CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

No Human is subhuman.

That's why it's a greater moral calling to be a Christian. You have to deal with people, and cannot be merely the latest tyrannical dictator, choosing to devalue them for the sake of convenience.
It is one thing for someone to destroy themselves, but it is another for them to destroy innocent children via indoctrination of this crap. As I said, gender confusion is up some 4000% in schools around the country because of these wicked Leftists and their teachings to children

These people simply need to be defeated politically.

Oh, and you can't reason with crazy so why are you trying?
I know that the godless creatures here will snicker at this statement, but I honestly believe that all this push of queer lifestyle and transgender crap is spiritual. It's demonic. I come to that conclusion because I see otherwise intelligent people totally blind to basic biology.

You're right... I'm going to laugh at that.

If anything is demonic, it's the notion of religion, and going around oppressing and even killing people for not worshiping your Imaginary Sky Friend, or worshipping a different Imaginary Sky Friend or not Worshiping the Imaginary Sky Friend the right way
Yes, the STRONG push to indoctrinate children is VERY creepy.

While I don't agree with Trans ideology, I can accept if an adult wants to do their thing, provided they don't expect me to partake in their delusion (which they usually do in demanding to be called something they aren't, and go out of my way to use their pronouns, etc.)

As a Christian, I don't demand non-believers to say Amen, pray, or do anything. They are free to not believe.
The Left is not happy until they have the majority opinion on pretty much everything, thus the need for indoctrination of children on pretty much all of their social issues. It's all about political power.

How the DNC has a monopoly on public education is a testament to this, and a reflection of the uselessness of the GOP.
You're right... I'm going to laugh at that.

If anything is demonic, it's the notion of religion, and going around oppressing and even killing people for not worshiping your Imaginary Sky Friend, or worshipping a different Imaginary Sky Friend or not Worshiping the Imaginary Sky Friend the right way
People destroy themselves. God does not have to raise a finger against people like your sexually deviant Cuomo.

So if you want broken families, STD,s, an abortion, etc., by all means, go out and have sex with as many people as you can fool.
So we have a radical left-wing that is aggressively and successfully pushing transgender ideology into public schools.

The problem I see is that transgender ideology has all the exact same things that a religion has, and thus public schools shouldn't be allowed to champion them.

Let's compare Transgender Ideology to Christianity.

Both are based on an unprovable assumption. The assumption in Christianity is that God the Father exists, Christ Jesus was born to Mary, etc. The assumption in transgender ideology is that the interconnected sex/gender can be fluid and change based on the feelings of the individual.

Both are professed based on feelings. You'll often hear Christians say how they "feel" the spirit. You'll hear transgender people say they "feel" like the opposite sex.

Here is where they differ:

In Transgenderism, if you disagree with their ideological, unprovable claims, you're a transphobe who is guilty of harm. In Christianity, if you disagree with their religious, unprovable claims, you're just fine.

So we're left with a choice.. do we:
A. Call people who reject Christianity as horrible Christophobes who are maliciously attacking the identities of believers? (to maintain the standard that transgenderism demands)
B. Treat transgenderism like we do Christianity, keep it out of our public schools, and realize it's a belief that you can follow or not follow, and you're not a bad person if you don't believe.

How about this.
Stop indoctrinating little kids about a God that does not exist. That is teaching kids blatant lies and can be interpreted as child abuse in a civil court.

Why not teach them about transgender people. After all, they are real, they pay taxes and can serve in many governments. There is nothing false about them whatsoever. They exist unlike your hideous God bullshit.

Teach kids facts, not lies.
The Left is not happy until they have the majority opinion on pretty much everything, thus the need for indoctrination of children on pretty much all of their social issues. It's all about political power.

How the DNC has a monopoly on public education is a testament to this, and a reflection of the uselessness of the GOP.

the DNC has a monopoly on Public Education because they care about it. Left to their own devices, the Republicans would give that money to rich people to buy Dressage Horses and Phallic shaped rockets.

People destroy themselves. God does not have to raise a finger against people like your sexually deviant Cuomo.
The sad thing is Democrats hold their own to a standard and Republicans don't.

David Vitter can visit brothels, Donald Trump can pay porn stars for sex, Kavanaugh can rape someone as a teenager, and they all have jobs still.

But Cuomo and Franken are forced to resign for putting their hands in the wrong places.

So if you want broken families, STD,s, an abortion, etc., by all means, go out and have sex with as many people as you can fool.

So let's look at that.

