CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

Unless you can prove to me this trans-woman went out with that intent that day, this is just more fake outrage.

Nothing fake about being outraged at a male pervert intruding into a women's locker room leering at women and girls as they undress, and exposing his junk to them.

There is something very deeply fucked up about anyone who does not find this outrageous. Anyone who would excuse or defend this ought not be allowed to be part of free society, and certainly should neve be allowed any kind of access to children, ever. Your kind are exactly what we have prisons and mental hospitals for.
“Like many other metropolitan areas, Los Angeles contains a transgender population, some of whom enjoy visiting a spa,” it said in a statement, adding that the spa “strives to meet the needs and safety of all of its customers.”
By allowing dangerous male perverts access to the women's dressing room.

An almost perfect example of Orwellian doublethink.
Used to be that women and girls could undress in women's locker rooms, safe from having some creepy, degenerate male pervert leering at them, or exposing his genitalia to them.

That this can no longer safety be assumed to be the case is indefensible and insane. “Trans women” do not belong in women's locker rooms or other intimate facilities, and those who try belong in prison for a very long time, and should be marked for life as dangerous sex offenders.

Guy, there could be a point where no one cares about that any more.

Hey, funny thing, in Japan, communal bathing is common, and women and men mix together with really no issues. And this isn't a new thing, either, it's been part of Japanese culture for centuries.


So should those, such as yourself, who openly take their side against that of actual human beings, especially against that of women and girls.

Any decent man has a duty to protect women and girls from these kind of perverts.

A woman is far more likely to face sexual harassment on the job than run into a trannie in the lady's room.

Sweet Evil Mormon Jesus, man, I'm pushing 60, travel in much more progressive circles than you do, and frankly, I think I've met two trans-women in my life. One of whom wasn't out at the time. (She is the cousin of my state's current governor.) The way you carry on, you'd think there was a hoarde of trannies, waiting to overrun every locker room in the country.
@JoeB131, you are one sick sumbich to even think that there's ANY reason for a man to expose his dick to a child. There's NO circumstances what so ever where that's OK. NONE.
I don't disagree. . That's not what happened here, though.

A transwoman used a facility she paid good money to use, under the constraints of CA law..

That is exactly what happened, here.

Calling a sick male pervert a “trans woman” changes nothing about what he really is, nor what, in this case, he did.

Nor what it tells us that you would defend this shit. (Not that it doesn't tell us anything that we didn't already know about you.)
Nothing fake about being outraged at a male pervert intruding into a women's locker room leering at women and girls as they undress, and exposing his junk to them.

Actually, this sounds like your hangup... The person wasn't there to gaze, she was there to use the facilities...

There is something very deeply fucked up about anyone who does not find this outrageous. Anyone who would excuse or defend this ought not be allowed to be part of free society, and certainly should neve be allowed any kind of access to children, ever. Your kind are exactly what we have prisons and mental hospitals for.

Guy, you do realize that when you are regulating what opinions are acceptable, you don't get to be called a "Free" society anymore.

Let's not forget, the reason why your bizarre cult resides in Utah today is because it was chased out of New York, Ohio, Missouri (which actually authored an extermination order) , and Illinois, where Joseph Smith was killed because the fine folks of my state thought Polygamy was "weird".

By allowing dangerous male perverts access to the women's dressing room.

An almost perfect example of Orwellian doublethink.

Except you haven't really proven they are "dangerous", have you?
That is exactly what happened, here.

Calling a sick male pervert a “trans woman” changes nothing about what he really is, nor what, in this case, he did.

Nor what it tells us that you would defend this shit. (Not that it doesn't tell us anything that we didn't already know about you.)

GUy, in 20 years, Trans people will be accepted just like gays are now, and how blacks are now, and how mixed marriages are now.

The sad thing is, you are running out of people to hate...
Let's not forget, the reason why your bizarre cult resides in Utah today is because it was chased out of New York, Ohio, Missouri (which actually authored an extermination order) , and Illinois, where Joseph Smith was killed because the fine folks of my state thought Polygamy was "weird".

What's weird is you citing that as an excuse for you, here, now, in this very thread, openly defending the sexual abuse in our time of women and young girls; and somehow delusionally believing that puts you on some kind of moral high ground.
What's weird is you citing that as an excuse for you, here, now, in this very thread, openly defending the sexual abuse in our time of women and young girls; and somehow delusionally believing that puts you on some kind of moral high ground.

