How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

Check the job growth in the late 1940s through the early 1960s with the tax rate, and then get back to us with what you find out.

we also didn't have off shore competition back then and our labor rates were comparable to other manufacturing nations.
profits are up. you cant dispute this fact....
tax cuts and raises really wont affect job growth like you want it.

On which corpations? Those who help obama get elected?
Freedy and fannie excets got a raise yet they lost money. How does that work?

ones who tends to donate money like to put their money in anyone who is running.
I'd have to assume who made the list of the S&P 500 are those companies.

I know this really wasnt about learning, I assume you will just go round and round skirting the debate and moving the goal posts like you always do, but never actually learning anything.

It is about learning I'm trying to teach you but you won't listen.
Yep freddie and Fannie got help and the exets got a bonus Freddie and fannie are the democrats pet projects.
Taxing the wealthy will create jobs.
Unfortunately, it will be for tax-proficient attorneys, in- and out- of government.

Theft by government will always produce valid reasons to flee with one's money.

The suggestion to declare a tax-holiday on the repatriated billions held in foreign countries seems like an effective method of bringing some of the decaying dollars back 'home.'
Thanks, Spoonman, that's what I am talking about, a solid discussion based on reality.
It gives us money to do projects we need like infrastructure fwhich also creates lots of jobs

we had a trillion dollar economic stimulus package that was supposed to do that. what happened there?

More than half of it was for those "job creating" tax cuts. See a pattern? Repubs want tax cuts to "create jobs" then when no jobs are created (or a small amount) they say if only we had "more" tax cuts...or bigger tax cuts...or harder tax cuts. Dam what our present lack of employment is....It's all because of the stimulus in 2009 that made the economy collapse in 2008:doubt:
How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

Well, lowering their taxes hasn't created any jobs (see the last ten years of the lowest tax rates since the 1950s), so the opposite must be true (see Clinton era tax rates).
It wont but it makes the warped Socialist/Progressive nutters feel real good. It is sad but it is what it is.
Meanwhile The One's "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is creating all sorts of China. The Democrats and their Class Warfare stuff really are one big farce. I guess we'll see how many buy it in 2012.

No one likes that guy. When you realize that these former CEO's with close ties to big business are screwing all of us you will realize that it isnt a left vs right thing. Its a rich vs poor thing...or a executive vs worker thing...

However you want to put it both parties have the same CEO's and Board members of these huge corporations inside Washington. When that happens who do you think they are looking out for? Their former (and sometimes current) employer or their love of America?
Meanwhile The One's "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is creating all sorts of China. The Democrats and their Class Warfare stuff really are one big farce. I guess we'll see how many buy it in 2012.

You can't blame him. He's just taking advantage of tax loopholes that the GOP fought to keep. As far as 2012 goes, we'll just have to see. But don't pretend like a majority of Americans support the GOP's position on taxes. Most Americans - left, right and center - support raising taxes on the rich. That is a fact. Just look at any poll on the subject.
How is cutting several trillion dollars of government spending going to create jobs?
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So I want someone who thinks it's a good thing to raise taxes on those who create jobs (the wealthy). What exactly do you think obama wants to do with the money? Give more money to the super poor? Increase payouts to the welfare crowd? None of that actually creates anything but more of an entitlement generation. It actually kills the real American dream for those who want to be rich and have money. It kills any type of a dream that a person can actually achieve home ownership they can afford and things they may want.

Here's the cold hard truth giving to the poor just makes more poor, when you take from those who have you're actually killing the American dream. Poor people do not hire people to work for them The wealthy do.

I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house.

Who says it's going to 'create jobs?' It'll help balance the budget, but where do you see people advocating that it will create jobs?
How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?

Well, lowering their taxes hasn't created any jobs (see the last ten years of the lowest tax rates since the 1950s), so the opposite must be true (see Clinton era tax rates).

If that were true why did obama keep them in tact?