The alternative to "Broken families' is people staying in marriages where they are making everyone involved miserable. This is a good thing by you?

STD's are spread by ignorance. Practice safe sex you don't have a problem.

Abortion- nothing wrong with those, fetuses aren't people. But if you guys were truly serious about wanting less of them, you'd support comprehensive sex education, availability of family planning, paid family leave and universal health care. That's how you get to less abortions.

The Europeans do that, and they have half the number of abortions we have.

If you want a country that does what you guys want, you need to look at the Philippines. Lots of religion, women kept in their "place", abortion is illegal... and they have twice as many abortions per capita as Americans have.
SO I put the question to you again, not that you will ever answer it.

Tell me why homosexuality is bad without resorting to "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad".

Because honestly, at the end of the day, that's the crux of your argument.

You're so invested in evil and madness, that no attempt by any sane, decent person to explain any of it to you would do any good.
Stop indoctrinating little kids about a God that does not exist.

Soon enough, you'll stand directly before God, to be judged with what you have done with your life. You'll have the opportunity to tell Him to His face, that He does not exist. I wonder if He'll be amused.
The alternative to "Broken families' is people staying in marriages where they are making everyone involved miserable. This is a good thing by you?

This, of course, is from the sour grapes perspective of an incel, who is in his late fifties, and never been married; and who delusionally believes that it is those of us who have successful, happy marriages and families, with whom there is something wrong.
Soon enough, you'll stand directly before God, to be judged with what you have done with your life. You'll have the opportunity to tell Him to His face, that He does not exist. I wonder if He'll be amused.

No they won't. There is No God, heaven or judgement day etc. That is complete bullshit. Don't threaten people with eternal fire etc because you godbotherers disagree with their freedom to do as they like.

There is No evidence in any scripture that specifically mentions transgender if you are to believe original texts. The objection to it was invented by religion in recent decades because it's considered unnatural and old crusty popes and priests etc. Want to scare people.
They have no knowledge of what any stupid God thinks.
But the irony is how you hypocrites never object to paedophilia in the church, the hypocrisy of religious women getting abortions and then taking contraception in contravention to church laws.

You're nothing short of a stupid idiot.
You live in a bubble thinking this hideous ghost will punish us all. Well fuck you and every other godbotherer that thinks he can rule others lived. Mind you own business and do something about those kiddy fiddlers you all support.

It's about now you wished you'd never opened your mouth. Not everyone is an idiot like you.
You're so invested in evil and madness, that no attempt by any sane, decent person to explain any of it to you would do any good.
So in other words, you can't.

If it such a simple explanation, you shouldn't have a problem with it. Let's try again- Homosexuality is evil because .... (Can't say , "I think it's icky" or "God says it's bad")

Frankly, homosexuality doesn't appeal to me, but that's a personal taste thing. Fat chicks also don't appeal to me.

This, of course, is from the sour grapes perspective of an incel, who is in his late fifties, and never been married; and who delusionally believes that it is those of us who have successful, happy marriages and families, with whom there is something wrong.

Except 50% of marriages end in divorce, Mormon Bob. I mean, I guess it works well if you belong to a cult and your whole community will shun you if you try to get out of an unhappy marriage, which is why Utah leads the country in anti-depressent use.

Funny thing, I lived with a woman for 13 years... when we decided it wasn't worth it anymore, no recriminations, no legal actions, we just went our separate ways... and everyone was fine.

Soon enough, you'll stand directly before God, to be judged with what you have done with your life. You'll have the opportunity to tell Him to His face, that He does not exist. I wonder if He'll be amused.

So what if you get to the afterlife and find out that Allah is the supreme being, and you picked the wrong religion.

Or if you find out the supreme being is Amaterasu, the Japanese Sun Goddess.


Frankly, I would be more worried if the universe was run by a deity who is so insecure he needs to punish people who don't worship him.

There are 7 billions humans on Spaceship Earth. Only Two billion of them think Jesus did Magic Tricks. That means all the non-Christians are going to hell. (Or the Outer Darkness, I guess that's what you people believe in)

Of the two Billion who think Jesus did magic tricks, half of them are Catholic, the other half are other denominations. Which means that you believe that 50% to 99% of other Christians are going to Hell for not believing in the right way of worshiping God.

This is long before we get into who was a good person or not...
Says someone who denies God.

I'd say that you are in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's intelligence.