What do you think Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were doing to their young child brides?

Sexual abuse was okay in the 19th Century? Really. People at the time didn't think so, that's why Joseph Smith got lynched.

Eek, I saw a penis isn't an abuse, guy. Most women know what a penis looks like.
What do you think Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were doing to their young child brides?

Sexual abuse was okay in the 19th Century? Really. People at the time didn't think so, that's why Joseph Smith got lynched.

Eek, I saw a penis isn't an abuse, guy. Most women know what a penis looks like.

You know damn well that there were no child brides involved; that the suggestion that Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, or anyone else in the early church might have been sexually abusing young girls is based on extreme distortions and outright lies.

And even if it were true, it does not, in any way, excuse you for openly defending actual sexual abuse of women and girls that is happening in our time.
You know damn well that there were no child brides involved; that the suggestion that Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, or anyone else in the early church might have been sexually abusing young girls is based on extreme distortions and outright lies.

Actually, I don't know that. Joseph Smith had 34 wives, some of them as young as 14. Brigham Young had 62 wives, some as young as 14, and he fathered 56 children on them. Do you really think that a 14 year girl is capable of deciding to marry an older man when her parents are absolutely convinced he is talking to God.

You guys didn't end polygamy because you suddenly realized it was bad. you ended it when the US Government wouldn't let Utah into the Union until you outlawed the practice. Some of you fled to Mexico to keep doing it, including Mitt Romney's family. (How's that White Horse prophecy working out again?)

And even if it were true, it does not, in any way, excuse you for openly defending actual sexual abuse of women and girls that is happening in our time.

I'm totally against sexual abuse. Having to respect that some people are trans is not sexual abuse.
Actually, I don't know that. Joseph Smith had 34 wives, some of them as young as 14. Brigham Young had 62 wives, some as young as 14, and he fathered 56 children on them. Do you really think that a 14 year girl is capable of deciding to marry an older man when her parents are absolutely convinced he is talking to God.

You guys didn't end polygamy because you suddenly realized it was bad. you ended it when the US Government wouldn't let Utah into the Union until you outlawed the practice. Some of you fled to Mexico to keep doing it, including Mitt Romney's family. (How's that White Horse prophecy working out again?)

Your lies and distortions about my religion and its history are not on-topic in this thread, and not appropriate for the CDZ, and I will not address them any further here.

I'm totally against sexual abuse. Having to respect that some people are trans is not sexual abuse.

A man walking into a women's dressing room, where women and underaged girls are changing clothes, and exposing his junk to them, absolutely is sexual abuse. None of your lies or delusions can change that.
I don't disagree. . That's not what happened here, though.

A transwoman used a facility she paid good money to use, under the constraints of CA law..

The mom also paid good money to be in the dressing room that fit HER and her DAUGHTER, away from dicks
Actually, you need to follow the rules.

1) No accusing other members of criminal activity
2) No accusing other members of pedophilia
3) No using personal insults in the CDZ.

This isn't complicated, buddy.

I'll give USMB it's props, it's usually a pretty open place for debates compared to other forums.

I suppose there's no rule that says you can't support pedofiles. But be dayum if I'm not going to call a pedo supporter out. Even if it means getting banned.
I have principles. And be damned if I'm going to dismiss them because they hurt the feelings of someone who support child abusers and pedofiles.
50 years ago, homosexuality was considered a "mental disorder"... until it wasn't. Now it is just recognized as another form or sexuality. The same is happening with gender dysphoria.

Again, gender dysphoria is real, and having teachers tell kids to not be bigots is hardly "highlighting" it.

Educated people who aren't religious bigots understand it just fine.

You made a claim that Christians are tolerant of people who don't think that Jesus did magic tricks. 2000 years of history prove otherwise. When you weren't killing 'infidels" for their land, you were killing each other over weather or not Jesus was made of stale wafers or not.

Um, yeah... except for the crusades, inquisitions, witch burnings, wars of religion, you guys were totally into "Free-will", just using the threat of eternal damnation to get people to think Jesus did magic tricks now.

Uh, bud, you were the one who started the trolling thread.