Even though Boehner was off with his numbers this show that over 5 million new jobs were created because of the Bush Tax cuts
We turned to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- specifically, figures from the Current Employment Statistics series, which is calculated using a broad survey of employer payroll data. Here are the numbers:

June 2001: 132,047,000 people employed
January 2008: 137,996,000 people employed
Increase during that six-and-a-half-year period: 5,949,000 people

PolitiFact | John Boehner says Bush tax cuts created 8 million jobs over 10 years

I'm even using a site I think is very Biased the democrat way.
Unfortunately, the two best tools for creating jobs are tax cuts and increased government spending which of course increases the deficit.
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So I want someone who thinks it's a good thing to raise taxes on those who create jobs (the wealthy). What exactly do you think obama wants to do with the money? Give more money to the super poor? Increase payouts to the welfare crowd? None of that actually creates anything but more of an entitlement generation. It actually kills the real American dream for those who want to be rich and have money. It kills any type of a dream that a person can actually achieve home ownership they can afford and things they may want.

Here's the cold hard truth giving to the poor just makes more poor, when you take from those who have you're actually killing the American dream. Poor people do not hire people to work for them The wealthy do.

I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house.

Who says it's going to 'create jobs?' It'll help balance the budget, but where do you see people advocating that it will create jobs?

What exactly are you talking about?
Meanwhile The One's "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is creating all sorts of China. The Democrats and their Class Warfare stuff really are one big farce. I guess we'll see how many buy it in 2012.

Seriously. GE is moving more jobs to China than anyone now. What a joke
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So I want someone who thinks it's a good thing to raise taxes on those who create jobs (the wealthy). What exactly do you think obama wants to do with the money? Give more money to the super poor? Increase payouts to the welfare crowd? None of that actually creates anything but more of an entitlement generation. It actually kills the real American dream for those who want to be rich and have money. It kills any type of a dream that a person can actually achieve home ownership they can afford and things they may want.

Here's the cold hard truth giving to the poor just makes more poor, when you take from those who have you're actually killing the American dream. Poor people do not hire people to work for them The wealthy do.

I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house.

Who says it's going to 'create jobs?' It'll help balance the budget, but where do you see people advocating that it will create jobs?

What exactly are you talking about?

Uhh, the op. You said "How is raising taxes on the rich going to create jobs."

Who says it is? The point is to get the fiscal house in order. However in lieu of tax increases, we must cut spending which will destroy jobs. But who says tax increases = jobs created? I've just never heard anyone talk that way.
Meanwhile The One's "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is creating all sorts of China. The Democrats and their Class Warfare stuff really are one big farce. I guess we'll see how many buy it in 2012.

You can't blame him. He's just taking advantage of tax loopholes that the GOP fought to keep. As far as 2012 goes, we'll just have to see. But don't pretend like a majority of Americans support the GOP's position on taxes. Most Americans - left, right and center - support raising taxes on the rich. That is a fact. Just look at any poll on the subject.

No you can blame him. he was hired to do a job and he isn't doing it.
One more time the government is not the private sector the private sector is the engine that creates jobs. The money taken in by the government does not go to the private sector. Do try to keep up.

Not true at all. Government contracts to build roads, bridges and yes even jet fighters go to the privage sector Suggesting others try to keep up is good advice, too many lies have been perpetrated by the right and are repeated thoughtlessly.

I covered that already Government contracts are awarded to select groups and not open to all so that really isn't part of the private sector. Roads are short term and do not sustain the economy for very long.
While driving I keep hitting those pot holes so why aren't the roads better?

Nice try. Maybe under Cheney gov't contracts went to a select few, but even Haliburton subcontracted out jobs to smaller companies, as do Lockhead Martin, Boeing, etc. Many gov't jobs, for example road upgrades, paving, lighting, etc. go to smaller business in local communities.

I wrote and received funding from the US Dept. of Justice to hire deputies for the Domestic Violence Unit I managed and to develop and manage a public/private consortium providing counseling to vicitms and anger management to perpetrators. Similar programs operate all over the country providing jobs and services.

Check out this link: Find RFP: Federal, State and Local Government RFPs, Government Bids & Government Contracts

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