CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

Yet we inject them with vaccines and behavior modifiers without their consent because school districts demand it. I know when I was a kid, I hated getting shots. (I actually have this fear of needles, but as an adult I grin and bear it.) But no one asked me my consent.
If you don't know what the difference is between medical shots against deadly diseases and shots that would screw up your natural biology for no reason, I can't help you.

But how can the Pope be "Wrong"? He is infalliable in matters of faith and has a direct phone line to God.

You clearly have no idea where the pope has power and where he doesn't. You're making things up as you go along. I really shouldn't have to explain the most basic issues about a pope who is teeing off so intensely. I'll simply say you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and you can either attempt to learn or willingly remain ignorant. I'm sure you'll choose the latter.
Point is, your Church has no moral authority... it's just a scam keeping stupid people compliant.
The "stupid people" will continue to pray for you and your soul regardless.. as well as continuing to care for the poor, love the sick and needy, and be compassionate and kind to the public. I know that angers you, but I can't help that.
I love it, man, you start a trolling thread mocking Trans people
See that's the problem right there. You think that anyone that questions the trans ideology is "trolling"... well, no. It's a legitimate question. You just have to slander rather than debate because you're lazy.
As bad as TRUMP RIOTS(TM) were last year, the fact is, very few people died in them. It could have been a lot worse.
Where were those?

Who died?

I know that at least 40 people died in the George Floyd Riots. Do you condemn that movement? No, I doubt you do. Why? Because you clearly value the lives of people based on what politics they employ. It leads to disgusting ends. Please, increase in morality and treat all humans as humans, no matter what they're politics are. Stop ignoring lives for political gain, it's harmful.
Authoritarian is the law that allows transwomen in the women's dressing rooms, where they and CHILDREDN can be subjected to looking at dicks.
THAT is a big freakin' issue if I do say so myself. A lot of these comfort leftists can talk a big game, but once the prissy leftist soccer mom brings their innocent 4 year old daughter into a locker room and a huge dick is in their face the game has changed. Gender decency is required. It become perverse. Noone with a penis should be allowed to openly show it to a 4 year old girl and have Democrats and left-wing advocates think it's okay. Does anyone disagree??
Naw, man, when the Zionists bomb hospitals and schools, they prove they don't have much to do with "civilization".

We have no business being in the Middle East, except for the stranglehold the Zionists and Oil companies have on our politics. We could have taken the three trillion we've squandered in Afghanistan and Iraq in the last 20 years and created actual energy independence.

I think that it's kind of funny that you create this category of less competent sports and then worry someone is trying to break into it.

Funny, didn't someone say something like that last century?

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Lying propaganda parrot. Go fuck yourself. God bless Israel.
Ah, Mormon Bob, the point is there is more to gender identity than genitalia.

If God was against transgenderism, then no one would have gender dysphoria. So we have to assume gender dysphoria is God's will.
Again, another example of how much you don't understand what you are attacking.

God allows sin so we as free-will individuals can deal with it and be judged. You're silly, childish claim that since sin exists that it's some sort of lack of Gods control is entertaining if it weren't tragic, given how chesty and egotistical you are.

You claim to be a big deal, but when you type you prove time and time again you know nothing of what you attack. Those in the faith you clearly hate will continue to pray for you, that even if you continue to HATE them, that your soul will be saved. Human souls have value. I don't hope you find salvation for my benefit, you're a sinner like me. We both have future planning and larger issues to address. Do you think I'm on here saying these things thinking I have an auto-ticket to heaven? I await God's judgement just like everyone. Do I deserve heaven? absolutely not. I have committed horrible sins myself, such as premarital sex, lying, deceiving, etc. I am repentent for those and have owned them in confession.

You seem to have a lot of built up resistance, probably due to Christian keyboard warriors. I don't blame you. I see many Christian people online who show no mercy, no compassion, and damn everyone who isn't them. Is that Christianity? No, that's just online culture, as you probably know. Just realize, the amount of people you run into online is of the smallest margin of people, the most outspoken, brash, ego-driven people who seek conflict. If you judge based on this sample, you'll get a distorted reality, and I can understand why you'd be so jaded.

I'm not here to get a one-up on you. I'm not here to better you. I'm here to just here to say what is true about what you think you attack, and the word "true" as in meaning definition. A cow isn't a tree. If you call a cow a tree, someone needs to correct that. It doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with the cow or tree, but the cow isn't the tree. That's the point.
If you don't know what the difference is between medical shots against deadly diseases and shots that would screw up your natural biology for no reason, I can't help you.

Actually, both are prescribed by medical professionals to treat real conditions. I also noticed you skipped over Ritalin, something the schools force on kids to make them compliant. I'd have a bigger problem with that than I would have with a hormone blocker for a child who is clearly gender dysphoric.

