CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

The Crusades was self defense against terrorist muslims. The inquisition and witch burnings were a handful of misguided ignorant pawns. I don't have to go back a thousand years for Muslim atrocities. Today will suffice.
Indeed. It's so eye-rolling to see the latest shallow, uncompelling keyboard warrior try to play "gotcha" by pointing out times in the church and faith that went wrong... which the faith predicts and accepts can happen, since it's run by man. So they think it's a "gotcha", but it's not a "gotcha" at all, and is just cute to witness. The church has been wrong, there have been bad popes. Thankfully, the promise of the spirit to correct it is always there, and always does.

I mean, these people actually think they're the first people to come up with this stuff, and they're hitting us Christians with something new and it's just breaking our backs! It's hilarious. The church is a mammoth of support to the entire world. That's why Christianity is providing spiritual, service, and physical aid to the entire world while angry keyboard warriors spend all there time in their houses, on computers, and not giving money or service to the community.
You might be on to something. A dolphin doesn't call itself a dolphin, it calls itself an "ackity-ack-ack-ak" Dolphin is a label we've come up with, and it can describe this.

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or this..

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Which are both called Dolphins... but they can't both be dolphins can they?

So a transwoman thinks she's a woman, because that's how she identifies, and legally, that's how she's recognized. If you check off "Female" on a government form, they aren't going to make you drop trou and look for your junk. They are going to take your word for it.

Except no one is doing that, really, unless the case of Gender Dysphoria is severe, and parents and professionals have been involved.

Funny thing, they make little Timmy take Ritalin if he wants to come to school. I don't hear anyone talking about consent then. So okay to drug him up with a psychotropic drug to make him easier to handle, but not okay to give him hormones if he is clearly gender dysphoric. Got it.

Oh, I'm sure you are happy. It's a delusional happy, but you are happy. I mean, it's a happy little fantasy, that if you grovel in front of your imaginary sky man for long enough, he'll let you see your loved ones and childhood puppies again... Except no one is any hurry to die and get there...

I agree. and frankly, I don't, really. Never cheated on a relationship in my life. Have been cheated on in relationships, which is another reason why I don't hold Marriage as this sacred thing Mormon Bob seems to think it is. (Of course, joining a whacky cult where women are second class citizens never appealled to me, either.)

Well, no, most of us were smart enough to never let us get into a room with Fr. McCreepy alone.

But the whole craziness of forcing people who were gay into the priesthood, which the Catholics did for years, had horrible effects. My biggest complaint wasn't a priest hitting on me, it was old frustrated lesbians in habits who hated children being put in charge of children.
Once again you're showing your nasty, insulting, disrespectful colors. You don't appear to be interested in debate, just attacking and mocking.

It's near to the point of trolling. Are you capable of leaving your insecurity and emotion?
That hasn't stopped the godbotherers from infecting them with the religious bullshit.
Admit It. Your against vaccines for no valid reason.
Tell me why if you want to continue

I'm for vaccines, as are most Conservatives. Where did this vaccine thing come from? Are you having some sort of political seizure?

Stay on topic.

And try not to be so insulting or angry please
That’s the problem: the hateful, bigoted, authoritarian right doesn’t ignore transgender Americans; they seek to discriminate against and disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law.

Such is the authoritarian right: compel conformity and punish dissent.
No they do not.

There as no such laws being proposed.
The muslims were invading Christian and Jewish land. Fact. You're mistaken, mister.

No, they really weren't. Not at that point at that point, Muslim expansion had pretty much stopped in Iberia and Anatolia.

Um... you never cracked open a history book.

The Muslims began in Arabia and between 600 and 750 conquered all the way up to Turkey, all of North Africa, into Spain and up towards France.

They aggressively expanded, conquered, murdered, and pillaged the entire region. By the 11th century, Muslims conquered Christian Anatolia.

But by gosh, the darned Christians fight back and they're the aggressors? LMAO.
Okay, but that's the point... The expansion (actually, mostly peaceful conquest of regions that happily embraced their religion compared to the oppressive reign of the Byzantines and Germanic tribes) had pretty much ended in 750, and the Caliphate had broken up into dozens of smaller kingdoms. The Crusades didn't start until the late 11th century. It's like saying you want to go to war with Britain now over that nasty stuff they did in the 17th century!

