How is this possible? MSM still not/barely reporting Barr going after Spygate/Also infanticide


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.
Seriously they don't even know what their own party has become.

Trying to tell them that the Democrat party of today is not even remotely close to the Democrat party of the 1990's. I think they still believe it's the same party.
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.

Oh ... they'll hear about it soon enough. :113:
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.

Oh ... they'll hear about it soon enough. :113:

Will they? Something tells me that if Brennan was convicted and publicly hanged for Sedition and Treason that it wouldn't even appear in MSM literature.

"Here, watch him hang in public for Sedition..."

"Nonsense, if that REALLY HAPPENED it would have been on CNN!"

I'm sitting here, my family would actually support Trump and probably register as Republicans if CNN actually reported the news...LOL

"If a governor signed a law that allowed the wanton abortions of 9 month old babies, there would be an would be all over CNN..."

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The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.

In truth your Leftist blood kin have become cult members in the new/old religion of postmodernist-Marxist-Atheist-anti-human race. Your call. If you love them enough then try to enlighten them, educate them (have them begin with the 1789-1799 Era of the French Revolution, and then move them up to Marx, Mao and postmodernist philosophy, as well the history of mass murder in atheist nations). Otherwise, they're fucking lost causes so bail before they're called on to murder non-believers. My condolences.
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.

They've turned into 'pod people' due to the one-party line constantly perpetuated by the media, academia, and Hollywood.
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.

Oh ... they'll hear about it soon enough. :113:

Will they? Something tells me that if Brennan was convicted and publicly hanged for Sedition and Treason that it wouldn't even appear in MSM literature.

"Here, watch him hang in public for Sedition..."

"Nonsense, if that REALLY HAPPENED it would have been on CNN!"

I'm sitting here, my family would actually support Trump and probably register as Republicans if CNN actually reported the news...LOL

"If a governor signed a law that allowed the wanton abortions of 9 month old babies, there would be an would be all over CNN..."


I'm sure I'm not alone in keeping my Leftist friends informed. Even turned one in 2016. His wife was furious.
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.
A Trump stooge spouting nonsense isn’t news anymore
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.

In truth your Leftist blood kin have become cult members in the new/old religion of postmodernist-Marxist-Atheist-anti-human race. Your call. If you love them enough then try to enlighten them, educate them (have them begin with the 1789-1799 Era of the French Revolution, and then move them up to Marx, Mao and postmodernist philosophy, as well the history of mass murder in atheist nations). Otherwise, they're fucking lost causes so bail before they're called on to murder non-believers. My condolences.

I'm not entirely sure, this is a word for word quote that my aunt and grandmother agreed on (my aunt said it, my grandmother nodded):

"If a governor signed a law that allowed the wanton abortions of 9 month old babies, there would be an would be all over CNN..."

They don't support post birth abortion or third trimester abortion, nor would they EVER stand with a group whose majority of members did support it. They think it's a far-left fringe, they actually aren't aware that the far-left fringe is in command of the party, and the majority of its younger members (18-35) actually do support and applaud this infanticide policy.

I can't even convince them to watch the East Coast governors and politicians publicly proclaiming their support and authority behind post birth abortion, because:
"It would be an outrage and all over CNN."
Barr is showing his true toady colors with this one. Not even pretending to be anything other than Trump's Man in the Justice dept.
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.
Women with babies that are braindead go for trimester abortions.....Do you like yours with fries and a shake?
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.

In truth your Leftist blood kin have become cult members in the new/old religion of postmodernist-Marxist-Atheist-anti-human race. Your call. If you love them enough then try to enlighten them, educate them (have them begin with the 1789-1799 Era of the French Revolution, and then move them up to Marx, Mao and postmodernist philosophy, as well the history of mass murder in atheist nations). Otherwise, they're fucking lost causes so bail before they're called on to murder non-believers. My condolences.

I'm not entirely sure, this is a word for word quote that my aunt and grandmother agreed on (my aunt said it, my grandmother nodded):

"If a governor signed a law that allowed the wanton abortions of 9 month old babies, there would be an would be all over CNN..."

They don't support post birth abortion or third trimester abortion, nor would they EVER stand with a group whose majority of members did support it. They think it's a far-left fringe, they actually aren't aware that the far-left fringe is in command of the party, and the majority of its younger members (18-35) actually do support and applaud this infanticide policy.

I can't even convince them to watch the East Coast governors and politicians publicly proclaiming their support and authority behind post birth abortion, because:
"It would be an outrage and all over CNN."

As mentioned, try to teach them about the horrific atheist violence of the French Revolution which is nearly, eerily identical to what's happening in our modern America. Then teach them about Marx's ideas for cleansing most of the fucking human race from the planet. Move them on to Mao's cultural revolution, and of course, the insanity of postmodernist ideology. If none of the former scares them "straight" then they're too far fucking gone. Sorry.
The majority of my liberal family members are not aware of that Barr is launching a counter investigation into the FISA process and Spygate.

