How is this not racist?

How is this not racist?

There is a Black Caucus in Congress, and that's not racist?

If we had a White Caucus in Congress, do you think that wouldn't be considered racist?

Yup…you caught em

Those black folks sure are racist
I totally plan to vote against him tomorrow, but I really don't have a problem with trying to incentivize more blacks into becoming teachers. I doubt it would work, but you never know.
Lastamender p
I totally plan to vote against him tomorrow, but I really don't have a problem with trying to incentivize more blacks into becoming teachers. I doubt it would work, but you never know.
What he is doing is racist - the very thing he accuses his opponent of.

What if a politician said that Washington DC has too many blacks, and thus he is going to give a down payment to any white who moves in and buys a home? Can you imagine the screeching?
Lastamender p
This is his closing argument on why he should be governor. After everything that happened, this is what he thinks Virginians want.
This is also why we shouldn’t start early voting in September. Candidates sometimes reveal their worst traits and policies the closer we get to the eletion.
Fuck that. If I had a kid in school I'd want them to have the best person for the job, not the best skin color. You hire the person with the most moral character, most experience, most merit and most drive to teach.

But let's face it, facts and reality aren't racist. And the facts and reality is for the most part when it comes to blacks vs whites the whites overall are smarter, more ambitious, have more ambition and willing to get the job done. That's why throughout history white people have created more 1st and 2nd world countries than blacks, why very little of mankinds achievements are due to blacks, why in the world most successful companies were founded and own by whites than blacks, and it's why we have to lower education standards for blacks. So it's not surprising if you're hiring teachers your best candidates are most often white. And again, you hire the best person for the job.
There is nothing racist about this. There is nothing wrong with diversity. Take your right wing shit by your racist buddies and shove it. That should be the goal for any organization.

Hiring someone because of their skin color is racist. Not hiring someone because they are white is racist. Saying we need more variety in skin colors is racist.

How do you not see focusing on someone's skin color is racist? Do you honestly believe that we should hire less qualified people just so the employee picnic photo can show different skin colors? If you go to the doctor do you want A- the best doctor qualified for the position with experience and merit? Or B- a doctor picked just because they are black?

You're racist for only being concerned about skin color. I am not because I want the best person for the job.

I can't tell if you're just being a contrarian, or if you actually believe what you're saying.
Fifty percent of our students are students of color, 80 percent of the teachers are white, so what I’m going to do for you, we’ll be the first state in America," McAuliffe said Sunday. "If you go teach in Virginia for five years in a high-demand area — that could be geographic, it could be course work — we will pay room, board, tuition, any college, any university, or any HBCU here in Virginia."

But only if your skin is not white. White people can't apply for this training/jobs.

That is handing out money and jobs based on race, discriminating against workers of one race, based on race.

And rightwinger here, believes that that is NOT racism. Because the people being hurt by it, are white.

Incredible. The lack of self awareness....

Or, is this just the libs in question lying? Are they aware now, that they are anti-white racists and they just lie in order to lull the remaining white dems into going along with it?

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