How is this not racist?

Liberals think George Floyd is a good role model.
He got a funeral fit for a king. By comparison, nobody knows the name of the decent, respectable, law-abiding police captain who was killed in cold blood (by a black looter) when the BLM rioters created chaos.
It's an open (and admittedly hurtful) secret that many parents and students of color prefer Caucasian teachers.

They feel, rightly or wrongly, that Caucasian teachers are more competent in their field.
To paraphrase, judge people based on the color of their skin and not the content of their character.

Maybe liberals have been watching MLK speeches in reverse or something.

As mentioned above, I don’t think liberals would be in favor of diversifying the NFL or the NBA. If diversity really mattered to them over results, each team would have more whites than blacks, a few Hispanics and an Asian. The reality is they want their NBA or NFL team to win and would be against this practice, but they don’t really care if teachers or businesses “win” by selecting the most qualified candidates. If that means the majority black, white or Asian then so be it.
It's an open (and admittedly hurtful) secret that many parents and students of color prefer Caucasian teachers.

They feel, rightly or wrongly, that Caucasian teachers are more competent in their field.
If they feel that way, it’s the fault of affirmative action policies that allow blacks into college programs that would have whites rejected. Abolish AA, require blacks to be as academically successful as whites, and almost all of that preference would disappear.
Lastamender p

What he is doing is racist - the very thing he accuses his opponent of.

What if a politician said that Washington DC has too many blacks, and thus he is going to give a down payment to any white who moves in and buys a home? Can you imagine the screeching?

Well he isn't running for Governor of DC, but he would probably be accused of gentrification
If they feel that way, it’s the fault of affirmative action policies that allow blacks into college programs that would have whites rejected. Abolish AA, require blacks to be as academically successful as whites, and almost all of that preference would disappear.
Oh, yes.

Some African Americans have opposed affirmative action.

They prefer that all people be judged on their actual merits.

Then people will not (quietly) ask themselves: "Does Mr. or Ms. X really understand what he or she is doing, or did they get a degree simply because of their ethnicity?"
Oh, yes.

Some African Americans have opposed affirmative action.

They prefer that all people be judged on their actual merits.

Then people will not (quietly) ask themselves: "Does Mr. or Ms. X really understand what he or she is doing, or did they get a degree simply because of their ethnicity?"
Affirmative Action has been a major success for our country
All families have benefitted
Maybe you need to learn how to read
50 percent of students are black
80 percent of teachers are white

You need to be concerned about your own IQ

But only if your skin is not white. White people can't apply for this training/jobs.

That is handing out money and jobs based on race, discriminating against workers of one race, based on race.

And rightwinger here, believes that that is NOT racism. Because the people being hurt by it, are white.

Incredible. The lack of self awareness....

Or, is this just the libs in question lying? Are they aware now, that they are anti-white racists and they just lie in order to lull the remaining white dems into going along with it?
Bare in mind…
That’s rightwinger shown at center in the image below….
Also, Malcolm X warned black folks of the rightwingers of the world.

Fifty percent of our students are students of color, 80 percent of the teachers are white, so what I’m going to do for you, we’ll be the first state in America," McAuliffe said Sunday. "If you go teach in Virginia for five years in a high-demand area — that could be geographic, it could be course work — we will pay room, board, tuition, any college, any university, or any HBCU here in Virginia."
Racism caused non-white people to not attempt to be teachers in VA?
A major success? Telling a person they need additional help than just an equal opportunity?
Racist concept you have going for you RW.
Lets see what affirmative action did for us

If you were a woman, your future involved finding a suitable husband. Maybe a Secretary, Nurse, Teacher, Bank Teller.

If you were black, your future involved some menial job

All good paying jobs were reserved for white males.

If your daughter can aspire to be a Doctor, Lawyer, CEO, School Principal……Thank Affirmative Action
This has to be one of the most racist threads I have ever seen. There is nothing wrong with having a diverse field of candidates to choose from. It is Trump and his vile right wing fascists who are tearing this country apart.

I think you're confusing equality with focusing on stuff that doesn't matter or shouldn't matter. I don't care if somebody has purple skin as long as they get the job done. Now, if he would have said that black people should have the opportunity to get a job as much as white people do that wouldn't have been racist,.. but refraining to hire somebody because they're white is the most racist comment I've ever heard.

He got a funeral fit for a king.

So who's next? OJ Simpson?

How is this not racist?

There is a Miss Black Beauty Pageant, that's not racist?
What if there was a Miss White beauty Pageant? Would that not be racist?

It's like I've said before on here. If you're a white conservative the whole entire world is against you,.. but if you're a black liberal it's you against the world. Or at least it sure seems like it since a lot of the time (not all the time) blacks feel superior to whites and of course liberals can get away with saying whatever shit they want to but conservatives get the short end of the stick. Sadly, I've even seen it happen on here a few times.
It isn't the people of the state I worry about but the crooked, leftist DC political machine there capable of stealing any election I worry about. What underhanded, devious things are McAulliffe and the democrats planning this time?

They have 6 ways to Sunday to steal an election.
How is this not racist?

There is a Miss Black Beauty Pageant, that's not racist?
What if there was a Miss White beauty Pageant? Would that not be racist?

We only have ourselves to blame. When someone came up with a black beauty pageant, the answer should have been no unless we all agreed to have a white beauty pageant too, and maybe a brown one and red one as well. Of course that would be silly, divisive and wouldn't fly, but it would have shut down the idea that blacks need to have a contest just for themselves.

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