people buy goods and services, that creates demand, which in turns creates more jobs for more people. Demand is responsible for job creation.

The rich, on the other hand, are not "job creators". That's simply a lie to fool simple people.
.....And, ya' can't get much-more simple (minded), than Teabaggers.

[ame=]SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters - YouTube[/ame]​
We don't have a Taxpayer problem. We have a Government problem. A $16 Trillion Debt is all on the Government. They will not be allowed to scapegoat the Taxpayers. Not on my watch anyway. I just hope more come over to my side. Force them to balance the Budget first. Tax Hikes cannot and should not even be discussed til that happens. Period,end of story.
Look at the title of your own post, spinmeister.


Here's the title

How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

It's a question you do know what a question is don't you?

You claimed that people said that tax hikes create jobs. What person has said that spinmeister?

Then you ended your original rant with, "I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house." However, the overall tax burden in the US is lowest in decades, hack.

Do not expect any sense out of littledebfascist. Her brain is alcoholically pickled, and thus her thinking is raddled.
We need the money to create more of these wonderful shovel-ready jobs.

Right, as in bullshit shoveling, obama had plenty of thoise jobs ready on day one.
Actually./...they've BEEN piling-up!!!!

[ame=](LONG VERSION) Minneapolis Bridge Collapse Minnesota Video - YouTube[/ame]

You construction-workers gotta get outta the bars, more-often.


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