The reason why there was a Crusade was that you had a Pope who was in a power struggle with the Holy Roman Emperor, and he thought a great way to up his credibility was to call for a crusade to regain the Holy Land, and that lead to 200 years of unnecessary wars.

Cambridge University historian Jonathan Riley-Smith: “The denigrators of the crusades stress their brutality and savagery, which cannot be denied; but they offer no explanation other than the stupidity, barbarism and intolerance of the crusaders, on whom it has become conventional to lay most blame. Yet the original justification for crusading was Muslim aggression...”

Uh, yeah, sure. The problem was at that point, the Muslims were more technologically and culturally advanced than the Europeans, who were barbarians.

Compare what the Crusaders did when they took Jerusalem in 1099 to what Saladin did when he took it back in 1183.
Kids cannot consent, so injecting them is against consent.

Kids cannot give true "consent" until the age of 18.
Yet we inject them with vaccines and behavior modifiers without their consent because school districts demand it. I know when I was a kid, I hated getting shots. (I actually have this fear of needles, but as an adult I grin and bear it.) But no one asked me my consent.

if they are giving a kid hormones, it's because they've expressed a desire to be the other gender. Now, do I think some over-eager counselors and medical professionals sometimes jump the gun? Sure. So do some professionals that give little Timmy Ritalin because he's a little over-active in the classroom.

Indeed. It's so eye-rolling to see the latest shallow, uncompelling keyboard warrior try to play "gotcha" by pointing out times in the church and faith that went wrong... which the faith predicts and accepts can happen, since it's run by man. So they think it's a "gotcha", but it's not a "gotcha" at all, and is just cute to witness. The church has been wrong, there have been bad popes. Thankfully, the promise of the spirit to correct it is always there, and always does.

But how can the Pope be "Wrong"? He is infalliable in matters of faith and has a direct phone line to God.


("Oh, wait, Frances, I have the Prophet of the Mormon Church on Line 2, because he also has a direct phone line to God." )

So when a Pope ordered a brutal crusade or an inquisition or a witch-burning, how did God allow that to happen?

I mean, these people actually think they're the first people to come up with this stuff, and they're hitting us Christians with something new and it's just breaking our backs! It's hilarious. The church is a mammoth of support to the entire world. That's why Christianity is providing spiritual, service, and physical aid to the entire world while angry keyboard warriors spend all there time in their houses, on computers, and not giving money or service to the community.

Actually, I'm spending too much time in my house today because Trump failed to deal with a medical issue properly, but that's another story.

Point is, your Church has no moral authority... it's just a scam keeping stupid people compliant.
Once again you're showing your nasty, insulting, disrespectful colors. You don't appear to be interested in debate, just attacking and mocking.

It's near to the point of trolling. Are you capable of leaving your insecurity and emotion?

I love it, man, you start a trolling thread mocking Trans people because they are the last group you religious bigots are still allowed to hate, and then when someone points out the absurdity of your Bronze Age superstitions, you get all hurt about "insulting" and "disrespectful".

You see, here's the thing. Trans people don't really bother me. I've met two trans people in my entire life (I'm nearly 60) and one of them wasn't even out at the time. I probably wouldn't care about the issue, but I don't like seeing anyone abused by religious nutters.

If you guys kept your Bronze Age Superstitions to yourselves, you can grovel in front of your Imaginary Sky Pixie to your heart's content. It's when you try to impose your beliefs on the rest of us I have an issue.
No, it has nothing to do with religion.

It's about basic, hard science. The distinction between men and women is based entirely on objective, observable, provable biological traits.

To deny this is to deny science and reason, and to embrace madness.

The only thing that this has to do with religion is that belief in ”transgenderism” is rooted in the same folly that causes one to deny and rebel against God. And ironically, it is those fools who fall down this path who profess to adhere to “science”, while accusing sane people of being “anti-science”.

Ah, Mormon Bob, the point is there is more to gender identity than genitalia.

If God was against transgenderism, then no one would have gender dysphoria. So we have to assume gender dysphoria is God's will.
You're right. Gender dysphoria Has definitely been observed as a mental disorder. However, Transgender ideology is the suggestion that it's not a mental disorder, and that all of the traits and connections of the different sexes we know naturally or intellectually throughout history are wrong and don't exist.

Is it just "mentioned" in society or classrooms? No, it's not just mentioned in passing. It's highlighted and supported, despite its mythological nature.