You clearly have no idea where the pope has power and where he doesn't. You're making things up as you go along. I really shouldn't have to explain the most basic issues about a pope who is teeing off so intensely. I'll simply say you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and you can either attempt to learn or willingly remain ignorant. I'm sure you'll choose the latter.

Again- Catholic School, 12 years of torture. Papal Infallibility is a real doctrine. The Pope is talking to God. But God never told him to condemn slavery or that some of his priests were buggering altar boys or that the Nazis were the bad guys in WWII.

The "stupid people" will continue to pray for you and your soul regardless.. as well as continuing to care for the poor, love the sick and needy, and be compassionate and kind to the public. I know that angers you, but I can't help that.

Again, what angers me is that you guys enable poverty, not that you end it. The Church loves poverty. It's why the vast majority of Catholics live in third world countries.

See that's the problem right there. You think that anyone that questions the trans ideology is "trolling"... well, no. It's a legitimate question. You just have to slander rather than debate because you're lazy.

No, guy, it's just a bunch of bigots looking for a group to hate on. Trans people have no effect on your life. No one is going to make you wear a dress. (Although your AVI does look like a sissy, but I know that's Mozart.)
LOL I thought about the same thing.

Yes, a Muslim army that conquers and slaughters Jeruselum is "mostly peaceful" while the Crusaders who come to take it back are EVILLLLL and VIOLENT

CNN was clearly alive in the earliest years.

Wow. You got it completely wrong.

The Muslims took Jerusalem in 637.

Although details of the siege were not recorded,–637)#cnote_b it appeared to be bloodless.[9] The Byzantine garrison could not expect any help from the humbled Heraclius. After a siege of four months, Sophronius offered to surrender the city and pay a jizya (tribute), on condition that the caliph came to Jerusalem to sign the pact and accept the surrender.[

Upon Umar's arrival in Jerusalem, a pact known as the Umariyya Covenant was composed. It surrendered the city and gave guarantees of civil and religious liberty to Christians in exchange for jizya. It was signed by caliph Umar on behalf of the Muslims, and witnessed by Khalid, Amr, 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Awf, and Muawiya. Depending on the sources, in either 637 or in 638, Jerusalem was officially surrendered to the caliph.[24] For the first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Roman rule, Jews were once again allowed to live inside Jerusalem.[25]

That sound.. you know, kind of decent.

Okay, let's look what happened when the Crusaders retook the city in 1099.

The aftermath of the siege led to the mass slaughter of thousands of Muslims and Jews which contemporaneous sources suggest was savage and widespread and to the conversion of Muslim holy sites on the Temple Mount into Christian shrines.[16][17]

Atrocities committed against the inhabitants of cities taken by storm after a siege were normal in ancient[18] and medieval warfare by both Christians and Muslims. The Crusaders had already done so at Antioch, and Fatimids had done so themselves at Taormina, at Rometta, and at Tyre. However, it is speculated and indeed subject to prejudice, that the massacre of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, both Muslims and Jews, may have exceeded even these standards.[19]

Okay, now we get to what happened when Saladin retook the city in 1187.

On Balian's orders, the Crusaders surrendered the city to Saladin's army on October 2. The take-over of the city was relatively peaceful especially in contrast to the Crusader siege of the city in 1099. Balian paid 30,000 dinars for freeing 7,000 of those unable to pay from the treasury of the city....Saladin allowed many of the noblewomen of the city to leave without paying any ransom. For example, a Byzantine queen living a monastic life in the city was allowed to leave the city with her retinue and associates, as was Sibylla, the queen of Jerusalem and wife of the captured King Guy. Saladin also granted her safe passage to visit her captive husband in Nablus. The native Christians were allowed to remain in the city while those of Crusader origin were allowed to leave Jerusalem for other lands along with their goods through a safe passage via Akko by paying a ransom of 10 dinars.

So to review... The Muslims took Jerusalem relatively peacefully, even allowed Jews to move back. The Crusaders wantonly slaughtered Muslims and Jews. The Seljuks acted in a way that was humane and decent when they retook the city.

Where were those?

Who died?

I know that at least 40 people died in the George Floyd Riots. Do you condemn that movement? No, I doubt you do. Why? Because you clearly value the lives of people based on what politics they employ. It leads to disgusting ends. Please, increase in morality and treat all humans as humans, no matter what they're politics are. Stop ignoring lives for political gain, it's harmful.