They're not even aware of the post-birth abortion movement sweeping over the Democrat platform.

Yet they watch MSNBC/CNN and read the TImes and the Washington Post all day and night.

They actually think I"m lying and getting "bad information."

In their own words "How could anyone be for third trimester abortions or killing a healthy baby after it's born?" They wont even look at the copious links of Democrats themselves praising post-birth abortion and recent Democrat governors signing such bills into law.

They think "Barr is an evil man, I don't like him," without even listening to Barr's otherwise boring testimony today saying the Inspector General is going to release a report in May/June on the FISA abuses.

This is crazy, how can my own family member be that .... obtuse.

In truth your Leftist blood kin have become cult members in the new/old religion of postmodernist-Marxist-Atheist-anti-human race. Your call. If you love them enough then try to enlighten them, educate them (have them begin with the 1789-1799 Era of the French Revolution, and then move them up to Marx, Mao and postmodernist philosophy, as well the history of mass murder in atheist nations). Otherwise, they're fucking lost causes so bail before they're called on to murder non-believers. My condolences.

I'm not entirely sure, this is a word for word quote that my aunt and grandmother agreed on (my aunt said it, my grandmother nodded):

"If a governor signed a law that allowed the wanton abortions of 9 month old babies, there would be an would be all over CNN..."

They don't support post birth abortion or third trimester abortion, nor would they EVER stand with a group whose majority of members did support it. They think it's a far-left fringe, they actually aren't aware that the far-left fringe is in command of the party, and the majority of its younger members (18-35) actually do support and applaud this infanticide policy.

I can't even convince them to watch the East Coast governors and politicians publicly proclaiming their support and authority behind post birth abortion, because:
"It would be an outrage and all over CNN."

As mentioned, try to teach them about the horrific atheist violence of the French Revolution which is nearly, eerily identical to what's happening in our modern America. Then teach them about Marx's ideas for cleansing most of the fucking human race from the planet. Move them on to Mao's cultural revolution, and of course, the insanity of postmodernist ideology. If none of the former scares them "straight" then they're too far fucking gone. Sorry.

Consider this thread elevated!

Thank you. :clap2:
A Trump stooge spouting nonsense isn’t news anymore


Fact: Barr said the inspect general is going to release a report on FISA abuse in either May or June.

Fact: East Coast governors and politicians signed post-birth abortion into law and bragged about it.
Your second fact is stupid snowflake nonsense. Your first fact; get back to me when that happens. That will be a real report, not some fatass criminal trolling for some Trump brownie points.
A Trump stooge spouting nonsense isn’t news anymore


Fact: Barr said the inspect general is going to release a report on FISA abuse in either May or June.

Fact: East Coast governors and politicians signed post-birth abortion into law and bragged about it.
Your second fact is stupid snowflake nonsense. Your first fact; get back to me when that happens. That will be a real report, not some fatass criminal trolling for some Trump brownie points.

New York state last week passed a law that would allow doctors, if Roe v. Wade were overturned, to perform an abortion right up to the point of birth. This week in Virginia, a similar bill proposed by Democrats was tabled in committee. During a legislative hearing, Del. Kathy Tran (D-Fairfax) admitted that, yes, her bill would allow a doctor to perform an abortion after the mother had gone into labor — a position that Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam bizarrely (and ineptly) decided to defend in a radio interview.

Northam’s defenders accurately point out that elective late-term abortions are rare. But critics ask, with at least equal merit: What medical conditions require crushing an infant’s skull rather than delivering it via Caesarean section? And if killing a baby that way would never happen, as the defenders claim, then why does it need to be legal?
A Trump stooge spouting nonsense isn’t news anymore


Fact: Barr said the inspect general is going to release a report on FISA abuse in either May or June.

Fact: East Coast governors and politicians signed post-birth abortion into law and bragged about it.
Your second fact is stupid snowflake nonsense. Your first fact; get back to me when that happens. That will be a real report, not some fatass criminal trolling for some Trump brownie points.

New York state last week passed a law that would allow doctors, if Roe v. Wade were overturned, to perform an abortion right up to the point of birth. This week in Virginia, a similar bill proposed by Democrats was tabled in committee. During a legislative hearing, Del. Kathy Tran (D-Fairfax) admitted that, yes, her bill would allow a doctor to perform an abortion after the mother had gone into labor — a position that Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam bizarrely (and ineptly) decided to defend in a radio interview.

Northam’s defenders accurately point out that elective late-term abortions are rare. But critics ask, with at least equal merit: What medical conditions require crushing an infant’s skull rather than delivering it via Caesarean section? And if killing a baby that way would never happen, as the defenders claim, then why does it need to be legal?
I’m sorry that makes you uncomfortable, snowflake :itsok:

My recommendation to you is not to have an abortion then :itsok:

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