Indeed the word can be used differently, but it's application is the same. Let's look at the common applications:
A person who is born male says they "feel" female...
- My first question is; how do they know what being female feels like? Do male and female identities have feelings? Is there any descriptors besides "It's just what I feel"?
- From what I've heard, the "feeling" usually stems from an attraction to stereotypically opposite sex characteristics. The person in this scenario often will justify their demand by others to accept their feeling because they like to dress in women's clothing and wear make up. Well, I would suggest that perhaps they are just a man who likes to cross dress?

There are very close similarities in application, but then completely different treatments to them in society. Both are unprovable besides from the inner perspective of the believer. Both preach their message of what happens underneath the physical realm. However, As we all know, the transgender ideology demands, and attempts to enforce by law or pressure, that we accept a person's vague, inner perspective as reality for the entire world. And, if you question it you're some sort of hateful, bad person.

Well, why can't a Christian say the same thing?

A Christian could say "I love God, God defines me as a person. I want to live by His word and be like Him as much as I can". Then a non-believer can say "That's nice, but I don't think he exists".... well, by transgender standards, wouldn't that be hate speech against the Christian? You would be rejecting their inner truth and who they are.

Of course, as a Christian, I don't expect that, nor would I want that. I value the freedom of those to choose to believe metaphysics or not believe. However, we need consistent standards. The compulsion of trans-activists and those on the left, including the media, big tech, academia, hollywood, etc., to not respect the freedom of those in the majority who don't think that people can just change their sex or be gender fluid is so intolerant. It brings out the worst kind of anger in our society. They have to label those who even respectfully disagree with their suggestion as "hateful". It's untrue and malicious. If anyone "hates", it's those who become angry at those who don't believe their doctrine.
I don't say that being transgendered was a "disorder." I said "condition," a state of being. It is not an "ideology." My "conditions" of being light-skinned, of being of European background, of being a female of the human species, of being heterosexual, of having blue eyes, are not "ideologies." Mentioning that people exist and should be respected for who they are is not "highlighting" them or "supporting" them in anyway different than the treatment of any other group in society, and no more "mythological" than any other description of a human being. Stereotypes of sex characteristics are socially created in the first place, and have nothing to do with the innate natures of human beings.

People have practiced identity politics for centuries. May I remind you that there are heterosexual males even today who are furthering identity politics based on gender and sexual orientation. In the history of Europe and the U.S. alone, people have been excluded from participation in democracy and society based on what genitals they have. Idiots still argue that they are entitled to more rights because they have a penis.

It is disgusting of you to drag the entire Christian faith into this. Your cult is your cult and that's it. Say your denomination.
I love it, man, you start a trolling thread mocking Trans people because they are the last group you religious bigots are still allowed to hate, and then when someone points out the absurdity of your Bronze Age superstitions, you get all hurt about "insulting" and "disrespectful".

You see, here's the thing. Trans people don't really bother me. I've met two trans people in my entire life (I'm nearly 60) and one of them wasn't even out at the time. I probably wouldn't care about the issue, but I don't like seeing anyone abused by religious nutters.

If you guys kept your Bronze Age Superstitions to yourselves, you can grovel in front of your Imaginary Sky Pixie to your heart's content. It's when you try to impose your beliefs on the rest of us I have an issue.

Oyez! Hear! Hear!
No, they really weren't. Not at that point at that point, Muslim expansion had pretty much stopped in Iberia and Anatolia.

Okay, but that's the point... The expansion (actually, mostly peaceful conquest of regions that happily embraced their religion compared to the oppressive reign of the Byzantines and Germanic tribes) had pretty much ended in 750, and the Caliphate had broken up into dozens of smaller kingdoms. The Crusades didn't start until the late 11th century. It's like saying you want to go to war with Britain now over that nasty stuff they did in the 17th century!

The reason why there was a Crusade was that you had a Pope who was in a power struggle with the Holy Roman Emperor, and he thought a great way to up his credibility was to call for a crusade to regain the Holy Land, and that lead to 200 years of unnecessary wars.

Uh, yeah, sure. The problem was at that point, the Muslims were more technologically and culturally advanced than the Europeans, who were barbarians.

Compare what the Crusaders did when they took Jerusalem in 1099 to what Saladin did when he took it back in 1183.
Oh my god, man. Dream on.
I love it, man, you start a trolling thread mocking Trans people because they are the last group you religious bigots are still allowed to hate, and then when someone points out the absurdity of your Bronze Age superstitions, you get all hurt about "insulting" and "disrespectful".