Really? You know of 40? Because most people put the number at 25, and that's including demonstrators killed by police and Trump Supporters. Frankly, I would have loved to have avoided these riots. We had 10 years of actual peaceful protests, and white people, being kind of awful, didn't care. Colin takes a knee? Fire that bastard!!! It was only a matter of time before it exploded, before people got fed up. The perfect storm or TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), TRUMP RECESSION(TM), and George Floyd's MURDER triggered these riots. Which again, lots of property damaged, not a lot of people killed compared to riots in the 1960's.

THAT is a big freakin' issue if I do say so myself. A lot of these comfort leftists can talk a big game, but once the prissy leftist soccer mom brings their innocent 4 year old daughter into a locker room and a huge dick is in their face the game has changed. Gender decency is required. It become perverse. Noone with a penis should be allowed to openly show it to a 4 year old girl and have Democrats and left-wing advocates think it's okay. Does anyone disagree??

I'm kind of curious how this dick ends up in anyone's face. Does the Trans person jump up on a table and wave it in someone's face? Or are they just quietly over at their locker getting changed.

I'm also wondering what a four year old is doing in a locker room, exactly... that sounds like a pretty contrived scenario...
Again, another example of how much you don't understand what you are attacking.

God allows sin so we as free-will individuals can deal with it and be judged. You're silly, childish claim that since sin exists that it's some sort of lack of Gods control is entertaining if it weren't tragic, given how chesty and egotistical you are.

Okay, here's the problem with that. Actually, several. The first one is that it makes God come off like a Batman Villain. You know, like in The Dark Knight, where the Joker fills two boats with explosives and a trigger to blow up the other boat. And the people have to make a decision whether or not to blow up the boat before they get blown up. Let's put situations in your way, and then see if you make a mistake, and whoops, if you make the wrong choice, you are going to burn for all eternity.

Secondly, God doesn't give everyone the same choices, does he. I mean, I've never stolen anything, but I've also never gone to bed hungry. But if someone steals instead of dutifully starving to death, God is going to condemn him.

Sorry, what did these kids do wrong again that your God needs to punish them?

I could also talk about the truly messed up concept of confession and forgiveness. But I'll hold off for now.

You claim to be a big deal, but when you type you prove time and time again you know nothing of what you attack. Those in the faith you clearly hate will continue to pray for you, that even if you continue to HATE them, that your soul will be saved. Human souls have value. I don't hope you find salvation for my benefit, you're a sinner like me. We both have future planning and larger issues to address. Do you think I'm on here saying these things thinking I have an auto-ticket to heaven? I await God's judgement just like everyone. Do I deserve heaven? absolutely not. I have committed horrible sins myself, such as premarital sex, lying, deceiving, etc. I am repentent for those and have owned them in confession.

Okay, let's look at that. First, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. It wasn't the parts of Catholicism that I didn't understand that bothered me, it was the parts I understand perfectly well.

Secondly, the concept of salvation and confession - you know, more groveling in front of the Imaginary Sky Man, because he loves him some groveling - is kind of whack, yo! By Christian Logic, Ann Frank is burning in hell because she never asked forgiveness and didn't think Jesus Did Magic Tricks, but Jeffrey Dahmner confessed and accepted Jesus into his soul and gets to sit on a cloud. I hope he doesn't run into anyone he ate up there because, man, that would be awkward.

You seem to have a lot of built up resistance, probably due to Christian keyboard warriors. I don't blame you. I see many Christian people online who show no mercy, no compassion, and damn everyone who isn't them. Is that Christianity? No, that's just online culture, as you probably know. Just realize, the amount of people you run into online is of the smallest margin of people, the most outspoken, brash, ego-driven people who seek conflict. If you judge based on this sample, you'll get a distorted reality, and I can understand why you'd be so jaded.

Actually, most of my hostility towards religion has to do with 12 years of dealing with a clergy I kind of realized was full of beans at an early age. I remember when Sr. Mary Butch (By the way, all nuns who taught me are Sister Mary Butch, just to save time) was shrieking about Noah's Ark, and little Joey, being the sensitive kind of kid I was back then, asked, "Why did God Drown the Babies?" and Sr. Butch screamed back, "THEY WERE WICKED BABIES! WIIIIICKED!!!" (By the way, everything was wicked to this old hag.) Another time, they gave us our own little copies of the New Testament, and one of the first things I noticed was that Jesus's genealogies were different in Matthew and Luke, and they both traced through Joseph, who wasn't his father. Pointing this out got me a whack from the ruler. I got lots of whacks from the ruler.

But the real corker was my mom's funeral in 1983. My mom died of cancer after a year of suffering, right after we lost my dad to cancer. (By the way, a God who allows Cancer to exist is not worthy of anyone's worship, but we have CHILDREN with cancer, which is even more messed up.) And this old, frustrated lesbian, who knew my mom because they worked together, said, "God had to have a good reason for this." She's lucky I didn't punch her.