If you are suggesting you are of superior intelligence because you believe there is some supernatural power who watches everything I do, 24/7 including every person on earth, promotes immaculate conception and virgin births etc, re resurrections and dead men walking and talking snakes, you have a hide to refer to,ME as not intelligent.

I'll take you on anytime you like about the existence of a god.
Start now by showing your evidence big mouth.
Funny thing, I lived with a woman for 13 years... when we decided it wasn't worth it anymore, no recriminations, no legal actions, we just went our separate ways... and everyone was fine.

Am I supposed to be impressed? Thirteen years, in a relationship that meant so little to you that when you decided it no longer suited you, you just walked away from it?

My wife and I have been married, now for twice that long, and we hopefully have at least that long or more left in this life. And yes, it absolutely is worth it. But even at almost sixty years of age, you still do not have the wisdom or capacity to understand or appreciate it, and by this point, it is unlikely that you ever will.
Am I supposed to be impressed? Thirteen years, in a relationship that meant so little to you that when you decided it no longer suited you, you just walked away from it?

Her family lived in another city, and she wanted to move closer to them.

My family and all my property and business interests are here... and yes, at the end of the day, we decided to go our separate ways...

Her daughter (by a previous marriage that didnt' work) recently contacted me and thanked me for being there for them when she was growing up. It was very touching.

My wife and I have been married, now for twice that long, and we hopefully have at least that long or more left in this life. And yes, it absolutely is worth it. But even at almost sixty years of age, you still do not have the wisdom or capacity to understand or appreciate it, and by this point, it is unlikely that you ever will.

Again, more like, I saw a lot of guys who were senior NCOs get taken through the wringer in divorce court. I knew one E-7 who had to work on an off base chicken place because his first wife had taken him to the cleaners in alimony and child support and his second wife wanted a nicer house he couldn't afford on what he had left over.

Hard pass...

But funny thing, if you are happy what you are doing, good for you. I'm not a malicious person like you are that doesn't want other people to be happy.

Just like gay people are happy being gay. Or trans people are happy being trans. People should do what makes them happy.
Says someone who denies God.

I'd say that you are in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's intelligence.

Since you ignored this point to weirdly obsess on my sex life, I'll put it out there again.

So what if you get to the afterlife and find out that Allah is the supreme being, and you picked the wrong religion.

Or if you find out the supreme being is Amaterasu, the Japanese Sun Goddess.

Frankly, I would be more worried if the universe was run by a deity who is so insecure he needs to punish people who don't worship him.

There are 7 billions humans on Spaceship Earth. Only Two billion of them think Jesus did Magic Tricks. That means all the non-Christians are going to hell. (Or the Outer Darkness, I guess that's what you people believe in)

Of the two Billion who think Jesus did magic tricks, half of them are Catholic, the other half are other denominations. Which means that you believe that 50% to 99% of other Christians are going to Hell for not believing in the right way of worshiping God.

This is long before we get into who was a good person or not...
Am I supposed to be impressed? Thirteen years, in a relationship that meant so little to you that when you decided it no longer suited you, you just walked away from it?

My wife and I have been married, now for twice that long, and we hopefully have at least that long or more left in this life. And yes, it absolutely is worth it. But even at almost sixty years of age, you still do not have the wisdom or capacity to understand or appreciate it, and by this point, it is unlikely that you ever will.

What give you the impression you have wisdom and capacity to appreciate anything when you believe there is a god you've never seen, heard or interacted with? That's not wisdom. It's straight out delusional. It's not different to believing there are fairies in the garden, which would immediately attract advice to see a doctor. But no. With religion you can believe all the ratbag scenarios in the bible them adopt to assume you have wisdom. Don't make me.laugh.
If you are suggesting you are of superior intelligence because you believe there is some supernatural power who watches everything I do, 24/7 including every person on earth, promotes immaculate conception and virgin births etc, re resurrections and dead men walking and talking snakes, you have a hide to refer to,ME as not intelligent.

I'll take you on anytime you like about the existence of a god.
Start now by showing your evidence big mouth.

Disagree all you like but I'm still right.
You were full of gas until I challenged you, now you can't even defend your stupid beliefs. Where's all this evidence you godbotherers speak of. Put you on the spot and you have nothing and never did.
You're right... I'm going to laugh at that.

If anything is demonic, it's the notion of religion, and going around oppressing and even killing people for not worshiping your Imaginary Sky Friend, or worshipping a different Imaginary Sky Friend or not Worshiping the Imaginary Sky Friend the right way
You're obviously confused. It's not Christians who kill people for not believing. It's muslims.

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