If there's a trans person, they aren't bothering you. They are having no effect on your life in any way, shape or form.
There is no Gender dysphoria---------its a mental issue. Trans brains aren't wired correctly---their bodies have nothing wrong with them.
Used to be that women and girls could undress in women's locker rooms, safe from having some creepy, degenerate male pervert leering at them, or exposing his genitalia to them.

That this can no longer safety be assumed to be the case is indefensible and insane. “Trans women” do not belong in women's locker rooms or other intimate facilities, and those who try belong in prison for a very long time, and should be marked for life as dangerous sex offenders.

So should those, such as yourself, who openly take their side against that of actual human beings, especially against that of women and girls.

Any decent man has a duty to protect women and girls from these kind of perverts.

Glad to see someone else with some balls, and knows how to use them.

This dude we're discussing this with is siding with a child abusing pedofile, because it's the law. As if the law makes it OK.
When only white business owners could vote, that was the law. But it wasn't right. Owning human beings was legal. And it was wrong.
CA stepped over the line when they made it OK for trans-things to undress in front of women and children.

How anyone can support this law, just makes me cringe. To think of all the other little children that will have to be put through this, before CA see's the light.
Guy, there could be a point where no one cares about that any more.

Hey, funny thing, in Japan, communal bathing is common, and women and men mix together with really no issues. And this isn't a new thing, either, it's been part of Japanese culture for centuries.

If adults want to bath with each other, no one cares. Especially when it's in Japan. But in that ENTIRE article, there was NOTHING about children.
Yes, I caught onto that because that's what we're talking about. CHILDREN. What part of that do you not get?

A woman is far more likely to face sexual harassment on the job than run into a trannie in the lady's room.

Sweet Evil Mormon Jesus, man, I'm pushing 60, travel in much more progressive circles than you do, and frankly, I think I've met two trans-women in my life. One of whom wasn't out at the time. (She is the cousin of my state's current governor.) The way you carry on, you'd think there was a hoarde of trannies, waiting to overrun every locker room in the country.

1.4 MILLION in the US. And that's just adults. There's a crap load of child abusing parents who are letting their children get chemically screwed up even before puberty.
Unless you can prove to me this trans-woman went out with that intent that day, this is just more fake outrage.
What intent should we assume when a sick perverted man intrudes into a women's dressing room where women and girls are in states of undress, and exposes his genitalia to them, including to young girls?
The mom also paid good money to be in the dressing room that fit HER and her DAUGHTER, away from dicks

Yes, she did. But she still knew what the laws of her state were and what the rules of the club are.

There is no Gender dysphoria---------its a mental issue. Trans brains aren't wired correctly---their bodies have nothing wrong with them.

What constitutes "Correctly". As pointed out 50 years ago, homosexuality was still listed as a mental illness. 100 years ago, people still referred to any female emotion as "hysteria"...
What intent should we assume when a sick perverted man intrudes into a women's dressing room where women and girls are in states of undress, and exposes his genitalia to them, including to young girls?

I think that her intent was to have a workout that day.... Nobody goes to a club just for the locker rooms, bud.

So because you HAVE to respect a trans person, means you have to respect them abusing children?

Except there isn't really a lot of trans-women abusing children.

IN fact, most child abusers and molesters are straight males.

If adults want to bath with each other, no one cares. Especially when it's in Japan. But in that ENTIRE article, there was NOTHING about children.
Yes, I caught onto that because that's what we're talking about. CHILDREN. What part of that do you not get?

Actually, in Japan, it was common for the children to bathe with the adults before the Meiji restoration.

The point was that you tried to claim co-ed bathing was abnormal, when, really, it's just a reflection of attitudes about nudity. Not that I'm pro-nudity, most people look better with their clothes on.

1.4 MILLION in the US. And that's just adults. There's a crap load of child abusing parents who are letting their children get chemically screwed up even before puberty.

Okay, so let's look at that. There are about 1.4 million trans individuals in the US. Or about 0.3% of the population and that would include trans children. However, only 11,000 gender confirmation surgeries are performed every year.

But since I like dealing in facts... here you go.

• Professional medical organizations recommend against puberty blockers for children who have not reached puberty, which typically begins between ages 10 and 12.
• Hormone treatment for feminization or masculinization of the body is typically not considered until patients are at least 16 years old.
• Gender reassignment surgery is typically only available to those 18 and older in the United States.

You see why I call this a fake moral panic? YOu guys are getting upset about things that aren't actually happening.

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