I'm not here to get a one-up on you. I'm not here to better you. I'm here to just here to say what is true about what you think you attack, and the word "true" as in meaning definition. A cow isn't a tree. If you call a cow a tree, someone needs to correct that. It doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with the cow or tree, but the cow isn't the tree. That's the point.

No, guy, that's not a point. A cow doesn't call itself a cow. It doesn't think of itself as a cow. It doesn't think all that much about it's own existence and really doesn't spend much time worrying about it's afterlife.


A transwoman thinks of herself as a woman. She lives her life as a woman. and you know what, at the end of the day, she's not hurting anyone.
I think that it's kind of funny that you create this category of less competent sports and then worry someone is trying to break into it.

Less competent?
Which biological woman was knocked out of a chance to got the Olympics because of Laurel Hubbard?
BTW, I did notice you completely skipped over the part of my post about the guy showing his dick to a little girl, in the gyms womens dressing room.
Funny, didn't someone say something like that last century?
Blacks didn't create themselves. And they didn't run around pretending to be something they were not. Well, at least not until now.
Less competent?
Which biological woman was knocked out of a chance to got the Olympics because of Laurel Hubbard?
BTW, I did notice you completely skipped over the part of my post about the guy showing his dick to a little girl, in the gyms womens dressing room.

Yeah, I don't waste time on fake moral panics... the specialty of the right wing getting dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests.

Blacks didn't create themselves. And they didn't run around pretending to be something they were not. Well, at least not until now.

You think Gender Dysphoria is a new thing?
Yeah, I don't waste time on fake moral panics... the specialty of the right wing getting dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests.

It was a black woman who was exposed to some tranny's dick. Along with a young girl. So it's not "fake." And you ignore the woman's "right" and the moms, to not be exposed to dicks while in public.
You know, flashers get arrested for public indecency for a reason. But since this guy identifies as a female, then it's not indecent? BS, It is indecency.

This man was arrested for it. Why shouldn't the tranny be arrested?

Philly man busted as indecent exposer

It was a black woman who was exposed to some tranny's dick. Along with a young girl. So it's not "fake." And you ignore the woman's "right" and the moms, to not be exposed to dicks while in public.
You know, flashers get arrested for public indecency for a reason. But since this guy identifies as a female, then it's not indecent? BS, It is indecency.

This man was arrested for it. Why shouldn't the tranny be arrested?

Let's see. Behavior in a public street.


Behavior in a private club where the tranny was a member.

Kind of a big difference there.
Again- Catholic School, 12 years of torture. Papal Infallibility is a real doctrine. The Pope is talking to God. But God never told him to condemn slavery or that some of his priests were buggering altar boys or that the Nazis were the bad guys in WWII.

Again, what angers me is that you guys enable poverty, not that you end it. The Church loves poverty. It's why the vast majority of Catholics live in third world countries.

No, guy, it's just a bunch of bigots looking for a group to hate on. Trans people have no effect on your life. No one is going to make you wear a dress. (Although your AVI does look like a sissy, but I know that's Mozart.)

With these answers, I'm sorry to say, but it is clear you have NO idea what you're talking about, and have insane blames that are just completely uncompelling to debate. Basically, you're boring, and you don't have to care, I just find no intellectual intrigue with someone who holds these rabidly fringe beliefs and mistruths.

Have a good one.
With these answers, I'm sorry to say, but it is clear you have NO idea what you're talking about, and have insane blames that are just completely uncompelling to debate. Basically, you're boring, and you don't have to care, I just find no intellectual intrigue with someone who holds these rabidly fringe beliefs and mistruths.

Have a good one.

Your concession is duly noted... I mean, I know I beat you up pretty bad... I would almost feel bad about it if you weren't a religious bigot.

I do love when I talk to a Catholic or Mormon, expose the absolute ludicrousness of their faith, and then watch them whine about how I don't understand their faith..
Your concession is duly noted... I mean, I know I beat you up pretty bad... I would almost feel bad about it if you weren't a religious bigot.

I do love when I talk to a Catholic or Mormon, expose the absolute ludicrousness of their faith, and then watch them whine about how I don't understand their faith..
I’d just as soon debate a flat earther, and neither are compelling. Happy trolling
Let's see. Behavior in a public street.


Behavior in a private club where the tranny was a member.

Kind of a big difference there.

Oh well, then I suppose to you progressives, a members dick is OK to flash to a young girl. But a non member isn't.

WTF is wrong with you people? Are you arguing just to argue? Who ITF supports any guy flashing his privates to to kids?
I’d just as soon debate a flat earther, and neither are compelling. Happy trolling

Hmmm.... Flat Earther?

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor

Revelations 7:1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.

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