You see, here's the thing. Trans people don't really bother me. I've met two trans people in my entire life (I'm nearly 60) and one of them wasn't even out at the time. I probably wouldn't care about the issue, but I don't like seeing anyone abused by religious nutters.

If you guys kept your Bronze Age Superstitions to yourselves, you can grovel in front of your Imaginary Sky Pixie to your heart's content. It's when you try to impose your beliefs on the rest of us I have an issue.
So says the Christophobic bigot. Then you defend Islam, an ancient misogynistic murderous tribal cult. Go figure.
If we all minded our own business about other peoples personal choices, We would be less angry & more content.
So says the Christophobic bigot. Then you defend Islam, an ancient misogynistic murderous tribal cult. Go figure.

I don't defend Islam or condemn it. Our problem with the middle east isnt their religion, it's our policies.

I'm old enough to remember when the Zionists had us convinced the Arabs were all a bunch of commies who were in with the Soviets.

Our policy towards the middle east is to stick our hands in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.

“Mostly peaceful…”

Where else have we heard that phrase?

The part where you don't know what real hardship is, Mormon Bob. As bad as TRUMP RIOTS(TM) were last year, the fact is, very few people died in them. It could have been a lot worse.
I don't defend Islam or condemn it. Our problem with the middle east isnt their religion, it's our policies.

I'm old enough to remember when the Zionists had us convinced the Arabs were all a bunch of commies who were in with the Soviets.

Our policy towards the middle east is to stick our hands in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.

The part where you don't know what real hardship is, Mormon Bob. As bad as TRUMP RIOTS(TM) were last year, the fact is, very few people died in them. It could have been a lot worse.
Our policies didn't create Islam, which is a backwards murderous misogynistic tribal cult. The Jews have led the world in the arts, science and civilization. You give yourself away as a hater of civilization when you say "Zionist".
That’s the problem: the hateful, bigoted, authoritarian right doesn’t ignore transgender Americans; they seek to discriminate against and disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law.

Such is the authoritarian right: compel conformity and punish dissent.

Question: Do you think all those lawsuits by biological females and/or their parents, to stop transgenders from competing in sports with biological females are "the right?"
Authoritarian is the government forcing biological females to compete against transwomen.
Authoritarian is the law that allows transwomen in the women's dressing rooms, where they and CHILDREDN can be subjected to looking at dicks.

LAPD says anti-Trans protest at Koreatown spa erupts in violence

Transwomen are not biological women. They are of their own creation. So they need their own dressing rooms. Their own restrooms. Their own sports category. And their own other stuff. And they need to stop forcing others to "conform" to their way of thinking. Stop being so damn pushy. If they'd stop being so damn pushy, they'd get a lot more respect.
Our policies didn't create Islam, which is a backwards murderous misogynistic tribal cult. The Jews have led the world in the arts, science and civilization. You give yourself away as a hater of civilization when you say "Zionist".

Naw, man, when the Zionists bomb hospitals and schools, they prove they don't have much to do with "civilization".

We have no business being in the Middle East, except for the stranglehold the Zionists and Oil companies have on our politics. We could have taken the three trillion we've squandered in Afghanistan and Iraq in the last 20 years and created actual energy independence.

Question: Do you think all those lawsuits by biological females and/or their parents, to stop transgenders from competing in sports with biological females are "the right?"
Authoritarian is the government forcing biological females to compete against transwomen.
Authoritarian is the law that allows transwomen in the women's dressing rooms, where they and CHILDREDN can be subjected to looking at dicks.

I think that it's kind of funny that you create this category of less competent sports and then worry someone is trying to break into it.

Transwomen are not biological women. They are of their own creation. So they need their own dressing rooms. Their own restrooms. Their own sports category. And their own other stuff. And they need to stop forcing others to "conform" to their way of thinking. Stop being so damn pushy. If they'd stop being so damn pushy, they'd get a lot more respect.

Funny, didn't someone say something like that last century?


I think the goal is to get shop owners to stop embarrassing these people when they go out in public. Doesn’t matter if it makes you uncomfortable. Get over it.

So they show gays and lesbians kiss on tv. Yes, to get your kids used to it. Why? Because otherwise they pick on gays. And gays feel guilty for their normal feelings
Most shop owners and most kids don't do that.

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